(共51张PPT)
park
What's
in
it
?
里面有什么?
Can
you
guess?
你能猜一猜吗?
Good
morning!
I'm
a
butterfly.
Nice
to
meet
you.
来跟小蝴蝶打招呼吧~
Butterfly,butterfly,fly,fly,fly!
She's
a
ladybird.
pen
She's
my
.
friend
fri_
_d
e
n
Hi.I'm
a
ladybird.
I'm
red
and
black.
can
fly.
Ladybird,ladybird,
she's
a
ladybird.
Friend,friend,
she's
my
friend.
Goodbye,
ladybird!
Butterfly,butterfly,fly,fly,fly!
He's
a
_______.
He's
my
_______.
puppy
friend
Hi.I'm
a
puppy.
I'm...
can
...
He
is
a
puppy.He
is
a
puppy.
He
is
cute.He
is
cute.
He's
my
friend.He's
my
friend.
He
is
cool.He
is
cool.
Goodbye
,
puppy!
Hi.I'm
a
dog.
I'm...
can
...
The
puppy
is
my
friend
too.
They're
my
friends.
The
ladybird
is
my
friend.
Unit
My
friends
Butterfly,butterfly,fly,fly,fly!
school
What
is
happening
now?
Let's
see
with
the
butterfly.
现在正在发生什么?让我们跟着小蝴蝶一起去看看吧~
1.It
is
in
the
_______.
A.morning
B.afternoon
2.Who
are
friends
?
A.Mike
and
Yang
Ling
B.Mike
and
Sam
小朋友,
你能帮助小蝴蝶解答困惑吗?
1.It
is
in
the
_______.
A.morning
B.afternoon
2.Who
are
friends?
A.Mike
and
Yang
Ling
B.Mike
and
Sam
How
do
they
introduce
their
friends?
他们是如何介绍自己的朋友的,一起听录音并在文中划一划。
How
do
they
introduce
their
friends?
他们是如何介绍自己的朋友的?
She's
Yang
Ling.She's
my
friend.
He's
Mike.He's
my
friend.
Let's
read!
跟读录音,注意语音语调噢~
1.Read
one
by
one
一人一句朗读
2.Read
after
one
一人领读,其余跟读
3.Read
together
齐读
①read
correctly
②read
correctly
and
emotionally
③read
with
some
motions
in
a
group
快速分成4人一小组进行朗读噢!
Butterfly,butterfly,fly,fly,fly!
cinema
我最好的朋友
嗨,我是贝贝狗。
我是可可熊。
我们是最好的朋友,我们总是在一起。
我们一起看书。
一起画画。
一起踢足球。
一起玩小火车,嘟嘟嘟~
一起玩捉迷藏。
有时候我们也会吵架。
不过很快就会和好,然后一起吃美食。
“嗯~真好吃!”
你会和好朋友一起做什么呢?
Homework:
1.Review
the
story
and
try
to
keep
it
in
your
mind.
2.Try
to
introduce
one
of
your
best
friends
to
yourclassmates.
Goodbye
,
butterfly!