《Lesson
What
a
Beautiful
kite!》教学设计
1、教学目标
1.Listen
and
speak
new
words
of
this
lesson,
make
sure
the
pronunciation
correctly
and
intonation
naturally.
2.Use
structures
What
a/an
…!How
…!to
express
praise.
3.Enable
students
to
express
one’s
own
feeling
by
the
way
of
practising
in
games.
2、学情分析
Our
boys
and
girls
are
exposed
to
English
for
early
time.
So
it
is
important
to
develop
their
keen
interest
in
English
.?
3、重点难点
1.Sounds
of
short?and
thin.
2.Use
new
words
and
structures
in
daily
life.
4、教学过程
第一课时
Stage
Warm
Up
a.Greetings
b.Let’s
sing
Fly
My
Kite.
Stage
lead
in
Review
some
words.
happy
sad
big
small
Talk
about
the
pictures
1.Look
at
the
picture
of
the
happy
girl
on
the
PPT,talk
about
the
girl.
T:the
girl
is
...
She
is
a
...girl.
And
you
can
say
like
this:what
a
happy
girl.
Ps:
What
a
happy
girl.
T:Yes
,very
good.
We
also
can
say
like
this:How
happy.
Ps:How
happy.
T:Now
let’s
red
it
together.
Look
at
the
picture
of
the
big
mouse
on
the
talk
about
the
mouse.
Look
at
the
picture
of
the
small
ant
on
the
PPT,talk
about
the
ant.
Look
at
the
picture
of
the
beautiful
girl
on
the
PPT,talk
about
the
girl.
Look
at
the
picture
of
the
beautiful
kite
on
the
PPT,talk
about
the
kite.(齐读课题)
Stage
Study
let’s
talk.
Listen
to
the
radio
Listen
again
and
follow
it.
Read
it
by
themselves.
Act
it
out.
Stage
Stage
Homework