(共21张PPT)
Lesson
Unit
In
Beijing
预习目标
1.找出不会读的词及不能理解的句子。
2.熟读自己喜欢的一部分。
3.在小组内进行读、翻译课文(可分角色,也可每人一句读和翻译。)
4.自己试着完成part3。
Li
Ming,
Danny,
Jenny
and
Mrs.
Li
arrive
in
_______.
Beijing
Tian’anmen
Square
The
Palace
Museum
Today
they
will
go
to
the
Great
Wall.
He
who
doesn’t
go
to
the
Great
Wall
is
not
a
true
man.
1.
Where
are
they?
On
the
Great
Wall.
2.
How
do
Li
Ming
and
Jenny
feel?
Happy.
3.
How
does
Danny
feel?
Sad.
There
are
too
many
______
and
_______.
cars
buses
Danny
sees
a
_________,
he
says.
“
__________.
”
but
Jenny
says
“
___________,
Don’t
____.
”
restaurant
am
hungry
No,
stop
go
Look
at
Danny
,now
he
is
_______.
The
man
says
“
__________.
”
afraid
can
help
you.
Game:
say,
you
do.
Rules
:
小组活动,一人猜词,本组其他同学可做动作也可用英语描述,描述过程中不能出现所猜词汇,否则无效。一分钟内猜词最多为胜。台下其他同学做记录并判断正误。上台的最终胜利者会得到魔法棒,并有权在下个教学环节中选择不参与,但是只能使用一次。词汇范围主要是本课单词,准备时间2分钟。只需要两组同学,请积极表现吧!
Read
Part1
and
Park2.
Ask
and
answer.
They
take
a
bus/
By
bus.
1.
How
do
they
go
to
the
Great
Wall?
2.
How
old
is
the
Great
Wall?
years
old.
3.
How
long
is
the
Great
Wall?
kilometres.
4.
How
does
Danny
feel
on
the
way
back?
Yes,
he
is.
5.
Is
Danny
afraid
of
the
cars
and
buses
?
He
feels
tired
and
hungry.
ired
top
fraid
ait
Work
in
your
group
Act
out
Part
and
read
Part
together.
Summing
up
On
the
way
back
to
the
hotel,
Danny
feels
_______________,
he
sees
a
,
he
runs
to
the
restaurant,
but
Jenny
says
“
No,
,
Don’t
___.
”
Because
there
are
too
many
cars
and
buses
.
Today
Jenny,
Danny
and
Li
Ming
go
to
.
know
it
is
____
years
old
,it
is
about
____
kilometres.
.
the
Great
Wall
tired
and
hungry
restaurant
stop
go
Tian’anmen
Square
Bird’s
Nest
鸟巢
Water
Cube
水立方
Summer
Palace
颐和园
Beihai
Park
北海公园
Thank
You