中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Unit
Life
in
the
Arctic
第三课时
习题
一、按要求写出下列各词各句的不同形式。
1.
hot(反义词)________
2.
will
do...=________
3.
There
are
no
...=________
4.
bear(复数)________
5.
fun(反义词)________
二、回答问题
1.What?will?you?do
this
weekend?
_______________________________________
2.What?animals?did?Nicola?see?in?the?North?Pole?this?holiday?
_______________________________________
3.Does
Nicola
find
her
holiday
interesting?
_______________________________________
4.Does?Nikolai?want?to?go?to?the?North?Pole?again?next?year?
_______________________________________
三、英汉互译
1.你知道汤姆在哪吗?
_______________________________________
2.我准备和我的父母去动物园。
_______________________________________
3.I
will
go
to
the
Great
Wall
and
take
photos.
_______________________________________
2.There
is
no
water,all
is
ice.
_______________________________________
Unit
Life
in
the
Arctic
第三课时
习题
答案
一、按要求写出下列各词各句的不同形式。
【考点】该题考查词汇句型的识记
【答案】1.
cold
2.
I’m
going
to
do
3.
There
aren't
any...
4.
bears
5.
boring
二、回答问题
【解析】考察对课文内容的理解
1.你这个周末打算做什么?
will
read
book/go
to
zoo/......
2.尼古拉这个假期在北极看见了什么动物?Polar
bear
3.
尼古拉觉得她的假期有趣吗?Yes
she
does.
4.尼古拉下一年还想去北极吗?Yes
she
does.
三、
【解析】
1.
你知道汤姆在哪吗?Do
you
know
where
Tom
is?
2.
我准备和我的父母去动物园。I
will
go
to
the
zoo
with
my
parents.
3.
will
go
to
the
Great
Wall
and
take
photos.我准备去长城并拍照。
4.
There
is
no
water,all
is
ice.那里没有水都是冰。
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外研剑桥版英语五年级下册Unit
2第三课时教学设计
课题
Life
in
the
Arctic
单元
学科
英语
年级
五(下)
学习目标
1.学习了单词和词组:
boring、again、show......
2.学习了一些句型:
Do
you
know......?I
will......I
am
going
to...=I
will...There
are
no...=There
aren't
any...等。
教学目标
1.学习了单词和词组:
boring、again、show......
2.学习了一些句型:
Do
you
know......?I
will......I
am
going
to...=I
will...There
are
no...=There
aren't
any...等。
难点
了解尼古拉的假期
教学过程
教学环节
教师活动
学生活动
设计意图
温故导入
ReviewMake,again,pull,mall,playground,have
gotWake
up,
Nicola.
We're
going
to
the
shopping
mall.We
need
some
fish,I've
got
one.
Pull,
Nicola.
Pull!Can
we
go
fishing
again
tomorrow?No.
We're
going
to
the
playground.This
is
great
fun,Grandad.Here
are
some
results
to
show
you.Discuss
What
is
Grandpa
going
to
take
Nicola
to
do
today?
能够配合老师回忆上节课内容并完成讨论,学习新单词,并走进这节有关尼古拉假期的学习。
温习旧知,讨论完问题后老师将话题自然引入本单元教学内容。
讲授新课
ListenNicola's
holiday
(3)解读课文。Next
Grandpa
will
show
Nicola
his
Do
you
know
what's
on
his
TV?接下来爷爷会给尼古拉看他的电视。你知道他的电视上播什么吗?show
v.显示;展出Do
you
know......?你知道......吗?And
tomorrow
I'll
show
you
my
TV.Here
you
are,Nicola.明天我让你看看我的电视。给你,尼古拉。I
will......我将......。
I'll
show
you
my
TV.我要给你展示下我的电视。讲解:
will+动词
原形show:动词,展示,后面可以加双宾语即show
sb
sth
=show
sth
to
sb,向某人展示某物Do
you
like
them?Yes,
Grandad.Can
come
again
next
year?Wasn't
it
boring?Yes,
very
boring!你喜欢他们吗?是的,爷爷我明年还能来吗?
again
adv.此外;再一次那不是很无聊吗?是的,很无聊。again
adv.此外;再一次Wasn't
it
boring?讲解:否定疑问句boring:无聊的,没趣的;反义词:
interesting游戏时间Show,again
,I
will...,boring二、Let's
do
itChoose
the
right
answers.
A,
or
C?1.
Grandpa
a
for
Nicola.A.
has
got
B.
hasn't
got
C.
is
going
to
buy2.
Nicola
sees
some
.A.
arctic
hares
B.
seals
C.
polar
bears3.
Nicola
says,
"Yes,
very
boring!"
What
does
she
really
mean?AA.
It's
great
fun
here!B.
It's
too
cold
here!C.
It's
boring
here!三、act
it
outListen
to
the
whole
story
-
Nicola's
holiday.Then
act
out
the
story
in
groups.听完整个故事-尼古拉的假期。然后分组表演故事。Nicola
Grandad
Grandma
旁白Let's
do
itRead
and
match.
Then
say
all
the
sentences.1.
There
are
no
playgrounds.2.
There
are
no
shopping
malls.3.
We
are
going
to
the
playground.4.
I'll
show
you
my
TV.5.
Can
we
go
fishing
again
tomorrow?I'm
going
to
show
you
my
TV.We'll
go
to
the
playground.There
aren't
any
shopping
malls.Let's
go
fishing
again
tomorrow.There
aren't
any
playgrounds.Learn你有什么发现?1.We
are
going
to
the
playground.=We'll
go
to
the
playground.2.I'm
going
to
show
you
my
TV.=I'll
show
you
my
TV.1.我们将去操场。2.我要给你看我的电视。I
am
going
to...=I
will...Look
and
listen.
Then
role-play.连一连Peter
swimJane
zooSue
parkJohn
the
Great
WallTomorrow
is
Saturday
Peter、
Jane、Sue
、John
and
Elena
will
not
go
to
school.What
will
the
children
do?Please
listen
to
their
conversation.
Then
role
play.Tomorrow
is
Saturday.
Yes,
it's
my
favorite
day.What
will
you
do
tomorrow
Peter?
Or
go
swimming.
love
swimming.
Okay?
Jane,
what
will
you
do?
I'll
go
to
the
zoo
with
my
parents.
What
about
you,
Sue?
Ah,I'll
go
to
the
park
or
read
books
that
.What
would
you
do,
John?
I'll
go
to
the
Great
Wall
with
my
uncle.
I'll
take
photos
there.
Oh,
no,
I'll
have
to
stay
home.
My
parents
are
in
England
now.discuss两人对话What
are
you
going
to
do
this
weekend?这个周末你们打算做什么?I
will
go
swimming.I
will
go
to
the
zoo
.I
will
go
to
the
Great
Wall
.六、Make
a
summaryWhat
have
we
learned
today?1、学习了P18、P19的内容。2、学习了单词和词组:
boring、again、show......
3、学习了一些句型:
Do
you
know......?I
will......I
am
going
to...=I
will...There
are
no...=There
aren't
any...等。七、Homework1、全英熟读该单元单词;2、预习第三单元。
听录音,了解故事大体内容。学习词汇与句子,会读会写。任意组合两人一组读单词。学习句型,理解会用,可两人一组练习。完成练习题。分小组表演整个故事。完成练习读句子注意模仿发音,力争发音准确
到位。听录音完成连一连全英交流讨论帮小企鹅过关
预设问题,有目的性的讨论问题并引出将要学习的新内容;学习总结新的词汇,从而更能激发学生的学习积极性。通过故事教授新词汇,使学生带着好奇的心理去学习。引导学生用各种形式读单词,不断深入学习,加深印象。通过相关内容练习,加深印象巩固知识;针对性的完成学习目标。通过练习题加深学生对所学内容的理解以及对本节课知识的掌握。通过反复的听说读训练,巩固词汇;针对性的完成学习目标;学习形式生动多样化,使学生集中注意力,同时保持学习的积极性。锻炼学生的听说能力,通过小游戏记单词增强学习趣味性。通过练习题加深学生对所学内容的理解以及对本节课知识的掌握。学习形式生动多样化,使学生集中注意力,同时保持学习的积极性。
课堂小结
这节课的教学任务目标是学习尼古拉的假期和一些单词句型:boring、again、show、Do
you
know......?I
will......I
am
going
to...=I
will...There
are
no...=There
aren't
any..
等。本课为新授课,词汇的学习主要通过听,跟读为主要形式。通过灵活多样,丰富多彩的课堂形式的进行,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强他们的自信心,通过教学评价的开展,让学生体验到成就感,促进学生学习和发展。
板书
Unit
Life
in
the
ArcticI
am
going
to...=I
will...
There
are
no...=There
aren't
any..
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外研剑桥版
五年级下
Unit
Life
in
the
Arctic
第三课时
Let’s
review
pull
playground
have
got
again
wake
mall
Review
up,
Nicola.
We're
going
to
the
shopping
mall.We
need
some
fish,I've
got
one.
,
Nicola.
Pull!Can
we
go
again
tomorrow?No.
We're
to
the
playground.This
is
great
fun,Grandad.
Wake
Pull
fishing
going
Let’s
learn
Here
are
some
results
to
show
you.
show
discuss
What
is
Grandpa
going
to
take
Nicola
to
do
today?
Can
come
again
next
year?
Wasn't
it
boring?
Yes,
very
boring!
Listen
Nicola's
holiday
(3)
And
tomorrow
I'll
show
you
my
Here
you
are,Nicola.
Do
you
like
them?
Yes,
Grandad.
Learn
解读课文。
Next
Grandpa
will
show
Nicola
his
Do
you
know
what's
on
his
接下来爷爷会给尼古拉看他的电视。
你知道他的电视上播什么吗?
show
v.显示;展出
Do
you
know......?
你知道......吗?
Let's
learn
解读课文。
明天我让你看看我的电视。
给你,尼古拉。
And
tomorrow
I'll
show
you
my
Here
you
are,Nicola.
will......
我将......。
Let's
learn
我要给你展示下我的电视。
讲解:
will+动词
原形
show:动词,展示,后面可以加双宾语
即show
sb
sth
=show
sth
to
sb,向某人展示某物
I'll
show
you
my
Let's
learn
解读课文。
again
adv.此外;再一次
Wasn't
it
boring?
讲解:否定疑问句
boring:无聊的,没趣的;
反义词:
interesting
Do
you
like
them?
Yes,
Grandad.
Can
come
again
next
year?
Wasn't
it
boring?
Yes,
very
boring!
快速“扫描”飞过的单词,并写下来,看谁写的又多又对。
游戏时间
mall
again
boring
will...
show
Let's
do
it
Choose
the
right
answers.
A,
or
C?
1.
Grandpa
a
for
Nicola.
A.
has
got
B.
hasn't
got
C.
is
going
to
buy
2.
Nicola
sees
some
.
A.
arctic
hares
B.
seals
C.
polar
bears
3.
Nicola
says,
"Yes,
very
boring!"
What
does
she
really
mean?
A.
It's
great
fun
here!B.
It's
too
cold
here!C.
It's
boring
here!
Listen
to
the
whole
story
-
Nicola's
holiday.Then
act
out
the
story
in
groups.
act
it
out
听完整个故事-尼古拉的假期。
然后分组表演故事。
act
it
out
Nicola
Grandad
Grandma
旁白
Let's
do
it
Read
and
match.
Then
say
all
the
sentences.
1.
There
are
no
playgrounds.
2.
There
are
no
shopping
malls.
3.
We
are
going
to
the
playground.
4.
I'll
show
you
my
5.
Can
we
go
fishing
again
tomorrow?
I'm
going
to
show
you
my
We'll
go
to
the
playground.
There
aren't
any
shopping
malls.
Let's
go
fishing
again
tomorrow.
There
aren't
any
playgrounds.
Learn
你有什么发现?
1.We
are
going
to
the
playground.
=We'll
go
to
the
playground.
2.I'm
going
to
show
you
my
=I'll
show
you
my
1.我们将去操场。
2.我要给你看我的电视。
am
going
to...=I
will...
Learn
你有什么发现?
1.There
are
no
playgrounds.
There
aren't
any
playgrounds.
2.There
are
no
shopping
malls.
There
aren't
any
shopping
malls.
1.那里没有操场。
2.那里没有购物商场。
There
are
no...=There
aren't
any...
Let's
do
it
Look
and
listen.
Then
role-play.
What
will
you
do
tomorrow.peter?
I'll
go
swimming.
Let's
do
it
连一连
listen
again
Tomorrow
is
saturday
Peter、
Jane、Sue
、John
and
Elena
will
not
go
to
school.What
will
the
children
do?Please
listen
to
their
conversation.
Then
role
play.
Tomorrow
is
saturday.
Yes,
it's
my
favorite
day.What
will
you
do
tomorrow
Peter?
Or
go
swimming.
love
swimming.
Okay?
Jane,
what
will
you
do?
I'll
go
to
the
zoo
with
my
parents.
What
about
you,
Sue?
Ah,I'll
go
to
the
park
or
read
books
that
.What
would
you
do,
John?
I'll
go
to
the
Great
Wall
with
my
uncle.
I'll
take
photos
there.
Oh,
no,
I'll
have
to
stay
home.
My
parents
are
in
England
now.
discuss
两人对话
What
are
you
going
to
do
this
weekend?
go
swimming.
go
to
the
zoo.
go
to
the
Great
Wall.
will+
Make
a
summary
What
have
we
learned
today?
1、学习了P18、P19的内容。
2、学习了单词和词组:
boring、
again、show......
3、学习了一些句型:
Do
you
know......?I
will......I
am
going
to...=I
will...
There
are
no...=There
aren't
any...等。
Homework
1、全英熟读该单元单词;
2、预习第三单元。
谢谢
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