(共16张PPT)
版权所有。本课件仅供《典范英语》教学之用,不得用于其他目的。
tent
1.
Do
you
have
a
tent?
2.
What
do
you
do
in
a
tent?
who?
what?
Lee
and
Kipper
had
a
_____.
tent
Lee
and
Kipper
had
fun
in
the
tent.
It
got_____...
cold
…and
it
got
_____.
How
was
the
weather?
wet
Who
came
here?
What
would
they
do?
It
was
a
lot
of
fun
in
the
tent.
Where
were
they?
Did
they
like
the
new
tent?
How
did
they
feel?
It
was
not
cold
and
wet!
Reading
Dramatically
Chant
Put
up
a
tent!
Put
up
a
tent!
Lee
and
Kipper
had
a
tent.
It
was
fun!
It
was
fun!
Lee
and
Kipper
had
big
fun.
It
got
wet.
It
got
cold.
Let’s
run!
Let’s
run!
Homework
Listen
to
the
story
and
read
it
skilfully
and
dramatically.
Tell
the
story
to
your
Dad
and
Mum.
Thank
you!