(共17张PPT)
版权所有。本课件仅供《典范英语》教学之用,不得用于其他目的。
It
is
a
bin.
What
is
this?
What
are
these?
They
are
bins.
It
is
a
green
bin.
It
has
four
wheels.
It
can
move.
Mum
got
the
shopping.
Who
are
they?
What
did
Kipper
do?
What
did
Mum
get?
Mum
put
it
in
a
bag.
(Milk
and
eggs.
)
Where
did
Mum
Put
it
?
What
did
Mum
get?
Mum
put
the
bag
on
the
step.
Where
were
Mum
and
Kipper
?
What
did
Kipper
do?
What
did
Mum
do?
Dad
put
the
shopping
in
the
bin.
What
did
Mum
and
Kipper
do?
What
did
Dad
do?
Did
Mum
know
that
?
The
bin
man
took
the
bin.
Who
took
the
bin
?
Did
Mum
know
that
?
Mum
ran
to
the
bin
men.
What
did
Mum
do
?
What
did
Mum
say
?
The
bin
man
got
the
bag.
What
did
the
bin
man
do?
What
did
the
Mum
say?
Oh
no!
Scrambled
eggs.
What
happened?
How
was
everyone
?
Was
Mum
happy?
Reading
Dramatically
Discussion
What
would
happen
if
Mum
hadn’t
got
to
the
bin
men
in
time?
If
Mum’s
shopping
went
into
the
rubbish
van,
what
would
Mum
say?
What
would
she
do?
Homework
Listen
to
the
story
and
read
it
skilfully
and
dramatically.
Act
the
story
out
with
your
Mum
and
Dad.
Thank
you!