中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Unit
No
limits
同步课文资料
Objectives
A.Reading
and
interaction
·Identify
reasons
for
teenagers’
risk-taking
and
reflect
on
your
own
behaviour
B.Grammar
activity
·Use
ellipsis
correctly
in
the
given
context
C.Listening
and
speaking
·Explain
common
and
uncommon
fears
D.Writing
·Write
a
description
of
a
person
you
admire
using
appropriate
language
and
format
E.Cultural
focus
·Retell
the
story
of
Scott’s
Hut
·Describe
one
extreme
sport
in
Queenstown
A.
Reading
and
interaction
Pre-reading
activity
1.
Look
at
the
photos
on
pages
and
and
discuss
statements
a-d
with
your
classmates.Do
you
agree
with
them?
a.
Small
children
take
more
risks
than
teenagers.
b.
Boys
take
fewer
risks
than
girls.
c.
Teenagers
often
take
risks
when
they
want
to
be
part
of
a
group.
d.
Seventeen-year-olds
take
more
risks
than
younger
teenagers.
2.
Look
at
the
title
and
subheadings,Predict
what
the
passage
is
about.
a.
Studying
the
brain
b.
Visiting
a
theme
park
c.
Taking
risks
Blame
your
brain
It’s
a
fact:
many
teenagers
take
more
risks
than
children
and
adults.
(risk此处是可数名词,表示风险的意思;另risk也可以表示动词,后面跟动名词作宾语,即risk
doing
sth,冒险做某事。)
The
question
is,
why?
Check
out
the
latest
studies
and
think
about
what
you
can
do
about
it(该处是介词的宾语从句;介词后面跟宾语从句也很常见,从句中连接代词what充当do的宾语。).
The
“wow”
factor
Have
you
ever
been
on
a
roller-coaster
ride?
How
did
you
feel
when
you
got
off?
Excited?
Amazed?
This
is
the
“wow”
factor,
the
feeling
of
pleasure
we
get
when
we
take
and
survive
a
risk(此处翻译需灵活:接受并经历过了冒险).
Scientists
know
that
a
brain
chemical
called
dopamine
causes
this
feeling
of
enjoyment.
What
has
dopamine
got
to
do
with
you?
Well,
some
scientists
believe
that
dopamine
levels
are
sometimes
lower
in
teenagers
than
they
are
in
children.
This
means
that
some
teenagers
might
need
to
take
more
risks
to
get
the
same
“wow”
factor(take
risks
to
do
sth.
冒险去做某事;该处risk前面可以加形容词).
“I
just
felt
like
it”
Have
you
ever
done
something
dangerous
or
frightening
without
thinking
about
what
happens
next?
When
an
adult
asks
a
teenager,
“What
were
you
thinking
of
when
you
did
that?”
a
common
reply
is,
“I
just
felt
like
it.”
But
the
question
misses
the
point(miss
the
point,错过要点),
because
the
point
is
that
the
teenager
might
not
have
been
thinking
at
all
The
teenager
didn’t
plan
to
take
a
risk(该句是一个表语从句;表语从句使用的是现在完成进行时,表示动作从过去一致持续到现在并有可能继续持续下去。):
it
just
“happened”.
few
years
ago,
scientists
made
a
surprising
discovery:
the
teenage
brain
goes
through(go
through是经历的意思;另外还有检查的意思,也比较常见)
many
physical
changes,
and
some
parts
of
it
develop
later
than
others.
The
last
part
to
fully
develop
is
the
frontal
cortex.
This
is
the
area
of
the
brain
which
allows
us
to
do
things
such
as
controlling
feelings
and
ma
good
decisions(本单元的语法点是省略;省略的一种情况是在定语从句中,关系代词做宾语时可以省略;其他情况则不可省略。本句中which做主语,不可省。).
Pressure
from
friends
Have
you
ever
taken
a
risk
(take
a
risk
to
do
sth.
=take
risks
to
do
sth=risk
doing
sth;
都是冒险做某事)to
impress
your
friends?
Even
teenagers
who
are
not
usually
big
risk-takers
may
suddenly
do
something
dangerous
because
they
want
to
show
off(show
off是夸耀的意思)
or
fit
in.
If
you
look
at
statistics,
boys
often
take
more
risks
than
girls,
perhaps
because
they
don’t
want
to
look
bad
in
front
of
their
friends—though
girls
dislike
than
too.
Boys
are
more
likely
not
to
(be
likely
to
do
sth.
有可能去做某事)wear
seat
belts,
more
likely
to
get
into
an
argument
or
a
fight,
and
more
likely
to
smoke
and
drink.
But
is
taking
risks
really
the
best
way
to(the
way
to
do
sth.
是不定式做后置定语,修饰the
way.)
get
people
to
respect,
notice
and
like
you?
What
you
can
do
There’s
no
easy
solution,
but
try
to
make
good
choices
and
be
independent.
Don’t
get
pushed
into
doing
things
by
your
friends.
You
can
get
your
dopamine
fix
in
lots
of
other
exciting
ways.
Roller
coasters,
skateboarding
and
surfing
will
all
give
you
the
same
“wow”
factor.
And
if
you’re
around
17,
stop
worrying,
because
your
brain
has
reached
the
point
where
you
can
more
easily
make
wise
decisions(该句是定语从句修饰point;后面用where引导定语从句;point是抽象的地点名词,类似的名词还有situation,stage,level,case等).
You’ve
survived
up
until
now,
so
you’ve
achieved
a
lot—well
done!
Note:
This
passage
is
heavily
adapted
from
(be
adapted
from…由…改编而来)
a
section
of
Blame
My
Brain—The
Amazing
Teenage
Brain
Revealed
by
Nicola
Morgan.
The
author
is
not
responsible
for
(be
responsible
for…对…负责)
the
wording
of
this
passage.
For
a
clear
understanding
of
the
science,
readers
should
refer
to
(refer
to
参考,查阅)
the
original
book.
【参考译文】
归咎于你的大脑
这是一个事实:许多青少年比儿童和成年人更冒险。问题是,为什么?看看最新的研究,想想你能做些什么。
“哇”的因素
你坐过过山车吗?你下车的时候感觉如何?兴奋?惊讶?这就是“令人惊叹”的因素,即当我们承担风险并在风险中生存下来时所获得的愉悦感。科学家们知道是一种叫做多巴胺的大脑化学物质导致了这种快感。多巴胺和你有什么关系?一些科学家认为,青少年的多巴胺水平有时比儿童低。这意味着一些青少年可能需要冒更多的风险才能得到同样的“惊喜”。
“我就是想这样”
你是否曾经做过危险或可怕的事情,却不考虑接下来会发生什么?当成年人问青少年:“你做那件事的时候在想什么?”一个常见的回答是:“我只是想这样。”但是,这个问题没有抓住重点,因为重点是,这个青少年可能根本没有考虑过,他们并没有打算去冒险:它只是“发生了”。几年前,科学家们有了一个惊人的发现:青少年的大脑会经历许多物理变化,而且某些部分的发育要晚于其他部分。最后要完全发育的部分是额叶皮层。这是大脑的一个区域,它允许我们做一些事情,比如控制情绪和做出正确的决定。
朋友的压力
你有没有冒险去取悦你的朋友?即使是通常不喜欢冒险的青少年也会突然做一些危险的事情,因为他们想要炫耀或融入社会。如果你看一下统计数据,就会发现男孩通常比女孩更愿意冒险,这可能是因为他们不想在朋友面前丢脸——尽管女孩也不喜欢。男孩更有可能不系安全带,更有可能争吵或打架,更有可能抽烟和喝酒。但冒险真的是让人们尊重、注意和喜欢你的最好方式吗?
你能做什么
没有简单的解决办法,但是试着做出正确的选择,保持独立。不要被你的朋友逼着去做事情。你可以通过很多其他令人兴奋的方式来修复多巴胺。过山车、滑板和冲浪都会给你同样的“惊喜”。如果你在17岁左右,不要担心,因为你的大脑已经到了可以更容易做出明智决定的阶段。你一直活到现在,所以你做得很好!
Comprehension
work
1.Read
the
passage
and
answer
the
questions.
(1)How
do
teenagers
feel
when
they
have
taken
and
survived
a
risk?
(2)What
causes
the
feeling
of
enjoyment
according
to
the
writer?
(3)Why
do
teenagers
take
more
risks
than
children
and
adults?
(4)What
are
teenagers
probably
thinking
of
when
they
take
risks?
(5)Why
do
some
teenagers
become
risk-takers?
(6)What
are
the
writer’s
suggestions
for
teenagers?
2.Read
the
summary
below
and
fill
in
each
blank
with
a
suitable
word
based
on
the
language
of
the
passage.You
may
change
the
form
if
necessary.
The
passage
explains
the
reasons
why
teenagers
usually
take
more
risks
than
children
and
adults,and
offers
some
suggestions
on
how
to
deal
with
teenage
problems.
Scientists
believe
that
teenage
risk-taking
is
closely
related
to
the
levels
of
a
brain
called
dopamine,which
causes
feelings
of
.Teenagers
are
found
to
have
levels
of
dopamine
than
children,so
they
have
to
take
more
to
experience
the
same
excitement.Scientists
also
believe
that
teenagers
are
more
likely
to
do
things
without
thinking
about
the
results
due
to
the
changes
in
their
brains.Their
frontal
cortex
is
not
fully
,so
their
ability
to
make
good
decisions
is
limited
Pressure
from
friends
is
the
third
factor
that
turns
teenagers
into
:they
have
a
strong
need
to
look
good
in
front
of
their
friends.They
also
try
to
earn
from
their
friends
by
doing
dangerous
things
such
as
fighting
or
not
wearing
sear
belts.Experts
suggest
that
there
are
no
easy
to
these
problems.Teenagers
should
try
to
make
good
decisions,act
independently
and
find
safe
sources
of
excitement.
Deep-reading
1.The
writer
uses
a
number
of
communicate
strategies
to
make
the
ideas
convincing
and
reasonable.Work
in
pairs.Study
strategies
a-d,match
them
to
sentences
(1)-(4),and
give
reasons.Pay
attention
to
the
words
in
bold.You
may
use
the
example
below
to
help
you.
a.To
choose
a
good
source
and
use
the
present
tense
to
indicate
that
the
information
is
reliable,and
that
it
is
a
general
truth.
b.To
use
certain
words
to
suggest
that
the
current
information
is
true
to
some
extent.
c.To
use
certain
expressions
to
invite
readers
to
join
in
a
dialogue
with
the
writer.
d.To
suggest
that
readers
use
their
own
judgement
about
an
issue.
Scientists
know
that
a
brain
chemical
called
dopamine
causes
this
feeling
of
enjoyment.
You
may
ask
and
respond
like
this:
A:What
do
you
think
of
this
sentence?
B:Here,the
writer
clearly
shows
that
this
is
an
important
piece
of
information.But
I’m
not
sure
about
what
strategy
she
used.What
do
you
think?
A:From
what
can
see,its
strategy
is
a
Using
the
word
“scientists”
here
means
it
is
a
good
information
source.
agree.And
the
present
tense
of
the
verb
“cause”
suggest
that
the
information
is
true.
Sentences
in
the
passage
Strategies
My
understanding
(1)...
some
scientists
believe
that
dopamine
levels
are
sometimes
lower
in
teenagers
than
they
are
in
children.
(2)Even
teenagers
who
are
not
usually
big
risk-takers
may
suddenly
do
something
dangerous
because
they
want
to
show
off
or
fit
in.
(3)Boys
are
more
likely
not
to
wear
seat
belts,more
likely
to
get
into
an
argument
or
a
flight,and
more
likely
to
smoke
and
drink.
(4)But
is
taking
risks
really
the
best
way
to
get
people
to
respect,notice
and
like
you?
2.Work
in
pairs
and
discuss
the
questions.
(1)Do
you
think
taking
risks
is
the
best
way
to
get
people
to
respect
you?Why
or
why
not?
(2)What
is
your
impression
of
those
teenagers
who
do
dangerous
things?Why?
Mini-project
Conducting
a
survey
about
risk-taking
You
are
going
to
do
a
survey
on
teenage
risk-taking.
·Interview
at
least
three
classmates
by
asking
the
questions
below
and
note
down
their
answers.
What
is
the
greatest
risk
you
have
ever
taken?
How
did
you
feel?
Will
you
do
it
again?Why
or
why
not?
·Fill
in
the
table
and
share
your
findings
with
the
class.
Name
Greatest
risk
Feelings
Reasons
to
do/not
to
do
it
again
Wang
Li
roller-coaster
ride
He
was
afraid
at
first.Then
he
was
excited.
He
will
do
it
again,because
he
thinks
it
helps
him
become
braver
and
builds
up
his
confidence.
Focus
on
language
1.Read
the
passage
again.Find
out
what
the
pronouns
in
bold
in
the
passage
refer
to.
(1)This
(line
8)
(5)it
(line
29)
(2)they
(line
15)
(6)This
(line
30)
(3)that
(line
22)
(7)they
(line
35)
(4)it
(line
26)
(8)their
(line
37)
2.Find
the
adjectives
ending
in
-ed
or
-ing
in
the
passage.Then
write
them
in
the
blanks.
(1)Which
adjectives
describe
how
someone
feels?
(2)Which
adjectives
describe
what
someone
or
something
is
like?
3.Complete
the
sentences
with
the
correct
forms
of
the
phrases
below.
take
the
risk
make
a
decision
respect...for
blame...for
show
off
be
responsible
for
get
into
check
out
(1)The
report
the
management
the
worsening
water
pollution.
(2)The
police
believe
that
she
might
have
helped
the
thief,so
they
are
her
story.
(3)Young
people
these
scientists
what
they
have
done
for
their
country,and
many
see
them
as
role
models.
(4)When
go
into
some
with
my
children,I
won’t
of
leaving
them
alone,even
for
a
short
time.
(5)One
should
think
a
bit
longer
about
the
advantages
and
disadvantages
before
.
(6)Yesterday
they
an
argument
about
whom
to
invite
to
the
party.
(7)An
interesting
detail
in
the
story
is
that
the
two
girls
were
rather
unhappy
about
having
nowhere
their
new
hats.As
a
result,their
mother
decided
not
to
cancel
the
trip.
(8)“Who
this
terrible
mess?”
the
manager
asked
his
team.
B.Grammar
activity
Ellipsis
(Grammar
reference
(p.87))
Ellipsis
is
the
act
of
leaving
out
some
parts
of
a
sentence.
—Who
would
you
like
to
go
swimming
with
me
on
Sunday?
—I
would
like
to
(go
swimming
with
you
o
Sunday).
(You
don’t
have
to
repeat
the
words
in
brackets.)
1.Read
the
transcript
of
a
show.Find
out
what
information
the
speakers
left
out
in
parts
1-6.Match
them
to
grammar
rules
a
and
b.
Presenter:Today
on
Challenges
we
are
taking
to
climbing
instructor
Marco
Black
about
young
adventurers
and
the
risks
they
take
So
Marco,why
are
adventurers
becoming
younger?
Marco:Well,people
have
already
explored
most
places
on
Earth.They’re
climbed
the
highest
mountains,they’ve
visited
the
driest
deserts
and
they’ve
travelled
across
the
sea.Today,it
isn’t
a
race
to
be
the
first
any
more;it’s
a
race
to
be
the
youngest.Sixteen-year-old
Jordan
Romero
is
a
good
example.
Presenter:How
many
mountains
has
Jordan
climbed?
Marco:Well,he’s
climbed
the
seven
highest
mountains
in
the
world,including
Qomolangma.
Presenter:When
did
he
climb
Qomolangma?
Marco:Several
years
ago,in
2010.
Presenter:And
how
old
was
he
then?
Marco:Only
years
old!
Presenter:That’s
an
amazing
achievement!I’m
surprised
that
his
parents
allowed
him
to.
Marco:Well,actually
his
dad
climbed
with
him.
Presenter:Oh,OK.But
surely
he
must
have
been
afraid.
Marco:Why
would
he
be?Jordan
comes
from
a
family
of
climbers
and
he
has
great
dreams.He
decided
to
climb
Qomolangma
when
he
was
nine
years
old,after
he
saw
a
picture
at
school
of
each
continent’s
highest
mountain.He’s
even
been
to
Antarctica!
Presenter:But
is
very
young,Wasn’t
he
too
young
to
climb
Qomolangma?
Marco:Perhaps
he
was
...
Some
young
adventurers
don’t
understand
the
risks
they’re
taking,but
then
Jordan
was
well-prepared.
Presenter:Marco,have
you
ever
climbed
a
mountain
with
someone
as
young
as
Jordan?
Marco:I
haven’t,and
no
one
has
ever
asked
me
to.
Presenter:Finally,would
you
like
to
climb
Qomolangma
yourself?
Marco:Of
course
would!It’s
every
climber’s
dream.It’s
expensive
and
requires
a
lot
of
preparation,but
hope
that
someday
I’ll
be
able
to.
a.Ellipsis
can
be
used
to
avoid
repeating
information
after
modal
verbs
and
other
auxiliary
verbs.
b.Ellipsis
can
also
be
used
to
avoid
repeating
information
after
certain
verb
structures
that
are
followed
by
the
to-infinitive.
2.Use
ellipsis
to
rewrite
sentence
1-4.The
first
one
has
been
done
for
you.
This
moth’s
cl
explorers
A:Most
people
have
never
visited
the
North
Pole,but
Parker
Liautaud
has,At
the
age
of
15,Parker
skied
km
across
the
Arctic
in
freezing
temperatures.
B:Wow.I
probably
would
have
quit
after
about
km.
would’ve
quit
after
about
km,too!I
would
have,too.(1)
B:In
the
same
year,he
also
started
a
social
media
page
about
global
warming.In
fact,Parker
later
studied
environmental
issues
to
become
a
scientist.
A:By
the
way,have
you
ever
been
to
the
South
Pole?
B:No,but
it
must
be
an
amazing
place.
A:That’s
right!I
assume
you’d
like
to
go
there
someday?
B:Yes,I’d
love
to
go
there
someday.
(2)
But
let’s
talk
about
someone
who
has
been
to
the
South
Pole.
A:That’s
right
Katie
Walter
walked
there
and
back
in
days
in
2009.She
was
only
years
old
and
she
made
a
lot
of
money
for
charity.
B:And
even
though
some
teen
adventures
might
stop
after
just
one
pole,an
Australian
teenager
named
Jade
Hameister
wasn’t
ready
to
stop
after
reaching
the
North
Pole.
(3)
A:Yes,this
16-year-old
girl
has
skied
to
both
the
North
and
South
Pole,and
she’s
also
crossed
the
Greenland
ice
sheet.Her
next
challenge?Get
through
the
last
two
years
of
school!
B:I’m
sure
she
ca
finish
the
last
two
years
of
school!
(4)
3.Work
in
groups.Think
of
three
things
you
would
like
to
do
this
weekend
and
turn
them
into
yes/no
questions.Write
your
sentences
in
the
blanks,You
may
use
the
example
below
and
the
expressions
in
brackets
to
help
you.
would
like
to
go
mountain
climbing
this
weekend.
→Would
you
like
to
go
mountain
climbing
this
weekend
with
me?
(1)(watch
a
film)
→
(2)(organize
community
activities)
→
(3)
→
Now
ask
at
least
three
classmates
if
they
would
like
to
join
you,and
report
your
findings
to
the
class.
·You
may
asked
and
respond
like
this:
A:Would
you
like
to
go
rowing
this
weekend
with
me?
B:Yes,I
would
(like
to)./No,I
wouldn’t
(like
to).
·You
may
report
like
this:I
asked
three
classmates.Linlin
agreed
to
go
rowing
with
me,but
the
rest
would
not.
C.Listening
and
speaking
1.Before
you
listen,guess
the
word
from
the
class
below.Then
Brian
for
the
answer
in
the
introduction
and
write
it
down.
·The
word
means
a
strong
fear
or
something,often
something
often
something
that
is
not
dangerous
at
all.
·The
word
has
the
head
of
photo,and
the
end
of
Columbia.
The
word
is
.
2.Listen
to
the
introduction
again
and
circle
the
correct
answers
from
the
list
below.
Why
do
some
people
have
this
kind
of
uncommon
fear?
a.Children
may
learn
this
behaviour
from
their
parents.
b.It
is
likely
caused
by
imagination.
c.It
may
be
caused
by
bad
childhood
experiences.
d.It
is
the
result
of
some
diseases.
e.They
might
inherit
the
genes
for
this
type
of
fear
from
their
parents.
3.Listen
to
three
people
talking
about
their
fears
and
complete
the
table.
Speaker
Fear
(of)
Physical
reactions
(1)
He
feels
dizzy
and
(2)
.
He
(3)
,though
he
knows
he
is
not
in
danger.
(4)
She
felt
(5)
.
Her
mum
was
(6)
.
Her
brother
thought
(7)
.
Fear
of
closed
spaces
When
the
doors
closed,he
felt
(8)
.
4.Work
in
groups.Discuss
and
decide
on
the
most
and
least
common
fears.You
may
follow
the
steps
below.
·List
two
things
that
you
are
afraid
of.You
may
refer
to
the
examples
or
use
your
own
ideas.
·Share
ideas
within
your
group.
·Decide
on
the
most
and
least
common
fears
in
your
group
and
explain
the
reasons.
·Select
one
person
to
report
on
behalf
of
your
group.
Language
guide
You
may
introduce
your
ideas
like
this:
·The
two
things
listed
are
...
·Here
is
my
list
of
fears,They
are
...
·I
think
...
is
the
most/least
common
fear.
You
may
explain
the
reasons
and
discuss
the
decision
like
this:
·This
is
because
people
may
feel
...
when
...
·It
is
ridiculous/unbelievable
...
·It
is
the
most/least
common
fear
because
...
·If
people
fear
...,it
would
be
...
·How
could
that
be?
·I
agree.That’s
the
most
...
·This
kind
of
fear
is
not
as
...
as
...
D.Writing
My
page
This
month’s
competition
is
all
about
inspirational
people.
·Write
a
description
of
a
person
you
admire.It
can
be
a
famous
person,a
friend
or
a
member
of
your
family.
·Say
why
they
are
special
and
what
they
have
achieved.
·Send
in
your
description
with
a
photo
by
Friday.
·Winners
will
get
a
copy
of
a
recent
best-selling
book.
1.Read
the
competition
announcement
from
a
magazine
above.You
may
prepare
your
writing
by
thinking
about
the
questions.
(1)What
is
the
topic
of
the
writing
competition?
(2)What
can
be
included
in
the
description?
2.Read
the
sample
entry.Then
complete
the
table
on
page
before
you
write.
Grandpa
Lu
is
a
person
admire.He
shows
that
old
people
can
achieve
amazing
things,just
like
young
people.He
swam
in
the
river
times
last
year.That’s
an
incredible
achievement!
Grandpa
Lu
started
winter
swimming
late
in
life.He
was
already
years
old
when
he
did
his
first
winter
swim,and
you
may
wonder
why.After
his
wife
died,Grandpa
Lu
moved
to
Harbin
to
be
closer
to
his
son.He
wanted
something
to
focus
on
and
swimming
provided
that.Grandpa
Lu
did
his
first
winter
swim
in
and
since
then
he
has
continued
swimming
in
winter
every
year.He
has
never
considered
giving
it
up.He’s
also
made
lots
of
swimming
friends
and
he’s
made
money
for
charity
by
swimming
too.
Grandpa
Lu
is
the
oldest
person
who
regularly
swims
in
winter
in
our
city.And
that’s
why
he’s
special.
“If
the
weather
is
not
too
bad,I
will
go
swimming.”
said
Grandpa
Lu.
“I
started
to
swim
out
of
curiosity,and
then
found
that
just
couldn’t
stop.”
Aspects
of
writing
Guiding
questions
My
exploration
Content
Who
is
Grandpa
Lu?What
is
special
about
him?
What
is
his
achievement?
Why
does
the
writer
admire
him?
Language
What
words
or
phrases
show
Grandpa
Lu’s
achievements?
What
words
or
phrases
show
the
writer’s
admiration
for
Grandpa
Lu?
Which
connecting
expressions
does
the
writer
use
to
link
the
sentences?
Editing
How
is
direct
speech
presented
in
this
text,and
what
punctuation
is
used?
Why
does
the
writer
use
capital
letters
for
“Grandpa
Lu”?
3.Now
write
a
description
of
a
person
you
admire.
E.Cultural
focus
The
human
spirit
truly
has
no
bounds.People,especially
the
young,have
always
been
pushing
the
limits
of
what
is
possible,whether
it
is
doing
sports
or
exploring
new
places.
In
this
section,you
will
first
read
a
passage
about
the
exploration
of
Antarctica.You
will
then
watch
a
video
about
extreme
sports
in
Queenstown,New
Zealand.
1.Work
in
pairs
and
do
the
quiz
about
the
Antarctic.Then
read
the
passage
and
check
your
answers.
(1)The
Antarctic
is
than
the
Arctic.
(colder/less
cold)
(2)Thousands
of
live
there.
(polar
bears/penguins)
(3)The
Inuit
people
have
lived
there.
(never/always)
(4)It’s
dark
.
(all
year
found/for
half
the
year)
(5)It’s
the
place
on
Earth.
(wettest/driest)
Eyewitness
account:
Scott’s
Hut
(题目中account在此处做名词,意为‘描述’;该词在考纲中的词性和义项比较多,属于重点词汇,一定要牢牢掌握)
Brita
Harding
is
a
scientist
and
she’s
been
in
Antarctica
for
five
weeks.
She
is
working
in
a
small
building
called
Scott’s
Hut
and
is
helping
to
preserve
(保存、保护的意思;一般是为了不被破坏而去保护)it.
The
British
explorer
Captain
Robert
Scott
used
the
hut
as
a
base
camp(大本营)
in
1911.
“The
Antarctic
is
the
driest,
coldest
and
windiest
continent
in
the
world,
It’s
dark
for
six
months
of
the
year
and
not
many
animals
live
here,
apart
from(除了…没有其他的;相当于except)
penguins.
There
are
no
native
people(原住民;土著人)
like
the
Inuits,
and
tourists
never
stop
off
to
explore.
It’s
easy
to
understand
why.
It
isn’t
the
best
place
to
live
and
work
and
it’s
freezing
at
the
moment(当前;眼下)—we’ve
had
temperatures
of
-73℃
since
Monday!
Every
day,
go
down
to
Ross
Island
and
work
in
Scott’s
Hut
with
other
scientists.
Inside
there
are
books,
wooden
skis,
biscuits,
penguins’
eggs
and
many
other
interesting
things.All
these
things
have
been
here
for
a
hundred
years
and
they’re
completely
frozen.
That’s
why
we
want
to
save
the
hut—it
brings
Scott’s
expedition
to
life!
(bring…to
life意为使…焕发生机,复苏)
The
race
to
the
South
Pole
is
a
famous
story.
Captain
Scott
and
a
Norwegian
explorer
called
Roald
Amundsen
both
wanted
to
get
there
first.
They
both
prepared
for
many
months,but
in
the
end
their
strategies
for(…的策略,介词为固定搭配)
reaching
the
pole
were
very
different:
Amundsen
used
dogs
to
pull
his
sleds
and
Scott
used
motorized
sleds
and
horses
.Amundsen
had
good
weather
during
his
expedition(征程;探险),
but
Scott
had
bad
weather.
When
Scott’s
team
set
out
from
the
hut
on
November
1911,
there
were
terrible
snowstorms
and
the
sleds
broke
down(break
down
表示出故障的意思;此外还可以表示人的精神崩溃).
After
a
few
weeks,
the
horses
died
and
most
of
his
team
turned
back.
In
the
end,
only
five
men
carried
on(继续)
to
the
South
Pole:Scott,
Oates,
Evans,
Bowers
and
Wilson.
On
January
1912,Scott’s
team
reached
the
Pole
and
came
across
(偶然遇见;路遇)
the
Norwegian
flag—Amundsen’s
team
were
there
before
them
and
were
already
racing
back
to
tell
the
world.
Tired
and
disappointed,(该处是过去分词做伴随状语修饰主句)
Scott’s
team
made
their
way
back
home,
but
they
ran
out
of(消耗完,耗尽)
food
and
got
lost
in
snowstorms;
they
did
not
make
it.(make
it
是做成,成功的意思)
In
Scott’s
Hut,
there
is
a
pair
of
old
explorer’s
boots.
Scott
wore
these
boots
for
years
and
they
are
dirty
and
broken,
but
they’re
very
special
too.
They
tell
us
Scott’s
story—that
he
was
hard-working,
ambitious
and
determined,
and
that
he
pushed
himself
to
the
limit.
Although
the
attempt
was
unsuccessful,
Scott
never
gave
up,
and
that’s
an
amazing
achievement.”
【参考译文】
目击者描述:斯科特的小屋
Brita
Harding是一名科学家,她已经在南极洲待了五个星期。她在一个叫做斯科特小屋的小建筑里工作,并帮助保护它。1911年,英国探险家罗伯特·斯科特上尉将这个小屋用作大本营。
“南极是世界上最干燥、最冷、风最大的大陆,一年中有6个月是黑暗的,除了企鹅,没有多少动物生活在这里。没有像因纽特人这样的当地人,游客们也从来不会停下来去探险。原因很容易理解。这不是居住和工作的最佳地点,而且现在很冷——从周一开始,气温只有零下73摄氏度!
每天,我都去罗斯岛,在斯科特的小屋里和其他科学家一起工作。里面有书,木制滑雪板,饼干,企鹅蛋和许多其他有趣的东西。所有这些东西在这里已经有100年了,它们完全冻结了。这就是为什么我们要拯救这个小屋——它给斯科特的探险带来了生机!
到南极的赛跑是一个著名的故事。斯科特船长和一位名叫罗尔德·阿蒙森的挪威探险家都想第一个到达那里。他们都准备了好几个月,但最终到达极点的策略却大不相同:阿蒙森用狗拉雪橇,斯科特用机动雪橇和马。阿蒙森在探险期间天气很好,但斯科特遇到了坏天气。1911年11月1日,当斯科特的团队从小屋出发时,遇到了可怕的暴风雪,雪橇坏了。几周后,马都死了,他的队伍大部分都回去了。最后,只有五个人继续前往南极:斯科特、奥茨、埃文斯、鲍尔斯和威尔逊。
1912年1月17日,斯科特的队伍到达了极点,看到了挪威国旗——阿蒙森的队伍比他们先到达那里,并且已经跑回来告诉世界。斯科特的队伍疲惫而失望地回到了家,但他们没有吃的,还在暴风雪中迷路了,最后没能成功。
在斯科特的小屋里,有一双探险者的旧靴子。斯科特穿着这双靴子很多年了,它们又脏又坏,但它们也很特别。他们告诉我们斯科特的故事——他努力工作,雄心勃勃,意志坚定,他把自己推向了极限。虽然尝试失败了,但斯科特从未放弃,这是一个了不起的成就。”
2.Read
the
passage
again
and
choose
the
correct
answers.
(1)Who
won
the
race
to
the
South
Pole
in
the
end?
A.Brita
Harding.
B.Robert
Scott.
C.Roald
Amundsen.
D.None
of
them.
(2)Scott’s
team
planned
to
get
to
the
South
Pole
by
.
A.walking
there
B.riding
motorized
sleds
and
horses
C.driving
motorbikes
D.riding
sleds
pulled
by
dogs
(3)Why
does
Brita
want
to
save
Scott’s
Hut?
A.It
contains
many
interesting
things.
B.It
used
to
be
a
base
for
expeditions.
C.It
can
bring
Scott’s
expedition
to
life.
D.The
things
in
the
hut
are
all
frozen.
3.Complete
the
information
below
according
to
the
passage.
Facts
about
Scott’s
Hut
Age:
Location:
Use
of
the
hut:
Things
found
in
the
hut:
Reasons
for
preserving
the
hut:
The
story
related
to
Scott’s
Hut
Preparation
Transport
vehicle
Weather
results
Roald
Amundsen’s
expedition
Robert
Scott’s
expedition
4.Work
in
groups
and
discuss
the
questions.
Do
you
think
it
is
important
to
preserve
historic
buildings
like
Scott’s
Hut?Why
or
why
not?
Video
(Extreme
sports
in
Queenstown)
Start
thinking
1.Answer
the
questions.
(1)Can
you
name
any
extreme
sports?What
do
you
know
about
them?
(2)Why
do
you
think
people
enjoy
doing
extreme
sports?
Comprehension
check
2.Watch
the
video
and
number
the
events
a-f
in
the
correct
order
from
1-6.
a.Walkers
started
visiting
the
area.
b.Someone
made
the
first
bungee
jump.
c.People
found
gold
in
the
area.
d.Settlers
arrived
in
Queenstown.
e.People
could
go
skiing
in
Queenstown.
f.Adventure
attractions
started
in
the
area.
Vocabulary
3.Match
a
word
in
to
a
word
in
B.Then
complete
the
sentences.
deep
exciting
fearless
gold
challenge
canyon
hotels
industry
mountain
ski
top-quality
tourist
passengers
range
resort
rush
(1)The
best
place
to
do
winter
sports
is
at
a
.
(2)During
the
,people
searched
for
small
pieces
of
the
valuable
metal
in
rivers.
(3)Some
countries
attract
many
visitors
and
earn
a
lot
of
money
from
the
.
(4)If
you
stay
in
,your
holiday
will
be
quite
expensive.
(5)The
Shotover
River
is
at
the
bottom
of
a
with
high
walls
on
each
side.
(6)People
do
extreme
sports
because
they
enjoy
the
.
(7)Those
don’t
usually
scream
when
they
are
on
the
jet
boat
ride.
(8)Queenstown
is
near
a
called
the
Remarkables.
Extension
4.Work
in
groups.Make
an
advertisement
for
an
extreme
sports
location.Present
it
to
the
class.
(1)Make
a
list
of
places
where
people
go
to
do
extreme
sports.Which
sports
can
you
do
there?
(2)Choose
one
of
the
places
in
your
group.Discuss
and
make
a
list
of
five
reasons
why
people
should
go
to
this
place
to
do
extreme
sports.
(3)Write
an
advertisement
to
advertise
the
place
you
have
chosen.
(4)Find
a
picture
of
the
place
and
think
of
a
slogan
(short
message)
to
advertise
it.
(5)Present
your
advertisement
to
the
class.
Self-assessment
Use
the
checklist
and
reflective
questions
below
to
evaluate
your
study
in
this
unit.
Reflective
questions
Are
you
satisfied
with
your
contributions
to
the
survey
task
in
the
mini-project?How
do
you
feel
about
working
with
your
classmates?Why?
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