(共18张PPT)
2b
Lesson
The
Rope
Swing
版权所有。本课件仅供《典范英语》教学之用,不得用于其他目的。
What
were
the
children
doing?
The
children
went
to
the
stream.
stream
They
looked
at
the
______.
Wilf
climbed
on
the
swing.
swing
Chip
______
Wilf.
pushed
Floppy
looked
at
the
______.
rope
Why?
Biff
climbed
on
the
swing.
Floppy
barked
and
barked.
Chip
climbed
on
the
swing.
Floppy
barked
and
barked
and
barked.
Kipper
went
on
the
swing.
“What
a
silly
dog!”
said
Kipper.
Was
Floppy
silly?
Wilma
went
on
too.
“What
a
silly
dog!”
said
Wilma.
Why
would
Floppy
close
his
eyes?
The
children
went
home.
Floppy
looked
at
the
rope.
What
was
Floppy
thinking?
Splash!
Oh
no!
What
_____
children!
Reading
Dramatically
Who
did
not
get
on
the
swing?
Why
not?
Did
you
think
that
the
bridge
would
break?
What
are
the
children
going
to
do
now
they
are
in
the
water?
What
has
happened
to
Floppy?
Homework
Listen
to
the
story
and
read
it
skilfully
and
dramatically.
Tell
the
story
to
your
Mum
and
Dad.
What
did
Floppy
want
to
say
in
each
picture?
Think
and
write.
Thank
you!