(共22张PPT)
2b
Lesson
Can
Trick
a
Tiger
版权所有。本课件仅供《典范英语》教学之用,不得用于其他目的。
Floppy
was
dreaming
that
he
was
in
the
jungle.
tiger
jumped
out.
“Got
you!”
he
said.
“I
can
trick
a
tiger,”said
Floppy.
“Look
out!
said
Floppy.
There’s
a
bee
on
your
nose.”
“Oh
no!
said
the
tiger
and
he
let
Floppy
go.”
crocodile
jumped
out.
“Got
you!”
she
said.
“I
can
trick
a
crocodile,”
said
Floppy.
“Look
out!
said
Floppy.
There’s
a
bee
on
your
nose.”
“Oh
no!
said
the
crocodile,
and
she
let
Floppy
go.”
snake
slid
out.
“Got
you!”
she
said.
“I
can
trick
a
snake,”
said
Floppy.
“Look
out!
said
Floppy.
There’s
a
bee
on
your
nose.”
“Oh
no!
said
the
snake,
and
she
let
Floppy
go.”
rabbit
jumped
out.
“Got
you!”
said
Floppy.
“Look
out!”
said
the
rabbit.
“There’s
a
bee
on
your
nose.”
Buzzzzzz!
“Oh
no!”
said
Floppy.
Reading
Dramatically
Discussion
If
you
were
Floppy,
would
you
like
to
trick
those
animals?
Which
animal
would
you
like
to
trick?
What
trick
would
you
like
to
play?
What
did
the
animal
do
after
he/she
was
tricked?
Role-play
Got
you!
can
trick
a
tiger.
Look
out!
There’s
a
bee
on
your
nose.
Oh
no!
Phonics
jungle
jump
j-un-gle
j-um-p
Homework
Listen
to
the
story
and
read
it
skilfully
and
dramatically.
Tell
the
story
to
your
Mum
and
Dad.
Rewrite
pictures
2-5:
If
you
were
Floppy,
how
would
you
trick
the
animals?
Thank
you!