Unit 1 About me Unit 2 Fun with Koko
Unit 3 Our show Unit 4 At the zoo
Unit 5 Revision Unit 6 Toys
Unit 7 My pet Unit 8 Children’s Day
Unit 9 Fantasy World Unit 10 Revision
Using the personal pronoun ‘I’ to talk about one’s identity; Using the personal pronoun ‘you’; Using predicative adjectives; Using the verbs ‘to be’, ‘to like’, ‘to have’, ‘to want’ and ‘to see’; Asking and answering Yes/No questions; Using the modal verbs ‘can’ and ‘can’t’ to talk about abilities; Using action verbs; Using the pronouns ‘this’, ‘that’ and ‘it’; Asking Wh-questions; Using countable and uncountable nouns.
第一单元 (Unit 1—2) 6+6+3(复习、测试、讲评)= 15 课时
第二单元 (Unit 3—5) 6+6+2+3(复习、测试、讲评)= 17 课时
第三单元 (Unit 6—7) 6+6+3(复习、测试、讲评)= 15 课时
第四单元 (Unit 8—10) 6+6+2+3(复习、测试、讲评)= 17 课时
Unit 1 About me
Task objectives
Understand simple instructions and act accordingly
Use simple expressions and structures to interact with others
Say simple words, phases or sentences by looking at objects, pictures or actions. Participate in role-plays
Use proper pronunciation and intonation
Language focus
I’m (name).
I’m a (boy/girl/student/Young Pioneer)
I’m (age).
I’m in Class…,Grade…
The first period
A、 Look and say.
Step 1 Greeting
Hello, how are you
What day is today
What’s the weather like
Step 2 Revision
Some words what we have learned, for example:
apple, pear, lychee, orange, banana, light ,book, chair, computer, ruler, rubber,
Step 3 Presentation
1) Show the topic of unit one “About me”
2) Get the pupil to repeat the title of this unit once.
3) Bring in a Young Pioneer's scarf.
4) (Books closed.) Point to and introduce myself .Say I'm (name).
5) Write the class and grade numbers on the board. Model the sentence I'm in Class …, Grade… and have the pupils repeat after me.
6) Show Transparency. Play the Pupil's Book Cassette and point to the speech bubbles. Ask the pupils to repeat after the beeps.
Step 4 Practice
1. (Books open.) Show the title page of the Pupil's Book, where the pupils should write their name and class, e.g. I’m a student .I'm a Young Pioneer.
2. Ask more able pupils to stand up. Point to the words on the board.
Recite and copy the new words.
Copybook p.1—p.2
Student 和Pioneer这两个单词的发音学生比较不熟而且比较容易读错。
The second period
B. Say and act.
Step 1 Ask and answer
What day is today
What class are you in
What’s the weather like
Step 2 Presentation
1. (Books open.) Ask the pupils to count aloud the number of candles on each of the cakes. Write the names of the children on the board and their ages (as shown by candles on the cakes) under them.
2. Ask the pupils to read theirs aloud.
3. Show transparency. Play the pupil's book cassette and ask the pupils to repeat Sam's words after the beeps.
Step 3 Practice
(Books open.) Ask the pupils to count aloud the number of candles on each of the cakes. Write the names of the children on the board and their ages (as shown by the candles on the cakes) under them.
Show transparency. Ask the pupils to look at picture 1 and say the words in Sam's speech bubble.
Ask the pupils to look at Jill in picture 2. Ask them to read aloud her speech bubble. Filling in the missing information. Write the missing information on the board under Jill's name.
In picture 3, the boy is in Grade 3. Point to his nametag and say this is Dan. Ask a boy A girl
Write the copybook p.3—p.4.
The third period
C. Storytime
Step1 Organizations
1) Sing an English song: Hello, how are you
2) Ask and answer.
Step2 Revision
Use picture cards and word cards to revise the words “boy, girl, student, Young Pioneer”
Step3 Presentation: C. Storytime (P. 9)
1. Draw a pair of stilts on the board. These are long sticks with a foot-rest near the top so that the wearer can look very tall. Show the pupils that Eddy is wearing stilts.
2. Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as you read.
Play the Pupil's Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
Ask the pupils to come up and play the roles of Koko, Eddy and Pat. You could cut a hold in a large box to represent the play equipment Pat gets stuck inside.
Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of three and read the character' speech bubbles.
Use story cards to revise sequence and language of the story.
D. Trace the correct words.
Count the candles on the cake with the pupils and point to the classroom door in the picture. Tell the pupils to trace the correct words for Bob. Check the answers using Transparency.
Recite part C.
让学生掌握:It’s your turn.
The fourth period
Recite part C.
E. Find and circle all the letters. Say their names and sounds.
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures. Tell them to find and circle the letters in order.
Say the names of the letters slowly and clearly and ask the pupils to point to them on the page. Ask the pupils to repeat them after me.
Point to the letters and ask the pupils to tell me the sounds the letters make. Ensure that all the pupils know both the letter names and their sounds.
F. Look and do.
Make a paper puppet with my own face on it before class to show the pupils what to do.
Prepare two small square pieces of drawing paper for each pupil in the class.
Tell the pupils to draw their face on one of the pieces of paper and to cut it out.
Show the pupils how to fold the second piece of paper to make a wide stick. Show them also how to stick the picture of their face onto the stick.
Ask the pupils to fill in the correct information about themselves in the sample speech bubble.
Get more able students to come out to demonstrate the conversation while holding up their paper puppets.
Ask the pupils to work in pairs. Tell them to introduce the puppets to each other.
G. Listen, point and sing.
Read the children’s names with the class.
Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the song.
Ask the pupils to listen again and to point to the child being sung about in each verse.
Write the name, class and grade of each child sung about in the song.
Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette again for the pupils to join in the song.
Do Workbook exercises.
The fifth period
Do Workbook exercises
Workbook (p.1)
Tell the pupils to look at the pictures on the left and read the speech bubbles. Then ask the pupils to match the sentences on the right with the pictures on the left.
Workbook (p.2)
Ask the pupils to look at the picture and listen to the Workbook Cassette.
Tell the pupils to write the correct names on the cards.
Workbook (p.3)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette.
Ask the pupils to number the pictures according to the sequence of language they hear on the tape.
Workbook (p.4)
Ask the pupils to write the small letters in the blanks.
Workbook (p.5)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures, read and put ticks in the boxes for the correct sentences.
Unit 2 Fun with Koko
Task objectives
Understand simple instructions and accordingly
Use simple expressions and instructions to interact with others
Recognize basic words in familiar contexts
Ask and answer questions about personal information
Use proper pronunciation and intonation
Language focus
Are you…
Yes, I am. /No, I’m not.
The first period
A. Look and say.
Step1 Greeting
What day is today
How old are you
How are you
What class are you in
Step2 Sing a song
《My name’s Pat》
Step3 ①Show Pat Say: “I’m Pat. I’m in Class2, Grade 2.I’m a Young Pioneer. How about you ” How about you
②Ask some pupils to come to the board to introduce themselves.
③Ask some questions ,for example:
Are you a Young Pioneer
Are you a student
Are you a boy
Are you a girl
Are you 6/7/8
④Point to the window/light/fan/the teacher
Look at the teacher/your desk/your book.
Step4 Teach the new words
(1)Show the tall tree on the board. Then ask “What’s this “What colour is this ”etc. Then show a short tree to let the students to tell their difference. Then we can get the new words of “tall, short”. Then the teacher leads the students to read the two words.
(2)Then show a monkey to teach the word of “thin”, show a pig to teach “fat”, show an elephant to teach “big”, show a bird to teach “small”. Put the sentences I’m …. You’re… . in the teaching period.
(3)When read the six new words, teach the pupils to do the actions.
Step 5 Play a game.
When the teacher says “I’m tall.”, all the tall students must stand up quickly and repeat the teacher’s sentence “I’m tall”. When the teacher changes to “I’m short”, all the short students must stand up and repeat “I’m short”. And the tall students must sit down quickly.
Copybook p.5—p.6
Recite the new words in part A.
1. A部分的这几个形容词分别是几组反义词,学生还得反复练习才能熟练运用。一边读单词一边做动作的方法使学生更易于记住和掌握好这些形容词。
2. 应多强调thin 这个单词的发音。
The second period
B. Say and act.
Step1 Greeting
What day is today
What’s the weather like today
Step2 Revision
The new words in part A
The sentences of “I’m… You’re …”
Play a game in part A. Then get a student who did wrong and ask him/her” Are you tall/short/thin/fat Help the student to answer “No, I’m not”
Step3 Presentation
Teach the simple questions
Are you…
→Yes, I am.
→No, I’m not/I am not.
Am I…
→Yes, you are.
→No, you aren’t/are not.
Play a guessing game.
Ask someone to the board and hide his/her eyes behind the mask. Then ask a student to stand up and say “Hello” to him/her. Then ask the student on the front to guess who he/she is. He/She can use “Are you … ”to ask, then the other student must say “Yes, I am.” or “No, I’m not.” loudly. Only 3 times for him/her. Then try another one.
Read after the tape. Then practise in pairs, they can use their own names. At last ask somebody to come to the board to act the dialogue.
Step5 Sing a song.
(1)Are you Koko Are you Koko Yes, I am. Yes, I am. Are you tall Are you fat No, I’m not. No, I’m not.
(2)Are you a student Are you a student Yes, I am. Yes, I am. Are you a teacher Are you a teacher No, I’m not. No, I’m not.
Read after the tape.
Recite the text part B.
Copybook p.7—p.8
要多创设情景让学生练习用Yes, I am.和No, I’m not. 来回答问题,并强调它们的读音。
我编了一首简单的歌 “Are you a student ”来让学生更好地练习这个句型的问和答,效果很好。
The third period
C. Storytime
Step1 Greeting
Step2 Revision
Are you a boy/ a girl/ a Young Pioneer/ a student/a teacher/ in Class 2, Grade 1…
Yes, I am. /No, I’m not.
Step3 Presentation
Draw a pair of stilts on the board. These are long sticks with a foot-rest near the top so that the wearer can look very tall. Show the pupils that Eddy is wearing stilts.
Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as I read them.
Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
Ask the pupils to come up and play the roles of Koko. Eddy and Pat. You could cut a hole in a large box to represent the play equipment Pat gets stuck inside.
Ask the pupil to role-play the story in groups of three and read the character’s speech bubbles.
You may use Storycards to revise sequence and language of the story.
D. Match the picture and the words.
Show the pupils that they should draw lines from the speech bubble to the thing or person referred plete one with the pupils as an example. Use Transparency to check the answers.
Recite part C.
Recite the words in Unit 2.
让学生掌握:Come on. Thanks. You’re welcome.
The fourth period
Recite part C together.
E. Say the sounds and the words.
1. Play the pupil's book cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sounds and the words. Point out the spellings of these sounds.
2. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sound correctly.
3. Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model.
4. Play the Pupil's cassette again .Ask the pupils to listen to the rhyme and colour the bed in the correct picture .Use transparency to check the answer.
5. Get the pupils to say the rhyme pointing to the fat cat and the red bed in the coloured picture.
F. Look and do.
Ask the pupils to do as shown in their books. Then pick out the better to show to the class.
G. Listen, do and chant.
Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the chant. Show the pupils how to do the accompanying actions shown in the pictures. Tell the pupils to do the chant while facing each other in pairs. Play the chant again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words and actions.
Recite the text and the new words.
Do Workbook exercises.
The fifth period
Do Workbook exercises
Workbook (p.6)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures, read and put ticks in the boxes for the correct sentences.
Workbook (p.7)
1. Ask the pupils to look at the picture and listen to the Workbook Cassette.
2. Ask the pupils to number the children in the animal costumes according to the sequence of language they hear on the tape.
Workbook (p.8)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then ask the pupils to put ticks in the boxes next to correct names and put crosses in the boxes next to incorrect names.
Workbook (p.9)
1. Ask the pupils to look at the fist part of the page and listen to the tape. They need to circle the correct pictures according to the words with the sounds they hear.
2. Ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. Tell the pupils to trace the letters in the model sentences for the picture on the left and fill in the blanks with correct letters for the picture on the right.
Workbook (p.10)
1. Tell the pupils to look at the pictures in order to get the gist of the story. Then ask them to find the right words for each blank speech bubble.
2. Check the answers orally before letting the pupils write the correct numbers in the speech bubbles.
Unit 3 Our show
Task objectives
Understand simple instructions and act accordingly
Use English to communicate with others while playing games
Recognize basic words in familiar contexts
Follow the recording and say simple sentences
Use proper pronunciation and intonation
Language focus
I’m… /I can’t…
Can you…
Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.
The first period
A. Point and say.
Step 1 Greeting
Step 2 Revision
The letters
The new words in Unit 1 and Unit 2
The presentations in Unit 1 and Unit 2.
Step 3 ① Teach the meaning of each verb by demonstrating the actions. Write a list on the board.
②Point to and say a verb. Tell the pupils to do the appropriate actions. Say them faster and faster to see if the pupils can respond.
Play the tape. Ask the pupils to read after the tape.
Step 4 Practise
Point to each of the characters on the page. Get the pupils to tell you the appropriate verb.
Do the actions and make sentences to show you can run, jump, read, write, draw, sing and dance.
Point to the pictures on the page and get the pupils to role-play the children and make sentences about what they can do.
Recite the words and the text of Part A.
Think about yourself and say I can ….
Copybook (p.9—p.10)
The second period
B. Say and act.
Step 1 Greeting
Step 2 Revision
The new words in Unit 3
A song《Are you Koko 》.
Step 3 Presentation
Ask a pupil to stand up. Point to myself and do an action, e.g. jumping. Say I can jump. Write the Word fly on the board. Note this verb is taught in Unit 7.Then spread my arms like wings and pretend to try to fly. Show I can’t fly. Ask a pupil Can you fly When the pupil responds, say with him/her No, I can’t fly. Ask the same pupil Can you jump When he/she jumps, say with him/her, Yes, I can.
Ask other pupils to stand up. Ask them Can you … Using the other verbs on the page. Get them to answer Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.
Sing a song “Can you run ”
Can you run Can you jump Yes, I can. Yes, I can.
Can you fly Can you fly No, I can’t.
Step 4 Practice
Play the tape and ask the pupils to read after it.
Ask them to role-play the dialogue.
Show the pupils the ticks and crosses in the children’s thought bubbles in the lower section of the page. Explain ticks mean I can’t. Demonstrate the first example. Ask the pupils to work in pairs and practise the conversations.
Recite the text.
Copy the text and the new words.
Copybook (p.11—p.12)
让学生用一问一答和表演的形式练习Can you … Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.效果不错,学生积极性也高。
我编了一首简单的歌 “Can you run ”来让学生更好地练习这个句型的问和答,效果很好。
The third period
Review Parts A and B
C. Storytime
1. Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as I read them.
2. Play the tape for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
Ask the pupils to come up and play the roles of Miss Wang, Pat, Ann, John and Tim.
Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of five and read the characters’ speech bubbles.
Use Storycards to revise sequence and language of the story.
D. Tick or cross.
Ask the pupils to read the story again. Read the words in the speech bubbles with the pupils. Demonstrate how to do the first one with the pupils as an example. Use Transparency to check the answers.
Recite Part C.
让学生掌握:Let’s start! It’s OK.
The fourth period
Recite part C together.
E. Say the sounds and the words.
1. Play the tape and ask the pupils to listen to the sounds and the words. Point out the spelling of these sounds.
2. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sounds correctly.
Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model.
Play the tape again. Ask the pupils to listen to the rhyme and point to the animals. Then get the pupils to say the rhyme. Count the animals with the class.
F. Look and do.
1. Find or make some dice.
2. Tell the pupils to make themselves a counter by sticking one of the stickers on a piece of card and cutting round it. Each person in the group should have a different sticker.
3. Tell the pupils how to play the game, demonstrating with one group.
4. When the pupils land on a square they have to make a sentence to say whether or not they can do the activity shown on that square. If they make a correct sentence they can go ahead one square. If not, they have to move back one square.
5. The winner is the pupil to reach the end of the board where it says You win! The others may keep playing until they have all finished.
6. Note this game may be played many times.
G. Listen, do and chant.
1. Play the tape for the pupils to listen to the first verse of the chant. Show the pupils how to do the accompanying actions shown in the pictures.
2. Play the tape again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words and the actions.
3. Play the tape for the other verses. Get the pupils to chant along and do the accompanying actions.
Do Workbook exercises.
The fifth period
Do Workbook exercises
Workbook (p.11)
Ask the pupils to read the sentences on the left and look at the pictures on the right. Then tell the pupils to put ticks in the boxes for the correct pictures.
Workbook (p.12)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then ask the pupils to put a tick in the grid if the picture matches the language on the tape and put a cross in the grid if it does not match it.
Workbook (p.13)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then ask them to number the pictures according to the sequence of language they hear on the tape.
Workbook (p.14)
1. Ask the pupils to look at the first part of the page and listen to the Workbook Cassette. They need to colour the correct pictures according to the words with the sounds they hear.
2. Ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to trace the letters in the model sentences for the first picture and fill in the blanks with correct letters for the second picture.
Workbook (p.15)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and put ticks in the boxes for the correct sentences.
Unit 4 At the zoo
Task objectives
Identify objects by listening to simple words
Understand simple instructions and act accordingly
Say simple words, phrases or sentences by looking at objects, pictures or actions
Use English to communicate with others when doing tasks
Use proper pronunciation and intonation
Language focus
Look at the … This is a/an …
What’s that That’s a/an … It’s … and …
The first period
Teaching aims and demands
Identify /point to picture/objects by listening to simple words
Understand simple instructions and act accordingly
Say simple words, phrases or sentences by looking at objectives, pictures actions
Use English to communicative with others when doing tasks
Use proper pronunciations and intonation
Teaching key point
New words: elephant, lion, giraffe, monkey, panda grey, white, black
Sentences: Look at the elephant/lion/giraffe/monkey/panda.
Teaching difficult points
To enable the students to say out the names of the animals freely and easily.
Teaching aids
Transparency, pictures, word cards, courseware, headbands
Teaching procedures
Step 1. Presentation
1. Say “Look at the rabbit. What colour is it " It’s white. It's a white rabbit. One pupil puts the word cards on the blackboard.
2. T: Is this a white rabbit No, it's a black cat. “black” (read-spell)(whole class -individual) The pupil puts the word card on the blackboard.
3. (Holding a picture of an elephant)
T: What's this It's an elephant. Look at the elephant. It's big. It's a big elephant. (Stick the picture to the grass. Then show the word cards, ask the pupils to read, spell and stick the word cards) (Individual-groups)
4. What colour is the elephant It's grey. (read and speak)
Follow to read “Look at the grey elephant.” Repeat these four words in this way: Look at the rabbit, it's white. (black cat, grey elephant). Then review colours like: a green apple, a yellow lemon and so on.
T: Now, let's guess: It's fat. It's black and white. It can eat. What is it
It's a panda. Look at this panda. (Stick the picture then read, spell and stick word card)(Whole class- individual)
T: What colour is it It's black and white.
5. T: Listen, it's tall. It's brown and white. What is it It's a giraffe. Look at the tall giraffe. (Stick the picture, read spell and stick the word card) What colour is it It's brown and white. (Individual-group)
T: It's brown. It's strong. It can run. It can jump. It can eat. A lion. Look at the lion. It’s yellow. (Stick the picture, read and spell, then stick the word card)(Whole class- individual)
a lion
Step 2. Practice
Show courseware. Show the animal pictures one by one. Get the pupils to describe the pictures. e.g. Look at the elephant. It’s big. It’s grey.
Step 3. Consolidation
Guessing game
To show some parts of the animals such as the feet, the tail and so on to ask the students to guess what it is
(Have a race between four groups)
Act as an animal and give self-introduction
First the teacher does it once I’m a rabbit. I'm white. I can run. I can jump. I can sing "miao…"(with actions). Then ask the students to come up and put on the animal headbands to introduce himself or herself.
Read after the tape and recite the names of the animals and colours at home.
If possible, visit the zoo and take some photos of the animals on weekend, then introduce them to friends and parents in English.
Copybook (p.13—p.14)
The second period
Teaching material: B. Say and act.
Teaching aids: Toy animals
Key and difficult point: Make the student use the sentence “This is a…" It's… It's…
(Books closed) Show a toy animal (or picture) and say This
is a /an…It's (colour). Then compare it with another animal and describe it by saying It’s (adjective) and (adjective).
2. Hold one animal and put another animal on a desk. Walk away from the desk. Say “This is a/an…”to introduce the animal I am holding. Point to the other animal and say “That's a …” Change the positions of the toys and repeat, making sure to say this for one I am holding and that for the one I am pointing to. Change the toys again. Give one to a pupil and encourage him/her to make the two sentences. Repeat with other animals and pupils to establish the concept of differentiating between “this” and “that”.
3. Ask the more able students to make more sentences about the colour and size of the animal they are holding and the one they are pointing to.
1. (Books open) Show Transparency and play the pupil's Cassette. The pupils listen and follow in their books. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the words after the beeps.
2. Help the pupils to complete the sentences in picture two. Ask pupils What's this for the animal Pat is touching, and What's that for the animal for which Tim is pointing. Ask the pupils to work in pairs to complete the conversation.
3. The pupils practise the conversation in all of the pictures.
Copybook (p.15—p.16)
Recite the new words.
This is和That’s的用法和读音都不好掌握,要带着学生多练习。
The third period
Revision of part A and part B
C. Storytime
1. Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles as I read them.
2. Play the pupil's Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
3. Ask the pupils to come up and play the roles of Cindy and her mother.
4. Ask the pupils to role play the story in pairs and read the characters’ speech bubbles.
5. Use Storycards to revise sequence and language of the story.
D. Tick or cross.
Ask the pupils to read the story again. Read the words accompanying the pictures with the pupils. Demonstrate how to do the first one with the pupils as an example. Check the answers using Transparency.
Recite part C.
让学生掌握:Be quiet. Let’s call the zoo.
The fourth period
The pupils recite part C together.
E. Say the sounds and the words.
1. Play the tape and ask the pupils to listen to the sounds and the words. Point out the spelling of these sounds.
2. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sounds correctly.
3. Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model.
4. Play the tape again. Ask the pupils to listen to the rhyme and point to the frog and the puppy. Then ask the pupils to circle them. Get the pupils to say the rhyme.
F. Look and do.
Ask the pupils to draw an animal, colour it and cut it out. Then get them to sit in a circle and introduce their own animal in English.
G. Listen, write and sing.
Play the tape for the pupils to listen to the song. Point out the colour of each animal’s dress and each animal’s surname, e.g. Miss Black. Play the tape again and ask the pupils to write the correct surname in the blanks beside each animal. Play the song again asking the children to sing along.
Do Workbook exercises.
The fifth period
Do Workbook exercises
Workbook (p.16)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures, read and put ticks in ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com / " \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 ) the boxes for the correct sentences.
Workbook (p.17)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then ask the pupils to colour the animals according to what they hear on the tape.
Workbook (p.18)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then ask the pupils to match the pictures according to what they hear on the tape.
Workbook (p.19)
1. Ask the pupils look at the first part of the page and listen to the tape. They need to tick the correct pictures according to the words with the sounds they hear.
2. Ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to trace the letters in the model sentences for the first picture and fill in the blanks with correct letters for the second picture.
Unit 5 Revision
The first period
A. Read and tick.
1. Show Transparency. Demonstrate how to read the words in the speech bubbles and to tick the correct sentences in the response speech bubbles using the picture cue at the top right of the page.
2. Ask the pupils to read the speech bubbles in the other pictures individually.
3. Use Transparency to check the answers. Check that the pupils have understood the words in the speech bubbles and that they have tick the correct sentences.
B. Look, say and act.
1. Read the speech bubbles in picture 1 and 2 with the pupils. Ask the pupils to repeat them after me.
2. Help the pupils to work out the words in the speech bubbles in picture 3.Show the pupils that the tick in the thought bubbles means that it is the little man's jumper. A cross means that the name on the jumper is not their name, and their correct name is written in the thought bubble.
3. In pairs, the pupils take turns to role -play the grid accordingly Snow White and the little man.
Copybook (p.17—p.19)
The second period
C. Look and do.
Show transparency. Read the sample conversations at the top of the page between Tim and Anne.
Show the pupils the grid at the bottom of the page. Tell the pupils they need to ask their friends questions in order to fill in the grid.
In pairs, the pupils take turns to role-playing Tim to ask Koko “Can you sing ”. Then prompt the pupil role-playing Koko to answer according to the picture cue. Continue with the other pictures and show the pupils how and where to write the ticks and crosses.
Get the pupils to work in groups of four. They take turns to find out what each can and can't do and tick or cross the grid accordingly.
D. Listen and trace the correct lines.
Play the tape. Use Transparency to show the pupils how to trace over the dotted lines to indicate the route which the people take to see the animals. Then check the pupils’ answers with the help of Transparency.
Do Workbook exercises.
The third period
Do Workbook exercises
Workbook (p.21 and p.22)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures on the left and match them with the correct words on the right.
Workbook (p.23 and p.24)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then ask them to tick the correct pictures according to what they hear on the tape.
Workbook (p.25 and p.26)
Ask the pupils to listen to the tape and circle the words that contain the sound they hear.
Workbook (p.27 and p.28)
Ask the pupils to read the speech bubbles. They should put a tick in the box if the words and the picture match and put a cross in the box if they do not match.
Unit 6 Toys
Task objectives
Identify/point to picture/objects by listening to simple words.
Understand simple instructions and act accordingly.
Use English to communicate with others while playing games.
Say simple words, phases or sentences by looking at objects, pictures or actions
Use proper pronunciation and intonation
Language focus
1. Words: in, on, under, bed
2. Sentences: My… is in/on/under the…Good boy!
Teaching difficult points
To help the students to describe the toys and use the prepositions freely and easily.
The first period
A. Point and say.
Step 1 Greeting
Step 2 Revision
Revise the animals’ name, ask them to spell them and say something about their colour and their size.
Step 3 Presentation
1. Bring in the toys labelled on this page, a sallow cardboard and a thick pen.
2. Introduce the toys saying This is a …Write the names of the toys on the board.
3. Pick up the toys one by one and see if the pupils can tell you the name. Say What’s this Help the pupils answer It’s a …
ball a robot a toy box
4. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to repeat Koko’s, Pat’s and Tim’s words after the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary items.
Step 4 Practice
1. Teach the pupils toy box by putting the toys in the cardboard box. Write the toys on the outside with a thick pen.
2. Ask and answer about the toys using two different voices What’s this It’s a … Get the pupils to take the correct toys out of the toy box I made in 1.
3. Show Transparency. Point to the toys and the toy box on the page, asking What’s this Encourage the pupils to answer It’s a …
4. Point to a toy. Tell the pupils to make a sentence using this is a … and the name of the toy. The more able pupils can tell me It’s (colour).
Step 5 Reading
Read after the tape. Read part A Point and say twice.
Finish the copybook (p.20) and recite the words.
The second period
Teaching content
B. Say and act.
Teaching importance
The usage of the prepositions on, in and under
Teaching tools
Courseware, VCD for teaching, a picture of a room, some small pictures and some real objects
Step 1 Organization
Let’s chant. (You’re my friend)
Sing the song: Are you a student
Ask and answer
What day is today
What’s the weather like
What class are you in
Are you a boy/Young Pioneer
Can you swim/fly
Step 2 Revision
A game: Match the pictures and the words
Show courseware and play a guessing game: What’s this
Recite the words.
Step 3 New teaching
Show a ball and say This is my ball. Put the ball on the desk and say Look, my ball is on the desk. Show courseware. Teach and practise the preposition on.
Show a bear and say This is my bear. Put the bear in the toy box and say My bear is in the toy box. Teach and practise the preposition in.
Show a robot and say This is my robot. Put the robot under the chair and say My robot is under the chair. Teach and practise the preposition under.
Step 4 Consolidation
Show courseware. The pupils look at the pictures and use the prepositions on, in and under to finish the sentences.
Step 5 Reading and acting part B
Play VCD of part B
The pupils repeat the sentences of part B.
Play VCD again. Prepare a picture. There’s a room in the picture. Prepare some small pictures on the desk. Get individual pupils to stick the small pictures to the proper position in the room according to what they hear.
Talk about the picture.
Step 6 Sing an English song
Play VCD and sing the song “Toys, toys everywhere”.
Step 7 Competition
Divide the class into two groups. Prepare a toy box, a desk, a chair, a bed and a bag for each group. Each pair of pupils prepares one thing. Say one sentence each time. The pupils have to put their things to the proper position in pairs according to what I say, e.g. It’s under the bed. If they are right, they can get one point for their own group.
Step 8 Summary
Pick out the key words: My … is on/in/under the …
Count the groups’ scores of the competition.
Draw a picture of your room. Use the prepositions on, in and under to describe the toys in your room.
Copybook (p.21—p.23)
学生用on, in和 under这几个介词来表达物体的位置还不熟,还需多练习。
The third period
Revision and practice
My … is on/in/under the …
C. Storytime
1. Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as you read them.
2. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
3. Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of three and read the characters’ speech bubbles. Some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story with the aid of a cardboard box.
4. Use Storycards to revise sequence and language of the story.
D. Read and tick.
Ask the pupils to read the story again. Read the words in
the speech bubbles with the pupils. Demonstrate how to do
the first one with pupils as an example. Use Transparency
to check the answers.
Read part C after the tape. Recite it and the words.
The fourth period
Ask the pupils to read and spell the words.
Ask them to make sentences with “in, on, under”.
E. Say the words and the words.
1. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils listen to the sounds and the words. Point out the spelling of these sounds and the silent e on the end of Jane, game, Pete and athlete.
2. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sounds correctly.
3. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to the rhyme and point to the children. Explain that an athlete is someone who trains to do sport. Then ask the pupils to circle the correct names of the children. Get the pupils to say the rhyme.
F. Look and do.
Show the pupils the two pictures on the lower part of the page. Ask them to choose one and to look at the toys. Tell them to prepare sentences about the positions of the toys.
2. Tell the pupils to work in pairs. Ask them to take turns to describe the positions of the toys in the room they have chosen. The other pupils have to guess which room it is.
G. Listen, circle and sing.
Play the tape for the pupils to listen to the song. Ask the pupils to tell you about the box, the bear and the ball in each of the different pictures. Play the tape again and tell the pupils to circle the correct one of the two pictures for each of the verses.
Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words.
Do Workbook exercises.
The fifth period
Do Workbook exercises
Workbook (p.29)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and tick the correct words describing them.
Workbook (p.30)
1. Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette.
2. Tell the pupils to match the two columns of pictures.
Workbook (p.31)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then tell the pupils to write the correct numbers in the boxes.
Workbook (p.32)
1. Ask the pupils to look at the first part of the page and listen to the Workbook Cassette. They need to tick the correct answers according to what they hear on the cassette.
2. Ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to trace the letters in the model sentences for the picture on the left and fill in the blanks with correct letters for the picture on the right.
Workbook (p.33)
Tell the pupils to read the sentences in the speech bubble. Then ask them to tick the correct boxes for each object. Then check the answers orally before letting the pupils tick the boxes.
Unit 7 My pet
Task objectives
Identify/point to pictures/objects by listening to simple words
Understand simple instructions and act accordingly
Say simple words, phrases or sentences by looking at objects, pictures or actions
Give simple descriptions of animals
Use proper pronunciation and intonation
Language focus
This is my …
That’s a …
I like the …
It can…/It can’t…
Topic vocabulary
bird, rabbit, fish, dog, cat, turtle, swim, fly
The first period
A. Point, say and act.
Step 1 Greeting
Step 2 Revision
Step 3 Presentation
1. Bring in a photo of a pet and toy animals to be taught in the unit.
2. (Books closed.) Revise This is with classroom objects I touch and That’s with classroom objects I point to.
3. Introduce the pet to the pupils: This is my pet. It’s a … It’s (size). It’s (colour). Introduce the toy animals in the same way.
4. (Books open.) Show Transparency and play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Point to the pets on the page and teach the names of the animals. Ask the pupils to repeat after the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary items.
Step 4 Practice
1. (Books open.) Read the children’s speech bubbles. Get the ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com / " \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 ) pupils to point to the correct animals.
2. Make sentences using This is a ... for the other animals. Get the pupils to point to the correct animals.
3. Revise This is a … and That’s a … by touching one and pointing to another animal. Tell the pupils to point and make sentences using That’s a … and the name of the animal.
Step 5 Homework
Recite the new words. Describe the pets in your room.
Copybook (p.24—p.25)
This is和That’s的读音和用法都需要再强调和练习。
The second period
B. Say and act.
1. (Books closed.) Show the photo of my pet again. Say this is my … I like the …
2. Ask the pupils to come out and choose one toy animal. Encourage them to say I like the …
3. Pick up one toy. Show with my hands the approximate size of my pet, saying It’s small/big. Point out the colour and make a sentence.
4. Pick up another toy. Say I like it and describe its size and colour. Ask the pupils to make similar sentences about the other toys.
1. (Books open.) Show Transparency. Play the tape for picture 1. The pupils listen and follow in their books. Ask the pupils to repeat the words after the beeps.
2. Point to the verbs labeling the small pictures in picture 2. Ask the pupils if they can remember the actions for the verbs they know already: run, jump. Teach them actions for the new verbs: swim, fly.
3. Demonstrate making sentences about the rabbit, e.g. It’s a rabbit. It can jump it can run. It can’t swim. It can’t fly.
4. Ask the pupils to work in pairs and look at the pictures at the bottom. They take turns to tell each other what animals they like and what the animals can and can’t do.
5. Invite pairs of pupils to come to the front and tell the rest of class what animals they like and what the animals can and can’t do.
Finish the Copybook (p.26—p.27) and recite part B.
The third period
Revision and practice
I like the …
It can …
It can’t …
C. Storytime
1. Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as you read them.
2. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
3. Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of three and read the characters’ speech bubbles. Some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story with the aid of a cardboard box.
4. Use Storycards to revise sequence and language of the story.
D. Read and circle.
Ask the pupils to read the story again. Read the words in the speech bubbles with the pupils. Demonstrate how to circle the correct word in the first speech bubble. The pupils can do the other ones on their own. Use Transparency to check the answers.
Read part C after the tape. Recite it and the words.
The fourth period
Recite part C.
E. Say the sound and the words.
1. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils listen to the sounds and the words. Point out two ways of spelling of the sound ‘i’ and ‘y’. Point out also the silent ‘e’ on the end of white and kite.
2. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sounds correctly.
3. Play the tape again. Ask the pupils to listen to the rhyme and point to the kite and the bike. Get the pupils to say the rhyme.
F. Look and do
1. Ask the pupils to tell me the names of the pets shown at the top of the page.
2. Tell the pupils to work in pairs. They take turns to choose a pet and trace the correct words to describe the pet. Then they read their riddle to their friend. The friend must guess which pet is being described, saying You like the …
G. Listen, number and sing.
1. Ask the pupils to tell me the name of the pet and what it is doing in each of the small picture. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the song.
2. Play the cassette again and ask the pupils to number the verses.
3. Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words.
Do Workbook exercises.
The fifth period
Do Workbook exercises
Workbook (p.34)
Ask the pupils to look at the picture and read the sentences. Tell them to write the correct numbers in the circles and colour the animals.
Workbook (p.35)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then tell the pupils to match the animals and what they can do by drawing lines to the correct words.
Workbook (p.36)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then tell the pupils to tick the correct pictures according to what they hear on the tape.
Workbook (p.37)
1. Ask the pupils to look at the first part of the page and listen to the Workbook Cassette. They need to colour the correct eggs according to what they hear on the tape.
2. Ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to trace letters in the model sentences for the picture on the left and fill in the blanks with correct letters for the picture on the right.
Unit 8 Children’s Day
Task objectives
Understand simple instructions and act accordingly
Say simple words, phrases or sentences by looking at objects, pictures or actions
Ask questions to find out information
Use English to communicate with others while playing games
Use proper pronunciation and intonation
Language focus
I like the …very much.
What do you want
I have a …I want a …, please.
Topic vocabulary
Storybook, Discman, CD, computer game, clock, watch
Additional language
Thank you very much.
Sorry, I have no CDs.
This is for you.
I ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com / " \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 ) win!
The first period
A. Point and say.
Step 1 Greeting
Step 2 Revision
Step 3 Presentation
1. Bring in a shopping bag and the topic vocabulary objects in the unit, if possible. Alternatively bring in picture of goods for sale from a catalogue or brochure.
2. Show the objects or pictures of a fancy pen on a pupil’s desk. Touch the pupil’s pen and say I like this pen. Pretend to put it to my pocket. Say Yes, I like this pen very much.
3. Show tape and play it. Point to the pets on the pages and teach the names of the animals. Ask the pupils to repeat after the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary item.
Step 4 Practice
1. Read the children’s speech bubbles. Get the pupils to point to the correct things.
2. Make sentences using I like …for the other animals. Get the pupils to point to the correct things.
3. Point to a thing. Tell the pupils to make a sentence using I like the … and the name of the objects. The more able pupils can tell you It’s (colour).
Recite the words.
Copybook (p.28—p.29)
The second period
B. Say and act.
Step 1.Oranization
(1) Greeting
(2) Warming-up
Sing a song.
Step 2.Revision
1. Bring some toys and objects into the classroom, ask the pupils to tell me It’s a …It’s (colour)…I like the …very much.
2. Ask them to talk: What do you want I have a…I want a …
Step 3.Presentation
1. Put the things on the desk, or put the pictures on the board. Ask one pupil to be the shopkeeper. Pretend to be shopping. Pick up the pen. Then shake your head, show your own pen and say I have a pen. Put down the pen you pick up. Do and say the same with the pencil.
2. Pick up a pencil case, nod your head and say I have a pen and a pencil. I want a pencil case. Pretend to buy it. Then put the pencil and pen inside the pencil case.
3. Give some pupils objects such as a watch or a pencil case. Get them to say I have a … Role-play being a shopkeeper and ask one of them What do you want Sweep my hand over all the things. Write on the board I want the …Encourage the pupils to point to one of the pictures and say I want the …Let the pupil pick up the thing and say I have a…I want a…
Step 4.Practice
1. Show Transparency. Play the tape .The pupils listen and follow in their books. Ask the pupils to repeat words after beeps.
2. Point to the things Tim has and wants shown in his thought bubble. Help them to complete Tim’s sentences.
3. Ask pupils to work in pairs to act Pat and her father, completing the conversation. Ask them to the front and act the conversations.
Finish Copybook (p.30—p.31) and recite part B.
我在课堂上设置了去商店购物这样一个情景,让学生练习What do you want I have a … I want a …这几个句型,学生比较感兴趣。
The third period
Revision and practice
What do you want
I have a …
I want a …
C. Storytime
1. Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as I read them.
2. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
3. Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of three and read the characters’ speech bubbles. Some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story with the aid of a cardboard box.
4. Use Storycards to revise sequence and language of the story.
D. Read and tick.
Ask the pupils to read the story again. Read the words in the speech bubbles with the pupils. Demonstrate how to do the first one with pupils as an example. Use Transparency to check the answers.
Read part C after the tape. Recite it and the words.
学生要掌握好:Thank you very much. This is for you.
The fourth period
Step 1 Greeting
Step 2 Revision
Ask the pupils to read and spell the words.
Ask them to make sentences with “I like the …I have a … I want a…”
Step 3 E. Say the sound and the words.
1. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils listen to the sounds and the words. Point out the spelling of these sounds and the silent e on the end of bone, stone, nose and hole.
2. Say the words slowly and clearly.
Check that the pupils are saying the sounds correctly.
3. Play the tape again. Ask the pupils to listen to the rhyme and to draw a bone in the correct hole. Get the pupils to say the rhyme.
Step 4 F. Look and do.
1. Tell the pupils to work in groups of four. Ask them to cut out one set of the cards on page 62.
2. The pupils deal out all the cards. They take turns to ask the player to their right which card they want to match one of the cards they already have.
3. Each time the pupils collect a set of two matching cards, they put the set face down on the desk. They continue playing the game until there are no more cards left in their hands.
4. At the end of the game, they tick the grid for the pairs of cards they have as a record of who had the most pairs.
Step 5 G. Listen, do and sing.
1. Play the tape for the pupils to listen to the song. Show the pupils the gestures for the song.
2. Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words and gestures.
3. Play the cassette again for the other verses. Get the pupils to sing along substituting the words at the bottom of the page and make the accompanying gestures.
Do Workbook exercises.
The fifth period
Do Workbook exercises
Workbook (p.39)
Ask the pupils to look at the picture. They should put a tick in the box if the word and the object in the picture match and put a cross in the box if they do not.
Workbook (p.40)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then tell the pupils to match the children and the objects according to what they hear on the tape.
Workbook (p.41)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then tell the pupils to tick the pictures which match what they hear on the tape.
Workbook (p.42)
1. Ask the pupils to look at the first part of the page and listen to the Workbook Cassette. They need to draw lines to the correct computers which match the words they hear on the cassette.
2. Ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to trace the letters in the model sentences for the picture on the left and fill in the blanks with correct letters for the picture on the right.
Workbook (p.43)
Tell the pupils to read the speech bubbles on the right and match them with the pictures on the left.
Unit 9 Fantasy world
Task objectives
Identify/point to pictures/objects by listening to simple words
Understand simple instructions and act accordingly
Say simple words, phrases or sentences by looking at objects, pictures or actions
Understand and write simple expressions
Use proper pronunciation and intonation
Language focus
What can you see
I can see …
Topic vocabulary
slide, swimming pool, clown, grass, flower, tree
Additional language
Let’s go. I can see a hole.
What’s wrong Miaow.
Oh, good! Bye-bye!
The first period
1. Draw a tree on the board. Write a tree next to it. Draw a second tree. Count the trees with the pupils. Rub out a tree and write trees. Repeat the procedure with flowers.
a tree trees
a flower flowers
2. Teach the concept of uncountable nouns by drawing lots of blades of grass and labeling it grass. Show the pupils we do not use a in front of grass.
3. Use picture cards to teach a swimming pool, a slide and a clown.
4. Point to any of the named things we can see from the classroom window, such as trees, grass and flowers. Teach the pupils to say I can see …
Show Transparency and play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Point to the speech bubbles when the characters speak. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat after the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary items.
1. Show Transparency. Point to the objects on the page and practise saying the new words.
2. Read the children’s speech bubbles. Get the pupils to point to the correct objects.
3. Make sentences using I can see … for the other objects. Get the pupils to point to the correct objects.
4. Point to an object. Tell the pupils to make a sentence using I can see … and the name of the object with the correct indefinite article or without an article.
Play a listening discrimination game
Draw one tree on the left-hand side of the board and write a tree underneath. Draw two or more trees on the right-hand side and write trees underneath. Show the pupils how to put up their left hands if I say a sentence with the indefinite article and a singular noun. They put up their right hand if I say a sentence with a plural noun. Say sentences with I can see … varying singular nouns.
Copybook (p.32—p.33)
Recite the words and sentences in part A.
The second period
Review the words in part A
B. Say and act.
1. Ask a tall pupil to stand looking out of the window. Stand in a place where I cannot see out of the window. Ask the pupil what can you see Encourage the pupil to reply using I can see …
2. Ask one pupil to sit with his/her back to the window and another pupil to look out of the window. Get the sitting pupil to ask What can you see And the other one to answer I can see …
3. Ask the pupils to work in pairs. One sits facing the board and the other sits with their back to the board. Draw something on the board, e.g. a tree, a slide, grass, flower, etc. the pupil with the back to the board asks What can you see The pupil facing the board answers I can see … Tell the pupils to change places and repeat the activity.
1. Show Transparency and play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. The pupils listen and follow in their books. Ask the pupils to repeat the words after the beeps.
2. Point to the things in the girl’s thought bubble. Help the pupils to complete her sentences.
3. Ask the pupils to work in pairs to role-play the clowns and to tell me what they say.
4. Invite pairs of pupils to come to the front and act the conversations.
Copybook (p.34—p.35)
Recite part B.
The third period
Revision and practice
What can you see
I can see …
C. Storytime
1. Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as I read them.
2. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
3. Ensure the pupils know that the older mouse cannot see.
4. Ask three pupils to come up and play the roles of the mice and the cat.
5. Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of three and read the characters’ speech bubbles. Make the hole in a tree with chairs.
6. Use Storycards to revise sequence and language of the story.
D. Read and number.
Ask the pupils to read the story again. Read the sentences under the pictures with the pupils. Demonstrate how to write the correct numbers in the boxes next to the pictures. Check the answers using Transparency.
Recite part C.
让学生掌握:What’s wrong
The fourth period
Recite part C.
E. Say the sound and the words.
1. Play the “Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words. Point out the spelling of this sound and the silent ‘e’ on the end of cute and tune.
2. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sound correctly.
3. Play the tape again. Ask the pupils to listen to the poem and to point to June. Get the pupils to say the rhyme.
F. Draw, make and say.
1. Give the pupils a piece of plain paper. Tell the pupils to fold the paper in half, and then colour the bottom half brown and the top half green.
2. Show the pupils how to cut lines nearly to the end of the green half of the paper. Show the pupils how to roll up the tree and stick it down one side of the brown half of the paper. Help them pull down the cut strips of green paper as leaves.
3. Ask the pupils to cut out the animals on page 64. Show them how to stick the animals on the leaves or on the trunk of their trees.
4. Then tell the pupils to cut out page66. Show them how to stand their trees on the page. They show their friends and ask What can you see Their friends answer I can see … Their answers should include all the things they can see on the page.
G. Listen, do and chant.
Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the chant. Show the pupils how to hold up the correct number of fingers for each verse. Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words and holding up the correct number of fingers.
Do Workbook exercises.
The fifth period
Do Workbook exercises
Workbook (p.44)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures, read the speech bubbles and write the correct letters in the boxes.
Workbook (p.45)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then tell the pupils to number the pictures according to the conversations on the cassette.
Workbook (p.46)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then tell the pupils to write the correct letter in the boxes according to the language they hear on the cassette.
Workbook (p.47)
1. Ask the pupils to look at the first part of the page and listen to the Workbook Cassette. They need to circle the correct books according to the words with the sounds they hear.
2. Ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to trace the letters in the model sentences for the picture on the left and fill in the blanks with correct letters for the picture on the right.
Workbook (p.48)
Tell the pupils to look at the pictures and tick the correct sentences which match the pictures.
Unit 10 Revision
The first period
A. Look and do.
1. Tell the pupils to draw the toys in the box any place they like in the picture of ‘My room’.
2. They take turns to describe their room to their friend.
3. As their partner describes his/her room, the pupils should draw the objects in the correct places in the picture labeled ‘My friend’s room’. At the end of the activity, the pupils compare drawings. Their own picture and their partner’s picture of ‘My friend’s room’ should be the same.
B. Look and say.
1. Ask the pupils to look at the picture of the things in the shop and what the children are holding. The children show what they want in their thought bubbles.
2. Demonstrate one conversation with the pupils. Ask them to take turns to act the children by asking What do you want and answering I have a … I want a …, please.
Workbook (p.36—p.38)
学生对于用on, in和 under这几个介词和用完整的句子来介绍物体的位置还是不够熟练,还要多练习。
The second period
C. Read, tick and cross.
Ask the pupils to read the sentences in the speech bubbles and write ticks or crosses in the boxes according to Pat’s description. When the pupils have finished, they should write the name of the pet Pat likes in the blank in her final speech bubble.
D. Listen and number.
Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Use Transparency to show pupils how to number the computers according to the description of the pictures that they hear on the tape.
Do Workbook exercises.
The third period
Do Workbook exercises
Workbook (p.49 and p.50)
Ask the pupils to look at the words on the left and circle the correct pictures on the right.
Workbook (p.51 and p.52)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then tell them to put ticks in the boxes for the correct pictures.
Workbook (p.53 and p.54)
Ask the pupils to listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then tell them to follow the lines to the correct balloon and put a tick or a cross in the boxes.
Workbook (p.55 and p.56)
Ask the pupils to match the pictures on the left with the sentences on the right by writing the correct letters in the boxes.