U3
My
school
calendar
read
and
write
重难点创新教学方法
一、教学重难点:
1.教学重点:能够理解邀请函的内容,并完成相应的理解练习,能在一定的语境中书写句子I’ll
…能够根据设定的情景制作一封邀请函。
2.教学难点:能够提高阅读技巧,掌握基本阅读策略,并进行大胆思考和尝试英文写作。
二、解决教学重难点的策略
本节课主要分为阅读前、阅读中、阅读后三部分,通过阅读前的文本内容猜测,阅读中的skimming获取文本大意及scanning理解文本内容解决本课时的重点内容。根据本课教学重难点内容,让学生采取小组合作方式,将学生合理编成小组,发挥小组长作用,共同讨论邀请函的内容,共同制作一张邀请函。目的是培养学生初步的阅读能力,也培养学生的相应的思维能力,同时渗透中西方节日文化不同的意识。另外本节课我运用电教媒体创图文并茂,有声有色,生动地逼真的教学环境,为教学的顺利实施提供形象的表达工具,课中我通过让学生观看复活节歌曲的视频以及复活节的新闻视频,创设复活节情景,使学生融入到愉悦的复活节气氛中,使原本枯燥的知识变得生动有趣,充分调动了学生学习的积极性和主动性,让学生在高效的课堂教学中学习。
三、教具、学具及媒体的使用
教学PPT课件、教学光盘、邀请函卡。
四、教学过程:
(一)Pre-reading
1.
学习Easter
Bunny,
Easter
eggs
出示课件动画出现鸡蛋轮廓T:
What’s
this?
Ss:
It’s
an
egg.
出示课件出现许多彩蛋T:
Look
at
the
pictures.
Wow,
what
are
they?
Ss:
They
are
eggs.
T:
Yes.
They
are
eggs.
They
are
colorful.
They
are
special,
and
they
have
a
special
name.
People
call
them
:Easter
eggs.教读Easter
eggs
出示课件呈现一只正在绘画的兔子
:
Do
you
want
to
know
who
painted
them?
Ss
:
Look,
a
rabbit.
T:Yes,
we
also
can
call
him:
bunny.
And
this
is
an
Easter
bunny.
教读Easter
bunny.
T:
Easter
eggs,
Easter
bunny,
What
festival
is
it?
Can
you
guess?
【设计意图:通过简单的问题与图片的刺激,启发学生的表达欲,出示复活节的相关内容——Easter
Bunny,
Easter
eggs,变要学生学,为学生主动学,激发学生学习的主动性。】
2.
Something
about
Easter
holiday
T:
When
Easter
Day
comes,
What
will
they
do?
Ss:
They
will
…
T:
May
be.
When
Easter
Day
comes,
People
will
play
many
games
and
sing
songs
to
celebrate.
And
then
have
an
Easter
song
for
you,
Let’s
enjoy.
T:
Ok,
a
nice
song,
is
it?
From
this
song,
we
can
get
some
information
about
Easter
Day.
Do
you
want
to
know
more
about
Easter
Day?
出示课件出现四个“w”的房间
T:Now
here
are
houses,
each
house
has
a
question?
For
example,
have
a
question.
①Who
has
Easter
Holiday?
Chinese
people
or
western
people?
Ss:
Western
people.
让学生尝试提问另3个有关“w”的问题,教师适当提示
②Why
do
they
celebrate
the
holiday?
Because
it’s
the
day
of
Jesus’
rebirth.
③When
is
Easter
Holiday?
Sunday
between
March
22nd
and
April
25th.
④What
will
they
do
on
Easter
Holiday?
Learn:
roll
the
Easter
eggs,
look
for
eggs,
eat
chocolate
eggs……
3.
Enjoy
a
video
T:
Let’s
have
a
look,
what
will
they
do
on
Easter
Holiday?
【设计意图:本环节创建复活节情景,使学生融入到愉悦的复活节气氛中。教师将丰富多彩的复活节图片、视频、肢体语言、表情、指令相结合,让学生学会观察与思考,加深了他们对新知的理解和掌握。同时也对复活节的文化背景有所了解。创设情境突破重难点知识,为顺利阅读扫清语言障碍。通过让学生提问有关“w”的问题,使学生展开头脑风暴,拓宽学生的思维。】
(二)While-reading
1.
Skimming
(1)听文本内容一遍初步感知文本,了解在Easter
party
时他们将要做什么。
(2)让学生观察文本,确定文本是信件还是邀请函。
T:
Wu
Yifan
and
Robin
are
happy.
Because
of
Easter
Day.
They
will
have
something
fun
on
that
day.
What
will
they
do?
Ss:
They
will
…
T:
Yes,
they
will
have
a
party
with
their
friends.
But
how
do
they
ask
their
friends
to
come
to
the
party?
By
a
letter?
Or
by
an
invitation?
Look
here.
What’s
it?
Is
it
a
letter
or
an
invitation?
2.
Scanning
让学生寻读文本,找出邀请函所包含的内容完成相关的任务。:时间、地点、原因、事情,师生共同完成板书思维导图;然后让学生在文本中划出邀请函相应内容的具体信息。
Task
1:
Read
and
tick
or
cross
(任务1:默读或小声朗读,并判断对错
)
1.(
)
The
Easter
party
is
on
March
23rd.
2.(
)The
party
will
start
at
7p.m.
3.(
)You’ll
play
ping-pong
at
the
party.
4.(
)You’ll
eat
a
birthday
cake
at
the
party.
Task
2:
Listen
and
repeat(任务2:听音跟读,并理解短文意思)
(1)教师呈现文本,让学生自己尝试朗读文本。
(2)播放录音,让学生模仿朗读。
通过让学生听录音模仿朗读和按标记朗读,引导学生从模仿朗读到自主朗读,训练学生的语音语调和朗读技巧。
(3)让学生给本课的动画内容配音。(教学光盘)
(4)师生共同小结有关介词by的用法。引导学生了解邮箱及地址。让学生利用单词表自学,把解决的单词做好标注,并到讲台来给同学们讲解。教师集中出示文章的最后一段,重点讲解by
March
23rd和RSVP的意思及用法。
【设计意图:规范学生的语音、语调。】
3.
Detail
reading
and
correcting.
T:
What’s
in
the
invitation?
Just
say
“Hello.
Amy.
Come
to
the
party.”
Ss:
No.
T:
In
the
invitation,
you
should
tell
your
friends
the
time
and
…
Ss:
When/Where/Why/What.
T:
Great!
So
when
is
the
party?
Ss:
It’s
April
12th,7
p.m.教读具体日期April
12th的读法。
T:
Yes.(教师补充板书)And
where
is
the
party?
Why
will
they
have
the
party?
What
will
they
do
at
the
party?
Please
read
the
invitation
and
underline
the
answer.
Task
3:
Read
quickly
and
answer(任务3:快速阅读,回答问题)
1.
When
is
the
Easter
Party?April
12th,
7p.m.
2.
Why
will
we
have
the
party?
Easter
holiday
3.
Where
is
the
Easter
Party?Wu
Yifan's
home
4.
What
will
they
do
at
the
Easter
Party?Fill
in
the
blanks.
朗读文本中What
部分,完成表格内容,将板书中的What进行扩充。
What
will
they
do
on
the
party?
They
will….
1.
They
will
play
many
games.
2.
They
will
roll
Easter
eggs.
3.
They
will
look
for
eggs.
We
will
eat
chocolate
eggs.
4.
They
will
meet
the
Easter
Bunny!.
【设计意图:让学生根据问题找到文中的重点段落,进行精读讲解,图文结合的事实理解重点短语,从而理解重点段落。渗透抓重点词汇、短语进行学习,理解课文的阅读思想。】
Task
4:Read
and
fill
Pedro的邀请函不见了,Amy将发一份e-mail告诉他关于party的信息。让学生四人小组根据邀请函内容,完成e-mail。
T:
Pedro’s
invitation
is
missing.
He
is
so
worried.
Amy
will
tell
him
something
about
the
party
by
sending
an
e-mail.
Can
you
help
her
to
finish
the
e-mail?(学习卡,一封电子邮件)
【设计意图:通过补全空缺的活动,以读促写,检测学生对文本的理解和核心语言的书写。这是本课学习成果的总结回顾性检测。】
(三)
Post-reading:
Make
an
invitation
Task
5:
Write
an
invitation(任务5:写一封邀请函)
假如你的生日即将来到,请给你的朋友写一封生日聚会邀请函。
T:When
is
your
birthday?
What
will
you
do
if
you
have
a
birthday
party?
Ss:
will
…
T:
For
me,
will
have
a
party
on
my
birthday.
will
eat
a
birthday
cake.(教师边说边呈现自制的生日邀请函做示范)Can
you
make
an
invitation
for
your
party?
学生在作业纸上自主完成生日请柬的书写。
组内交流互批,请学生在投影仪下展示请柬并朗读。
【设计意图:通过设计生日请柬把写作运用于生活;通过组内交流扩大写作的信息量;通过组内互批,把批改的权利还给学生,从而培养学生的语言综合运用能力。】