周 次 单 元 页 数 重 要 句 型 四 会 单 词 语 音 语 法 重 点 教 学 要 求
1-2 1 My school 1-6 There’s a/an… Is there a/an… Yes, there is . No, there isn’t. an art room a classroom a computer room a hall a library a music room a playground isn’t = is not have a look cool Ou (out ,around shout, playground , Mouth, mouse ) There be 结构的陈述句和它的一般疑问句及其肯定否定回答 每课A、B部分的单词和句子不仅要能流利背诵出来,还能默写或听写出来;每课C、E部分要求能流利背诵并有声有色地表演出来;每天跟磁带听当天所学内容若干遍,周末将本周所学内容再听一至两遍,这是每天固定的作业;两本练习册具体操作:抄写本(copybook)是课后在家完成相应部分,应定期上交批阅,活动手册在课堂上完成,并立即检查正误;课前一定要预习,课后一定要复习。
3-4 2 At school 7-12 What do you do in the … We … and ….. We play in the …… Study , paint, line up, dining hall, eat, drink, do, We , at school, well Ea (ice cream , seat, read, eat ,Meat, please, ) 介词in 的运用。连词and 的运用。代词we的用法
5-6 3 My robot 13-18 What’s in your… There’s a/an…. Is there a/an… Yes, there is.It has long arms. It has big knees and big feet. Arm, head, knee, leg, foot(feet) shoulder ,hand , Oh, dear, great, now, again, Ea(head, bread, ready, steady, ) 用形容词描述身体部分have,has的用法代词it的运用
7-8 4 Senses 19-24 What can you see I can see/hear /smell a….. I see /hear/ smell/ with my….. Train, plane, ship, road, lorry, van, truck, with, hear, smell, park, wait, cross. Ai(rain, sail) ay (away, play) 情态动词can的用法介词with的运用
9 5 Revision 25-28 复习前面几单元所学的内容。 期中小考
10-11 6 My room 29-34 I like the…. What colour is /are the…. It’s …/They ‘re…. Shelf, purple, curtain, wardrobe, wall pink, table, colour, they, Ur ( nurse, purple, curtain, turtle) 用形容词描述物体.代词it, they的运用.问物体颜色
12-13 7 Myneighbour 35-40 Who’s that That’s Mr /Mrs/Miss Wang.He’s/She’s our neighbour. Is she/he a….. Yes, he/she is.No, he/ she isn’t. Policeman, nurse, shop, shop assistant, policewoman.Postman, Mrs , neighbour, who, don’t=do not, new Or( house, sea, shore, snort, snore) 代词he ,she的运用一般疑问句和它的肯定否定回答
14-15 8 On the farm 41-46 There’s /there are (number)(animal)What’s your favourite animal I like (animal) Farm ,duck, sheep,horse chicken, cow, pig favourite, animal ,hey, stop Ar( farm , far,arm, car) 名词的单复数动词like的运用
16-17 9 Clothes 47-52 Do you like this/that…. Yes, I do .No, I don’t. Clothes , dress, hat, shirt, T-shirt, skirt, coat, scarf, excuse, excuse me, sure Ir(girl , shirt, bird, skirt) 用形容词描述服装代词this,that的运用
18-19 10 Revision 53-56 复习下半学期所学内容。单元测试
19-20 期末总复习、期末考试
课 题 Unit 1 My school
教 学目 标 New words: room, library, hall, music, art, playgroundSentence patterns: This is … There is a an …
教材分析 重点 New words: room, library, hall, music, art, playground
难点 Sentence patterns: This is … There is a an …
教具 Word cards, picture, tape-recorder
教学过程 I. Free talkⅡ. PresentationBring in a picture of a school and photos or pictures of the different rooms taught in the Unit.( Books closed ) Show the picture of you the school, saying This is my school. Give individual pupils the picture and ask them to repeat the sentence.Show the pictures of the different rooms in the school. Say their names and ask the pupils to repeat them after me Then practise by showing a room and asking the pupils to tell me the name.Choose a picture and point to something in the picture the pupils know, e. g. a tree, a well-known room and say There’s a/an …Show the picture to individual pupils and ask them to point to the object and repeat the sentence. Point to other known items in the picture and encourage them to make sentences about them.Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and point to the speech bubble. Ask the pupils to repeat after the beeps.Ⅲ. Practice( Books open ) Show Transparency. Point to the places in the school on the page, saying There’s a classroom, etc. Encourage the pupils to repeat the sentences after you.Introduce the new character, Mike. Explain that Tim is showing Mike a picture of his school. Teach the pupils the name of the school ( No. 1 Primary School ).
教学过程 Read Tim’s speech bubble. Get the pupils to point to the correct places. Make sentences about the other places using There’s a/an …Encourage the pupils to make sentences by using there is a /an… while I point to the places in the picture.Get the pupils to look at each of the rooms. Point at an object in a room and say There’s a …
布置作业 Copybook 1Workbook 13. Write the new words on the notebook. 板书设计 Unit 1 My schoolwords(picture cards)This is my school.There’s an art room.There’s a library.
教学后记 Teaching new words with motions impresses pupils.Using ‘a’ and ‘an’ should be emphasized.3. Pupils feel hard in pronouncing the words library, hall, and playground.
课 题 Unit 1 My school
教 学目 标 New words: art room, music room, hall, library …Sentence patterns: Welcome to … Is there a … Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.
New words: art room, music room, hall, library…
Sentences: Is there a … Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
Word cards, picture, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Free talkⅡ. PresentationMake a plan of your school with the places marked on it. The plan does not need to have the English names written on it.( Books closed ) Show the pupils a plan of your school with the places marked on it, revising the English names for the places.Point to the plan and ask, for example, Is there a music room Ask a pupil to come out and point to the place named and say Yes, there is. Ask about a place not in the school, e.g. Is there a swimming pool Is there a zoo Then teach No, there isn’t.4. ( Books open ) Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the characters’ words after the beeps.Ⅲ. Practice
Show Transparency and play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Explain that Tim and Pat are visiting Mike’s school. The Ss listen and follow in their books. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat.Show the words in Tim and Pat’s thought bubbles. Drill the question form with the pupils by giving them the six word cues one by one and getting the pupils to ask Is there a/an … For each place in the school.Show the words with ticks and crosses in Mike’s thought bubble. Explain that a tick means they should answer Yes, there is. A cross means that they should answer No, there isn’t.Divide the class into three groups to role-play Tim, Pat and Mike. Get them to chorus the conversation following the order of the word cues in Tim and Pat’s thought bubbles.
1.Copybook 22.Workbook 23.Review what we learned today. Unit1 My schoolWelcome to my school!Is there a …Is there an …Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.
1. Practice the sentence with the plans of different school, doing a survey, or drawing a plan of pupils’ ideal school may enable the lesson more interesting.2. Pupils need to be remind to add a ‘a’ in the sentence.
Unit 1 My school
教 学目 标 New words: can’t coolSentence patterns: Come and have a look. Is there a/an … Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.
Words and sentence patterns
Sentence patterns: Is there a/an… Yes, .../ No, …
Picture cards, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Free talk What’s in your classroom Is there a computer Yes, there is. / No, there isn’tWhat’s on your desk Is there a pencil case …Ⅱ. PresentationPoint to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as you read them.Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.Explain that the man in the story is the school principal.Ask questions about what the boy can do, e. g. Can he sing Encourage the pupils to answer Yes, he can./ No, he can’t.
Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of three and to read the characters’ speech bubbles. Some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story.You may use Storycards to revise sequence and language of the story.Ⅲ. Tick ( ) or cross ( )Ask the pupils to read the story again. I Read the words in the speech bubbles with the pupils. Demonstrate how to tick or cross the first sentence with the pupils as an example. If the pupils are not sure of the answer go back and read the story with them again until they find the answer. Check answers using Transparency.Ⅳ. Summary I can sing. I can draw. I can’t sing. I can’t draw.
Copybook P3Workbook P33. Review what we learned today Unit 1 My schoolIs there an art room Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t.I can’t swim.I can play.
Pupils have difficulty in understanding ‘come and have a look’, so they need to be told the meaning and some situations and some practice are needed.Pupils have fun in reading the story imitating the record.With the guidance of the teacher, better pupils can retell the story---- feel delighted
Unit 1 My school
教 学目 标 The pronunciation of “ou” in the following words: out, around, shout, playground
sound “ou” in the words: around, shout, playground
sound “ou” in the words: around, shout, playground
Picture cards, tape-recorder
Ⅰ.Free talk What’s in your pencil case Is there a rubber Is there a ruler Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t. Are there any pencils Yes, there are. /No, there aren’t.Ⅱ. Presentation ( E. say the sound and the words.)Play the Pupil’s Book cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words. Point out the spelling of this sound. It is important that the pupils realize the vowel sound is spelt with two letters. Demonstrate how to make the sound and get the pupils to look a t your face while doing so. Check that the pupils are opening their mouths sufficiently and making the sound correctly.Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sound correctly.
Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without your model.Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to the rhyme and to tick the correct picture. Get the pupils to say the rhyme.Ⅲ. More to do. ( Workbook P.4 )Ask Ss to look at the first part of the page and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Draw a line to the correct words according to what they hear on the tape.Tapescript and answers: ou ( mouth, playground )3. Ask Ss to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks in the sentence.What’s in your school Is there a library Yes, there is. What’s in your school Is there an art room No, there isn’t.
Copybook P4Workbook P43. Review what we learned today Unit 1 My schoolout, around, shout, playgroundgo out run aroundin the playground
Pupils feel hard to pronounce the word round and shout for they have never learned these words. So more practise is needed. Saying the rhyme with clapping hands for several times make pupils feel more interesting.
Unit 1 My school
教 学目 标 Get Ss to be more familiar with the words and the sentence patterns “There be” “ Is there a/an …” “Yes, there is/No, … ”
Words and sentence patterns Is there a/an … Yes, ../No,..
Words and sentence patterns Is there a/an … Yes, ../No,..
Word cards, pictures and tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Free talk What’s in your room Is there a big TV Is there a computer Is there a fan Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t.Ⅱ. RevisionReview the wordclassroom, library, hall, music room, art room, playground… 2. Choose some students to spell the words, and choose some able students, make sentences with these words.Ⅲ. Presentation ( F. Look and do. P.5)Tell the pupils to work in pairs. One should be Student A and the other one Student B. ask all the pupils who are student A to put up their hands. Repeat with the pupils who are Student B.
Read the instructions on the page with the pupil. Ask them to turn to pages 60 and 61. point out the different plans Students A and B should look at. Explain that the places on the plans are the same, but the objects are in different places.Tell the pupils to put ticks in the correct places in the grid on page 60 or page 61.Demonstrate one conversation by having one student A ask, e.g. Is there a fan Get Student B to answer No, there isn’t. Then have Student A ask Is there a TV Get Student B to answer Yes, there is. It’s in the classroom. Show the pupils that Student A should tick the box across from classroom and under the TV in the grid.IV. Tell them to take turns to ask and answer questions and to put ticks in their grid according to their partner’s answers.V. Summary
1. Workbook P52. Review what we learned today Unit 1 My schoolIs there a fan No, there isn’t.Is there a TV Yes, there is. It’s in the classroom.
Unit 1 My school
教 学目 标 Consolidate all the new words and sentence patterns of Unit 1Part G: Sing the songs
The words and sentence patterns in unit1
Sentence patterns in unit1
Word cards, picture cards, tape-recorder, projector
I. Free talk What’s the weather like today Is there a computer in the classroom Are there any fans in the classroom How many fans in the classroom Ⅱ. RevisionReview the new wordsart room, library, hall, music room, playground, classroom, computer room, music room, around, shout2. Review sentence patterns.This is my school. There’s an art room. There’s a library.Welcome to my school! Is there a library Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.Ⅲ. Sing and playPlay the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the song.
Play the cassette again and tell the pupils to tick the correct pictures for the rooms in the first two verses of the song.Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words. Then point to one of the rooms shown at the bottom of the page and ask the pupils to sing the next three verses substituting the name of the room I point to.Ⅳ. Workbook. (P5)1. Ask the pupils to read the speech bubbles in the pictures on the left.2. Then match them to the pictures on the right by writing the correct letter in the circle.Ⅴ. SummaryRead partA and partB together.Sing the songs again.
1.Review the words and Part A,B,C,D,E,F.2.Prepare Unit 2 Unit 1 My schoolThere is an art room In my school,In my school,There’s an art room in …My school’s cool.
Unit 2 At school (Ⅰ)
New words: study, paint, line up, dining hall, eat, drink…Sentence patterns: Let’s …
New words: study, paint, line up, dining hall, drink …
Sentence patterns: Let’s …
Word cards, picture, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Free talk What can you do Can you run Can you jump Can you dance Ⅱ. PresentationRevise with the pupils the verbs they learned in Pupil’s Book Unit 3 (run, dance, jump, sing, read, write). Do actions for run, dance, jump, sing, read and write and have the pupils repeat the words after you. Then encourage the pupils to do the actions with you by saying, for example, Let’s run.Teach the new words with actions to demonstrate their meanings. For example, open more than one book, and make notes for study, draw a paintbrush and pretend to paint, get a few pupils to line up, mime eat and drink and gently throw a ball to a pupil, saying Let’s play.
Drill the new words by saying a word and getting the pupils to do the appropriate action or by doing an action and getting the pupils to say Let’s …Show Transparency and play the tape. Ask the pupils to repeat the words in the speech bubbles after the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary items.Ⅲ. PracticeShow Transparency. Point to the children on the page who are painting. Say Let’s paint. Get the pupils to do the action and join in with them. Let’s line up.Point to the other words. Ask the pupils to repeat them after you and to do the action you have taught them.Ask the pupils to work in groups of four. Give a word cue like study. Nominate one pupil in the group to make a sentence with Let’s … and to invite Ss to do the action with him or her.
Copybook 5Workbook 63. Write the new words on the notebook. Unit 2 At schoolwords(picture cards)Let’s study.Let’s paint.Let’s line up.
The activity that teacher give orders (say the words) and pupils do actions is good for memorizing the new words and sentence pattern.
Unit 2 At school (Ⅱ)
New words: sing, play, study …Sentence patterns: What do you do in the … We … and …
New words: sing, play, study …
Sentence patterns: What do you do in the … We … and
Word cards, picture, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Greeting How are you today Is there a library in the school Can we shout in the library Ⅱ. PresentationBring in the plan of the school again.Point to an appropriate room on the plan. Make sentences about what the pupils do in the room. For example, say We study in the classroom.Drill the pupils by asking about the different rooms, e.g. What do you do in the dining hall Encourage the more able pupils to use more than one verb by saying And With rising intonation after they have told you one thing they do, e.g. S: We eat. T: And S: We drink.Show Transparency and play the tape. Point to the speech bubbles and get the pupils to repeat the sentences after the beeps.
Ⅲ. PracticeShow Transparency and play the tape. The pupils listen and follow in their books. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the words after the beeps.Show Ss the characters and explain Mike is in Pat’s school.Point to the pictures and ask, for example, what do you do in the playground Encourage the pupils to make a sentence about each small picture in the thought bubbles.Show the pupils, using the sentences in the speech bubbles, that when we talk about more than one thing we can use … and … to link the actions. We can also use …, too to link a sentence to a previous sentence.Point to Pat’s thought bubbles in picture 3. help Ss to link the actions shown by saying … and … or …, too.Ask the pupils to work in pairs to complete the conversation. The pupils take turns to role-play P and M.
Copybook 6Workbook 73. Review what we learned today. Unit 2 At school What do you do in the playground We line up and sing.We play, too.
Enlargement: We surf the internet/ play computer game in the computer room.We sing and dance/ have a show in the hall.We swim in the swimming pool.jump, run, read, write, etc.
Unit 2 At school (Ⅲ)
Words: here ,pool, coolSentence patterns “What do you do in the … ” “We … and …” “We play in the …”
the sentence patterns of “ What do you do in the … ”
the sentence patterns of “ What do you do in the … ”
Picture cards, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Greeting What do you do at home We eat and drink. We play, too.Ⅱ. PresentationPoint to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as you read them.Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.Pupils say the speech bubbles together. And then say them group by group, see which group is best.Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of three and to read the characters’ speech bubbles. Some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story.Use the storycards to revise sequence and language of the story.
Ⅲ.Do the part DAsk the pupils to read the story again. Read the words in the speech bubble with pupils and tell them to repeat the sentences. Demonstrate how to write a cross in the first one as an example. Use Transparency to check the answers.Ⅳ. More to doWrite the names of the different rooms on the board. Using strips of paper with the action verbs written on them, ask the pupils to stick a strip of paper under an appropriate room name.Ask a pupil about a room, for example, what do you do in the music room The pupil makes a sentence using the word on the strip of paper under the room name. This game can also be played in teams for points.
Copybook 7Workbook 83. Review what we learned today. Unit 2 At schoolWe fly in here.We read in the swimming pool.Your school’s cool.
Role-playing and acting out the story gain a good effect. Retelling the story with the help of teacher help pupils understand the story.
Unit 2 At school (Ⅳ)
The pronunciation of “ea” in the following words: ice cream, seat, read, eat
pronunciation ea in the words: ice cream, seat, read, eat
pronunciation ea in the words: ice cream, seat, read, eat
Picture cards, word cards, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Greeting What’s your favourite food Do you like apple Do you like ice cream Ⅱ. PresentationPlay the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words.Point out the spelling of this sound. It is important that the pupils realize the vowel sound is spelt with two letters.Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sounds correctly. Point to the pictures and check that the pupils to listen to the rhyme and point to the children. Ask the pupils to read what is written on the wrappers of each child’s ice cream. Tell them to circle the winner. Get the pupils to say the rhyme.
Ⅲ. Play the gameWrite the names of the different rooms on the board. Using strips of paper with the action verbs written on them, ask the pupils to stick a strip of paper under an appropriate room name.Ask a pupil about a room, for example, What do you do in the music room The pupil makes a sentence using the word on the strip of paper under the room name. This game can also be played in teams for points.Ⅳ. Do workbook.(P9)Ask Ss to look at the first part of the page and listen to the tape. They need to circle the correct TVs according to the sound they hear on the tape.Ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks in the sentences.
Copybook 8Workbook 93. Review what we learned today. Unit 2 At schoolWhat do you do in the playground We line up and sing.What do you do in the music room We sing and dance.
Unit 2 At school (Ⅴ)
Get pupils to be more familiar with the words and the sentence patterns “ What do you do in the … ” “We … and …” …
words and the sentence patterns “ What do you do … ”
words and the sentence patterns “ What do you do … ”
word cards, pictures and tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Free talk What do you do in the playground I play… What do you do in the classroom I study… … …Ⅱ. Word revisionReview the words. Ask some pupils do actions for study, paint, line up, eat, drink…the others guess the words and spell the words.Choose some students to spell the words, and choose some able students, make sentences with words.Ⅲ. Presentation ( F. Look and do. P.11)Ask the pupils to draw their own face in the blank faces on page 62. Tell them to cut out the pictures and to stick them in the four rooms at the top of page 11. Tell them not to show their friend.
Tell the pupils to work in pairs. Ask them to take turns to ask What do you do in the … The other pupil answers according to the picture he or she has put in that room. The pupil asking the questions ticks the correct boxes in the grid at the bottom according to their partner’s answer.At the end, the pupils check to see if their pictures and their partner’s grid match.Ⅳ. More to do The pupils draw a picture of their favorite room in the school. They write a caption to tell what they do there.Ⅴ. Summary What do you do in the library I study. What do you do in the dining hall We eat and drink. What do you do in the …
1.Workbook 102.Review the words3.Review what we learned today. Unit 2 At schoolWhat do you do in the library I study. What do you do in the dining hall We eat and drink.
Unit 2 At school (Ⅵ)
Consolidate all the new words and sentence patterns of Unit 2Sing the songs
New words and sentence patterns
Sentence patterns
Word cards, picture cards, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Greeting What do you do in the home I do my homework. I eat and drink. I play, too.Ⅱ. RevisionReview the new words study, paint, line up, dining hall, eat, drink, do, we at school, well2. Review sentence patterns. What do you do in the playground We line up and sing. We play, too.What do you do in the classroom We study.What do you do in the dining hall We eat and drink.What do you do in the art room We paint and draw.
Ⅲ. Sing and playPlay the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the song. Ask the pupils What do you do in the … For each of the rooms listed at the bottom of the page.Play the cassette again and tell the pupils to point to the correct pictures for each of the verses.Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words.Ⅳ. The pupils play a miming game. Give a pupil a strip of paper with a verb from this unit written on it. The pupil reads the word on the strip of paper silently and then mimes the action. The others guess what action he or she is doing by making a sentence like We sing in the music room. Award points for correct guesses.Ⅴ. Summary
Review the unit.Recite PartA and PartBPrepare Unit3
Unit 3 My robot (Ⅰ)
New words: arm, head, knee, leg, foot, feet, shoulder, hand, finger, toe…Sentence patterns: What’s in your… There’s a/an …
New words: arm, head, knee, leg, foot, shoulder, hand...
Sentence patterns: What’s in your … There’s a/an …
Word cards, picture, tape-recorder
Ⅰ.Free talkWhat’s the weather like today Is there a computer in the classroom Where’s the computer Is it on the desk Ⅱ. PresentationIntroduce the parts of the body by pointing to your own body parts and saying the names.Draw a simple robot on the board. Label the robot and its body parts.Drill the names by getting the pupils to point to their own body parts when you say the names.Check that the pupils remember by pointing to your body parts and getting the pupils to say the names.Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the words in the speech bubbles after the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary items.
Ⅲ. Practice 1. Show Transparency. Show the robots on the shelf above the man’s head. Ask What’s this Encourage the pupils to answer It’s a robot.2. Point to the box. Tell them that pieces of Tim’s robot are in the box.3. Read the speech bubbles. Get the pupils to point to the correct body parts in Tim’s box.4. Point to the body parts or say their names and get the pupils to ask Is there a … 5. Divide the class into two halves. Point to or say the names of the body parts. Tell half the class to ask the question Is there a … Tell the other half to replay Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. Try to catch the class out by sometimes saying words like a car, a kite, a doll, etc. exchange the roles so half the other half of the class become the questions.
Copybook 9Workbook 11Write the new words on the notebook. Unit3 My robotNew words(picture cards)What’s in your bag There’s a /an…Is there a/an…
1)Revision: eyes, nose, ears, mouth, fingers 2)Supplement: face, body, neck, toes.3)All the words presents in a picture of a man with labels. singing the song with motions, playing a game, and drawing enable pupils memorize all the words.
Unit 3 My robot (Ⅱ)
New words: big/small, long/short …Sentence patterns: It has …
New words: big/small, long/short …
Sentence patterns: It has …
Word cards, picture cards, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Greeting Ⅱ. PresentationDraw two pictures of the same body part on the board. Make one big and one small. Point to and talk about the pictures, saying, e.g. This is a big head. This is a small…Now draw two contrasting robots, i.e. one has a big head and the other has a small head etc. Talk about the robots, for example, Look at this robot. It has a big head. Look at this robot. It has a small head.Point to the robots’ arms or legs. Count them. Tell the pupils there are two. Remind them to say and write the ‘s’ at the end of plural nouns. Write on the board, two arms, two legs. Say it has two arms. It has two legs. Point out the plural of foot (feet). Revise the adjectives long and short by pointing to the arms and legs of the two robots. Make sentences like It has long arms. It has short legs.
Point to the different body parts and prompt the pupils to make similar sentences. Prompt them by giving the adjective and then the name of the body part if necessary.Ⅲ. Practice (Book open) Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. The pupils listen and follow in their books. Help the pupil’s to complete the sentences about the other robots in picture3 and picture4.IV. Guessing game. 1. Describe one of the robots on the page. Describe the robots in pictures 1 and 2 by using a different sentence order from the one in the book. Get the pupils to say the number of the picture for the robot you are describing.2. Then when I make a sentence describing a body part, Ss should point to the body part and make a gesture to fit the description.
1.Copybook 102.Workbook 123.Write the sentences we learned today. Unit 3 My robotLook at my robot.It has a big head.It has long arms.It has short legs.It has big knees and big feet.
More pictures should be given to practise, not only the robot, but the bears or the doll, even pictures of a man.Revision: fat/thin, tall/short, big/small, long/ short
Unit 3 My robot (Ⅲ)
The words: dear, sir, great, again…The sentence patterns of “Look at … ” , “It has …”
Sentence patterns “Look at … ” “It has… ”
Sentence patterns “Look at … ” “It has… ”
Picture cards, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Greeting How are you What’s the weather like today Do you like it Ⅱ. PresentationPoint to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as you read them.Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.Ask the pupils to come up and play the roles of Koko, Pat and the robot scientist.Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of three and read the characters’ speech bubbles. Some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story.Use Storycsrds to revise sequence and language of the story.
III. Do Part D.( Circle the correct words. P16)Ask the pupils to read the story again. I read the words in the speech bubbles with the pupils. Demonstrate how to circle the correct choice in the first sentence as an example. Use Transparency to check the answers.Ⅳ. Do exercises in the Workbook(P.13)Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Ask the pupils to tick the correct pictures according to what they hear on the tape.Let the pupils listen again, I check their answers.Tapescript:I like that robot. It has long legs. It can run.This robot has one arm. It has one shoulder. It has one leg. …
1. Copybook 112. Listen to the tape to review PartC. Unit 3 My robotOh, dear! It has no head.I can help you.Thank you, sir.That’s great.
Ask pupils listen to the record and draw the robots before read the story may vary the practice and make more fun.
Unit 3 My robot (Ⅳ)
The pronunciation of “ea” in the following words: head, bread, ready, steady
Pronunciation “ea” in the words: head, bread, ready…
Pronunciation “ea” in the words: head, bread, ready…
Picture cards, word cards, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Greeting What’s on your chair Is there a bag on your chair What’s in your school bag There’s a book/a pencil/a pen… What’s in your pencil case There’s a pen/a pencil…Ⅱ. PresentationPlay the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words. Point out the spelling of this sound. It is important that the pupils realize the vowel sound is spelt with two letters. This is a short vowel sound.Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sounds correctly.Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without your model.
Play the pupil’s Book Cassette again. Ask the pupils to point to the waiter’s head and bread. Get Ss to say the rhyme.Ⅳ. Workbook ( P14 )Ask the pupils to look at the first part of the page and listen to the Workbook Cassette. They need to draw a line to the correct car according to the sound they hear on the tape.Tapescript and answers: ea (head)Ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks in the sentences for the pictures.Answers: I have a robot. It has big hands. It has small feet.I have a robot, too. It has long legs. It has short arms.V. Summary: Sum up the main point.
1. Copybook 122. Workbook 143. Write what we learned today. Unit3 My robot head bread ea ready steady
Unit 3 My robot (Ⅴ)
Get Ss to be more familiar with the words and the sentence patterns “ what’s in your …” “There’s a/an …” “It has …”…
words and the sentence patterns “It has …”
words and the sentence patterns “It has …”
Word cards, pictures and tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Greeting What’s the weather like today It’s … Do you like it Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. What’s in your school bag Is there a pencil case …Ⅱ. Word revisionDraw a picture of a body, ask the pupils to say the names of the body part. (arm, head, knee, leg, foot, shoulder, hand).Choose some students to spell the words, and choose some able students, make sentences with words.Ⅲ. Presentation ( F. Look and do. P.17)Show the pupils the body parts of the robot on page 62. Tell them to cut out a head, legs and arms. Show them the body and have them cut it out.
Tell the pupils to paste the body parts they have chosen for their robot onto a piece of paper. Tell them to describe their robot by filling in the blanks on the bottom left of page 17.Tell the pupils to work in pairs. Ask them to take turns to show their friend their robot and talk about it. They then write sentences about their friend’s robot.Ⅳ. More to do The more able pupils can tell their friends what their robot can do, eg. It can run. It can jump. It can fly.Ⅴ. Workbook. (P.15)Ask the pupils to look at the pictures at the top of the page and read the sentences at the bottom of the page. Then tell them to match the pictures and the sentences by writing the correct letters in the circles.Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. b 4.d
1. Review the words2. Review what we learned today. Unit 3 My robot My robot has a …head. It has …shoulders. It has …arms. It has…hands. It can… …
Unit 3 My robot (Ⅵ)
Consolidate all the new words and sentence patterns of Unit 3Sing the songs
New words and sentence patterns
Sentence patterns
Word cards, picture cards, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Free talk What’s on the desk Is there a book Are there any chalks What does the boy look like He has …. He has…. He has …. What does the girl look like She’s pretty. She has…Ⅱ. RevisionRevision the new words arm, head, knee, leg, foot(foot), shoulder, hand, oh, deargreat, now, again big small long short tall…Review sentence patterns. What’s in your box There’s an arm. Is there a head Yes, there is.
Look at my robot. It has a big head. It has long arms. It has short legs…….Ⅲ. Sing and play Play the pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the song. Show the pupils how to do the different actions shown in the pictures. Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words.Ⅳ. More to do You can sing the song and miss out the words for the body parts one by one. In the first verse, miss out the word ‘head’ and just point to it but sing the rest of the words. In the second verse, miss out ‘head and shoulders’ while still pointing to them. Continue in this way until the pupils are completely silent and only pointing to their body parts.Ⅴ. Summary Sum up the main points.
Review the words. Recite Part A,B. Unit 3 My robotHe has big eyes.She has small ears.It has fat arms.It has thin legs.
Unit 4 Senses ( Ⅰ )
New words: train, plane, ship, toad, lorry, van, truck …Sentence patterns: What can you see I can see …
New words: train, plane, ship, toad, lorry, van, truck …
Sentence patterns: What can you see I can see …
Word cards, picture, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Greeting What’s the weather like today It is fine.III. PresentationBring in some pictures of train, plane, truck, van, lorry and ship.Introduce the names of the vehicles using the pictures. Write the names on the board.Drill the words by asking the pupils to point to the correct picture. Then point to the pictures and ask the pupils to tell you the names.Revise I can … by showing and telling the pupils that you can jump or run. Point to your eyes making them very wide open and say I can see. Close your eyes and cover them with your hands saying I can’t see. Write I can see on the board. Ask the pupils to repeat your actions and make appropriate sentences.
Show the vehicles one by one and ask the pupils What can you see Encourage them to answer I can see a …Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and point to the speech bubbles. Ask the pupils to repeat after the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary items.IV. Practice(Book open.) Ask the pupils to look at their books, and then make sentences using I can see a… for the other vehicles and things. Get them to point to the correct pictures.Ask the pupils to take turns to role-play the children in the picture.V. Summary Say the new words again. And then ask some pupils to match the words and the pictures by sticking the pictures under the words.
Copybook 13Workbook 163. Write the new words on the notebook. Unit 4 Senses new words (picture cards) What can you see I can see a plane. I can see …
Pupils may ask the teacher differences between lorry and truck, so presenting the words by photos or model helps them understand.Sum up words of vehicle: plane, ship, train, van, lorry, truck, bus, car, school bus, minibus, taxi, bike, MTR
Unit 4 Senses ( Ⅱ )
New words: hear, smell, see …Sentence patterns: I … with my …, I can see a …
New words: hear, smell, see …
Sentence patterns: I … with my …, I can see a …
Word cards, picture cards, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Sing a song.Ⅱ. Free talk Is there a computer in the classroom What can you see on the desk III. PresentationBring in a cut orange and a toy car, train or truck. The toy must be one that makes a notes.Draw a face on the board. Point to and revise the words eyes, ears and nose from Pupil’s Book 1.Revise I can see a … by making sentences about some of the objects in the classroom. e.g. a desk, a chair, a window, a board and a door. Point to your eyes and say I see with my eyes. I can see a student.Show the pupils the toy. Make a noise with it. Point to your ears ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com / " \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 ). Say e.g. I hear with my ears. I can hear a car. Make the noise again and encourage the pupils to repeat the sentences.
Show the pupils the cut orange and gesture to them to smell it. Point to your nose. Say I smell with my nose. I can smell the orange.Say sentences with I can smell/hear/see with my … Ask the pupils to point to the appropriate organ of sense. Write smell –nose, hear –ears, see –eyes on the board.Ⅲ. PracticeShow Transparency and play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. The pupils listen and follow in their books. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the words after the beeps.Show the pupils the small pictures of other thing that the characters can hear, smell, and see and help the pupils to complete the sentences about them.Ask the pupils to work in groups of three to complete the conversation. And then take turns to role-play.
1. Review PartB by listening and follow the tape.2. Copybook 143. Workbook 17 Unit 4 Senses I hear with my ears.I see with my eyes.I smell with my nose.
Practicing the sentence with the help objects, CAI arouses pupils’ interest successfully. The difficulty: with
Unit 4 Senses ( Ⅲ )
New words: park wait cross wantSentence patterns: What can you see I can see/hear/smell a … I see/hear/smell with my …
Sentence patterns of What can you do I can see/hear…
Sentence patterns of What can you do I can see/hear…
Picture cards, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Greeting What can you see I can see a pencil. What can you hear Ⅱ. PresentationPoint to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as I read them.Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.Ask the pupils to read the text together. And then read it group by group, see which group is first.Point to the blind boy in picture 1. Explain that he cannot see. Show his stick.Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of three and read the characters’ speech bubbles. Some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story.
You may use Storycards to revise sequence and language of the story.Ⅲ. More to do: Play a Tic-tac-toe game.Draw a grid of three columns and three rows on the board.Divide the class into two teams. Give the two teams a sense each, e.g. one is playing with things they can smell and their sign is ‘X’, and the other is playing with things they can hear and their sign is ‘O’. Members of the teams take turns to say which square in the grid they want to play for. Then he or she makes a sentence is correct. The first team to have three signs in a row, going top to bottom, left to right of diagonally is the winner.Ⅳ. Summary Sum up the main point.
1.Copybook 152.Workbook 183.Review the story. Unit 4 SensesWe’re in Bird Park.Let’s wait.We can’t cross the road.I want a hot dog.
Role-playing the story make the class active. Miming the record can not only make the lesson more fun, but also impress pupils.
Unit 4 Senses ( Ⅳ )
The pronunciation of “ai, ay” in the following words: rain, sail, away, play
pronunciation of ai,ay in the words: rain, sail, away, play
pronunciation of ai,ay in the words: rain, sail, away, play
Picture cards, word cards, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Greeting What can you see I can see an apple. What can you see in the picture I can see some birds. …Ⅱ. Tick ( ) or cross ( ) Ask the pupils to read the story again. Read the words in the speech bubble with the pupils. Demonstrate how to do the first one with the pupils as an example. Check answers using Transparency.Ⅲ. Say the sound and the words. ( P. 22)1. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words. Point out the two possible spelling of this sound.2. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sound correctly.
3. Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without your model.4. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to the rhyme and point to the actions of the children when they are said in the rhyme. Then ask the pupils to draw the rain ( in the window ). Get the pupils to say the rhyme.Ⅳ.Workbook. (P.19)1. Ask the pupils to look at the top of the page and listen to the Workbook Cassette. They need to circle the correct presents according to the sound they hear on the tape.Tapescript and answers: 1 ai(train, paint) 2.ay(playground)2. Ask Ss to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks in the sentences.Answers: I smell with my nose. I can smell a flower.
1.Copybook 162.Workbook 193.Review what we learned today. Unit 4 Senses ai rain sail/ / ay away play
Unit 4 Senses ( Ⅴ )
Get Ss to be more familiar with the words and the sentence patterns What can you see I can see/hear …
Sentence patterns What can you see I can see/hear …
Sentence patterns What can you see I can see/hear …
Word cards, pictures and tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Greeting What can you see I can see a plane. I see with my eyes. I can see a ship. I can see …Ⅱ. Word revision train, plane, ship, road, lorry, van, truck, with, hear, smell park, wait, crosschoose some students to spell the words, and choose some able students, make sentences with words.Ⅲ. Presentation ( F. Look and do. P.23)Show the pupils Picture A and Picture B. Ask them to look at the things in the pictures and give you some examples of things they can see, hear and smell.
Tell the pupils to work in pairs. Ask them to choose Picture A and Picture B and to take turns to talk about the things they can see, hear or smell in their Picture, e.g. I smell with my nose. I can smell a flower. Their partner has to guess which picture they have chosen.Ⅳ. More to do The pupils change partners and play the game againⅤ. SummaryWordsSentence patternsI see with my eyes.I can see a ship. I can see …I hear with my ears.I can hear a train. I can hear …I smell with my nose. I can smell a banana. I can smell…
Workbook 20Review what we learned today. Unit 4 SensesI see with my eyes.I can see…I hear with my ears.I can hear…I smell with my nose.
Unit 4 Senses ( Ⅵ )
Consolidate all the new words and sentence patterns of Unit 4Sing the songs
New words and sentence patterns
Sentence patterns
Word cards, picture cards, tape-recorder
Ⅰ. Greeting What’s the weather like It’s warm. What can you see I can see a picture.Ⅱ. RevisionReview the new words train, plane, ship, road, lorry, van, truck, with, hear, smell park, wait, cross2. Review sentence patterns. What can you see I can see a plane. I see with my eyes. I can see a ship. I can see …I hear with my ears.I can hear a train. I can hear …I smell with my nose. I can smell a banana.
I can smell…Ⅲ. Sing and playAsk the pupils to tell you whether they can see, hear or smell the things in the pictures at the bottom of the page. Help the pupils guess what they should write in the blanks for each line of the second verse.Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils to the song. You may need to play the song twice to give the children time to hear and write the correct words in the blanks for the second verse.Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words and to sing the third verse substituting items pictured at the bottom of the page.Ⅳ. Summary Words and sentences.
1.Review the words and the sentences in unit1-unit4.2. Prepare Unit 5 Unit 4 Senses I can see a ship with my eyes. I can hear a dog with my ears. I can smell a pizza with my nose. I see, hear and smell things Every day.
Unit 5 Revision (Ⅰ)
Consolidate the words and the sentence patterns in unit1-4.Master the main language points.
Words and the sentence patterns
The main language points
Tape-recorder Transparency projector
Ⅰ. Greeting How are you What’s the weather like today Is there a playground in our school What do you do in the playground … Ⅱ. PresentationA. Listen, read and tick ( ) or cross ( ) (P.25)Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Show Transparency. Ask the pupils to repeat the sentences after the cassette.Explain that the boy is talking to his mother about a new school.Show them the list he is writing in picture 3. Demonstrate how to write ticks or crosses in the boxes in the list by reading the sentences in the speech bubbles in picture 1.Tell the pupils to complete the list. Use Transparency to check the pupils’ answers.
Ⅲ. More to do Tell the pupils to copy out the list on a piece of paper. Ask them to work in pairs to role-play the conversation. They change the mother’s words and write ticks or crosses according to what they have in their school.Ⅳ. Say and act. (P.26)Show Transparency. Read the sentence in the speech bubble in picture 1. Ask the pupils to repeat it after you.Point to the picture in the twins’ thought bubble and help the pupils to work out the twins’ response to KoKo. Do the same for picture 2.In pairs, the pupils take turns to role-play the twins and KoKo and complete the conversation in other pictures.Use Transparency to check the pupils’ answers.V. Summary What do you do in the… I /we …
Copybook P17Write the sentences in partA on the note book. Unit 5 RevisionWhat’s in the school Is there a dining hall Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t.What do you do in the … We play.
Unit 5 Revision (Ⅱ)
Consolidate the words and the sentence patterns in unit1-4.Master the main language points.
The sentence patterns
Master the main language points
Tape-recorder Transparency projector
Ⅰ. Greeting How are you What do you do in the art room Ⅱ. Revisionreview the words and have a dictationrepetition of the sentence patternsⅢ. Presentation: Listen, read and tick( ).(P.27)Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Show Transparency. Ask the pupils to repeat the lines after the cassette.Show the pupils the small pictures on the right side of the page . Tell the pupils to tick the correct boxes according to the rhyme.Ask the pupils to read the rhyme again. Using the information in the rhyme they colour the correct robot.Ⅳ. More to do The more able pupils could change the adjectives in the rhyme to suit the robot they made in Unit 3 (page 17). They show their robot to the class and say the new rhyme.
Ⅴ. Look and do. (p.28)Tell pairs of pupils to cut out one set of pictures and the ‘X’ and ‘O’ signs on page 64. They put the pictures onto the grid on this page.Remind or show the pupils how to play the Tic-toe game (see More to do page 21).The pupils each choose a sign. They take turns to point to a picture on the grid and to say a sentence about it, e.g. I can smell an orange. If they are correct they cover the picture with one of their ‘X’ or ‘O’ counters. The first to have three signs in a row, top to bottom, left to right or diagonally is the winner.Ⅵ. Summary: Sum up the main point. I have a robot. It has long legs. It has big arms. It can eat. It can swim in the swimming pool. My robot’s cool!
Copybook P18Write the sentences in partB on the note book. Unit 5 RevisionI see with my eyes.I can see a road.I hear with my ears.I can hear a plane.I smell with my nose.
Unit 5 Revision(III)
Consolidate the words and the sentence patterns in unit1-4.Master the main language points.
The sentence patterns
Master the main language points
Tape-recorder Transparency projector
I. Sing a song.II. Free talk. How are you How old are you What’s the weather like today …III. Look and do(Workbook)Read the words and circle the correct pictures.Ask the pupils to read the words on the left and the pictures on the right.Ask the pupils to circle the correct pictures.Check the answers by asking some students to say the answers. Answers:1 a 2 c 3c 4 b 5 c 6 b 7 b 8a 9 b 10 aIV. Listen and put a tick or a cross in each box. 1. Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the tape.
Tapescript: 1) Is there an art room 6) I can see a robot. It’s big! Yes, there is. It has a big head. 2) Look at my robot. It has big shoulders. It has long arms. It has long legs. It has short legs. 7) What can you see 3) I smell with my nose. I can see a plane. I can smell flowers. I can see a lorry.4) Is there a computer room 8) What do you do in theNo, there isn’t. music room We sing and dance.5) What do you do in the playground We play. We line up and sing, too.Ask the pupils to put a tick or a cross in the boxes for the pictures according to what they hear on the tape.Listen again and check the answers.
1. Write the words in unit1-2 on the notebook 2. Recite the words. Unit 5 RevisionWhat do you do in the music room We sing and dance.I smell with my nose.I can smell flowers.
Unit 5 Revision(IV)
Consolidate the words and the sentence patterns.Master the main language points.
The sentence patterns
Master the main language points
Tape-recorder Transparency projector
I. Greeting T: Good morning. S: Good morning. T: How are you S: Fine. Thank. T: What’s the weather like today S: It is… T: Do you like it S: Yes, I do. No I don’t.…II. Sing an English song.III. Practice Workbook(P.25 and P.26)Ask the students to listen to the tape and then circle the words that contain the sound they hear.Listen again and check the answers.Tapescript and answers: 1 ou(playground) 2 ea(head) 3 ay(play) 4 ea(read) 5 ai(train) 6 ea(eat) 7 ou(mouth) 8 ea(ice cream)
Workbook (P.27 and P.28)Ask the students to read the speech bubbles. They should put a tick in the box if the words and picture match and put a cross in the box if they do mot match.Check the answers by ask some students say the answers. Answers:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8IV. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.We borrow books from the l______.We play football on the P______.We sing and dance in the m____ room.We e___ and d______ in the dining hall.We p____ and draw in the a____ room.We read and write in the c_________.We s_____ in the library.V. Summary
1. Write the words in unit3-4 on the note book.2. Recite the words. Unit 5 RevisionWe borrow books from the library.We play football on the playground.We read and write in the classroom.We study in the library.
Unit 5 Revision(V)
Consolidate the words and the sentence patterns.Master the main language points.
The sentence patterns
Master the main language points
Tape-recorder Transparency projector
I. Sing an English song.II. Free talk A: Hello. B: Hello. A: How do you come to school B: And you A: What does your mother do B: What about your father A: Is there a music room in our school B: Yes, there is.…III. Listen and choose the sentences you hear.( ) 1. A. Welcome home!B. Welcome to our classroom!C. Welcome to our school!( ) 2. A. Is there a dining hall in your school B. Is there a computer room in your school C. Is there a computer in your classroom ( ) 3. A. Your school is big.B. Your swimming pool is big.C. Your playground is big.
( ) 4. A. I can play. But I can’t sing. B. I can shout. But I can’t draw. C. I can write. But I can’t swim. ( ) 5. A. There’s a pencil on the desk. B. There’s a cake in the box. C. There’s a bike under the tree. ( ) 6. A. We line up and sing in the playground. B. We draw and paint in the art room. C. We sing and dance in the music room. ( ) 7. A. What do you do in the classroom B. What do you do in the dining hall C. What do you do in the swimming pool ( ) 8. A. How many desks are there in the classroom B. How many boys are there in your class C. How many teachers are there in your school Answers: 1c 2b 3a 4c 5b 6a 7c 8c
Review the words and sentences in unit1-4. Unit 5 RevisionWelcome to our school!Is there a computer room in your school Your school is big.
Unit 5 Revision(VI)
Consolidate the words and the sentence patterns.Master the main language points.
The sentence patterns
Master the main language points
Tape-recorder Transparency projector
I. Free talk A: Hello. B: Hello. A: How do you come to school B: And you A: What do you get up B: What about you A: Are there any desks in our classroom B: Yes, there are.II. Sing an English songIII. Tick the correct answers. 1. What’s in the box It’s big. Here are your apples. There are five apples. 2. Is there a robot Yes, there is. No, I can’t. No, it isn’t.
3. I see with my eyes, What can you see What do you do with your eyes What’s this 4. Can you smell cakes Yes, please.No, thank you.No, I can’t.IV. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.My brother has a big_____(deah)._____ (hatws) in your box, Jenny _____ (hist) is my robot._____ (hankt) you, Miss Li.I can_____(pelh) you, Koko.My robot has _____ (inth) legs.V. Sum up the main point.
Review the words and sentences in unit1-4. Unit 5 RevisionMy brother has a big head.What’s in your box This is my robot.My robot has thin legs.I can help you.
Unit 6 My room (Ⅰ)
New words: shelf curtain wardrobe wall pink table purple…Sentence patterns: I like the … What color is/are the …
New words: shelf curtain wardrobe wall purple pink…
Sentence patterns: I like the … What color is/are the …
Word cards, picture, tape-recorder projector
Ⅰ. Sing a songII. Free talk A: How are you B: Fine, thank you. And you A: Me too. What’ your mother B: My mother is a … A: When do you get up B: I get up at…I ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com / " \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 )II. PresentationMake labels to put on furniture that you may have in the classroom, e.g. a shelf, a wall, curtains, a table. Bring in pictures of the items that you don’t have in your classroom.Point to a wardrobe, a shelf, a wall, curtains and a table in the pictures or in the classroom. attach the labels to the objects. Read the names of the items with the pupils.Take the labels off again and see if the pupils can put them back correctly.Ask the pupils How many walls are there in the classroom Write the word walls on the blackboard.
Count the walls and the other objects writing plural nouns on the board if appropriate.Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the sentences in the speech bubbles after the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary items.IV. PracticePoint to the furniture on the page asking What can you see Encourage the pupils to answer I can see(a)…(s)…Revise the colors by pointing to one object saying, e.g. This is green. Etc. Teach the new color words pink and purple.Read the children’s speech bubbles. Get the pupils to point to the correct objects.Point to other objects and get the pupils to talk about the color and the object saying, e.g. I like the blue shelf.
Copybook 20Workbook 293. Write the new words on the exercises book. Unit 6 My roomNew words(picture cards)I like the pink wardrobe.I like the purple curtains.
It’s successful to attract pupils’ attention by presenting all the new words in a picture. While practicing, pupils have fun in coloring the picture and talking about theirs own picture. Through the influence of praising pupils’ self-discipline directly and betimes, the classroom management become more effective.
Unit 6 My room (Ⅱ)
New words: colour theySentence patterns: What color is/are the … It’s …/They’re
New words: colour they
sentence patterns What color is/are the ... It’s …/They’re
Word cards, picture cards, tape-recorder projector
Ⅰ. Greeting Ⅱ. Sing a song.III. PresentationRevise some of the objects in the classroom by asking the pupils to put the labels on them, e.g. a desk, a chair, a window, walls, the door, curtains and a table.Point to a singular object with a clearly defined color. Say Look at the … What color is the … It’s … Write on the board the question What color is the … And the answer It’s … Ask How many …(s) are there When the pupils tell you One, circle the It in the answer.Repeat the process with the walls, curtains, desks or chairs, writing the question and answer on the board and circling They’re. Show the pupils that They’re is short for They are.IV. Practice1. Show Transparency and play the Pupil’s Book Cassette.
The pupils listen and follow in their books. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the words after the beeps.2. Point to the objects in picture 3 and ask What color is/are the … 3. Help the pupils to answer the questions about the objects in picture 3 using It’s/They’re …4. Ask the pupils to work in pairs to role-play the conversation.V. Play a team game. Make two sets of labels. One set has the names of furniture written on them and one set has colors written on them. Put the labels for the furniture and the color labels on a desk at the front. Members from each team take turns to choose a furniture label and a color label. A member from the opposing team must ask What color is/are the… using the item of furniture on the label. The team member who chose the labels must answer.
1. Copybook 21Workbook 303.Write the sentences on the note book. Unit 6 My roomI have a pretty room.What color are the walls They’re pink.they’re =they are
Pupils felt shy to show their own pictures and talk about their pictures in front of the blackboard before I praised their works. It seems that more encouragement should be given in class.Pupils should be told when to use they’re/ it’s. And more drills and exercise is needed.
Unit 6 My room (Ⅲ)
I like the … What colour is/are … It’s …/They’re …
sentence patterns of I like the …What colour is/are …
sentence patterns of I like the …What colour is/are …
Picture cards, tape-recorder projector
Ⅰ. Free talk A: What’s your favorite color B: My favorite color is …A: Are there any pencils in your pencil case B: Yes, there are.II. Sing a song.III. PresentationPoint to the character in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as you read them.Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette. Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of four and read the characters’ speech bubbles. Some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story.You may use Storycards to revise the sequence and language of the story.IV. Circle the correct words. (P. 32)Ask the pupils to read the story again. Read the words in the speech bubbles with the pupils. Demonstrate how to do the first one with the pupils as an example. Use Transparency to check the answers.
V. Play a game.Bring in a pack of colored pencils or crayons. Show them to the pupils. Present them to seven pupils and encourage them to choose one by saying, e.g. I like the green pencil. Ask each pupil to put their pencil under a book so that it can’t be seen. When you have given out seven pencils, ask the other pupils to tell you who has each color by saying, e.g. ( Name )has the purple pencil. With more able classes, this can be done using pictures of the items of furniture from the unit in various colors.VI. Summary
1. Copybook 22Workbook 313. Review PartC by listening to the tape. Unit 6 My roomI like purple.What color are the walls They’re pink.The walls are pink.
Unit 6 My room (Ⅳ)
The pronunciation of “ur” in the following words: nurse, purple, curtains, turtle
pronunciation of ur in the words: nurse, purple, curtains
pronunciation of ur in the words: nurse, purple, curtains
Picture cards, word cards, tape-recorder
I. Free talk A: How do you come to school B: And you A: What do you get up B: What about you A: What color are your pencils B: They are red.Ⅱ. Circle the correct words. (P.32) Ask the pupils to read the story again. Read the words in the speech bubbles with the pupils. Demonstrate how to do the first one with the pupils as an example. Use transparency to check the answers.Ⅲ. Say the sound and the words. (P.32)Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words. Point out the spelling of this sound.Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sounds correctly.Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without your model.
Play the Pupil’s Book cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to the sentence and point to the curtains and the nurse. Get the pupils to say the sentence. Then ask the pupils to color the turtles.Ⅳ.Workbook (P.32)Ask the pupils to look at the top of the page and listen to the Workbook cassette. They need to draw lines to the correct robots according to the sound they hear on the cassette. Tapescript and answer: Ur ( curtains, turtle )2. Ask the pupils to look at the bottom of the page. Tell them to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks in the sentences. Answers: What color is the wardrobe It’s pink.What color are the curtains They’re purple.
1. Copybook 232.Workbook 323.Read and write the words. Unit 6 My room nurse purpleur curtains turtleThe nurse has purple turtles on her curtains.
Unit 6 My room (Ⅴ)
Get Ss to be more familiar with the words and the sentence patterns “ I like the …” “What color is/are the …” “ It’s …”
the words and the sentence patterns:What color is/are the
the words and the sentence patterns:What color is/are the
word cards, pictures and tape-recorder
I. Free talk A: How do you come to school B: And you A: What do you get up B: What about you A: What color are your pencils B: They are red.Ⅱ. Word revision1. Review the words: shelf purple curtain wardrobe wall pink table color they 2. Choose some students to spell the words, and choose some able students, make sentences with words.Ⅲ. Presentation ( Look and do. P. 33 )Revise the colors the pupils know by showing them colored pencils and asking them what