1. add
(1) add to = increase, 作“增加”,“增添”解。
例:I believe this visit will add greatly to our understanding of your country.
(2) add up to 合作
例:The figures added up to exactly 500.
2. address
(1) 在(信封上)写收信人姓名、地址;把(信)写给(某人)。
例:The letter was wrongly addressed.
(2) 向…讲话(演说)
例:The statesman will address us on the subject of war and peace.
3. admit
(1) 允许进入
例:Only those who finished the basic course are admitted to the advanced class.
The windows are small and do not admit enough light and air.
(2) 承认
例:He admitted having done wrong.
(3) 容纳
例:The theatre is small and admits only 300 people.
(4) admit of 容许,有…的余地
例:The words admit of no other meaning.
4. affect
(1) vt. 影响
例:The climate affected his health.
(2) vt. 感动
例:She was affected at seeing such a scene.
5. afford
(1) 有经济条件做某事
例:In those days, they couldn’t afford to call in a doctor.
At last we are able to afford a house.
(2) 经得起
例:It is a very important exam and I can’t afford to fail it.
6. age
例:A little girl aged about eight passed the night by the street and seemed homeless.
The aged (=old) are taken good care of in our country.
After his wife’s death, he aged quickly.
She’s a middle-aged woman.
7. believe
(1) believe sb. 相信某人说的话;believe in sb. 相信某人的为人
例:You can believe in him, he will never let you down.
(2) believe in还可表示“相信…的存在、价值”
例:I believe in God.
I believe in doing morning exercises every day.
8. board
on board作“在(船、飞机、车)上”解,表示状态,也可表示动作,作“到(船、飞机、车)上”解释。
例:I didn’t leave the station until she got on board the train.
As soon as I’m on board, I always feel sick.
补:The boat is ready to leave. All board!
9. burn的几个用法
例:The theatre was burnt to the ground years ago.
Be careful not to burn your mouth.
The meat got burnt.
The rice is burning.
10. case
(1) 意为“事实”
例:Is that the case No, that’s not the case.
(2) 也可指“病历”、“患者”、“案件”、“案例”等。
例:a civil case民事案件;a criminal case刑事案件;try a case审案;an urgent case急症病例
11. cause
(1) v. 表示“导致”,“引起”,作及物动词,有时可接直接宾语和间接宾语。
例:The accident was caused by a car driven at a high speed.
This was caused us much anxiety.
(2) n. 表示“原因”,“理由”,“事业”。
例:What was the cause of the fire
He gave his life for the cause of science.
12. chance
(1) 作“可能性”解,可作可数名词或不可数名词
例:The chance is ten to one that we’ll win.
You will have more chance of catching the train if you take a taxi to the station instead of walking.
(2) 机会
例:If I give you a second chance, will you promise to be good
13. channel
(1) 海峡 例:the English Channel
(2) 水渠
(3) 路线,途径
例:We’ll solve the serious problem through the diplomatic channels between our two countries.
14. character
(1) n. 性格,人格
例:A teacher should not only give the children knowledge, but also build up their character.
(2) n. 性质,特性
例:The general character of these problems is that they can’t be solved within a short period.
The two problems are quite different in character.
(3) n. 角色
例:I find all the characters in his new play amusing and interesting.
(4) n. 文字
例:In the beginning they used to carve Chinese characters on stones to record important dates in history.
15. charge
(1) n. 费用、价钱
例:You can see the film free of charge.
(2) vt. 要价、收费
例:How much do you charge for mending a pair of shoes
(1) n. 公司,商号
(2) 一(团),班,队,连
例:A company of students are visiting the exhibition, followed by some famous scientists.
(3) 交际,同伴,同行
例:I request the honor of your company.
In the company of a lot of leaders, the visitor walked through the hall with flowers.
17. content
(1) adj. 满意的、满足的
例:I’m content to remain where I am now.
Are you content with your present salary
注:应说be well content, 而不说be very content
(2) vt. 使…满足
例:We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only.
18. copy
例:They trooped behind the first dancer, copying its movements.
Never copy foreign things blindly or mechanically.
19. cover
(1) 采访,报道=to report the details of an event。
例:They sent the best reporters to cover the conference.
(2) 覆盖、涉及
例:His face was covered with sweat.
He said he could cover the distance on foot in two hours.
How many pages have you covered
The city covers ten square miles.
20. develop
(1) 显(影),冲洗(胶片)
例:Photographers return and the photos are quickly developed.
(2) 发展,养成
例:With the increase of the population of the earth, agriculture and industry have to develop very quickly to supported more people.
She has developed the good habit of making notes while reading.
21. date
(1) v. “注(明)……的日期” (have, or put a date on)
例:The letter is dated October 1st.
(2) v. 始于
例:The Great Wall dates from the third century BC.
22. double
(1) v. 意为“使加倍”
例:The price of vegetables have been doubled because of bad weather.
This would enable us to double our production of color TV sets.
(2) adj. & adv.意为“两倍”、“成双”
例:My income is now double what it was.
Now the number of sheep is more than double that of 1980.
23. doubt
Doubt后面的宾语从句,可用that或weather/ if引导。(如何区别?)
例:I don’t doubt that John will come on time.
I doubt if that was what he wanted.
24. drive
(1) 开车
例:I didn’t drink a bit, because I had to drive home after the party.
(2) 赶,驱
例:The Chinese people drove their enemies out of their country.
(3) 迫使
例:The loud noise of the crowd in the street almost drove me mad.
(4) 开车(名词)
例:The town is about forty minutes’ drive from here.
Let’s go out for a drive, shall we
25. desert
(1) v. 丢弃、抛弃、遗弃
例:He has become so rude that his friends are deserting him.
They sheltered from the heavy rain in deserted hut.
(2) n. 沙漠
例:the Sahara Desert 撒哈拉沙漠
26. due
(1) 预期的、预定的
例:The train is due to arrive at 1:30.
(2) 应付的
例:The wages due to him will be paid tomorrow.
(3) 由于、起因
例:The accident was due to careless driving.
27. explain
正:Tom had to explain his absence to his boss.
正:Tom had to explain to his boss his absence.
误:Tom had to explain his boss his absence.
28. fade使褪色、凋落、使衰弱
例:The old man is fading away.
Will the color in this material fade
例:As evening came, the mountains around faded into darkness.
29. familiar 熟悉
(1) be familiar with表示对…熟悉
例:They are the facts with which every schoolboy is familiar.
(2) be familiar to表示…为某人所熟悉
例:The Great Wall and the Yellow River are so familiar to every overseas Chinese that they are filled with pride and courage when they speak of them.
30. figure
(1) n. 人物
例:historical figures历史人物
Prominent public figures社会知名人士
(2) n. 形象、数字、人形、体态
例:The girl has an excellent figure, hasn’t she
I saw a figure moving in the darkness.
(3) figure out计算出、想出
例:We must figure out how many people we will need for the task.
This is something I have to figure out myself.
31. fix
(1) 安排、确定
例:They telephone people and fix a time for a face-to-face interview with them.
(2) 修理
例:I’m afraid my watch needs fixing.
(3) 表示“安装”讲时,常用fix up
例:fix up the machine
(4) fix one’s eyes/ attention on/ upon
例:He fixed his attention on what he was doing.
All eyes in the room were fixed on the doctors as they made a third try.
32. follow
(1) 跟随
例:The teacher came into the classroom with a group of students following him.
(2) 领悟
例:You are speaking too fast that we can’t quite follow you.
(3) 采纳
例:I decide to follow his advice since it sounds reasonable.
(4) 作为必然的结果,必然是真实的(=be necessary true)
例:Because he is good, it does not follow that he is wise.
33. fortune
(1) 财产
例:a man of fortune
make a fortune
(2) 机会、运气
例:try one’s fortune
by good fortune
34. fun
(1) 有趣的人或物(不可数名词)
例:What fun the guys had in the party of Fieyue English School!
That fat boy is great fun.
(2) make fun of开…的玩笑
例:It’s bad manners to make fun of the people in trouble.
(3) Have fun.意思是“祝你玩得快乐”。相当于”Have a good time.” ”Enjoy yourself.”
35. glance匆匆一瞥
例:She glanced shyly at him from behind her fan.
Mr. Smith glanced at the newspaper headlines and went out of the office.
36. go
例:The situation went from bad to worse.
Fruit quickly goes rotten in hot weather.
37. happen
(1) happen to do碰巧…
例:I happened to have read the article when he asked me about it.
=It happened that I had read…
(2) 否定句中的否定词可“否定转移”。
例:I happened not to have any money with me.
= I didn’t happen to have any money with me.
38. head
例:We headed the ship northward.
It’s getting dark, we’d better head for home.
We are heading toward the mountain village.
39. hold
例:He walked into the meeting hall with his head held high. (抬、举)
The cinema can hold one thousand people. (容纳)
Hold your breath and keep still.
I still hold my former view that he is right. (持…观点)
Hold the line, please.
40. honor
(1) n. 荣幸
例:It’s my great honor to inform you that you have won the first prize in the English speech contest.
May I have the honor of your company at dinner
They fight for the honor of their country.
(2) in honor of sb或in one’s honor意思“为了纪念/ 尊敬某人”。
例:A monument was built in honor of those who gave their lives that this nation might live.
We are planning a big Christmas party in your honor.
(3) vt. 使…感到荣幸
例:I felt highly honored by the kind things you said about me.
Will you honor me with a visit
41. insist
(1) 坚持(后面的宾语从句用虚拟)
例:They insisted that he (should) be present at the meeting.
(2) 强调(后面的宾语从句不用虚拟)
例:He insisted that he hadn’t stolen the money.
(3) insist on坚持、强调
例:He insisted on a second message being sent to them at once.
Our English teacher insists on the importance of correct pronunciation.
42. introduce
(1) 介绍
例:Please allow me to introduce myself to all the present here.
(2) 引进,采用
例:After the advanced technology was introduced to China, it had changed a lot.
43. join
(1) 表示加入某群体、党派、组织等成为其中的一员。
例:He is too young to join the Army.
(2) 表示参加(某人)某一活动,一般用join (sb.) in sth. (or doing sth.)
例:Time is up. Thank you for joining us.
He came in, sat down and joined us in our conversation.
Did she join in carrying the bricks
(3) 连接
例:join battles (交战), join hands (握手,携手共事),
join up the Great Walls (把长城连接到一起)
44. key
(1) adj. 主要的、核心的
例:The teacher gave us some key points of the chapter.
My elder brother graduated from a key university in the north.
(2) n. 答案、……的关键或秘诀
例:The key to success in life lies in hard work.
This is the key to exercises in Lesson Twenty.
45. late
例:He always sits up late.
He didn’t return until late in the afternoon(或in the late afternoon.)
It was in the late sixties/ in his late sixties that he finished the novel.
Our late (=former) headmaster delivered a speech at yesterday’s meeting.
She often thinks of her late husband.
46. leave n. 假期
例:ask for leave 请假
ask for sick leave 请病假
be on leave 在休假
47. lift
(1) n. 搭车、电梯
例:I hope that somebody is going to offer me a lift home.
Please take the lift to the tenth floor.
(2) vt. 举起
例:The box is too heavy for me to lift.
48. light
例:In the darkness, he was holding a lighted match.
The burning building lit up the whole district.
Her face lit up with pleasure.
49. manage
(1) manage to do something表示经过努力获得成功,设法做成了某事,相当于succeed in doing something。而try to do something 表示“尽力或设法做某事”,其结果如何,不得而知。
例:Jim had a lot of homework, but he managed to finish it before bedtime.
Jim had a lot of homework, but he said he would try to finish it before bedtime.
(2) manage与can, be able to, could连用表示“设法对付”、“吃”。
例:It is such a big fish. I don’t think I manage it by myself.
The bag is heavy, but I can manage to carry it.
50. mark
(1) mark with用……标明,加上标记
例:The belly of the bird is white, and marked with brown spots.
(2) mark 可解释为“标志着”
例:This novel marked his highest achievement as a literary artist.
We have twenty essays to mark this evening.
51. marry
(1) vt. 娶、嫁
例:She married the man she’d been engaged to.
He married her daughter to a worker.
(2) marry 常用过去分词作表语,其后介词用to,而不用with或by。
例:She got married to his secretary.
52. match
(1) 相配
例:The curtains don’t match the paint.
(2) 较量、匹配
例:You can’t match him in knowledge of wild plant.
They are well matched in the competition.
53. meet
(1) meet with作“偶然遇见”。
例:We met with some difficulties when I tried to finish the work.
(2) 满足
例:The young generation should get prepared well to meet the requirements of the new century.
54. offer
(1) vt. 出价
例:We’ll offer two times of the price the previous owner can afford. What is your attitude
(2) vt. 愿意做,主动作
例:The minute I got off the car, the tall man offered to carry my baggage.
Thanks for your offering to help.
(3) n. 提供
例:There being three minutes left, John made an offer to catch the ball crashing over his head, but he failed.
Thank you for your offer of help.
55. once
(1) conj. 一旦
例:Once you understand it, you won’t have further difficulty in mastering it.
Once you show any fear, he will come at you.
(2) adv. 曾经
例:This novel was once very popular but today nobody reads it.
56. oppose
(1) vt. 反对、赞成
例:These congressmen opposed the passage of the bill.
(2) be opposed to不赞成、反对(注意这里的to是介词)
例:The government is opposed to any further increase in taxes and will try to raise money by some other means.
57. order
(1) vt. 订购
例:The goods we ordered from Japan are now in course of shipment.
(2) vt. 点菜
例:He ordered just a glass of beer and sat in the corner of the shop.
(3) n. 订购
例:He placed an order for a TV set with the branch of that factory in his city.
58. owe
(1) owe…to…作“把……归因于……”解释。
例:He owed his success to hard work and practice.
(2) owe 的原意是“欠(钱)”。
例:The debt they owe us will be settled sooner or later.
59. (使)分开
例:The crowd parted and let us through.
The English Channel parts Britain from France.
They were parted as children and didn’t meet again for more than 20 years.
60. particular 特殊的、特别的
例:I don’t like this particular hat (= the hat different from others).
He is very particular about what he eats and wears. (be particular about对…讲究、挑剔)
I noticed her eyes in particular (= especially), because they were very large and bright.
61. perform
(1) v. 演出
例:The monkeys performed wonderfully at the circus.
(2) v. 执行、履行
例:One should always perform what one promises.
As was expected, he performed a lot of experiments to test the theory.
(3) v. 指机器等的运作情况
例:The machine can perform three operations at a time.
62. period
(1) 一段时间
例:Then for a period of several weeks we practice doing the play.
(2) 时代,时期
例:The first part of the Great Wall was built during the Spring and Autumn period.
(3) 一节课,一堂课
例:We had four periods in succession this morning.
63. personally
(1) 就个人而言
例:Personally, I quite agree with what you said.
(2) 亲自地
例:The headmaster personally showed me around the school.
64. persuade 说服、劝服
(1) persuade sb. to do sth. 或persuade sb. into doing sth.
例:I persuade him to give up smoking.
I have never persuaded him to take the job.
= Many times I tried to persuade him to take the job, but I didn’t succeed but I failed to.
65. play
(1) 扮演、担当
例:China is playing an increasingly important role in safeguarding the world peace.
(2) 玩
例:The cat played with its tail.
He who plays with fire gets burned.
(3) play truant 逃学
例:Father punished Tom severely for his playing truant.
66. population
(1) 作为“人口”的总称或“居民”的总数是不可数名词,谓语动词常用单数形式。
(2) 问“多少人口时”不说How many或how much而要用what
(3) 当谈及“有……人口”时往往不用数词直接修饰,而习惯用“have a population of…”
(4) 当百分数(分数+ of the population)作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数形式。
例:The population in China is very large, and eighty percent of the population in China are farmers.
67. prove
(1) vt. 证明
例:We have proved our courage in battle.
(2) 作系动词,“证明、结果是”(此解不存在被动语态)
例:He proved an honest friend.
It proved to be much more difficult than she had supposed.
68. provide
(1) provide for 作“养活”讲。
例:He has a large family to provide for.
注:provide 也可作“预防”,“作好准备”,“提供生计”解释,常与against或for连用。
例:They had to provide for their old age.
(2) provide…with…向……提供……
例:The soldiers are provided with overcoats against the cold.
(3) provide还有“规定”之意。
例:They enjoyed all the rights provided in the constitution.
(4) provided that意思为“倘若、如果”,引导条件状语从句。
例:You may keep the book for another week provided that no one else required it.
(5) 不能说provide him everything或provide him a car
例:The company provided him a car.
= The company provided a car for/ to him.
= He was provided with a car in the company.
69. pump
(1) vt. 灌输,抽(水)
例:It’s rather wrong to pump English grammars into a learner’s head without any comprehension.
(2) n. 泵,抽水机
例:a bicycle pump (打气筒)
70. quite 完全地,十分地
例:I don’t quite agree with you.
I’m sorry I don’t quite catch you.
That’s quite all right.
He’s quite a good player.
That’s quite another story.
That’s quite different from this.
She’s quite a help to her mother.
71. raise
(1) vt. 举起,升起
例:raise a sunken ship to the surface of the sea.
(2) vt. 提出
例:He raised such a new point that almost nobody could understand it.
(3) vt. 养育,培育
例:My grandmother raised a family of five.
That was how the Chinese first raised silkworms.
72. rather
(1) adj. 相当地,多多少少(可以用比较级、too、动词和名词连用,而fairly不可)。与形容词连用,放在不定冠词之前或后,放在定冠词之后。
例:a rather surprising result = rather a surprising result
the rather tall boy
It’s rather too difficult for the juniors and rather too easy for the seniors.
This hat is rather more expensive than that.
(2) rather than表示意愿的几个句型
例:I would rather take the slowest train than go there by air.
I think you, rather than Mary, is to be punished.
Rather than leave things ot the last minute, I prefer to start early.
(3) would rather 后面跟虚拟语气的用法
例:I would rather you came tomorrow than today. (谈及将来的动作)
I’d rather you went home now. (谈及现在的动作)
I’d rather you hadn’t done that. (谈及过去的动作)
73. remark
(1) n. 许诺、议论、发表的看法
例:He often made rude remarks about her appearance.
(2) v. 说、评论、谈论
例:She remarked that he seemed a very honest man.
74. respect
respect 作“方面”解释时是可数名词。
例:In respect of content, this essay is admirable, but it is unsatisfactory in other respects.
He is his father’s son in all respects.
75. result
(1) n. 结果,成绩
例:There’s no substitute for hard work to obtain good results in everything.
(2) vi. 导致,终归
例:His failure resulted from the fact that he was conceited.
The fact that he was conceited resulted in his failure.
76. rush
(1) adj. 匆忙的、急需的
例:Then came the rush season for shopping.
There is a rush order for raincoats before the rainy season.
the rush hour
(2) n. 抢购、蜂拥而往
例:the Christmas rush a gold rush
77. scold
(1) scold sb. for sth./ doing sth. 为……而责备某人
例:The boy was scolded for being lazy.
(2) scold的近义词是blame,意为“责备”、“归咎”,也与副词for连用,后接某事;但blame后面直接跟sth.时,后接介词短语on sb.。
例:He blamed his teacher for his failure.
It’s not much use blaming our defeat on the weather.
78. seat
例:The guests were all seated.
He seated us in the front row.
The hall can seat 1000 people.
79. search
(1) search (somewhere/ sb) for sth/ sb.
例:The police searched everyone present in order to see if the man they wanted to find had fled.
We searched every room for the missing papers.
(2) in search of 寻找
例:Dark as it was, Mr. Green went out in search of a doctor for his wife.
80. sense
(1) make sense 有意义,听通
例:This sentence doesn’t make sense.
Can you make sense of what this author says
(2) n. 感觉
例:The little girl has a good language sense.
81. serve
(1) v. 服务、服役
例:He once served in diplomatic service.
There was no one round to serve them.
(2) v. 招待(顾客)、侍侯(吃饭)
例:In one of the rooms, the host served us with milk tea, cream and cheese.
82. set
(1) (太阳等)下沉、下落
例:The sun was setting / had set when we got their home.
(2) 摆设、放置、拨(钟)
例:He set that vase on that self.
She set the food and the drink before the guest.
He set the watch at eight after winding it.
(3) 使…处于某种状态
例:You must set your matters in order.
83. share
(1) 分享、分担、共同具有
例:We share a small room between us.
They wanted us to share their excitement and happiness.
(2) n. 部分、一份
例:What is my share of expense
He brought 10000 shares in that company.
84. sight
(1) n. 视力,视觉
(2) 望见,瞥见
例:The two fell into love with each other at the first sight.
(3) 视野,眼界
例:The enormous ship carrying my good friends was gradually out of sight when I burst out crying and running wildly.
85. simply
(1) 非常、真正
例:The film is simply wonderful.
(2) 朴实地、朴素地
例:He is simply dressed.
(3) 仅仅、只不过
例:It is simply a question of mine.
86. spare
(1) adj. 空闲的、备用的
例:What do you usually do in your spare (=free) time
A jeep or a truck usually has a spare tyre at the back.
(2) vt. 剩下、节约、饶恕
例:Can you spare a few minutes
They spend no efforts to improve the people’s living conditions.
They had wanted to spare (him) his life.
87. speed
例:at a speed of 80 kilometers an hour
at the speed of sound
at a high/ safe/ full/ fast speed
with all/ great/ good speed
88. state
(1) 国家
(2) 形态、状态
例:Everything has its own three states of matter, that is solid, liquid and gaseous state.
(3) 国家的,国营的
例:state affairs
89. strike
(1) n. 罢工 be on strike
(2) vt. 打
例:Strike while the iron is hot.
(3) vt. 擦燃
例:He struck a match and held it to my cigarette.
(4) vt. 鸣、响
例:The clock has just struck four.
(5) vt. 给予…的感觉
例:How does the idea strike you
90. suggest
(1) vt. 建议(后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气)
例:She suggested sending for a skilled worker to get the machine repaired.
He didn’t suggest where I should park my car.
The doctor suggested that the new hospital (should) be set up on the hill.
(2) vt. 暗示(后面的宾语从句不用虚拟语气)
例:Her expression suggested that she was angry.
91. suppose 假设,万一
例:Suppose it rains, what shall we do
92. tax
(1) n. 税、税款
例:How much income tax do you pay
(2) v. 向……征税
例:In France, peasants were taxed the nobles without mercy.
(3) n. 加负担于……
例:Reading in poor light will certainly tax your eyes.
93. turn
(1) n. 次序
例:It’s your turn to recite the passage.
They took turns to keep watch.
(2) n. 变转、转向
例:at the turn of a new century.
(3) turn作系动词时,若用名词作其表语,则该名词前不带冠词。
例:He is determined to turn teacher (= become a teacher) after graduation
94. under在这里表示身份、行为的假托。
例:Samuel Clemens wrote under the name of Mark Twain.
You can get the money under the headmaster’s signature.
95. until
(1) 用于肯定句时,要求谓语是延续性动词。
例:I read until/ till midnight last night.
Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened.
(2) not…until句型
例:She won’t go away until you promise to help her.
Not until you promise to help her will she go away.
It is not until you promise to help her that she will go away.
96. up
例:We’ve eaten everything up.
The stream has dried up.
She tore up the letter after she finish reading it.
97. wear
(1) 戴着、留着
例:Our maths teacher is an old man who wears thick glasses.
He is a little man who wears a moustache.
又如:wear a sword/ necklace/ watch/ gold ring
(2) 带有(某种表情)
例:Her face always wore a cheerful smile.
(3) wear out表示“穿破”。be wore out表示一种状态,表“穿破了”、“疲惫不堪”解。
例:My shirt is worn out.
You look worn out. You must have been working all day.
98. while
例:While it can do a lot of things for man, a computer can’t work without man’s help.
While I admit that the problems are difficult. I don’t agree that they can’t be solved.
99. wonder
(1) vt. 对……感到疑惑、惊奇、想要知道
例:I was wondering where to spend the weekend.
I don’t wonder at her refusing to marry him.
I wonder whether you would mind helping me.
注:wonder也用来表示客气的请求,此时常用I wonder if…
例:I wonder if you could turn down the radio a bit.
(2) n. 奇观、惊奇
例:The Great Wall of China is one of the wonders of the world.
Her child was missing. No wonder she was so upset.
100. wrong 冤屈、错事
例:They have done me a great wrong.
She complained of the wrong she had suffered.
all at once 突然(=suddenly)
例:All at once, I saw a rabbit across the road.
apart from
apart from是复合介词,有从整体中排除例外的意思,这时相当于except和except for。也有“除……还有”之含义,这时相当于as well as和besides。apart from兼有“除外”和“包括”两种用法。
例:Apart from half a bottle of whisky, he drank three gins and some beer. (=besides)
None of the family apart from (=except) her father and my aunt have seen her since.
It’s a good work apart from (except for) a few slight faults.
as (so) far as
例: So far as I know, he will be away for three months.
As far as I am concerned, I prefer music to sports.
as far as作“远至”,“一直到”
例: The group of children walked as far as the foot of the mountain.
at the mercy of 任由…摆布,在……的掌握(支配)中
例: The crew were at the mercy of the winds and waves.
at once
例:I can’t do two things at once.
at the (very) beginning of 在…(最)起初
in the beginning起初
类似的还有at the end of 和 in the end
be concerned with与…有关
例: The man is connected with the robbery.
=The man has something to do with the robbery.
be sick of对……感到厌倦
例:I’m sick of your complaining.
be supposed to 应该
例:Is the servant supposed to clean the outside of the windows or only the inside
You’re not supposed to take the magazine out the reading room.
You are supposed to be responsible for this.
注:be supposed to后接不定式的完成式时,表示应该做的事没有做。
例:You are supposed to have handed in your composition by now.
become of结局如何,后来怎样
例:But what has become of your tape-recorder
I don’t know what will become of the boy if he keeps failing his examinations.
Believe it or not. 信不信由你。
bread down分解
例:A bicycle can be broken down into hundreds of parts.
The car will break down if you don’t take good care of it.
break up打碎、散会、(学校)放假
例:A special kind of boat is needed to break up the ice and clear the shipping line.
The school has broken up for the holidays.
break off中断,突然停止
例:He said he had no intention of breaking off relations with them.
bring in带来、收获
例:New computers bring in new passengers.
Stick to the point. Don’t bring in things that have nothing to do with it.
How much does his law practice bring in each month
bring up抚养、呕吐、提出
例:If the children are badly brought up, they badly behave.
These are matters that you can bring up in committee.
bring up one’s dinner
例:The audience burst into loud laughter.
When I told her the bad news, Helen burst into tears.
When I mentioned the incident later to him, he burst into laughing.
John burst into anger at the mention of his son.
call for要求
例:People are calling for the freedom of all slaves.
call on sb. / call at somewhere拜访
例:I’ call at the doctor’s on my way home.
I’ll call on him tomorrow.
call out to大声喊
call on号召
例:The headmaster called on the students to work harder.
call up回想
例:Your letters called up the days when we worked together.
carry on继续
例:They decided to carry on in spite of the weather.
He has learned enough English to carry on a conversation.
carry out执行
例:They carried out a medical check on all imported animals.
We all expect her to carry out her promise.
carry through将…进行到底
例:Do you have enough money to carry the scheme through
in that (this) case在那样(这样)的情况下
例:If it rains tomorrow, in that case, we can’t go to the seaside.
in case假使,以防万一
例:Please remind me of it again in case I forget.
in case of如果,以防万一
例:We’d better insure the house in case of fire.
in any case无论如何
例:You should finish your composition before school is over in any case.
in no case绝不
例:In no case shall we allow smoking in the classroom.
check in表示“登记住进旅馆”
check out表示“办理手续(结账)离开旅馆”
clear up收拾、放晴
例:The weather is beginning to clear up.
Her face cleared up as she read her boy friend’s letter.
Let me clear up the things on the table.
come about产生
例:How did these differences come about
come across偶然遇到
例:I came across an old school friend of mine in the street the other day.
come at袭击
例:The man came at me with a big stick.
come off成功
例:The experiment did not come off.
come on来吧(作为挑战语)
例:Come on! Let’s race to the bottom of the hill.
come out first(考试等)第一名
come to恢复知觉
例:When I came to myself, I found quite a few strangers were surrounding me.
come up提出、发芽、走上前来
例:The question hasn’t come up yet in the meeting.
The seeds I sowed last week haven’t come up yet.
A young man came up and asked me if he could help.
come out出现、显露
例:When will your works come out
The buds(蓓蕾)are coming out.
come up with产生、发现
例:It’s high time that man came up with effective solutions to pollution.
come to light作“发现”、“暴露”解。
例:The treasure didn’t come to light until the old man was dying.
come to
例:A good idea has just come to my mind.
After his parents passed away, a large fortune came to him.
例:Jack is not good at maths, but when it comes to English, he is among the best students in class.
例:I didn’t expect those few dishes to come to that much.
come to a conclusion 得出结论
come to a solution 得出一个解决办法
come to an end 结束
come to one’s sense 醒悟过来
come to the point 说到点上,切中要害
cut off切断
例:Many towns and villages had their water supply cut off because there was no electricity.
cut out删掉
例:You can cut out these unimportant details.
die out灭绝、熄灭
例:Many of the living things are dying out (=disappearing).
The fire died out.
die away渐渐消失
例:The sound wind is dying away.
dip into
例:He dipped his pen into the ink and went on writing.
例:You don’t have to read the book through. It’s enough to dip into it.
do a good job干得不错
例:You are doing a good job in this research.
do away with克服、除掉
例:We must do away with all these shortcomings.
do good/ harm to对…有好处/害处
例:Staying up late will do you harm (no good) at your age.
do sb. a favor帮某人一个忙、赏某人一个脸
例:Would you please do me the favor to turn off the light
do a bit尽一份力
例:I’m glad that you have done your bit in helping the poor.
do one’s duty尽某人之责
例:I felt sorry that I had not done my duty.
do up收拾、修整、整理衣服(头发)等
例:Let’s do up this room first.
She asked me to do up her dress for her at her back.
do without不需要
例:Can you do without cigarettes for week
do something about对……采取措施
例:We’ve got to do something about (=to stop) pollution.
drop in顺便看望(非正式来访)
fall over 跌跤
例:In the darkness he stepped on a banana skin and fell over.
fall into分成
例:The islands fall into three large groups.
fall into the habit of养成……的习惯
for a change换换方式
例:Let’s dine out tonight for a change.
We have ridden for an hour. Let’s walk for a change.
for one thing…for another首先…其次…
例:Sorry I can’t go to the cinema with you. For one thing, I have seen it; for another, I have an important meeting to attend.
for the moment暂时
例:We have to stay in the inn for the moment as the hotels around are full.
get away from摆脱
例:Be sure to get away from such a man.
get in收获
例:The farmers are busy getting in wheat these days.
get over克服、战胜
例:We have to find ways to help her get over the trouble.
get rid of除掉
例:You must get rid of all these bad manners.
How can we get rid of this unwelcome visitor
I could hardly get rid of my toothache without pulling the bad tooth out.
get together聚会
例:We old school friends have planned to get together during the Spring Festival.
get through接通(电话)、完成(工作)、通过(考试)、抵达(某地)、用完(某物)
例:The line is busy, I can’t get through.
When you get through with (=finish) your work, hand in it at once.
She got through (=pass) the written papers, but failed (in) the oral exam.
get down on one’s knees= go down on one’s knees跪下、屈膝
give away
例:He gave away all his money to the poor.
例:His accent gave him away.
go against违背
例:This promise went against my will.
go all out 尽全力
例:We must go all out to make our country stronger and richer.
go back on背叛
例:You can’t go back on what you said.
go beyond超出
例:The results have gone beyond our hopes.
go in for参加(或爱好)
例:She also goes in for other sports and amusements.
hand in上交
hand out分发
at hand 即将来临
例:The exams are at hand. You must make full use of your time.
have mercy on sb.宽恕某人
have sth on
例:I have nothing on tomorrow evening.
We have a very important piece of work on at present.
例:The little boy who has nothing on is very lovely. Let’s take a picture of him.
What do you think of the tie he has on today
hold back阻止
例:Nothing can hold back the wheels of the history.
hold on坚持
例:They decided to hold on till the help came.
hold out坚持、伸出
例:They took it for granted that we couldn’t hold out for long.
She held out both her hands and welcomed him.
hold up阻滞
例:The traffic was held up by an accident.
hope for希望、盼望
例:Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
in a word总之,简言之,一言以蔽之
例:---White is handsome, kind, hard-working and clever.
---Yes, in a word, we can’t speak too highly of him.
in other words换言之,换句话说
例:Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach required standard. In other words, you failed.
in praise of赞扬
例:The teacher spoke in praise of Jack who had saved a little boy from being drowned.
keep watch警戒
keep in touch with与…保持联络
keep one’s promise信守诺言
keep off避开,不接近
例:Do keep off the drugs.
Keep up继续坚持
例:Keep up your courage and never give in.
lack for缺乏、缺少,常用于否定式,并无被动语态。
例:They have got everything ready and they lack for nothing.
knock off匆匆写下、下班
例:He knocks off a composition in half an hour.
He always knocks off at six.
lay down制定、规定
例:These price limits are laid down by the government.
The conference will lay down the proper measures and methods.
lead to
例:All roads lead to Rome.
例:This will lead to high blood pressure.
look down upon轻视
例:I hope you don’t look down upon(或on) this kind of work.
look into调查
例:They set up a committee to look into the matter.
make sure弄确实,查明
例:Make sure of it before you start out.
There aren’t many seats left for this concert; you had better make sure you get one today.
make no difference没关系,不重要
例:It makes no difference to me where to stay for the night.
make up
组成(被动语态形式为be made up of)
例:Workers and peasants make up the majority of the population of our country.
All living things are made up of cells.
例:He is good at making up excuses.
注:make up for 弥补
例:Mary had to make up for the time she missed in school when she was sick by studying very hard.
pass for被认为、被当作
例:In this small village, he passed for a learned man.
Do I speak French well enough to pass for a Frenchman
pick up
例:She picked up a wallet and decided to turn it in first.
例:My radio can pick up the Voice of America very clearly.
例:He stopped the car to pick up a young girl who was hitch-hiking across Europe.
例:When did you pick up your excellent English/ such ideas
Young children pick up a foreign language fairly quickly.
例:You may be able to pick up a girl at the dance.
play a trick on捉弄、开玩笑
put out熄灭、出版
例:How long did it take the firemen to put out the fire
Some magazines are put out every week, and others are published once a month.
put down镇压
例:The old government put down the workers’ strike.
put away收起来、保存
例:Let’s put our Christmas gifts away and keep them away.
put off推迟
例:The meeting has been put off because of the rain.
see to负责、处理、注意
例:This machine is out of order. Get a mechanic to see to it.
Will you see to the arrangements for the next meeting of the committee
set out开始
例:Having made the plan, she set out (=began) to make the experiment.
set about开始
例:How shall we set about (writing) our report
set aside储备
例:Each week she tried to set aside (=save) a little money.
stand for代表
例:Do you know what UFO stands for
stand by支持,站一边
例:How can you stand by and see such wrong doings
例:The teacher asked the students to read poems, starting with Tom.
Knowledge begins with practice.
注:to start with, to begin with还可作“首先、第一”讲。
例:To start with, we haven’t enough money.
To begin with, let me introduce Mr. White to you.
take along随身携带、一起
例:He took along some of his pictures in the hope of getting a job.
---Why didn’t you take your lovely son along to the party
---He is a troublemaker wherever he goes.
take care of 照顾
例:It’s strongly suggested that the facilities be taken good care of.
take one’s time 别着急,慢慢来
例:Just take your time. There is still half an hour left to go.
take the lead领先
take the place of代替
take the pleasure in乐于
take over接收、接管
例:When Mr. Green retired, his son took over the business.
take pride in以…为荣
take place发生
例:Great changes will take place in the west area of China after the Grand Development.
take up占据、从事
例:Reading storybooks took up much of his time for study.
His songs called on the workers to take up struggle.
take delight in喜欢
例:He took delight in making fun (或pleasure) of others.
take…for granted把…想当然
例:He took it for granted that she would take his advice.
take on呈现、雇佣、开始从事
例:After 1978, our country began to take on a new look.
He took on a part-time teaching job in his spare time.
take advantage of利用……
Take something lying down甘心忍受(屈服)
try out for参加…..选拔
turn out结果…
例:The project turned out (to be) a failure.
turn up出现
例:He promised to come, but so far he hasn’t turned up yet.
I expected the missing watch would turn up one day.
turn to转向…求助
例:Don’t always turn to the dictionary when you come to a new word.
Don’t turn to him for help.
turn against反对
例:Why did they suddenly turn against you
turn down拒绝
例:He has turned down my offer to help.
turn over a new leaf改正更新、重新做人
例:We decided to give him a last chance to turn over a new leaf.
turn upside down颠倒是非
例:She turned all the facts upside down in her talk.
show off炫耀
例:Mothers who like to show off their children are always singing high praise for their children’s performances wherever they go.
show up (=turn up)露面
例:He didn’t show up until supper was nearly over.
up and down来来往往、前前后后
例:The master was walking up and down the room.
I have looked for the dictionary up and down.
注:up and down既可以作介词,也可作副词。而here and there, back and forth, right and left等只能作副词。
up to
例:Up to 40% of the water in my hometown is polluted.
例:Up to now (=So far) he hasn’t realized his mistake.
例:It’s up to you to decide who should go first.
by the way顺便问一下
例:By the way, can you give me more information about the lecture
all the way 远道
例:He came all the way from Canada.
by way of途经
例:He came here by way of Shanghai.
give way to让步
例:We mustn’t give way to these unreasonable demands.
a number of, the number of
a number of许多, 大量;the number of ...的数量
2. agree,agree on, agree to,agree with
(1) agree作不及物动词表示“同意”。
例:My theories and his do not always agree.
(2) agree on表示主语双方达成一致。
例:They agreed on that point.
(3) agree to后面接表示“计划, 建议, 安排”等名词。
例:Is he going to agree to our suggestion
(4) agree with表示同意某人。
例:I cannot agree with you any more.
注:agree with还可以表示“某事与某事相一致, 适合”讲。
例:The climate here doesn’t agree with me.
Your story agrees with his in everything except small details.
The verb must agree with its subject in number and person.
3. almost,nearly
例:How time flies! It’s nearly the end of the month.
Almost no one believed him.
It is not nearly so expensive as I thought.
The speaker said almost nothing worth listening to.
4. as, when, while
(1) as可作 “一边…一边”讲。表示两个动作同时进行。也可表示两个动作同时发展,作“随着”讲。
例:He looked behind from time to time as he went home.
As time went by/on,they became more and more interested in things about them.
(2) when既可引导持续性的动作,也可引导短暂性的动作。
例:When I was a boy, l used to go to the seashore on Sundays.
When I have finished reviewing my lessons.I will begin to watch TV.
(3) while引导的动作必须是延续性的.它非常强调主句和从句动作的同时性,有时还侧重主句和从句动作的对比。
例:Please don’t talk so loud while others are speaking.
5. at one time, at a time
at one time表示过去某一时期;at a time表示一次
例:At one time we often met after supper.
He carried two bags of rice at a time.
6. before long,long before
before long=soon,表示“不久”。Long before=a long time earlier
例:The play will be put on at this theatre before long.
He said he had seen the film long before.
7. be made of, be made from, be made in, be made into
例:Books are made of paper and paper is made from wood.
Wood can be made into paper.
Watches made in Shanghai last long.
8. be tired from,be tired of
be tired from表示体力上的疲劳;be tired of表讨厌
例:I was tired from having sat up all night.
I m tired of your long and dull talk.
注:tire sb. out表示“使…筋疲力尽”
例:The long journey tired them out.
I’m tired out. Leave the rest of the work till tomorrow.
9. beat,strike,hit
hit作“打、击”讲,不如strike 正式。更强调“击中”,是非延续性动词。
strike指“急速地打, 击, 撞”讲。
例:A moving target is difficult to hit.
The house was struck by lightning.
He’ll be trying to beat the world record.
Look at the waves beating the shores.
注:表示“击败”讲,beat的宾语一般是人; 表示"赢得"讲,宾语一般是表示比赛、奖品、战争等名词。
例:In the end we won the match/prize/war.
We beat their team by 10 points.
10. before,ago
例:I finished writing that novel finally half a year ago.
He told us that his father had died two years before.
11. bring,take.fetch,carry
take作“拿走,拿去”讲 (由近及远);bring作“拿来,带来”讲 (由远及近);
fetch作“去拿来”讲 (可包括往返动作); carry主要作“扛、拿”讲。
12. cause,reason
例:Heat is the cause of the expansion of matter.
Give your reason for changing the plan.
13. cloth, clothes, clothing, clothe
cloth指做衣服等用的材料。cloth在一般情况下是物质名词,不可数,一块布料是a piece of cloth,不是a cloth。但特指作为某种特殊用途的布料时,则是可数名词,如a table cloth。
clothes指具体的衣服,不能用作单数,也不能和数词连用。不能说a clothes,five clothes,但可以说many (these,a few) clothes。作主语当复数看待。
clothing是衣服、服装 (包括帽子、手套等) 的总称,是集体名词,无复数形式。可以说an suit of clothing。
例:Cloth is used especially to make clothes.
Coats, overcoats, trousers, shorts, shirts and socks are articles of clothing.
Woolen cloth is often expensive.
14. cure,treat
cure强调结果, 即“治愈”; treat着眼于过程,即“治疗”。
例:The flesh air on the farm cured him of his headache.
His wounds were well treated in the local hospital.
15. divide,separate
例:We may divide the article into two parts.
England is separated from France by the English Channel.
Although many families became separated, people still kept in touch with each other.
16. especially, specially
especially意思是“特别地”,“不寻常地”, 强调程度, 在进一步补充说明前面所叙述的事的时候,前面一般用逗号隔开,一般用来修饰形容词, 介词短语或状语从句。specially的意思是“特别地”,“专门地”,强调目地,一般用在表示目地的不定式或介词for短语前面。
例:It has been especially hot this summer.
Cooking is a great burden to me,especially when we have guests.
This robe was made specially for the king.
17. find,find out
(1) find表示“找到”。
例:I looked for my watch everywhere this morning but failed to find it.
(2) find out表示 “通过分析、询问等努力而弄清楚、查明。”
例:I will spare no efforts to find out the cause for his death.
18. have a word with sb,have words with sb
例:You sister is waiting at the gate. She seems to have a few words with you.
Don’t waste time having words with him. Let’s go.
19. in all,at all,after all,for all,above all
(1) in all总计
例:---How many English novels have you read
---Fourteen in all.
(2) at all用于否定句,意为“根本不”,加强否定语气。
例:There was nothing to worry about at all.
(3) after all毕竟,到底
例:Don’t get discouraged by failure. We are new to the work after all.
(4) for all尽管
例:They could not open the box for all their efforts.
(5) above all首先,最重要的
例:Above all I want to know how to do it.
A teacher, above all, should know how to deal with the problems taking place in class correctly.
20. in charge of, in the charge of
例:The girl was safely in the charge of a nurse. (受…管理,受…照顾)
I’ll be in charge of the whole factory next week when the director is away.
2l. in the air, on the air
in the air还可以表示“传播”= go around in the air=over the air作“在广播”解
例:Rumors are in the air.(谣言四起)
The news is on the air.
22. injure,hurt,wound
例:More than 300 people were heavily injured in that train accident.
She was badly hurt at his words.
The bullet wounded him in the head.
23. lie ( lied,lied说谎), lie(lay,lain位于, 平躺), lay(laid.laid放置, 下蛋)
例:He felt worn out, so he went and lay down for a rest.
I hate lying. Just call a spade a spade.
The city lies in the north of China.
Don’t lay the glass on the corner of the table.
24. live, alive, living, lively
living既可作表语,又可作定语。既可指人又可指物.表示“有生命的, 存在的”。引申为“关于生活的”。lively形容词,意思为“有活力的”。
例:Look! A real live elephant!
He is considered to be the greatest living artist.
There is going to be a live TV program this evening.
We cooked the steak over the live coals.
Let s keep the fish alive.
The aim of the project was to discover if there was anything living on Mars.
25. not a bit,not at all
not a bit= not at all/not in the least; not at all=very/very much
26. require,demand
例:She demanded/ required to be paid.
例:All passengers are required to show their tickets.
They required me to keep silent.
27. stick to,insist on,persist in坚持
例:Don’t stick to your own opinion.
They insisted on leaving right away.
He persisted in reading in bed.
28. sound,voice,noise
sound,voice和noise都表示“声音”。 noise指不悦耳的,不和谐的“嘈杂声”,“喧闹声”,或任何令人讨厌的声音。sound含义最广,可以指一切可以听到的声音。voice(嗓音)指说话和唱歌的声音,也可表示鸟鸣声。
例:Presently he heard the sound of footsteps.
Please speak in a loud/low voice.
29. suit, fit
例: It doesn’t suit you to have your hair cut short.
These shoes don’t fit me---have you got a larger size
30. too much,much too
too much作定语时修饰不可数名词; much too修饰形容词或副词,表示“太、过分”。
例:That question is much too difficult. I can't figure it out.
He has too much trouble in his tea.
31. used to do,be used to sth / doing sth,be used to do
used to do表示“过去常常”;be used to doing sth表示“习惯于”.be used to do表示“被用来.”。
例:They used to get up late.
Used he not/Usedn’t he/Didn’t he use to come here
I wasn’t used to city life,but now I have got used to living in this city.
Coal can be used to produce electricity.
32. valueless, priceless
33. wish, hope
正:I wish that I could fly to the moon in a spaceship one day in the future.
正:I wish to place an order right now.
正:I wish you to have a pleasant journey. (wish后可接不定式作宾语补足语,而hope不可。)
正:I wish you a happy birthday. (wish后可接双宾语,而 hope不可)
正:I wish you happy.
正:I hope to see you again.
误:I hope you to have a pleasant journey.
误:I hope you happy
1. 祈使句 + and / or + 一般将来时的陈述句
这种句型还可以用连词or 或 otherwise 连接, 相当于if not,意思是“否则的话”。
例:Fail to pay and they’ll cut off the electricity. = If you fail to pay, they’ll cut off the electricity.
Tony, use your head and then you’ll find the way.
Take more consideration next time. Or/otherwise they’ll speak ill of you to others.
2. That’s all right. 既可以用于对致谢的回答,也可用于对道歉的回答。
例: (1)---I’m very sorry to have kept you waiting.
---That’s all right.
(2)---Many thanks.
---That’s all right.
对致谢的回答还有:You are welcome. / Don’t mention it. / Not at all. / Not a bit. / It’s my pleasure. / That’s OK.
3. 名词作定语
名词作定语时,一般用单数形式。例:a shoe shop, war stories
注意例外的情况,如man 和 woman作定语时,应和被修饰名词在数上保持一致。
例: a man doctor two women doctors
4. 助动词do, does, did可用于一般现在时和一般过去时的肯定句中, 与动词原形连用,表示强调。
例:Do tell me what has happened to you.
She did tell me they refused to join us in the work.
The guy does speak English very well.
We don’t allow smoking in the classroom.
5. 在英语中,当谓语动词所带的宾语太长时,常把宾语放在状语之后,保持句子平衡。在阅读,写作时应格外注意这种现象。
例:But Cook ordered the crew to throw over the side of the ship guns, iron balls, pots, chains, and even stores.
6. 动词advise, allow, forbid, permit之后,用动名词作宾语,但在以人作为宾语的情况下,用用不定式作宾语补足语。
例:We don’t allow people to smoke here.
We don’t allow smoking in the classroom.
7. 表示原因的介词短语有:as a result of, because of, thanks to,owing to,due to, on account of等。
8. 在汉语中,通常把人体的某一部分作动词的宾语,而在英语中,一般把人作动词的宾语,而用介词短语说明人的部位,人体的部位名词前一般用定冠词the,而不用物主代词或名词所有格形式。
例:The policeman caught him by the arm.
The stone hit him on the head.
The soldier was wounded in the chest.
9. 否定句、疑问句中的猜测语气要用情态动词can,而不能用must.
例:---Who can it be outside the window
---It may/must be Li Ping
---It can’t be Li Ping
又例:Where can he have put the matches He can’t have thrown them away.
10. it用作代词,指心目中或上下文中的人或事物。
例:---Who is it
---It's me.Jack.
---Is it Professor Li sitting by the head of the English Department
---Yes.It’s her.
11. such与all, no, some, any, few, many, much, several, one等表示量的词连用时, 应放在这些词之后。
例:There are many such books on sale in the bookstore.
Several such students were punished for making noises in class.
12. I dare say…意思为 “或许、可能”,表一种猜测语气。
例:I dare say it will rain tomorrow.
You are tired, I dare say.
13. very和much用法上的区别。(作为了解内容)
much(或very much)一般修饰动词和动作意义很强的过去分词、形容词和副词的比较级以及介词短语。
例:The teacher told us a very interesting story.
He was (very) much surprised at the news.
14. 表示为…干杯的用语。
例:I’d like to propose a toast to the friendship.
I’d like to drink to…
Bottom up!
15. at the doctor’s医务所,实际是at the doctor’s office简略形式。这类短语中的中心词一
at the chemist’s (在药店)
at the barber’s (在理发店)
at the teacher’s (在教师,办公室)
at the Smiths’ (在史密斯家)
16. 表示地理位置的介词in,to和on
这三个介词可用来表示方位,in表示 “在其中”,即“在境界内”;而to表示“向”的意思
例:Japan is (或lies) in the east of Asia.
Japan is (或lies) to the east of China.
The town sits on the Changjiang River.
17. go ahead引申意义可表示鼓励对方做某事,作“请吧”,“说下去”,“请尽管用”等,常见于日常对话中。
例:----I wonder if I could use your telephone.
----Sure. Go ahead.
----May I start
----Yes,go ahead.
If you think you can solve the problem, just go ahead.
18. 非谓语动词作定语时的不同时间概念。
例:The matter being talked about is very important.
The matter talked about yesterday is very important.
The matter to be talked about is very important.
19. easy, difficult, hard, pleasant, interesting, exciting, comfortable等形容词后的不定式表示在哪方面存在这种情况。尽管不定式动词与主语存在着动宾关系,但是不定式不能用被动语态。
例:不能说The boy is difficult to be taught或The question is not easy to be answered
20. be of +名词,可表示主语的属性。
例:Two of his greatest films, “City light” and “Modern Times”, were of this kind.
Australia and New Zealand are of the same class.
be of + 抽象名词相当于be +这一名词的形容词形式,表示主语性质。
例:Spots and games are of great importance.
What he said at the meeting was of great value. = (was very valuable)
21. Live 作及物动词后面可以跟其同源宾语life.
类似Live这种能接同源宾语的动词还有die, smile,dream,sleep等,这些动词的同源宾语前通常带有一个定语。
例:My uncle lived the rest of his life in the United States.
I dreamed a strange dream last night.
The child slept a sound sleep.
例:We are living a happy life. 不能说A happy life is being lived by us.
22. as well as在表达 “不但…而且…”的意义时,“A as well as B”的侧重点在A.而not only A but also B的侧重点在B。
例:His name is known all over the world as well as in Japan.
23. It’s (just) like sb to do sth 意为“某人(恰恰)就是这样”,可表赞扬,也可表示不满。
例:It is just like her to finish work ahead of time.
It is just like him to be ready to help others.
24. 作为情态动词的shall可以用于任何人称,在陈述句中表示允诺、威胁、命令、决心、规定等。
例:You shall have higher pay if you work well.
表示威胁, 命令
例:You shall suffer for this!
They shall suffer for this: hey shall answer for what they have done.
“If you won’t do as I tell you, you shan’t get your birthday gift”said Father to Tom.
25. 作定语的不定式和被修饰的名词之前往往存在两种逻辑上的关系,即被修饰的名词式不定式的逻辑主语或逻辑宾语。
例:Alice is always the first student to come to school.
Mr. Brown has a large family to support.
The meeting to take place here tomorrow is going to discuss the problem of pollution.
当被修饰名词是不定式逻辑上的宾语, 而该不定动词又是不及物动词时,应在该动词后面加一个介词,以形成逻辑上的动宾关系。
例:She has a nice pen to write with.
26. could+完成时,表示“可能已经……”,是对过去某事的推测。
例:She could have gone off with some friends.
例:You could have told me you had invited people to dinner.
You could have come earlier.
may/might as well+动词原形,意为“最好”、“倒不如”。
例:This holiday isn’t much fun ----we might as well be back home.
27. 有些动词加-ing可作形容词。例如:
(1) promising有前途的
例:He is an unexceptionally promising student.
(2) demanding苛刻的,要求极高的
例:Although it was a demanding job, she accepted it all the same.
28. much可修饰形容词和副词的比较级和最高级,修饰比较级时短于其前面,修饰最高级时,位于定冠词the前。
例:That s much the most interesting story I’ve ever heard.
29. 表示建议、请求、命令、计划的词,不论以何种形式(如名词、形容词、动词等)出现在句子中,相应的名词性从句的谓语都要求用虚拟语气。
例:The officer gave the order that the bridge be destroyed before daylight. (同位语从句)
The officer’s order was that the bridge be destroyed before daylight. (表语从句)
It was ordered that the bridge be destroyed before daylight. (主语从句)
The officer ordered that the bridge be destroyed before daylight. (宾语从句)