Module 1 Getting to know you
Unit 1 Hello
Tasks in this unit:
Begin an interaction by greeting someone politely
Use modeled phrases to maintain an interaction
End an interaction with simple expressions of farewell
Learn the letters: Aa to Jj
Language focus:
The usage of the key words in context
e.g., morning, afternoon, evening, night
The usage of formulaic expressions to greet people and make farewell
e.g., Good evening./ Good night./ How are you / Goodbye.
The usage of the common pattern to respond to people’s greetings
e.g., I’m fine.
The pronunciation and writing of the letters Aa to Jj
Language skills:
Identifying the key words by hearing the pronunciation
e.g., morning, afternoon, evening, night
Understand formulaic expressions of greetings and farewell in context, and respond appropriately
e.g., Hello/Good morning./Good afternoon./ Good evening./ Good night./ How are you / I’m fine. Thank you./Goodbye.
Understand a simple story with the help of pictures, puppets or the teacher’s body language
Identifying the letters Aa to Jj by listening to the pronunciation.
Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly
e.g., evening, night
Using formulaic expressions of greeting and farewell in the appropriate context
e.g., Good evening./ Good night./ How are you / Goodbye.
Pronouncing the letters Aa to Jj correctly
Writing the letters correctly
e.g. , Aa to Jj
Scheme of work:
Period Core contents Letters Materials
Grammar andexpressions Vocabulary
1 Good evening.Good night. Eveningnight Aa to Ee SB:p.2 and 4WB:p.2and 3,Parts A and B
2 I’m fine. Thank you. Ff to Jj SB:p.3.4 and 5WB:p.4 and 5, Parts C,D,and Task
Period 1
Language focus:
Language focus:
The usage of the key words in context
e.g., morning, afternoon, evening, night
The usage of formulaic expressions to greet people and make farewell
e.g., Good evening./ Good night.
The pronunciation and writing of the letters Aa to Ee
Language skills:
Identifying the key words by hearing the pronunciation
e.g., morning, afternoon, evening, night
Understand formulaic expressions of greetings and farewell in context, and respond appropriately
e.g., Hello/Good morning./Good afternoon./ Good evening./ Good night./ Goodbye.
Understand a simple story with the help of pictures, puppets or the teacher’s body language
Identifying the letters Aa to Ee by listening to the pronunciation.
Using formulaic expressions of greeting and farewell in the appropriate context
e.g., Good evening./ Good night.
Writing the letters correctly
e.g. , Aa to Ee
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Characteristic modification, the teaching introspects
Pre-task preparation Song: Hello! How are you Listen and sing the song. 唱歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习兴趣。 在教授歌曲的同时,让学生学习how do you do 并知道这是在和别人初次见面的时候使用。在教授morning, afternoon , evening, night的时候,可在黑板上用简笔画画出太阳相应的位置,来帮助学生理解每个单词的含义和使用场合。 At nine o’clock Go to bed. Should say good night to daddy and mummy.
Good morning.Good afternoon. The teacher greets with the pupils, then the pupils greet to the teacher. 在加师生间交流的同时操练句型。
While-task procedure evening Watch the dialogue on the screen. Kitty, Ben, Alice and Tom meet at the school bus stop after dinner . 创设情境,引出问候语。激发学生学习的兴趣。
Good evening. Play a game.Say to Alice/ Eddie/ Danny “Good evening”. 通过游戏来操练句型。
night Look at the picture. Listen and say. 根据图片提示,理解什么时候用“night ”
Good night! Say “Good night” to Dad/ Mum before sleeping. 创设情景,巩固句型。
Letters: Aa--Ee Read and copy the letters 复习字母,为拼写单词做准备。
Post-task activity Workbook P2 Listen and number.. 做练习,熟悉单词,练习听力。
Workbook P3 Act out the short dialogues. Listen and respond 巩固练习,表演对话。
Homework: 1.Sing the song “Hello! How are you ”2. Greeting to the parents in English.3. Write the letters: Aa—Ee.
课后反思: 经过一个暑假的休息,许多学生对英语都有点生疏,应帮助学生熟悉、回忆起以前的知识,应在帮助学习进行知识积累的同时,特别重视激发和保护学生学习英语的热情,培养学习运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。本着这一宗旨,本课时安排了“自我介绍”和“问候对方”的功能项目,并在词汇教学中,选择了较易激起小学生学习兴趣的单词。这样安排有助于消除学生学习新语言的焦虑心理。进而激发学生参与教学的热情和信心。
Period 2
Language focus:
The usage of formulaic expressions to greet people and make farewell
e.g., Good evening./ Good night./ How are you / Goodbye.
The pronunciation and writing of the letters Ff to Jj
Language skills:
Understanding formulaic expressions of greeting in context, and responding appropriately
e.g., Good night./ How are you today / I’m fine. Thank you./Goodbye.
Understand formulaic expressions of greetings and farewell in context, and respond appropriately
e.g., Hello./ Hi. /Good evening./ How are you / Goodbye.
Understand a simple story with the help of pictures, puppets or the teacher’s body language
Identifying the letters Ff to Jj by listening to the pronunciation.
Using formulaic expressions of greeting and farewell in the appropriate context
e.g., Good night./ How are you today / Goodbye.
Using a common pattern to introduce oneself
e.g., Hello, I’m …
Pronouncing the letters Ff to Jj correctly
Writing the letters correctly
e.g. , Ff to Jj
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Characteristic modification, the teaching introspects
Pre-task preparation Song: Hello! How are you Sing the song. 复习歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习兴趣。 创设情景,让学生在情景中运用知识。Morning At the school gateAfternoonAt the school gateEveningIn the estateLook at the viedo:通过整体引入的方式,让学生整体的感知语言,并理解如何正确的语言。How are you Answer: I’m fine, thanks.Fine, thank you.Just so- so .Not very well.Very well, and you 知道这是熟人或朋友之间见面时询问对方健康状况的寒暄语,其答语就一般是I’m fine.对学生进行礼貌教育。尤其注意How的发音。
Good morning.Good afternoon.Good evening.Good night. Look at the pictures and greet to the classmates. 生生间交流的同时操练句型。
While-task procedure Make a dialogue. Hello, Mrs. Li.Good evening, Alice.How are you I’m fine. Thank you. (I’m very well. Thank you.)Goodbye, Mrs. Li.Goodbye. 创设情境,复习巩固对话。激发学生学习的兴趣。
today How are you today I’m very well. Thank you. 通过游戏来操练句型。
applebag Look at the picture. Read and spell the words. 看图片拼读单词。
rhyme An apple and a bag.A big apple and a big bag.A big apple is in a big bag. 通过儿歌熟悉单词。激发学生学习的兴趣。
Letters: Ff--Jj Read and copy the letters 复习字母,为拼写单词做准备。
Post-task activity Workbook P4 Listen and circle. 做练习,熟悉字母,练习听力。
Workbook P5 Task: Greetings 巩固练习,表演对话。
Homework: 1.Say the rhyme “Apple and bag”2. Greeting to the parents in English.3. Write the letters: Ff--Jj.
课后反思: 今天的英语课是要学习和使用4个问候语:Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, Good night. 在本课中我设计了各种各样的动作,让学生在边说边做中掌握今天所学内容。有人说:“兴趣是最好的老师。”为了充分调动学生学习英语的兴趣,我设计了很多的活动,并让每个学生都积极加入到其中。在课上,我也会时常鼓励他们大胆地说,大胆地表演,做到让每位学生都会说英语。
Module 1 Getting to know you
Unit 2 I’m Danny
Tasks in this unit:
Use modelled phrases to communicate with other students
Understand descriptions of individuals
Learn the letters: Kk-Tt
Language focus:
The usage of the key words in context
e.g., boy, girl, big, small
The usage of key patterns and adjectives to describe people
e.g., I’m short. You’re tall.
The usage of the common pattern to respond to people’s greetings
e.g., I’m fine.
The pronunciation and writing of the letters Kk to Tt
Language skills:
Identifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation
e.g., boy, girl, big, small
using key patterns and adjectives to describe people
e.g., I’m shortl. You’re tall.
Understanding how to describe people using key patterns
e.g., You’re …
yes, I’m …/No. I’m …
Identifying the letters Kk to Tt by listening to the pronunciation.
Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly
e.g., boy, girl, big, small
Using key patterns to describe people and respond appropriately
e.g., S1: You’re…
S2: Yes, I’m …/No. I’m …
Pronouncing the letters Kk to Tt correctly
Writing the letters correctly
e.g. , Kk to Tt
Scheme of work:
Period Core contents Letters Materials
Grammar andexpressions Vocabulary
1 I’m… You’re… boy girl Kk to Oo SB:p.6,7 and 8WB:p.6,Part A
2 I’m… You’re… big small Pp to Tt SB:p.6.8and 9WB:p.7.8 and 9, PartsB, C,D,and Task
Period 1
Language focus:
The usage of the key words in context
e.g., boy, girl
The usage of key patterns and adjectives to describe people
e.g., I’m a boy. I’m short and thin.
You’re tall.
Language skills:
Identifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation
e.g., boy, girl, tall, short, fat, thin
using key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describe people
e.g., I’m a boy. I’m short and thin.
You’re tall.
Using key patterns to introduce oneself
e.g., I’m a boy. I’m short and thin.
Student’s book 2A, pp.6, 7, 8
Workbook 2A, p6 Part A
Cassette 2A
Character puppets
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Characteristic modification, the teaching introspects
Pre-task preparation Song: Good morning Listen and sing the song. 唱歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习兴趣。 Review the words have learn in 1A .TallShort FatThin通过班级的学生之间的高矮胖瘦的对比说,让学生根据与他人相比的实际情况而说。S1:I am tall.S2: Yes, you’re tallI’m short. S3: (tall than S1) No, you’re short. I’m tall. Say and act :通过各种小动物的头饰,提高学生的学习的积极性,让学生边演边用 I’m … you are...来形容各自的特征。强调第一、第二 人称 I you 的使用方法。 Group workMake a new dialogue in the group. Act out the dialogue in front of the classroom.Vote the best one and praise them.Do a survey
Good morning. I’m Shirley.Good morning, Shirley.Good afternoon.I’m Alice.Good afternoon, Alice. Greet the students and introduce yourself. Then have the students greet each other. 生生间交流的同时操练句型。
While-task procedure boyHi, I’m Danny.I’m a boy. Using the puppet to elicit the key words boy Invite students to introduce themselves. 利用手偶,直观引入单词,然后请小朋友模仿介绍自己,及时巩固所学的单词和句子。
girlHi, I’m Mary.I’m a girl. Using the puppet to elicit the key words girl Invite students to introduce themselves. 利用手偶,直观引入单词,然后请小朋友模仿介绍自己,及时巩固所学的单词和句子。
Game Have the students practise the key words with you. When you touch a girl’s shoulder, the students say ‘Girl!’together. When you touch a boy’s shoulder, then say ‘Boy!’ 玩中学,提高学生学习兴趣。
Make a dialogue Have the students listen to the recording for ‘Look and say’ on Student’s Book page 6. Then ask them to make a short dialogue in groups of three or focus as follows. 创设情景,巩固句型。
Do a survey Make copies of survey table in ‘do a survey’ on student’s book page 8. Divide the class into groups of six. Give each group a copy of the survey table and complete the survey as follows.e.g.,S1: You’re tall. You’re thin. S2: Yes, I’m tall and thin.
Letters: Kk--Oo Read and copy the letters 复习字母,为拼写单词做准备。
Post-task activity Workbook P6 Look and say 做练习,熟悉单词,练习听力。
Homework: 1.Make a diologe by “ Hello, I’m …” 2. Write the letters: Kk—Oo.
课后反思: 本堂课我对所要学习的单词和句子作了分类教学,学生在一年级的时候已经学会了tall short fat thin这4个形容词,因此我采用以旧带新的方法,即充分利用学生已有的知识,教师给予适当的提示和诱导,让学生自己渐渐融入到新知识的学习中。学生很快掌握了今天的新知:girl boy small big.。在整个教学过程中又使用了不同的呈现方法,配以简洁明快的chant逐步降低学生学习的难度,同时也激发学生参与和体验的热情,让他们的新鲜感持久不衰。
Period 2
Language focus:
The usage of the key words in context
e.g., big, small
The usage of key patterns and adjectives to describe people
e.g., I’m short. You’re tall.
The usage of wh-questions to communcate with other people
e.g., Who am I
You’re …
The usage of key patterns to respond appropriately
e.g., You are …
Yes,I’m…/ No. I’m …
The pronunciation and writing of the letters Kk to Oo
Language skills:
Understanding key patterns and adjectives to describe people
e.g., I’m shortl. You’re tall.
Understanding key patterns and responding appropriately
e.g., You’re …
Yes, I’m …/No. I’m …
Identifying the letters Pp to Tt by listening to the pronunciation.
Using key patterns and adjectives to describe people
e.g., I’m short. You’re tall.
Using wh-questions to communicate with other people
e.g., Who am I
You’re …
Using key patterns to describe people and respond appropriately
e.g., You’re …
Yes I’m …/ No. I’m …
Pronouncing the letters Pp to Tt correctly
Writing the letters correctly
e.g. , Pp to Tt
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Characteristic modification, the teaching introspects
Pre-task preparation Hi, I’m sandy. I’m short and thin. Have students introduce themselves. 向其他学生来介绍自己,巩固复习前一节课的内容。 Introduce your self use the sentence:Hello, I am …I am …I can…Ask two boysOne is short and thin. The other is fat and tall.Let the students understand the meanings of these two words. 让学生找一个好朋友,有对比的说。使语言的运用更符合实际情景。 Say and act out the rhyme.在教学时要严格要求学生做到正确书写。
You’re … You are tall and fat. I’m … I’m a boy. I’m short. Have students introduce themselves and then describe their classmates. 介绍自己的朋友,复习句型。
While-task procedure big/ small Amy, your pencil case is big. My pencil case is small.Look at the picture. Read and spell the words. 通过所学过的文具来引出新词,理解单词的意思。
Make diologues in groups. S1: I’m big. You’re small.S2: Yes.S3: You’re big.S4: No. I’m small. 通过对话来操练句型。
rhyme Is it a cat Is it a dog A cat and a dog.Is it a cat Yes, it’s a cat. Is it a dog Yes,it’s a dog. 通过儿歌熟悉单词。激发学生学习的兴趣。
Letters: Ff--Jj Read and copy the letters 复习字母,为拼写单词做准备。
Post-task activity Workbook P7 Look, listen and respond 做练习,熟悉字母,练习听力。
Workbook P8 Say and act 巩固练习,表演对话。
Homework: 1.Say the rhyme “Cat and dog” 2. Write the letters: Pp--Tt
课后反思: 恰到好处的评价有利于学生增强自信心,教师从学生的信心中也会得到教书的快乐。在本堂课的教学中,在学生完成听力练习,做完了游戏,有感情地朗读完对话,出色地运用所学知识编对话进行交流之后,我都不忘用不同的形式,用不同的鼓励性的语言来对学生进行评价、激励学生,增强他们的自信心。
Module 1 Getting to know you
Unit 3 A new classmate
Tasks in this unit:
Use modelled phrases to communicate with other people
Use numbers to talk about one’sage
Learn the letters: Uu-Zz
Language focus:
The usage of the key words in context
e.g., seven, eight, nine, ten
The usage of modelled phrases to communicate with other people
e.g., Are you…
The pronunciation and writing of the letters Uu to Zz
Language skills:
Identifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation
e.g., seven, eight, nine, ten
understanding the wuestions and responding appropriately
e.g., Are you…
Yes, I’m…/No. I’m …
Understanding the key patterns
e.g., Are you …
Yes. /No.
Identifying the letters Uu to Zz by listening to the pronunciation.
Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly
e.g., seven, eight, nine, ten
Using modelled phrases to communicate with other people
e.g., Are you …
Yes. /No.
Using numbers to talk about one’s age
e.g., Are you seven
Yes, I’m seven.
Pronouncing the letters Uu to Zz correctly
Writing the letters correctly
e.g. , Uu to Zz
Scheme of work:
Period Core contents Letters Materials
Grammar andexpressions Vocabulary
1 Are you… seven eight Nine ten Uu,Vv,Ww SB:p.10 and 11WB:p. 10 and 11 Part A and B
2 Xx,Yy,Zz SB:p.12and 13WB:p.11, 12 and 13, Parts C,D,Eand Task
Period 1
Language focus:
The usage of the key words in context
e.g., seven, eight, nine, ten
Numbers 7 through 10 and revision of the numbers 1 through 6
e.g., One, two, three,…
The usage of modelled phrases to communicate with other people
e.g., Are you…
Language skills:
Identifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation
e.g., seven, eight, nine, ten
Understanding the wuestions and responding appropriately
e.g., Are you…
Yes, I’m…/No. I’m …
Using a rhyme to practise the numbers
e.g., One, two, three…
Pronouncing numbers 1to 10 correctly
Using modelled phrases to communicate with other people
e.g., Are you …
Yes. /No.
Student’s book 2A, pp.10and 11
Workbook 2A, p10 and 11 Parts A and B
Cassette 2A
Wall picture 2A
Flashcards 2A (seven, eight, nine, ten)
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Characteristic modification, the teaching introspects
Pre-task preparation Rhyme: One, two, three Say the rhyme 唱儿歌,活跃课堂气氛,复习旧知,为新授作铺垫。 Rhyme:One two three, It’s a tree.Four five sixPick up sticks.通过一年级所学的儿歌复习已经学过的数字1-6。Teach: seven to ten.Game:Look at the mouthGuess, which word is it Finger games:Listen and show the number you hear.T: sevenSs: seven (show the hands )Do some maths exercise:How much is … and … 2+24+5…Introduce:I am …I am eight years old.Pair work:How old are you I am …Guessing game:Are you…(age) Yes, I am …No, I am…Group work:One child close his/her eye.Then throng asking questions to find who is her partner.Are you tall/short Are you fat/thin Are you big/small Are you (age) Are you… Ask some groups do the games in front of the class.Vote the best one.
How many pencils Have the students say the rhyme on SB 1A p29. Then show the students some stationery items. Have them count the items with you. 在游戏中学,激发学习兴趣。
While-task procedure Rhyme Have the students listen to the rhyme on SB p10. Ask the students to stand up and repeat it with some gestures.e.g., One, two, three, touch your knees.(touch the knees)Four, five, six, pick up sticks. (bend down)Seven and eight, draw a snack.(draw)Nine and ten, do it again. 念儿歌的同时,玩玩做做,激发学生兴趣。
seveneight nine ten Put the flashcards for the numbers 7 to 10 on the blackboard. Have the students practise the new words. In pairs, have the students write down his/her age and talk about it.e.g., S1: You are seven.S2: Yes, I’m seven. You are seven.S1: No. I’m eight. 在生生互动中练习多学单词和句型。
Quick arithmetic exercise T: (shows 2+2)How much Ss: Four.T: (shows 3+5) How much Ss: Eight. 算一算练一练比一比,提高学生学习兴趣。
Make a dialogue Have the students listen and repeat after the recording “look and say’ on SB p11. Try to have them say in roles.E.g.,T: This is Peter.S1: Hi.S2: Hi. I’m Alice.S3: Hello. I’m Kitty.S3: Hello, Peter.S1: Hi. Are you Alice S3: No. I’m Kitty.S1: Sorry. You are Alice.S2: Yes, I’m Alice.S1: You are Kitty.S3: Yes, I’m Kitty. 创设情景,巩固句型。
Letters: Uu--Ww Read and copy the letters 复习字母,为拼写单词做准备。
ost-task activity Workbook P10,11 Part A and B 做练习,熟悉单词,练习听力。
Homework: 1.Say the rhyme:One, two, three. 2.Make a dialogue: Are you… Yes, I’m…/No. I’m … 3. Write the letters: Uu—Ww.
课后反思: 本课教学的是数词1-10,以及有关于年龄的表达法。在设计教学过程时根据儿童好胜心强、爱表现自己的这一特点,采用了很多游戏来激发学生操练数词的兴趣,有看教师的口形读单词,目的在于让学生看到正确的发音口形,来纠正自己的发音;还有就是听老师说一个数词,他们来说上一个数词或下一个数词,看学生的反应如何,就可得知他们对于这些数词掌握的情况,以便及时进行巩固;最后安排的是读号码,通过这个游戏来进一步巩固学生对于这些数词的掌握程度。在游戏教学过程中,不可回避的如何对待优中差生。我设计fingers的游戏注重的是面向全体学生,难度适中,让大家都参与。我根据个人素质,性格特点,记忆力,反应速度等,在心中把全班分三组,因材施教,分层要求,以求最有效的激励学生不断上进。
Period 2
Language focus:
The usage of modelled phrases to communicate with other people
e.g., Are you…
The pronunciation and writing of the letters Xx to Zz
Language skills:
Identifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation
e.g., seven, eight, nine, ten
Understanding the key patterns
e.g., Are you …
Yes. /No.
Identifying the letters Xx to Zz by listening to the pronunciation.
Using modelled phrases to communicate with other people
e.g., Are you …
Yes. /No.
Pronouncing the letters Xx to Zz correctly
Writing the letters correctly
e.g. , Xx to Zz
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Characteristic modification, the teaching introspects
Pre-task preparation Sing a song Have students listne to the song “Hello! How are you ’ and sing with it. 听一听唱一唱,使学生的进入学习状态。 Sing a songLearn a new rhyme on page p10.Make a new rhyme in your group.One two three,….Four five six…Seven and eight…Nine and ten…Ask the students to show their new rhymes.Role –play Who are you?On students’ book page 12.Play a guess game.S1: (changing his voice) Hello, Ben!S2: (Are you a boy S1: Yes, I am.S2: Are you eight S1: No, I’m not.S2: Are you Tom S1: Yes, I am.
Missing game Show the flashcards for the numbers 1 to 10 on the blackboard. Then take one card away and ask the students to tell you which number is missing. 通过游戏激发学习兴趣。
While-task procedure Say and act:Who are you Have the students listen to the recording for ’say and act’ on SB p12. encourge them to repeat after the recording. Then ask them to role-play the dialogue in groups of four. You may choose several groups to act it out in front of the class. 通过说说演演,激发学习兴趣,培养学生口头表达能力。
Guessing game Have the students play a guessing game. Ask a students to go to the front of the classroom and face the blackboard. He/She should guess who he/she is talking to.e.g.,S1: (changing his voice) Hello, Ben!S2: (Are you a boy/S1: Yes, I am.S2: Are you eight S1: No, I’m not.S2: Are you Tom S1: Yes, I am. 玩一玩,练一练,在游戏中巩固、练习所学的句型。
Letters: Xx-Zz Read and copy the letters 复习字母,为拼写单词做准备。
Post-task activity Workbook P12 Look, read and judge 做练习,巩固已学内容
Workbook P13 Part AListen and sayPart BAsk tick and say 巩固练习,表演对话。
Homework: 1.Make a dialogue with your classmates. 2. Write the letters: Xx-Zz.
课后反思: 本节课主要是让学生学会运用Are you… 的句型,难点为让学生掌握第一、第二人称的使用,对二年级的学生来说有一定的难度。众所周知,只要是小学生感兴趣的东西,他们就会有求知的欲望;如果没有兴趣的话,学习热情就会大减,从而直接影响学习的效果。因此,在课堂中我使用了一个猜猜我是谁的游戏,学生用改变了的声音让同伴猜,既提高了激发了学生学习兴趣,又把Are you… 这个重点句型运用到游戏中,避免了单一的枯燥的操练。除了激发兴趣以外,我还努力使用各种手段帮助学生学习新知。在教学对话时,我会适时地加上一些动作,帮助学生理解。例如:用手比划出高矮胖瘦、年龄等,这样一来,不用点明,学生就能够猜到句子得意思,而且印象深刻。教学效果较好。
Module 2 Me, my family and friends
Unit 1 I can swim
授课教师Lecturer 授课班级Learners 授课日期Date of Teaching 教具准备 Teaching Aids
Cassette 2A ,pictures, tape, tape recorder ,
Oxford English 2AM 2 U1 Period I
活动主题The theme 活动内容The contents 活动目标The objectives
Module 2 Unit 1 I can swim 单词: run, write, swim, fly句型:Can you write Yes, I can./ No, I can’t. Using verbs to indicate actions. E.g. run, write, swim, fly Using the modal verb can to express abilities.
活动过程 Teaching Steps
Pre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Warming up: Sing a song: I can draw.Step 2 Daily talk:Ask and answer: What can you do I can …. What can she/ he do She/ He can ….1. T and S 2. S and S
While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Learn the new word: run Learn the new sentences: Can you … Yes, I can.Look at the book and listen to the tape. (P15 story: Supergirl)T: (show the picture) What can she do S: She can run.(1). Read the word one by one.(2). Answer the question: What can she do She can run.T: Can you run S: Yes, I can.1. T and S 2. S and SStep 2 Learn the new word: write T: (Show the picture) What can she do S: She can write. (1). Read the word one by one.(2). Answer the question: Can you write Step 3 Learn the new word: swim Learn the new sentences: Can you … No, I can’t. T: Can you swim S: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.Step 4 Learn the new word: flyT: Can you fly S: No, I can’t.T: Who can fly S: Supergirl can fly.
Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Read the new words and sentences: (P14. )Read after the tape.Read the new words and sentences by themselves.Step 2 Look and guess: Let one student to do something, then ask the other students to guess: T: What can she / he do S: She / He can ….Step 3 Bingo game: Can you … Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.Practice in pairs
板书设计Blackboard Writing
Can you … (run, write, swim, fly)Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
课后作业 Assignments 课后反思 Reconsideration
Read the words and the sentences after the tape.Do a survey with your good friends: Can you … (P16)Search the other verb.
Module 2 Me, my family and friends
Unit 1 I can swim
授课教师Lecturer 授课班级Learners 授课日期Date of Teaching 教具准备 Teaching Aids
Cassette 2A ,pictures, tape, tape recorder ,
Oxford English 2AM 2U1 Period 2
活动主题The theme 活动内容The contents 活动目标The objectives
Module 2 Unit 1 I can swim 单词: run, write, swim, fly句型:Can she/he write Yes, she /he can./ No, she / he can’t. Using verbs to indicate actions. E.g. run, write, swim, fly Using the modal verb can to express abilities.
活动过程 Teaching Steps
Pre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Warming up: Sing a song: I can draw. Step 2 Daily talk:Ask and answer: Can you … Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Learn the new sentence: Can she … Yes, she can. / No, she can’t.T: (Listen to the tape:P15) Can Supergirl swim (Ask some students.)S: Yes, she can.T: Can she fly S: Yes, she can.T: Can she write S: No, she can’t.T: What can she do S: She can run.(1). Practice in pairs. (2). Ask and answer one by one.Step 2 Learn the new sentences: Can he … Yes, he can. / No, he can’t. T: (Ask one boy to act out ) Can he write (Ask some students) S: Yes, he can. / No, he can’t. (!). Follow the teacher. (2). Practice in pairs.
Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Read the sentences: (P15) (1) Read after the tape. (2). Read them together. (3). Ask and answer in pairs.Step 2 Play a game: Guess What can he / she do (1). One student out. (2). The other student act out. (3). The first student in and guess. S1: Can he / she write S: Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isn’t.Step 3 Listen and answer the questions: (1). Listen to the tape or teacher: Superman (2). Answer the questions.
板书设计Blackboard Writing
Can Supergirl swim Can she fly Can he … Can she write Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.Yes, she can. / No, she can’t.
课后作业 Assignments 课后反思 Reconsideration
Read the words and the sentences after the tape.Do a survey: What can your parents do
Module 2 Me, my family and friends
Unit 1 I can swim
授课教师Lecturer 授课班级Learners 授课日期Date of Teaching 教具准备 Teaching Aids
Cassette 2A ,PPT, tape, tape recorder ,
Oxford English 2AM 2 U1 Period 3
活动主题The theme 活动内容The contents 活动目标The objectives
Module 2 Unit 1 I can swim 单词: girl, hand字母: Gg, Hh 1.Read and write the letters: Gg, Hh
活动过程 Teaching Steps
Pre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Warming up:Sing a song: The alphabet song.Read a tongue twister: Ee and FfStep 2 Daily talk:Ask and answer: What’s this It’s the letter Aa. / Bb.
While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Learn the new letter: Gg T: What ‘s this (show the new letter)S: It’s the letter Gg.(1). Read it together. (1) Read it one by oneT: Which word begins with the letter Gg S: gift / game / girl …Step 2 Learn the new letter: Hh Learn the new word: hand T: He is a boy. How to spell the word “he”. (show the word: __ e) S: H-e. (1). Read the letter “Hh” together. (1) Read it one by oneStep 3 Learn the tongue twister: Gg and Hh T: (show the picture P17) What can you see S: I can see a girl. / gate. / plate. Follow the teacher. (the tongue twister)Step 4 Write the new letters.
Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Read the letters and tongue twister.1. Read after the tape.2. Read the letters and tongue twister by themselves.Step 2 Try to repeat the tongue twister.Repeat the tongue twister together.Let someone to repeat.Step 3 Do the exercises. (1). Do it by themselves. (2). Check it.
板书设计Blackboard Writing
girl handA girl at the gate.A girl at the gate.She has a plate.She has a plate.She has a plate in her hand.
课后作业 Assignments 课后反思 Reconsideration
Copy the new letters.Read the letters and tongue twister after the tape.Repeat the tongue twister.
Module 2 Me, my family and friends
Unit 2 That’s my family
授课教师Lecturer 授课班级Learners 授课日期Date of Teaching 教具准备 Teaching Aids
Cassette 2A ,photos, tape, tape recorder ,
Oxford English 2AM 2 U2 Period I
活动主题The theme 活动内容The contents 活动目标The objectives
Module 2 Unit 2 That’s my family 单词: young, old句型: Is he / she … Yes, he / she is.No, he / she isn’t. 1. To know the words and sentences2. Use the words and sentences to introduce the family
活动过程 Teaching Steps
Pre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Warming up: Listen and enjoy: That’s my familyStep 2 Daily talk:Ask and answer: Who’s she / he She’s / He’s … (look at the photo, point and ask)
While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Learn the new sentence: Is she / he … Yes, she / he is. T: (point and ask) Is she / he your mother / father (ask some students)S: Yes. (T: Yes, she / he is.)(1). Follow the teacher: Is she / he your mother / father (2). Practice in pairs.Step 2 Learn the new words: young old T: How old are you (ask two students) S: I’m eight / nine. T: xxx is young. Xx is old. Look at my family. My father is old. I’m young. (1). Follow the teacher: young, old (2). Ask and answer: T: I’m 29. How old are you S: I’m 9. T: I’m old. You are young. Practice in pairs.
Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Read the words and sentences. (1). Read after the teacher. (2). Read the words and sentences by themselves. Step 2 Play a game: Guess who is he / she (P20) (1). Say something about the students around us. This is xxx. She / He is tall / short / fat / thin. (2). Ask and answer to guess who is he / she
板书设计Blackboard Writing
M2 U2 That’s my familyyoung oldWho’s she Who’s he Is that a boy / girl She’s …. He’s …. Yes. / No.Is she … Is he … Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t
课后作业 Assignments 课后反思 Reconsideration
Do a survey : How about your family member Read the words and the sentences after the tape.
Module 2 Me, my family and friends
Unit 2 That’s my family
授课教师Lecturer 授课班级Learners 授课日期Date of Teaching 教具准备 Teaching Aids
Cassette 2A ,photos, tape, tape recorder ,
Oxford English 2AM2U2 Period 2
活动主题The theme 活动内容The contents 活动目标The objectives
Module 2 Unit 2 That’s my family 单词:kind, dear, nice, sweet句型:I like my …. 1. To know the words and sentences2. Use the words and sentences to introduce the family
活动过程 Teaching Steps
Pre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Warming up:Sing a song: Hello, how are you Step 2 Daily talk:(1). Introduce your family member: This is my …(2). Ask and answer in pairs: Who is he /she He / She is … Is he / she your brother / sister Yes, he / she is. / No, he /she isn’t.
While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Ask and answer:T: (after one student introduce her grandmother) She is old. Is she tall 板书S: Yes, she is. T: Is she thin 板书S: No, she isn’t.T: Do you like your grandmother S: Yes, I like my grandmother 板书: I like my …T: (Take out the photo) This is my mother. Who can ask me the questions.(1). T and S (2). Practice in pairs.Step 2 Learn the new rhyme: (P19)Learn the new words: kind, dear, nice, sweetListen to the tape.Try to read after the tape.Read it one by one.
Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Read the sentences: (P19) (1). Read after the tape. (2). Read it together. (3). Read it one by one.Step 2 Introduce your family member: (1). T introduce first. (2). S introduce.Step 3 Play a game: Guess who is he / she (1). One student introduce his or her family member. (2). The other student guess: Is she / he …
板书设计Blackboard Writing
-----This is my … -----This is my …-----She is old. / young. ------He is old. / young.Is she tall / short / fat / thin Is she tall / short / fat / thin ------Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. ------ Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.I like my …
课后作业 Assignments 课后反思 Reconsideration
Read the words and the sentences after the tape.Introduce your family member.repeat the rhyme.
Module 2 Me, my family and friends
Unit2 That’s my family
授课教师Lecturer 授课班级Learners 授课日期Date of Teaching 教具准备 Teaching Aids
Cassette 2A ,pictures, tape, tape recorder ,
Oxford English 2AM 2 U2 Period 3
活动主题The theme 活动内容The contents 活动目标The objectives
Module 2 Unit 2 That’s my family 单词: insect, jar, Harry,字母:Ii, Jj 1.Read and write the letters: Ii, Jj
活动过程 Teaching Steps
Pre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Warming up:Sing a song: The alphabet song.Read a tongue twister: Gg and HhStep 2 Daily talk:Ask and answer: What’s this It’s the letter Aa. / Bb.
While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Learn the new letter: Ii Learn the new word: insect T: What ‘s this (show the new letter)S: It’s the letter Ii.(1). Read it together. (1) Read it one by oneT: Which word begins with the letter Ii S: Ice cream.T: Look, Miss Wang has an insect. (show the picture and word). Insect begins with the letter Ii.(1). Read after the teacher. (2). Read it one by one.Step 2 Learn the new letter: Jj Learn the new word: jar T: What ‘s this (show the new letter)S: It’s the letter Jj.(1). Read it together. (1) Read it one by oneT: Which word begins with the letter Jj S: Jacket / jeep / jean.T: Look, Miss Wang has a jar. (show the picture and word). Jar begins with the letter Jj.(1). Read after the teacher. (2). Read it one by one.Step 3 Learn the tongue twister: Ii and Jj T: (show the picture P17) What can you see S: I can see an insect and a jar. Follow the teacher. (the tongue twister)Step 4 Write the new letters.
Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Read the letters and tongue twister.1. Read after the tape.2. Read the letters and tongue twister by themselves.Step 2 Try to repeat the tongue twister.Repeat the tongue twister together.Let someone to repeat.Step 3 Do the exercises. (1). Do it by themselves. (2). Check it.
板书设计Blackboard Writing
insect jarHarry has a jar.Harry has a jar.Harry has an insect,An insect in a jar.
课后作业 Assignments 课后反思 Reconsideration
Read the letters and tongue twister after the tape.Repeat the tongue twister.Copy the new letters.
Module 2 Me, my family and friends
Unit 3 My hair is short
授课教师Lecturer 授课班级Learners 授课日期Date of Teaching 教具准备 Teaching Aids
Cassette 2A , tape, tape recorder ,
Oxford English 2AM 2 U3 Period I
活动主题The theme 活动内容The contents 活动目标The objectives
Module 2 Unit 3 My hair is short 单词: hair, head face句型:My … is /are … 1. Begin an interaction by introducing people briefly
活动过程 Teaching Steps
Pre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Warming up: Sing a song: This is my face.Step 2 Daily talk:Listen and act: Touch your … This is my …
While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Learn the new word: face, round, Learn the new sentences: My … is … Your … is … T: Where is your mouth It’s on your face. Where is your nose It’s on your face, too.Where is your face Touch your face.S: This is my face.(1). Read the word together. (2). Read it one by one.T: Look at my face and her face. Whose face is big. S: Miss Wang’s face is big..T: Yes. My face is big and round.(1). Follow the teacher. (2). Say something about yourself.Eg. My nose / mouth is big.T: My nose / mouth is big. Your nose / mouth is small.(1). Follow the teacher. (2). Say something with your partner.Step 2 Learn the new word: hair T: (put some hair on the face) What’s on my face I can’t see. Oh, it’s my hair.(1). Read the word together. (2). Read it one by one.T: Look at my hair and your hair. Whose hair is short. S: My hair is short.T: Yes, your hair is short. My hair is long.(1). Follow the teacher. (2). Say something with your partner.Step 3 Learn the new word: head T: Where is the hair and the face They are on my head.(1). Read the word together. (2). Read it one by one. (3). Say something with your partner.Step 4 Learn the new sentence: My … are … T: Look at your eyes. My eyes are big. Your eyes are small.
Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Listen to the tape. Learn the new word: Gaint (1). Listen to the tape, then answer the question. (2). Follow the teacher: Gaint. (3). Read after the tape. Step 2 Read the word and sentences: (P22)Read after the tape.Read it one by one.Step 3 Say something about yourself.
板书设计Blackboard Writing
hair head faceMy … is … My … are …
课后作业 Assignments 课后反思 Reconsideration
Read after the tape. (P22, 23)Introduce yourself with the sentences: My … is / are …
Module 2 Me, my family and friends
Unit 3 My hair is short
授课教师Lecturer 授课班级Learners 授课日期Date of Teaching 教具准备 Teaching Aids
Cassette 2A , tape, tape recorder ,
Oxford English 2AM 2 U3 Period 2
活动主题The theme 活动内容The contents 活动目标The objectives
Module 2 Unit 3 My hair is short 单词:hair, head face句型:Your … is … Your … are … 1. Begin an interaction by introducing people briefly
活动过程 Teaching Steps
Pre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Warming up: Sing a song: This is my face.Step 2 Daily talk:Listen and act: Touch your … This is my …
While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Learn the new sentence: Your … is / are …One student introduces his or herself. T: You are … You are… Your … is … Your … are … I like you.Practice in pairs.Step 2 Say and act: (P23)T and SS and SAct out the other person. Then introduce.
Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Read the sentences: (P22, 23, 24) (1) Read after the tape. (2) Read it together. Step 2 Play a game: (P24) Gaint, Supergirl, Superboy, Kitty, Danny, ….
板书设计Blackboard Writing
My … is … Your … is …My … are … Your … are …
课后作业 Assignments 课后反思 Reconsideration
1.Read after the tape. (P22, 23)2.Introduce yourself and your friend with the sentences: My … is / are … Your … is / are …
Module 2 Me, my family and friends
Unit 3 My hair is short
授课教师Lecturer 授课班级Learners 授课日期Date of Teaching 教具准备 Teaching Aids
Cassette 2A ,PPT, tape, tape recorder ,
Oxford English 2AM 2 U3 Period 3
活动主题The theme 活动内容The contents 活动目标The objectives
Module 2 Unit 3 My hair is short 单词: kite, lion字母:Kk, Ll. 1.Read and write the letters: Kk, Ll
活动过程 Teaching Steps
Pre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Warming up:Sing a song: The alphabet song.Read a tongue twister: Ii and JjStep 2 Daily talk:Ask and answer: What’s this It’s the letter Aa. / Bb.
While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Learn the new letter: Kk Learn the new word: kite T: What ‘s this (show the new letter)S: It’s the letter Kk.(1). Read it together. (1) Read it one by oneT: Which word begins with the letter Kk S: Kitty / kind .T: Look, Miss Wang has a kite. (show the picture and word). Kite begins with the letter Kk.(1). Read after the teacher. (2). Read it one by one.Step 2 Learn the new letter: Ll Learn the new word: lion T: What ‘s this (show the new letter)S: It’s the letter Ll.(1). Read it together. (1) Read it one by oneT: Which word begins with the letter Ll S: Lemon / look / like.T: Look, Miss Wang has a lion. (show the picture and word). Lion begins with the letter Ll.(1). Read after the teacher. (2). Read it one by one.Step 3 Learn the tongue twister: Kk and Ll T: (show the picture P17) What can you see S: I can see a kite and a lion. Follow the teacher. (the tongue twister)Step 4 Write the new letters.
Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Read the letters and tongue twister.1. Read after the tape.2. Read the letters and tongue twister by themselves.Step 2 Try to repeat the tongue twister.Repeat the tongue twister together.Let someone to repeat.Step 3 Do the exercises. (1). Do it by themselves. (2). Check it.
板书设计Blackboard Writing
kite lionLook! A lion!Look! A lion!Look! A lion and a kite.A big lion and a small kite.
课后作业 Assignments 课后反思 Reconsideration
Read the letters and tongue twister after the tape.Repeat the tongue twister.3. Copy the new letters.
Module 3 Places and activities
Unit1 In the children’s garden
Tasks in this unit:
Begin an interaction by asking wh-questions
End an interaction by using simple formulaic expressions
Get to know the objects in a playground
Language focus:
The usage of the key words in context
e.g., slide, swing, seesaw
The usage of wh-question to find out specific information
e.g., What can you see
I can see…
Language skills:
Indentifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation
e.g., slide, swing, seesaw
Understanding the meaning of wh-questions
e.g., What can you see
I can see…
Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly
e.g., slide, swing, seesaw
Using modelled phrases to initiate and engage in an interaction by providing a response to factual questions
e.g., What can you see
I can see…
Scheme of work:
Period Core contents
Grammar andexpressions Vocabulary Letters Materials
1 What can you see I can see … slide swing seesaw SB:pp.26 and 28WB:pp.26,Parts A
2 What can you see I can see … SB:pp.27 , 28 and 29WB:pp.27and28,29 Parts B C,D,and Task
Period 1
Language focus:
The usage of the key words in context
e.g., slide, swing, seesaw
The usage of wh-question to find out specific information
e.g., What can you see
I can see…
Language skills:
Indentifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation
e.g., slide, swing, seesaw
Understanding the meaning of wh-questions
e.g., What can you see
I can see…
Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly
e.g., slide, swing, seesaw
Using modelled phrases to initiate and engage in an interaction by providing a response to factual questions
e.g., What can you see
I can see…
Students’s Book 2A:pp.26 and 28
Workbook 2A:pp.26Parts A
Cassette 2A
Flashcards 2A (slide, swing, seesaw)
Wall picture 2A
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Characteristic modification, the teaching introspects
Pre-task preparation Watch DVD about children’s garden2. Introduce: e.g.T: This is a playground. Look, this is a slide.Repeat after me, please. Slide.Ss: Slide Ss: Watch.T: Show the picture of a slide 集中学生注意力,激发学生兴趣。通过视频,创设情景,引出slide 在教授歌曲的同时,让学生了解slide 和swing的区别,这两个单词很容易混淆在教授slide, seesaw, swing和的时候,可在黑板上用简笔画画出游乐园的图,来帮助学生理解每个单词的含义和使用场合。
While-task procedure New words:slideslide,slide,I can see.swing swing,swing,I can see.seesawseesaw, seesaw, up and downWhat can you see T: (show the card slide) What can you see Ss: I can see a slide.T: (Creat a new rhyme)slide,slide,I can see.T: Is it a slide Ss: No.T: It’s a swing.(show the picture swing) What can you see S: I can see a swing.(Creat a new rhyme)swing,swing,I can see.Play a game: What can you see (PPT)What can you see I can see a slide./ swing/ seesaw(Creat a new rhyme)seesaw,seesaw,up and down.Draw a picture of a children’s garden.T: What can you see Ss: I can see … 学习新词汇,并通过儿歌的形式帮助学生巩固和掌握新授,避免枯燥的机械性操练。通过游戏活动,再次激发学生对学习英语的兴趣,使学生更加乐于参与英语操练活动。创设情景,激发学生学习兴趣
Post-task activity Dialogue:e.g.---What can you see ---I can see a ….---What colour is it ---It’s …. Pair work 创设情景,让学生在模拟生活的情境中学会用英语交流
Homework Listen and read P26,27.Spell the words: slide, swing,seesaw3. Make a dialogue.
Blackboard-Writing Design
Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 In the children’s gardenslide swing seesaw
Period 2
Language focus:
The usage of wh-question to find out specific information
e.g., What can you see
I can see…
Language skills:
Indentifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation
e.g., slide, swing, seesaw
Understanding the meaning of wh-questions
e.g., What can you see
Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly
e.g., slide, swing, seesaw
Using modelled phrases to initiate and engage in an interaction by providing a response to factual questions
e.g., What can you see
I can see…
Students’s Book 2A:pp.27,28and 29
Workbook 2A:pp.27,28and 29Parts B,C,D and task
Cassette 2A
Flashcards 2A (slide, swing, seesaw,mouse,net)
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Characteristic modification, the teaching introspects
Pre-task preparation Quick response:What can you see I can see… Show pictures of toys and objects that the students have learnt before. Ask the students some questions. 检测学生学习情况,通过快速回答反映,展示学生的学习效果。 创设情景,让学生在情景中运用知识。Look at the viedo of the garden:通过整体引入的方式,让学生整体的感知语言,并理解如何正确的语言What can you see I can see a …知道这是询问对方看见什么的问题,其答语就一般是I can see …. What colour is it It’s …知道这是询问对方这是见什么颜色的问题,其答语就一般是It’s ….
Make a short dialogue Have the students work in pairs to complete the pictures in ‘Play a game’ on Student’s Book page 27. Then check answers with them.I can see …It is … 操练学过的句型,并且学会熟练运用。
Workbook page 27 Have the students complete Part B ‘Listen and match’ on Workbook page 27. 用小练习检测学习情况。
While-task procedure Page 28 Listen and enjoy Have the students listen to the recording and read the ryhme. Do some actions. 让学生边读儿歌,边做动作,使学生不会感到枯燥,更容易记忆儿歌。
Workbook Page 28 Have the students complete Part C ‘Read and colour’ and Part D ‘Read and write’. Check the answers with them. 用小练习检测学习情况。
Letters: Mm and NnMouse net Show the flashcards of the two words for mouse and net.Have the students listen to the recording for the rhyme on page 29. 通过朗读儿歌,让学生更好的记忆单词
Post-task activity Workbook page 29Do Task ‘In the children’s garden’ Ask them to choose and colour two objects, and then talk about them. 巩固练习,实际运用,自我表演。
Homework Listen and read after the recording of p28,29Copy the letters Mm, Nn and words mouse,net
今天的英语课是要学习和使用两个问句:What can you see 和 What colour is it 由于这2句问句最好结合实际的场景来教学,因此我设计了幻灯片,创设了贴近生活的场景,让学生们在相互交流中不断地熟悉句型,增进友情。不足之处:colour发音不准。
Module 3 Places and activities
Unit 2 In my room
Tasks in this unit:
1.Use imperatives to give simple instructions
2.Use modeled phrases to communicate with other people
3.Get to know the common objects in the room
Language focus:
1.The usage of the key words in context e.g., bag, box, desk, chair
2.The usage of the prepositions to identify positions e.g., in, on
3.The usage of imperatives to give simple instructions e.g., Put the book in the bag.
4.The usage of formulaic expressions to reply to requests e.g., OK./Yes./All righ
Language skills:
Indentifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation
e.g., bag, box, desk, chair
Understanding the imperatives
e.g., Put…in/on…
Responding tosimple instructions
e.g.,OK./Yes./All right.
Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly
e.g., bag,box,desk,chair
Using imperatives give simple instructions
e.g., Put the book in the bag.
Using formulaic expressions to reply to requests
e.g., OK./Yes./All right.
Writing the words correctly
e.g.bag, box, desk, chair
Scheme of work:
Period Core contents
Grammar andexpressions Vocabulary Letters Materials
1 Put…in/on… bag,box,desk,chair SB:pp.30 and 31WB:pp. 30 and 31Parts A and B
2 Put…in/on… SB:pp.32 and 33WB:pp.32and33 PartsC,D,and Task
Period 1
Language focus:
1. The usage of the key words in context e.g., bag, box, desk, chair
2. The usage of the prepositions to identify positions e.g., in, on
3. The usage of imperatives to give simple instructions e.g., Put the book in the bag.
4. The usage of imperatives to give simple instructions e.g., OK./Yes./All right.
Language skills:
Indentifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation
e.g., bag, box, desk, chair
Understanding the imperatives
e.g., Put…in/on…
Responding tosimple instructions
e.g.,OK./Yes./All right.
Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly
e.g., bag,box,desk,chair
Using imperatives give simple instructions
e.g., Put the book in the bag.
Using formulaic expressions to reply to requests
e.g., OK./Yes./All right.
Writing the words correctly
e.g.bag, box, desk, chair
Students’s Book 2A:pp.30 and 31
Workbook 2A:pp.30 and 31Parts A and B
Cassette 2A
Flashcards 2A (bag, box, desk, chair)
Wall picture 2A
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Characteristic modification, the teaching introspects
Pre-task preparation Words reviewSentence pattern review Quick responseShow the pictures and let the children read and spell them out quickly.Ask and answer :1) T &S 2)S&S 复习单词,集中学生注意力。 这一课用实物教学最好,很贴合实际。课文中所有的单词在教室里都能找到,因此让学生摸一摸,说一说效果非常好。猜谜游戏是一个巩固单词的好办法。
While-task procedure New words:bag, box, desk, chair, room, in, on Sing a songFree talkShow a real boxT: What’s this S: It’s a box.BoxRead and spell one by one.T: Guess what’s in it S: Maybe, there is a/an….in the box.The same way to introduce another new words..Use different patterns to practice the new words. 学习新词汇,并通过儿歌的形式帮助学生巩固和掌握新授,避免枯燥的机械性操练。通过对话,再次激发学生对学习英语的兴趣,使学生更加乐于参与英语操练活动。
Post-task activity Game: What’s missing Put…in/on… Show all the pictures and let them read spell all the new words.Hide one after another and let them to guess.Say and act. 通过游戏巩固所学的单词。
Homework Listen and read P30,31.Spell the words: bag, box, desk, chair3. Make a dialogue.
Blackboard-Writing Design
Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 2 In my roombag, box, desk, chair
不足之处:BOX发音比较容易和books 混淆,chair和hair可以用联想法帮助学生记忆单词。整堂课反馈效果较好。
Period 2
Language focus:
1. The usage of the key words in context e.g., bag, box, desk, chair
2. The usage of the prepositions to identify positions e.g., in, on,under
3. The usage of imperatives to give simple instructions e.g., Put the book in the bag.
4. The usage of imperatives to give simple instructions e.g., OK./Yes./All right.
Language skills:
Indentifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation
e.g., bag, box, desk, chair
Understanding the imperatives
e.g., Put…in/on…
Responding tosimple instructions
e.g.,OK./Yes./All right.
Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly
e.g., bag,box,desk,chair
Using imperatives give simple instructions
e.g., Put the book in the bag.
Using formulaic expressions to reply to requests
e.g., OK./Yes./All right.
Writing the words correctly
e.g. Put …in/on…
Students’s Book 2A:pp.32 and 33
Workbook 2A:pp.32 and 33Parts C,D and Task
Cassette 2A
Flashcards 2A (in, on ,under, put,orange, pig)
Wall picture 2A
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Characteristic modification, the teaching introspects
Pre-task preparation Sing a songWords reviewSentence pattern review Rhymes performanceQuick responseShow the pictures and let the children read and spell them out quickly.Ask and answer :1) T &S 2)S&SDictation 复习单词,巩固上节课所学的内容。 Put 句型可以用动作来帮助记忆。学生搞不清楚上下和里面的三个方位介词。用ppt 可以直观地让学生了解三个介词的不同用法。
While-task procedure Put …in/on…Put…under Say with gesturesT: There is a pencil on my desk. And I want to “put the pencil in the desk.”Ask the students to say with gestures too.The same way to introduce “ on”Pair workMake a short dialogue by themselves.Look at the pencil.It’s under the desk.Put the pencil under the desk.Act and say.Listen to the tape. 通过情景,再次激发学生对学习英语的兴趣,使学生更加乐于参与英语操练活动。
orange,pig Say a rhyme.Act the rhyme. 表演儿歌,巩固单词。
Post-task activity Sentences making Make sentences by themselves. 看图片,说句子。
Homework Listen and read P32,32.Spell the words: in, on ,under, put,orange, pig3. Say a rhyme.
Blackboard-Writing Design
Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 2 In my roomPut …in/on… Put…under
本课重点是in/on/under三个介词,由于学生比较容易混淆,我采用ppt直观地让学生了解这三个介词的不同之处,反馈结果较好。但是有个别学生把on 和under混淆,还需要进一步巩固这两个词的对比。
Module 3 Places and activities
Unit3 In the kitchen
Tasks in this unit:
Use modelled phrases to describe the quantity of sth.
Get to know the objects in the kitchen
Language focus:
The usage of the key words in context
e.g., bowl, plate, spoon, chopsticks
The usage of formulaic wxpressions to describe quantity
e.g., There are four bowls.
Language skills:
Indentifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation
e.g., bowl, plate, spoon, chopsticks
Understanding the key patterns about quantiy
e.g., How many…
There is/are…
Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly
e.g., bowl, plate, spoon, chopsticks
Using formulaic expressions to talk about quantity.
e.g., There is/are…
Scheme of work:
Period Core contents
Grammar andexpressions Vocabulary Letters Materials
1 There is/are… bowl, plate, spoon, chopsticks SB:pp.34nd 35WB:pp.34arts A
2 There is/are… SB:pp.36and 37WB:pp.35,36and37 Parts B C,D,and Task
Period 1
Language focus:
The usage of the key words in context
e.g., bowl, plate, spoon, chopsticks
The usage of the wh-question to find out the quantity e.g., How many…
The usage of formulaic expressions to talk about the quantity e.g., There is/are…
Language skills:
Indentifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation
e.g., bowl, plate, spoon, chopsticks
Understanding the key patterns about quantiy
e.g., How many…
There is/are…
Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly
e.g., bowl, plate, spoon, chopsticks
Asking wh-questions to find out quantuty
e.g., How many…
Using formulaic expressions to talk about quantity.
e.g., There is/are…
Students’s Book 2A:pp.34 and 35
Workbook 2A:pp.34Parts A
Cassette 2A
Flashcards 2A (bowl, plate, spoon, chopsticks)
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Characteristic modification, the teaching introspects
Pre-task preparation Activity1Play the CD-ROM of a kitchen and introduce the students the names of the objects in the kitchen.Activity2Show a picture of a table with some food on it in the kitchen. Have the students answer questions. Then have them talk about the food they like in pairs. e.g.,T: Look, this is a bowl. The rice is in a bowl. Bowl.Ss: Bowl.…e.g.,T: Look at the table in the kitchen. You can see some food. What do you like S1: I like cakes.T: You like cakes. There are some cakes on the plate.S2: I like noodles.T: Me, too. I eat noodles with chopsticks. Please tell your friend what you see on the table and what you like.S1: I (can) see… I like…S2: I (can) see… I like 集中学生注意力,激发学生兴趣。通过视频,创设情景,引出bowl 本课我设计了厨房场景的ppt.并拓展三个单词fork, glass, knife。课件中设计的人物小丸子是学生耳熟能详的卡通角色,学生的学习兴趣浓厚。猜谜游戏很好的巩固了之前所学的七个单词。利用单词卡片来做快速反应的游戏。学生之间操练对话。
While-task procedure Activity 1Flash the picture on the screen and have the students respond quickly.Activity 2Have the students work in pairs and make a short dialogue.Activity 3Have the students complete Part A ‘Listen and match’ on Workbook page 34, and then check the answers with them. Then have them listen to the recording for ‘Say and act’ on Student’s Book page 34 and repeat it.Activity 4Have the students listen to the recording for ‘Look and say’ on Student’s Book page 35 and practice the dialogue several times. Then have them count the objects in the picture and make a dialogue. e.g.,T: (show the picture bowl)Ss: Bowl.T: (show two fingers) How many bowls Ss: Two bowls.e.g.,S1: Give me a bowl, please.S2: Here you are.S1: Thank you. Give me a spoon, please.S2: Here you are.e.g.,S1: How many plates S2: Six plates. 通过图片给学生直观印象。说说练练,锻炼口头表达能力。通过练习巩固已学内容。
Post-task activity Activity 1Have the students answer questions correctly using There is… and There are… according to the teacher’s gestures.Activity 2Have the students listen to the recording for ‘Say and act’ on Student’s Book page 34. Then ask them to act out the dialogue in pairs. e.g.,T: How many bowls (show one finger)S1: There is one bowl.T: How many plates (show three fingers)S2: There are three plates. 创设情景,让学生在模拟生活的情境中学会用英语交流
Homework Listen and read P34, 35.Spell the words: bowl, plate, spoon, chopsticks3. Make a dialogue.
Blackboard-Writing Design
Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 3 In the kitchenbowl plate spoon chopsticks
本课主要学习餐具的四个单词,我还拓展了三个fork, glass, knife。课上较好的利用了多媒体信息技术,把单词和句型整合在ppt中。学生兴趣浓郁,课上反馈效果很好。 不足之处: bowl读音不准,很多学生的l音没发出来。Spoon的音也不太准,需要反复巩固。在单词书写中,chopsticks比较容易漏写s.
Period 2
Language focus:
The usage of the key words in context
e.g., bowl, plate, spoon, chopsticks
The usage of the wh-question to find out the quantity
e.g., How many…
The usage of formulaic expressions to talk about the quantity
e.g., There is/are…
Language skills:
Indentifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation
e.g., bowl, plate, spoon, chopsticks
Understanding the key patterns about quantity
e.g., How many…
There is/are…
Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly
e.g., bowl, plate, spoon, chopsticks
Using formulaic expressions to talk about quantity.
e.g., There is/are…
Students’s Book 2A:pp.36and37
Workbook 2A:pp.35,36and 37Parts B,C,D and task
Cassette 2A
Flashcards 2A (queen, rabbit)
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Characteristic modification, the teaching introspects
Pre-task preparation Activity1Have the students look at the kitchen objects on the screen. Ask them to read the words after the teacher. Then ask the students to say the word pointed out.Activity2Show the pictures for the kitchen objects. Have the students talk about what they can see. e.g.,T: What can you see S1: I can see some bowls.T: How many bowls S1: Two bowls. 通过对话练习复习已学内容,为新授埋下铺垫。 How many 句型一年级已经学过,这里采用以旧带新的方法比较好。
While-task procedure Activity 1Have the students complete Part B ‘Look, judge and say’ on Workbook page 35. Then check the answers with them.Activity 2Have the students look at the picture of ‘Look and say’ on Student’s Book page 35 again. Ask the students some questions. The students should answer using the pattern There is/are…Activity 3Have the students listen and repeat the story for ‘Enjoy a story’ on Student’s Book page 36. Then have the students talk about the story. e.g.,T: Look at the kitchen. How many bowls S1: There are four bowls.T: Yes. There are four bowls.Then ask the students to make a similar dialogue in pairs. 在情境中对话培养学生的口头表达能力。
Post-task activity Activity 1Have the students make a new dialogue with the items of school supplies they have.Activity 2Have the students do Task ‘Your kitchen’ on Workbook page 37. Ask them to count the things in their kitchen and write the numbers on the table in Part A. Then ask them to make a dialogue. e.g.,S1: How many pencils S2: There are three pencils.S1: Give me a pencil, please.S2: Here you are.S1: Thank you.e.g.,S1: How many plates S2: There are seven plates. 巩固练习,实际运用,对话表演。 通过练习检验所学。
Homework Listen to the tape and read P36/37.Tell a story according to P.36.
本课的重难点是there be 句型, 尤其是单复数的be动词变化,学生很容易混淆,要通过比较详细的讲解才能理解。课堂练习中反应出来的问题比较大。There be 的语法点需要在后面的课中继续操练。Kitchen这个单词发音也比较容易混淆。
Module 4 The natureal world
Unit1 In the sky
Tasks in this unit:
Begin an interaction by asking questions with can
Get to know the objects in the sky
End an interaction by using simple formulaic expressions
Language focus:
The usage of nouns to identify natural objects
e.g., the sun, the moon
The usage of the key pattern to describe what you see
e.g., I can see the moon
Language skills:
Using the key words in context
Understanding the meaning of can questions
Identifying the correct response by listening to can questions
e.g., Can you see the moon Yes,I can.
Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly
e.g., sun, moon, star
Responding to can questions
e.g., Can you see the stars Yes, I can.
Using How many to ask about the quantity
e.g., How many stars
Writing the words correctly
Scheme of work:
Period Core contents
Grammar andexpressions Vocabulary Materials
1 Can you see… sun, moon, star SB:pp.38,39 and 40WB:pp.38 and 39 Parts A and B
2 Can you see… SB:pp.39and 41WB:pp.40and41 Parts C,D,and Task
Period 1
Language focus:
The usage of nouns to identify the natural objects, e.g. the sun, the moon
The usage of the modal verb can, e.g. I can see the sun.
Language skills:
Using the key words in context e.g.,sun,moon,star
Understanding the meaning of can questions
Identifying the correct response by listening to can questions
e.g., Can you see the moon Yes,I can.
Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly
e.g., sun, moon, star
Responding to can questions
e.g., Can you see the stars Yes, I can.
Using How many to ask about the quantity
e.g., How many stars
Writing the words correctly
Aids: multimedia, word cards, picture cards, masks, Workbook 2A P.38,39
Teaching procedures:
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Characteristic modification, the teaching introspects
。Pre-taskpreparation 1.Warming up Song 活跃课堂气氛,为故事情节打下伏笔。 What can you do 的句型已经学过。在daily talk一环节可以先操练,再引入新单词,可以帮助学生巩固句型。这里采用简笔画猜一猜来引入能够引起学生兴趣。
2.Revision T: What can you see S: I can see… 复习已学句型,自然引出新授内容。
While-taskprocedure 3.New word:sunthe sun 1.T: What can you see I can see the sun.2.Read and spell: s_n (run)3.I can see the sun. 从旧句型问答自然引出新单词。通过发音类似单词拼写记忆单词。强调the用于世界上独一无二的事物。
4.New word:sky the sky 1.T: Where is Mr sun He’s in the sky.2.Read and spell:sk_ (my)3.Make pharases:the_____sky (colour) 通过组词操练新单词,同时加强记忆。
5.New word: cloudNew sentence:Can you see… Yes, I can.No, I can’t. 1.The sun’s friend:cloud2.Read and spell:cloud3.Make pharases:the______cloud(animals)4.T: Can you see the horse cloud Yes, I can.No, I can’t.5.Look and say: (pair work) 通过太阳的朋友引出云自然亲切。在组词过程中加深对新单词的印象,并借此引出新句型。
6.New word: moon 1.The sun is sleeping. His friend is coming out. He’s Miss Moon.2.Read and spell: moon3.Say a rhyme 通过问答引出月亮的样子,形