中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
高中英语
上教版
高一年级
必修二
第三单元
Progress?
第一课时(教师版)
课题:Reading
and
interaction:
Going
global
(I)
课时学习目标:
通过阅读理解全球化给世界带来的变化和对人类社会的影响;
针对作者对全球化引发的问题所表达的观点提出自己的见解。
I.
Pre-reading
Before
you
read,
choose
a
foreign
country
you
know.
Think
about
how
it
is
different
from
or
similar
to
China.
Tick
one
or
two
aspects
below
and
talk
about
them
in
groups.
the
buildings
the
climate
the
language
the
food
the
music
the
clothes
the
people
others:
_________
Answers
may
vary.
(For
reference)
Student
A:
have
traveled
to
Singapore
once.
Many
people
there
speak
Chinese
because
it
is
one
of
the
official
languages
in
the
country.
You
can
find
Chinese
restaurants
everywhere
in
Singapore,
as
well
as
some
international
fast
food
chains
that
are
common
in
China.
But
you
can
also
taste
some
unique
local
snacks
in
the
streets
of
Singapore.
Student
B:
have
an
online
friend
who’s
from
Korea.
It
happens
that
we
both
enjoy
pop
songs
and
like
the
same
pop
singer.
As
for
the
weather,
it
is
much
colder
in
Seoul
than
in
Shanghai
in
winter,
believe.
Look
at
the
title,
the
pictures
and
the
table.
Predict
what
the
passage
is
mainly
about.
Answers
may
vary.
While-reading
Skim
the
whole
passage
and
match
the
paragraph(s)
with
the
main
ideas.
para
__6__
The
writer’s
concern
about
certain
changes.
para
__1__
~
__3__
The
world
population
growth
and
its
reason.
para
__4__
~
__5__
The
changes
in
different
aspects
in
people’s
lives.
Read
paragraphs
1~3
and
complete
the
following
tasks.
(1)
Complete
the
table
about
world
population
growth.
World
population
growth
Year
Number
__5__
million
__1__
billion
billion
__5__
billion
billion
__7__billion
__10__billion
(2)
Answer
the
question.
Why
did
the
population
start
growing
quickly
after
The
population
started
growing
quickly
because
human
beings
invented
agriculture
at
that
time,
which
made
it
easier
to
feed
more
people
and
enabled
human
beings
to
settle
down
and
have
bigger
families.
Read
paragraphs
and
and
complete
the
following
tasks.
According
to
the
writer,
in
what
ways
does
our
planet
seem
to
be
getting
significantly
smaller?
Analyze
the
changes
that
have
occurred
in
different
aspects
and
complete
the
table.
For
any
information
not
available
in
the
passage,
please
infer
from
the
context
or
refer
to
your
own
knowledge.
In
the
past
Today
Travel
Travellers
spent
months
at
sea.
Travellers
sit
on
a
plane
for
a
few
hours.
Clothing
and
buildings
There
were
unfamiliar
styles.
They
are
very
similar.
Recreation
People
enjoyed
completely
different
local
forms
of
recreation.
People
enjoy
the
same
sports,
music,
films
and
shows.
Consumption
People
bought
locally
produced
products/domestic
products
or
home-made
goods.
People
buy
the
same
products
from
huge,
global
companies.
Language
Languages
were
diversified
and
people
normally
spoke
only
their
mother
tongues
or
dialects.
Many
local
languages
are
threatened
with
extinction
with
more
people
speaking
certain
languages.
Answer
the
following
questions.
How
many
languages
does
the
writer
probably
speak?
The
writer
probably
speaks
three
languages:
Baras,
Indonesian,
and
English.
Why
are
languages
disappearing
around
the
world?
By
using
the
example
of
Baras,
the
writer
implies
that
languages
are
disappearing
because
globalization
causes
people
to
migrate
and
the
migrants
usually
learn
the
common
language
for
effective
communication.
They
then
may
give
up
using
their
own
languages.
Read
paragraph
and
answer
the
questions.
What
does
“it”
in
the
sentence
“Where
will
it
stop?”
refer
to?
It
refers
to
the
extinction
of
languages
caused
by
globalization.
Does
the
writer
prefer
to
live
in
a
world
with
no
cultural
differences?
Why?
No,
the
writer
wouldn’t
prefer
that.
The
writer
thinks
the
idea
is
disappointing
because
there
will
no
longer
be
any
of
the
wonderful
differences
between
different
cultures.
Post-reading
Voice
your
opinion:
Do
you
think
the
situation
imagined
by
the
writer
in
the
last
paragraph
will
happen
in
reality?
Why
or
why
not?
Answers
may
vary.
(For
reference)
No,
don’t
think
globalization
is
sure
to
result
in
the
disappearance
of
languages
and
cultures.
While
it
is
undeniable
that
globalization
can
pose
threats
to
a
certain
language
and
culture,
it
also
presents
a
tremendous
opportunity
for
cultural
diversity.
In
China,
for
example,
increased
participation
in
global
trade
not
only
boosted
the
economy;
it
also
allowed
the
Chinese
to
spread
their
culture
around
the
world,
whether
through
Peking
operas
or
traditional
festivals
or
food.
Meanwhile,
the
influence
brought
by
the
introduction
of
foreign
cultures
has
increased
awareness
of
Chinese
people’s
cultural
identity,
stimulating
citizens
to
defend,
preserve,
and
restore
the
cultural
features
they
care
about
the
most.
Interaction
Think
about
the
following
question
and
have
a
discussion
with
your
classmates.
Do
you
think
globalization
is
unavoidable?
Why?
Answers
may
vary.
(For
reference)
Yes,
globalization
is
unavoidable.
It
is
unavoidable
due
to
closer
economic
cooperation
between
countries,
the
wider
use
of
the
Internet
and
social
media,
and
the
advance
of
science
and
technology.
V.
Assignments
1.
Listen
to
the
audio
recording
of
the
text
and
read
the
text
aloud
at
least
twice.
2.
Finish
the
summary
exercise
on
page
in
the
textbook.
21世纪教育网
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(共
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21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
高中英语
上教版
高一年级
必修二
第三单元
Progress?
第一课时(学生版)
课题:Reading
and
interaction:
Going
global
(I)
课时学习目标:
通过阅读理解全球化给世界带来的变化和对人类社会的影响;
针对作者对全球化引发的问题所表达的观点提出自己的见解。
I.
Pre-reading
Before
you
read,
choose
a
foreign
country
you
know.
Think
about
how
it
is
different
from
or
similar
to
China.
Tick
one
or
two
aspects
below
and
talk
about
them
in
groups.
the
buildings
the
climate
the
language
the
food
the
music
the
clothes
the
people
others:
_________
Look
at
the
title,
the
pictures
and
the
table.
Predict
what
the
passage
is
mainly
about.
_____________________________________________________________________________
While-reading
Skim
the
whole
passage
and
match
the
paragraph(s)
with
the
main
ideas.
para
____
The
writer’s
concern
about
certain
changes.
para
____
~
____
The
world
population
growth
and
its
reason.
para
____
~
____
The
changes
in
different
aspects
in
people’s
lives.
Read
paragraphs
1~3
and
complete
the
following
tasks.
(1)
Complete
the
table
about
world
population
growth.
World
population
growth
Year
Number
____
million
____
billion
billion
____
billion
billion
____billion
____billion
(2)
Answer
the
question.
Why
did
the
population
start
growing
quickly
after
____________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________
Read
paragraphs
and
and
complete
the
following
tasks.
According
to
the
writer,
in
what
ways
does
our
planet
seem
to
be
getting
significantly
smaller?
Analyze
the
changes
that
have
occurred
in
different
aspects
and
complete
the
table.
For
any
information
not
available
in
the
passage,
please
infer
from
the
context
or
refer
to
your
own
knowledge.
In
the
past
Today
Travel
Travellers
spent
months
at
sea.
__________
__________
__________
__________
Answer
the
following
questions.
How
many
languages
does
the
writer
probably
speak?
____________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________
Why
are
languages
disappearing
around
the
world?
____________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________
Read
paragraph
and
answer
the
questions.
What
does
“it”
in
the
sentence
“Where
will
it
stop?”
refer
to?
____________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________
Does
the
writer
prefer
to
live
in
a
world
with
no
cultural
differences?
Why?
____________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________
Post-reading
Voice
your
opinion:
Do
you
think
the
situation
imagined
by
the
writer
in
the
last
paragraph
will
happen
in
reality?
Why
or
why
not?
(
Take
notes
here:
)
Interaction
Think
about
the
following
question
and
have
a
discussion
with
your
classmates.
Do
you
think
globalization
is
unavoidable?
Why?
(
Take
notes
here:
)
V.
Assignments
1.
Listen
to
the
audio
recording
of
the
text
and
read
the
text
aloud
at
least
twice.
2.
Finish
the
summary
exercise
on
page
in
the
textbook.
21世纪教育网
www.21cnjy.com
精品试卷·第
页
(共
页)
21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)