2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修3:Unit 1 Art【单元复习】课件(102张ppt)


名称 2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修3:Unit 1 Art【单元复习】课件(102张ppt)
格式 ppt
文件大小 900.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-04-03 21:36:35



Unit 1 Art
1. realistic adj. 现实的; 逼真的
*(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)Another way of setting realistic goals is to
analyze your short and long term objectives.
*By setting a time limit, you are making the process realistic.
通过设定时间期限, 你正使这个过程变得现实。
*I was amazed at his realistic drawing.
(1)With the development of the computer, virtual ______steps in our life. ?
(2)Set long-term goals as well as _______ones and try your best to reach them. ?
(3)I’m a ______—I know you can’t change people overnight.
2. in particular 尤其; 特别
*In particular, you are welcome to exchange your ideas about the exhibition.
特别是, 欢迎你交流一下对展览的看法。
*Home cooking food is simpler in kind and less delicious, especially for those
who are particular about food.
在家里做的饭在种类上简单些, 并且不那么可口, 尤其是对于那些对食物挑剔的
*I enjoyed the play, particularly the second half.
我很欣赏那场比赛, 特别是下半场。
*—‘Did you enjoy it? ’
—‘No, not particularly (=not very much). ’
——“你玩得开心吗? ”
(1)particular     adj. 特定的; 特别的
be particular about  对……挑剔
(2)particularly adv. 尤其, 特别地
①I’m ___________(particular) interested in this job because I want to further
improve my oral English.
②I always showed my respect and love to the old, my grandparents __
particular. ?
(2)Now we _______________________________when having dinner but eating
various healthy diets. ?
现在吃晚餐的时候我们不再对食物挑剔, 而是吃各种各样健康的食物。
are no longer particular about food
3. set apart from 使与众不同; 使突出; 使优于, 与……隔离
*His paintings are set apart from other paintings by their realistic human faces
and deep emotional impact.
*He was set apart because he suffered an infectious disease.
他被隔离开了, 因为他得了传染病。
*It was completely dark when we saw fireworks being set off in the distance.
我们观看远处放烟花的时候, 天完全黑了。
*You should listen carefully and set down important information in particular.
你应该认真听, 尤其是要记下重要的信息。
(1)The smallest thing ____him ___, and he can’t stop talking about his
(2)We are happy to inform you that the Students’ Union has decided to ______a
cycling club. ?
(3)This kind of music is _____________other styles by their violent rhyme. ?
(4)Make sure you ________enough time for your study. ?
set up
set apart from
set aside
4. influential adj. 有很大影响力的; 有支配力的
*(2020·新高考全国Ⅰ卷)The tests show that the social environment is extremely
influential when we’re making decisions.
这些测验表明当我们在做决定的时候, 社会环境极具影响力。
*As you know, Beijing Opera is one of the most influential operas in China,
which has a history of more than 200 years.
你知道, 京剧在中国是最有影响力的戏剧之一, 它有200多年的历史了。
*As electronic products become more and more popular, our handwriting is
influenced badly.
随着电子产品越来越流行, 我们的书写受到了很大的影响。
*(2019?全国卷Ⅱ)I once wrote a paper on the influence of fairy tales on Roald Dahl’s writing.
我曾经写过一篇关于童话故事对Roald Dahl写作影响的文章。
(1)influence         n. 影响; 影响力
vt. 影响; 感化
have an influence on 对……有影响
(2)同义词: effect, impact
①It is one of the most _________ (influence)clubs in our school.
②Overseas study tours can have a positive influence ___the future development
of students. ?
③__________(influence)by these films and TV plays, some teenagers believe
that smoking helps make them more attractive.
(2)It is obvious that parents _____________________their children. ?
很显然, 父母对孩子们有很深的影响。
have a deep influence on
5. reputation n. 名誉; 名声
*A good competition result means a lot to athletes such as glory, reputation and
一个好的比赛结果对运动员意义重大, 比如: 荣耀, 名声和金钱。
*(2020·全国Ⅲ卷)The artist’s reputation had made him proud.
*Beijing enjoys a high reputation for its abundance of ancient architecture and
*She soon acquired a reputation as a first-class cook.
good reputation      良好声誉
high reputation 盛誉
have a good/bad reputation   有好/坏名声
earn a reputation as 作为……赢得赞誉
(1)It is an established company with a ______________. ?
(2)Among Chinese technological innovations, four have ____________________
China’s “four great new inventions”. ?
在中国科技创新中, 有四个作为“新四大发明”而赢得赞誉。
(3)The honey badger _________________toughness that is far greater than
their size. ?
good reputation
earned a reputation as
has a reputation for
6. emerge vi. &vt. 出现; 浮现; 暴露
*Besides, with the development of the new industry, there also emerge
此外, 随着新产业的发展, 问题也产生了。
*With the emergence and development of mobile technologies, using
conventional methods is gradually becoming obsolete.
随着移动技术的出现和发展, 使用传统方式逐渐变得陈旧。
* (2020·江苏高考) The public health emergency response was lowered to Level 2
in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.
emerge from     自……出现; 从……显露出来
emergent  adj. 紧急的; 浮现的; 意外的
emergence  n. 出现, 浮现; 发生
emergency n. 紧急情况; 突发事件
①The course will help me to learn about how to deal with medical ___________.
②Our government had to take some_________ measures to fight against the
virus. ?
③Since the __________ of AIDS, scientists began to seriously study the viruses.
(2)A white streak of light _____________a small hill at that time. ?
emerged from
7. fond adj. 喜爱
* If you are fond of online shopping, remember your password and keep secret.
如果你喜欢网上购物, 要牢记你的密码, 并保密。
* I cannot wait to learn a musical instrument, because I am really fond of music.
我迫不及待想学一门乐器, 因为我十分喜欢音乐。
*My dad took us there when I was about four and I remembered it fondly.
我爸爸在我四岁左右时带我去过那里, 想起来很愉悦。
(1)be fond of      喜欢; 爱好
fond dream 南柯一梦; 美梦
(2)fondly adv. 天真地; 怜爱地; 温柔地
(1)I ______(fond) imagined that you cared for me.
(2)I ____________________and I used to take an active part in our class plays. ?
我喜欢表演, 我过去经常积极参加班级表演。
(3)Every individuals all ________________, I neither exception. ?
每一个人都会做美梦, 我也不例外。
am fond of performing
have a fond dream
8. While his paintings still had religious themes, they showed real people in a
real environment. 尽管他的画作仍有宗教信仰的主题, 但是它们展示了处于真
本句是一个复合句。While在句中引导让步状语从句, 意为“尽管”。
*While my school schedule is rather tight, I still manage to help with the
housework from time to time.
尽管我们学校的时间表很紧张, 我仍然设法时不时帮忙做点家务。
*In addition, do wear masks while you are in the open air.
此外, 当你在户外的时候一定要戴口罩。
*Some people prefer to read electronic books while others hold on to the traditional way of reading.
一些人喜欢读电子书, 而另一些人坚持传统方式的阅读。
(1)while除了表“尽管”, 还有“而, 然而”、“当……的时候”之意。
(2)when 既指时间点, 也可指一段时间, 可以与终止性动词, 或延续性动词连用;
while只指一段时间, 因此只能与延续性动词连用。
(1)The eagle kite is made of plastic while the butterfly kite is made of cloth.
(2)While social media have some advantages, they might have bad impacts on
teenagers. _____
(3)Thank you for your help while I was travelling in Sydney last summer vacation. _________
而, 然而
9. What they attempted to do was no longer show reality, but instead to ask the question, “What is art? ”
他们试图要做的不再是呈现现实, 反之, 他们问这个问题: 艺术是什么?
本句是一个复合句。what在句中引导主语从句, 并在从句中作do的宾语。
*What I like reading most is the stories of famous people in the world.
*What is the most important expectation of the festival is an interactive activity between the audience and performers.
*China is not what it used to be fifty years ago.
what可以引导主语从句, 宾语从句和表语从句。并且可以在从句中充当主语, 宾语, 表语等成分。
(1)_____ was most important to her, she told me, was her family.
(2)(2020·浙江高考) _____you have to do is have a good rest and follow the
doctor’s advice.
(3)Through communication, we can understand _____is in each other’s mind.
1. In particular, we associate ancient Greek civilization with the capital city of
Athens, the greatest symbol of which is the Acropolis.
特别的是, 我们把古希腊的文明和雅典的首都联系起来, 而雅典最大的象征就是
2. With his diligent work ethic earning a high reputation from his athletic
counterparts across the world, Bryant’s influence has expanded beyond the
game of basketball.
科比以其勤奋的工作美德在世界同行中备受赞誉, 他的影响已经超出了篮球。
3. The COVID-19 epidemic is the fastest spreading, most extensive, and most challenging public health emergency China has encountered since the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
这次新冠肺炎疫情, 是新中国成立以来我国遭遇的传播速度最快、感染范围最广、防控难度最大的突发公共卫生事件。
不定式作表语(Infinitives as the predicative)
观察上面对话, 并根据所给单词完成下面句子。
1. My idea is _______(climb ) the mountain from the north. ?
2. My dream is _________(become) an outstanding architect after graduation. ?
3. Our aim is _______(make) books available to all. ?
to climb
to become
to make
动词不定式有一般式、进行式和完成式三种时态; 有主动和被动两种语态。动
词不定式的一般式指现在或将来, 动词不定式的完成式指过去。否定式将“not”
to do / not(never) to do
(not) to be done
to be doing

to have done
to have been done
*(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)I’ve had many dreams since I was a child. Now my dream is to open a cafe.
从小时候以来, 我有很多梦想。现在我的梦想是开一间咖啡馆。
(2)不定式的进行式表示其动作正在进行, 与谓语动词发生的动作同时进行。
*When her parents came back last night, she happened to be doing her homework.
当她的父母昨晚回来的时候, 她碰巧正在做作业。
*They are said to have just finished cleaning their bedrooms.
(4)动词不定式的被动语态 : 在不定式中, 如果不定式的逻辑主语是不定式动作的承受者, 不定式用被动语态。
*The celebrations have to be put off because of the stormy weather.
由于暴风雨天气, 庆祝活动不得不推迟。
1. 不定式作表语时常见的动词
不定式作表语时, 一般紧紧跟在系动词后面, 如be, seem, remain, appear, get等, 用来说明主语的内容。
*(2019?北京高考) The best way to build a great team is to gather a group of the most talented individuals.
*To know everything is to know nothing.
百事皆通, 百事不能。
*(2019?全国卷I)The efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be paying off.
主语和表语都是不定式(其含义往往一是条件, 一是结果)。
*To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people.
*To do that would be to cut the foot to fit the shoe.
2. 主语是以way, aim, duty, hope, dream, idea, intention, purpose, mistake, plan, proposal, job, suggestion, task等抽象名词为中心词的名词词组, 常在“be动词”后作表语。
*(2020· 天津高考)One way to begin is to answer your own excuses.
*The aim is to get the hotel off the ground by 2025 and make it fully operational for travel by 2027.
这家太空旅馆计划在2025年前建成, 并在2027年前全面投入运营。
*“The immediate goal is to bring the pandemic under control. ” said WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo.
世贸组织总干事阿泽维多表示, 目前首要目标是控制疫情。
*The great happiness is to serve the people.
(1)一般情况下, 区别不大, 可通用。
*Seeing is believing. =To see is to believe.
(2)动名词表示的动作较抽象或是习惯性的, 而不定式表示某次具体的动作。
*My job is typing papers.
*My job now is to type these papers.
3. what 引导的名词性从句, 后面的不定式说明其内容。
*What I would suggest is to start work at once.
4. 在某些句型中, 当主语部分有动作动词do及其不同形式时, 作表语的不定式可
以省略符号 “to”。
*All we have to do is push the button.
*The only thing I can do is accompany you to the end of the world.
5. 疑问词 + 不定式结构作表语
  疑问词who, what, which, when, where, how, why后加动词不定式构成不定式短语, 它在句中可作主语、宾语和表语。
*The problem was how to get rid of the waste thrown by the passengers.
*Perhaps the most difficult challenge is how to survive without friends.
也许最难熬的挑战, 就是生活中孤独无友。
6. 有些作表语的不定式, 在结构上是主动的, 但在意义上却是被动的。
*She is to blame.
*The house is to let. 此房出租。
*Sweden is to close all high schools and universities from Wednesday
*This naughty boy is to stay here until class is over.
*You have done so well. You are to be rewarded.
(4)表示“不可避免”或“注定发生”, 意为“必定”。
*Your plan is to be a failure.
(1)The important thing is _______(finish) the work on time. ?
(2)The engine just won’t start. Something seems ___________(go) wrong with
it. ?
(3)The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, not _______(make) it
more difficult. ?
(4)(2018·浙江高考)The easiest way to accomplish this is _______(make) sure you
conduct yourself as a good neighbor should. ?
to finish
to have gone
to make
to make
1. representative adj. 典型的; 有代表性的 n. 代表
*She had a stressful job as a sales representative.
作为一名销售代表, 她的工作压力很大。
*I highly recommend Jasmine Flower, which is representative of Chinese folk music.
我强烈推荐《茉莉花》, 它是中国民间音乐的代表。
*(2020·江苏高考) The phone boxes representative of an age are now making something of a comeback.
*(2019·天津高考)If special clothes are used, they should truly represent a given period.
如果特殊的衣服被使用了, 它们应该真正代表一个特定的时期。
(1)be representative of 是……的代表
(2)represent vt. 代表
represent for 代表; 象征
(3)representation n. 代表; 描绘; 描述
①The _____________of the students showed them around the campus.
②He gave us a lifelike _____________of the story.
(2)The exhibition _________________the modern art. ?
(3)Today I am honored to ____________________to deliver a speech. ?
is representative of
represent us graduates
2. decline n. (数量、价格、质量等的)减少; 下降; 衰落
vi. &vt. 减少; 下降; 衰落; 谢绝
*I have to decline your kind invitation, because I have been chosen as the representative of our school to attend a meeting.
我不得不拒绝你的邀请, 因为我被选为我们学校的代表去参加一场会议。
*The population of Asian elephants had declined by 50% in just three generations.
*(2020·新高考全国Ⅰ卷) As the economy was in decline, some people in the town had lost their jobs.
由于经济衰退, 城镇里的一些人已经失去了他们的工作。
*(2019·江苏高考)The population of the crane in the wild is on the decline.
(1)on the decline     在走下坡路; 在衰退中
in decline 在衰退中
(2)decline by. . . 减少了……; 降低了……
decline to. . . 减少到……; 降低到……
decline from. . . to. . . 从……降到……
①The number of tourists to the resort declined ___ 10% last year.
②The number of staff has declined from 217, 000 __114, 000.
③Thankfully the smoking of cigarettes is ___the decline. ?
(2)He offered the boys some coffee. They ______________. ?
declined politely
3. entry n. 加入; 进入; 参与
*If the race is cancelled, no entry fee will be refunded.
如赛事取消, 报名费将不予以退回。
*These facts proved that China’s entry into the WTO
was right.
实践证明, 中国加入WTO是正确的。
*On Children’s Day, kids are entitled to free entry to all city parks.
gain entry into     进入, 加入
entry into 进入, 加入
no entry 不准入内; 禁止通行
free entry 自由加入, 自由进入
The closing date for entries is December 31. (参赛作品)
(1)A university degree has become a requisite for _________most professions. ?
(2)A sign on the outer door reads: “________”. ?
(3)___________at London’s galleries has also boosted visitors. ?
entry into
No Entry
Free entry
4. expansion n. 扩张; 扩展; 扩大
*Koalas are already considered vulnerable to extinction because of forest clearing and human expansion.
由于森林砍伐和人类扩张, 考拉已经被认为濒危。
*The company has not yet firmed up its plans for expansion.
*(2018·江苏高考)As their world expanded, she said, children compared themselves to others online.
她说, 随着他们的世界的扩张, 孩子们在网上把自己和其他人相比较。
*Businesses have a golden opportunity to expand into new markets.
expand    vt. 扩张; 使膨胀; 详述
vi. 发展; 张开, 展开
expand into 扩大为; 扩充到
expand on 详述
①Despite the recession, the company is confident of further _________(expand).
②His career now has expanded ____running his own company.
③I hope you can give me a chance to let me expand ___my idea. ?
(2)You can read some interesting books _______________________in your
spare time. ?
to expand your knowledge
5. bring. . . to life 赋予……生命; 使……鲜活起来
*The talented painter has a special skill to bring his paintings to life.
这个极富天分的画家有特殊的技能, 可以使他的画作鲜活起来。
*President Xi demanded the government preserve cultural relics and “bring
them back to life”.
习主席要求政府保护文化遗产, 并“使它们复活”。
*(2020·全国Ⅱ卷 ) They represent the earth coming back to life and best wishes
for new beginnings.
bring. . . back to life  使活泼, 使生动, 使苏醒
come to life 苏醒, 活跃起来; 开始
come back to life 苏醒过来; 复活
(1)With the whole nation tightened into one string, our motherland will soon
_______________. ?
全国拧成一股绳, 我们的祖国很快就会恢复生机。
(2)It can preserve the endangered species or even __________________________
_____. ?
这可以保护濒危物种, 甚至使灭绝物种复活。
(3)The new technology can __________________________________. ?
come back to life
bring the extinct species back
to life
bring the characters in the works to life
6. guarantee vt. 保证; 确保; 肯定……必然发生
n. 保证; 保修单; 担保物
*Whatever a guarantee says, when something goes wrong, you can still claim your rights from the shop.
不论保修单如何规定, 若商品出了问题, 消费者仍然可以去商店维护自身权益。
*He guaranteed that it would never happen again.
*(2020·全国Ⅰ卷) There can be no guarantee of connections between trains or between train services and bus services.
对于火车之间的连接, 以及火车服务与大巴服务之间的连接没有保证。
*The ticket will guarantee you free entry. 词汇复现
guarantee that. . .    保证……; 确保……
guarantee sb. sth. 保证某人某事
guarantee against 保证不……
guarantee for 为……担保
(1)My advice can ____________________________________________in China. ?
(2)We guarantee _______________________________. ?
(3)They ____________________________________the occurrence of hijacking. ?
guarantee you an enjoyable and unforgettable trip
that you will find a suitable job here
are taking measures to guarantee against
7. worthy adj. 值得……的; 有价值的
*The money we raise will be going to a very worthy cause.
*Whether to send children to study abroad is a vital decision worthy of careful
*There occurred nothing that was worthy to be mentioned.
→There occurred nothing that was worthy of being mentioned.
be worthy of       值得……
be worthy of being done 某事值得被做
be worthy to be done 某事值得被做
→This phenomenon is _______ __ _____ _______.
→This phenomenon is _______ __ ___ _______.
→This phenomenon is ______ ________.
(2)The problem is very ____________________. ?
worthy of our attention
8. Looking at the faces of the figures in these sculptures, one sees the faces of the past. ?
看着这些雕像中人物的脸, 你会看到历史中的面孔。
本句是一个简单句。句中Looking at the faces of the figures in these sculptures为现在分词作时间状语。
*Knowing that you take a great fancy to the Dragon Boat Festival, I would love to introduce it to you.
得知你对龙舟节感兴趣, 我想向你介绍一下。
*You can also communicate with your parents and friends, sharing your happiness and sorrow with them.
你可以和你的父母和朋友交流, 与他们分享你的快乐与悲伤。
*Sitting on the train, I felt comfortable and relaxed.
坐在火车上, 我感到很舒适, 很放松。
现在分词所代表的动作或状态与谓语动词是同时或几乎是同时发生的, 可以作时间、原因、方式、条件、结果、让步、伴随等状语。分词的逻辑主语就是句子的主语。
*This will remove our pressure, making study an easy job. (结果状语)
这将会消除我们的压力, 使学习变得容易。
(1)We are sure to brim(充满) with confidence and passion, __________(present)
you our best performance.
(2)Everyone was excited, ________(enjoy) the convenience brought about by the
shared bicycles.
(3)______(see) them working so hard, I was moved and made up my mind to do
something for them.
(4)______(live) in this world, we have many people that we should be thankful
关于艺术展览话题的书面表达基本上都是邀请信或告知信。这类作文主要包含艺术展览的相关信息(比如: 时间, 地点, 内容等)。写作时, 要注意对相关信息的描述要具体, 详细; 此外, 要表达对对方的期望。
假定你是李华, 了解到你的美国笔友Tom对中国文化有浓厚兴趣, 想邀请他一起参观中国画画展(Chinese Ink Painting)。请你写封邮件, 内容包括:
  1. 展览时间、地点。
  2. 展览内容。
  1. 词数: 80左右, 开头和结尾已写好, 但不计入总词数。
  2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
Dear Tom,
How is it going?
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
1. 我知道你对中国传统文化感兴趣。
I know that ______________________Chinese traditional culture. ?
2. 我写信邀请你参观中国画画展。
_____________________to pay a visit to the Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition. ?
3. 画展将于下周五下午四点在我们学校报告厅举办。
_____________________________________________in the lecture hall of our
school. ?
you have great interest in
I’m writing to invite you
It is to be held at four o’clock next Friday afternoon
4. 你不仅可以欣赏各种风格的优秀作品, 而且能够和一些著名艺术家交流。
_______________enjoy many excellent works of various styles, ___________
________________some famous artists. ?
5. 用现在分词作状语和非限制性定语从句提升句1、2、3:
_________________you have great interest in Chinese traditional culture, ____
__________________to pay a visit to the Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition, ______
___________at nine o’clock next Friday afternoon in the lecture hall of our
school. ?
You can not only
but also can
communicate with
Having known that
writing to invite you
is to be held
6. 用倒装句改写句4:
_____________________________________________________, but also can
communicate with some famous artists. ?
Not only can you enjoy many excellent works of various styles
Dear Tom,
How is it going? Having known you have great interest in Chinese
traditional culture, I’m writing to invite you to pay a visit to the Chinese Ink
Painting Exhibition, which is to be held at four o’clock next Friday afternoon in
the lecture hall of our school. ?
On the exhibition, you can not only enjoy many excellent works of various
styles, but also can communicate with some famous artists who will give a live
performance of their painting skills. Furthermore, there will be a lecture, from
which you can learn the history of Chinese Ink Painting. I believe it’s well worth a visit. Please call me and I’ll meet you at the station. ?
Looking forward to your early reply. ?
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
1. 话题词汇
(1)中国画  Chinese Ink Painting
(2)中国书法Chinese Calligraphy
(3)中国民间艺术Chinese folk art
(4)中国剪纸Chinese paper-cutting
(5)参观pay a visit to
(6)与……交流communicate with
(7)对……有很好的了解have a good understanding of
(8)从……中受益benefit a lot from
(9)对……感兴趣have interest in
(10)当地美术馆the local art gallery
2. 话题句式
(1)I’m writing to invite you to pay a visit to the Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition.
(2)The exhibition will be held on 26th Dec. at the local art gallery.
(3)The exhibition is scheduled to last about two hours, from 3: 30pm to 5: 30pm.
展览计划持续大约2个小时, 从下午3: 30到5: 30.
(4)It aims to make people have a better understanding of traditional Chinese culture.
(5)Chinese new year paintings are a traditional and unique art of the Chinese.
(6)How I hope you can take my invitation into consideration!
(7)Looking forward to your early reply.
Ⅰ. 语用功能表达
1. Introduce the topic(介绍话题)
(1)I am glad to have this opportunity to. . .
(2)Today, I would like to talk to you about. . .
(3)My topic today is. . .
(4)I would like to share some thoughts on. . .
2. Start a point(展开要点)
(1)Let me/Let’s start by. . .
(2)First, let me tell you about. . .
(3)I have divided my topic into . . . parts: . . .
(4)Let’s turn to. . .
3. Give an example(举例)
(1)For instance/For example, . . .
(2)Take. . . , for example.
(3)Let me illustrate. . .
(4)Let me give you an example, . . .
4. Conclusion(总结)
(1)In conclusion/To conclude, . . .
(2)In short, . . .
(3)To sum up, . . .
(4)All in all, . . .
Ⅱ. 话题情景交流
  Today, 1. ____________________________(我想与你们谈论一下) Chinese
ink landscape painting, which is one of the most representative art forms of
China. 2. ___________________________(有很多著名的艺术家) and famous
masterpieces throughout the history. 3. ___________(例如), Badashanren, a
great artist of Nanchang in the 17th century. Not only did he make great
achievements in painting, especially landscape painting, but his calligraphy was
also well-known at his time. 4. ____________________________________(他的作
品充满了自己的风格) and had deep and far-reaching influence on later painters
including Qi Baishi. 5. __________(总之), I am sure you will like his works. ?
I would like to talk to you about
There are many famous artists
For example
His works were full of his own personality
To sum up