(共22张PPT)
good
sad
hungry
fierce
frightened
good
sad
hungry
fierce
frightened
good
sad
hungry
fierce
frightened
good
sad
hungry
fierce
frightened
good
sad
hungry
fierce
frightened
cold
cold
wet
tired
miserable
cross
cross
cold
wet
miserable
tired
It
was
a
_____
day.
cold
Everyone
got
wet.
Everyone
got
cold.
What
would
happen
when
it
rains?
Were
they
happy?
Floppy
got
tired.
Kipper
got
miserable.
Mum
got
cross.
How
did
Mum
feel?
why?
Dad
got
a
goal.
cold
cross
miserable
wet
cold
tired
a
goal
Revision
Desma
2A
oN寸E9o岁t
与
p○TLC八
depositphotos
odsitohotos
votos
ositphoto
日
是日日B日B
点
日
日
日日R日日日日上
口
知日
透滑
B日中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Basic
Information
Topic
Lesson
Goal!
Text
Type
Story
Class
Period
Grade
Teacher
Carrie
Teaching
Analysis
Aims
Language
Focus:Key
Words:Cold,
wet,
tired,
miserable,
cross,
goalKey
Structures:
…
got
…Teaching
Objectives:To
make
Ss
understand
the
story.To
make
Ss
love
reading.
To
say
the
sentence”
…
got
…”
Difficulties
To
know
the
structure
of
“...
got
…”
Activities
1.
Ss
learn
some
new
words
of
feelings.2.
Ss
imitate
the
story
and
read
it
dramatically.3.
Ss
retell
the
story
and
act
it
out.
Teaching
Procedures
Teacher
Activities
Student
Activities
Purpose
Pre-readingWhile-reading
RevisionRecite
Lesson
Making
Faces.Describe
the
picturesT
show
pictures
of
feelings
and
let
the
Ss
say
the
words.Read
the
storyP1:
What’s
the
weather
like
in
the
picture?(It
was
rainy.)What
were
the
people
doing?
(They
were
playing
football.)Who
was
the
man
kicking
a
football?Do
you
think
the
weather
is
hot
or
cold?
Why?
Ss
recite
the
story
together.Ss
describe
the
pictures.Ss
watch
the
pictures
of
the
story
and
answer
the
questions
of
T.
To
review
what
they
have
learnt.To
lead-in.To
get
familiar
with
the
plot.
P2:
Look,
it
was
raining.
What
would
happen
when
it
rains?
(We
would
get
wet
and
cold.)How
did
everyone
look?
Were
they
happy?
(No,
they
were
unhappy.)
What
was
Dad
doing?
(Dad
was
holding
the
football.)
Was
it
right
to
do
so?
Why?
(No,
it
was
a
foul.)P3:
How
did
Floppy
and
Kipper
look
now?(Floppy
got
tired.
Kipper
got
miserable.
)P4:
How
did
Mum
get?
Why?
(Mum
got
cross
because
Dad
received
a
yellow
card
warning.)
Ask
and
answer.
To
know
the
feelings
and
say
the
sentence”…
got
…”
Post-reading
P5:
What
happened
to
Dad?
(Dad
got
a
goal.)
How
was
everyone?
(They
were
happy.)Listen
and
readListen
to
the
audio
and
read
after
it
for
twice.Read
the
story
by
themselves.Recite
the
storySs
recite
the
story
with
the
help
of
the
pictures.Act
the
story
outSs
have
a
role-play.
Ss
read
after
the
audio.Ss
read
the
story
by
themselves.Ss
recite
the
story
together.Ss
act
the
story
out.
To
read
the
story
dramatically
and
fluently.To
practice.
Homework
Read
the
story
after
the
audio
for
five
times.Try
to
describe
your
feelings
with
the
new
words.
Blackboard
Design
Lesson
Goal!Everyone
wet
Everyone
cold
Floppy
got
tired
Kipper
miserable
Mum
cross
Dad
a
goal
Teaching
Reflection
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