山东省临清实高11-12学年高一英语必修1教案:Module 3 My First Ride on a Train(打包2份)


名称 山东省临清实高11-12学年高一英语必修1教案:Module 3 My First Ride on a Train(打包2份)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2012-01-03 08:18:59


学校 临清实验高级中学 学科英语 编写人 施燕峰审稿人_宋志君
Module 3 My First Ride on a Train
Cultural Corner
一 教材分析
The emphasis of this period will be placed on the important new words, expressions in the part of Cultural corner . And get the students to find out the fastest train in the world ,the differences between it and the ordinary trains, and the advantages of the Maglev. And develop the students’ writing ability.
二 教学目标
Get the students to learn and grasp the following important useful new words and expressions in the part:
downtown, vacuum, rail, ceremony, track, souvenir ,at a speed of
1)Develop the students’ reading ability .
2)Enable students to know the fastest train in the world ,the differences between it and the ordinary trains, and the advantages of the Maglev.
3)Develop the students’ writing ability.
1)Let students know the achievements that our country has made.
2) Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning.
重点the following important useful new words and expressions in the part: downtown, vacuum, rail, ceremony, track, souvenir ,at a speed of
难点 Understand the differences between the maglev and the ordinary trains, and the advantages of the Maglev. And the students’ writing .
新授课教学基本环节:预习检查 总结疑惑; 情景导入 展示目标;合作探究 精讲点拨;反思总结 当堂检测;发导学案 布置预习。
1. 学生的课前准备:预习课文,初步理解,查阅资料,尝试练习。
2. 教师的教学准备:多媒体课件制作,课前预习学案,课后延伸拓展学案,分好小组。
七 课时安排 四十分钟
Step1 Check(预习检查 总结疑惑)
Step 2 Lead in
Have you ever caught the train Do you know the fastest train in the world
Where is it Trains have changed a lot since it was born. Let’s take look at it’s history.
Show the students the answers on the screen.
Step 3 Fast-Reading
Read the passage and answer the questions.
1. What are the main differences between a magnetically levitated train and an ordinary train
2 .What are the advantages of travelling on a Maglev train
It is faster, less noisy and uses less energy.
You travel very quickly and quietly. The train uses less energy.
Step 4 Sum up what they know about the Maglev train.
Language points:
1.Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometers per hour, the train can complete the 30-kilometer journey in eight minutes.
列车以每小时400公里的速度行驶,八分钟就能完成这段30 公里的旅程。
Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometers per hour是现在分词短语在句子中作状语。
2.The Transrapid Maglev is the world’s first high-speed train using magnetic levitated technology.
The Transrapid Maglev是世界上第一列用磁悬浮技术的高速列车。
using magnetic levitated technology是现在分词作定语。
3. at a speed of …以…速度 (后加具体数字)
The bus goes at a speed of 60 kilometers an hour .
拓展: at low speed at high speed at full/top speed with all/great speed
4.track n. 轨迹, 车辙, 跟踪, 航迹, 足迹, 路, 磁轨, 途径
vt. 循路而行, 追踪, 通过, 用纤拉
vi. 追踪, 留下足迹, 走
We followed his tracks through the snow.我们跟着雪地上他留下的脚印下。
The train left the ran off the track. 火车出轨了。
Step5 Writing
1.Describe the first time they traveled a long distance
to your classmate.
Example: I first traveled a long distance by train when I was six years old. I went with my parents from Shanghai to Beijing.
Pay attention to:
Who , when, where, what, why& how
2.Make sentences with the above words .
3.Make a short composition with the sentences.
4.Check with their classmates.
5.correct the composition by themselves.
Step 6 Presentation.
Groupmembers share their works and each group chooses a representative to present their works before the class.
Step 7 Sum up
1.The important useful new words and expressions : downtown, vacuum, rail, ceremony, track, souvenir ,at a speed of
2. The differences between the maglev and the ordinary trains, and the advantages of the Maglev. And the students’ writing .
Step 8 Homework
Think of a tourist spot where you made a trip. Make notes on:
how to get there
what you did there
things that happened to you when you were there
Try to find photographs, postcards, maps and souvenirs to support your report
1..Where / When did you go
2.How did you travel there
3.Who did you go with
4.What did you do / see there
5.What did you eat there
6.Did you enjoy the trip
本课的设计采用了课前下发导学案,学生预习本节内容,找出自己迷惑的地方。课堂上师生主要解决重难点,疑点,考点,易混点,最后进行当堂检测,课后进行拓展延伸,以达到提高课堂效率的目的。通过磁悬浮列车了解我国现代化建设的最新成就,培养爱国主义情感。利用照片、明信片、纪念品等向同伴介绍旅游情况,提高学生运用英语的能力。总之,教学案应精心设计才能调动学生积极参与提高课堂效率,加大课堂容量。在今后学习中会继续探究本节课,争取更科学的设计,提高效率。学校:临清实验高中 学科:英语 编写人:陈雪凤 审稿人:刘庆利Module 3 My First Ride on a Train
语音 句子中的重音
词汇 abandoned cassette circus colorful desert diamond expert farm fields helicopter law tram shoot kindergarten product recently scenery supply
词组 in the central part of, a long-distance train, dark red, until the 1920s, on the coast of, out of date, a dining car, comic books, for the first time, feel nervous, a speed of
语法 -ed形式作形容词;表达过去时间的词语或词组
功能 礼貌用语
话题 介绍旅游经历;介绍童年故事
听 听懂对事件的回忆、旅游介绍并获取信息
说 运用过去时间回忆;运用含有-ed句子介绍风光
读 Scanning, skimming, careful reading, generalization; inference等阅读微技能训练
写 用所学的词汇、词组、及含-ed的句子写介绍旅游情况的文章和各种回忆
3.情感目标: 热爱祖国河山;为祖国建设感动自豪;倡导文明礼貌
重点:1. 如何使用地道英语描述风光、事件或回忆
2. 正确理解并应用-ed形容词
3. 如何礼貌进行日常对话
难点: 能用得体的英语表达自己,描述过去的难忘经历
新授课教学基本环节:预习检查 总结疑惑; 情景导入 展示目标;合作探究 精讲点拨;反思总结 当堂检测;发导学案 布置预习。
1 学生的课前准备:预习课文,初步理解,查阅资料,尝试练习。
2 教师的教学准备:多媒体课件制作,课前预习学案,课后延伸拓展学案,分好小组。
七、课时安排 四十分钟
Step1 Check(预习检查 总结疑惑)
Step 2 Lead in
Do you like traveling
Who can tell us your first trip Say something .
Step 3 Warming –up
Pre-task Content Prediction(2m) According to the picture and the title, try to predict what we will be able to learn from the passage.
Task-cycle Reading(40m)
Pre-reading Map reading Look at the map of the railways in Australia, discuss which city you would like to travel and how to get there.
? Step 4 Fast Reading
Match: Find out what main idea each paragraph is about. ( my first ride on a long-distance train, the food, the passenger, the Ghan )
Main sentence in each paragraph.
Main idea
Guide Ss to find out the structure of the passage.
Step 5 Detail ReadingActivity 2 Second ( Detailed ) reading Deal with 6 questions in (4)
Activity 3 Third reading ( Reading Strategies Applying )
Find out appropriate information to fill in the form below:
Part One (1)
Who When Where What Why How
Part Two (2-3)
Food Scenery
First hundred kms After that Suddenly
Put me in the right order and form a passage, adding in the time signals. Camels were trained to carry supplies back from the central part.
Camels were shot because of the new railway line built by the government.
They brought camels from Afghanistan.
Australians needed a way to the central country.
They tried riding horses, but failed.
Word-guessing ( abandon, diamond, supplies)
Step 6 Sum up Post-task
Activity 1 Retelling Retell the passage with the help of the form
Activity 2 Discussion P24 (5)
Activity 3 Small debate “They should shot the camels”
Recalling(2m) Recall what we learn today. & Questions unsolved.
Step 7 Discussion
Discuss your first trip among your group
Step 8 Homework Homework(1m) Write a reading note
Title__________________________ Module _________ Date___________General idea:Words & Phrases:BS:
BS=beautiful sentence
九 板书设计abandoned cassette circus colorful desert diamond expert farm fields helicopter law tram shoot kindergarten product recently scenery supply
十 教学反思
First Ride