(共28张PPT)
陕西省西安市大兴中学
郭林平
Parts
of
Interpretation
Teaching
Methods
Teaching
Procedures
Analysis
of
the
Teaching
Material
Analysis
of
the
Students
Learning
Methods
Blackboard
Design
Teaching
Assessment
Part1.
Analysis
of
the
Teaching
Material
Status
and
Functions
Teaching
Difficult
Points
Teaching
Key
Points
Teaching
Aims
and
Demands
Status
and
Functions
Topic:
Free
time
activities
Function:
Talk
about
how
often
you
do
things
Unit2
How
often
do
you
exercise?
SectionB(2b-2d)
Title:
What
Do
No.5
High
School
Students
Do
in
Their
Free
Time?
Lesson
Type:
Reading
Period:
The
fourth
period
Teaching
Aims
and
Demands
Knowledge
Objects
Ability
Objects
Moral
Objects
1.
The
students
can
use
the
new
words:
percent,
online,
although,
through
correctly.
2.
The
students
are
able
to
make
sentences
with
the
useful
expressions:
such
as,
use
the
Internet,
go
online,
at
least.
3.
The
students
are
able
to
express
the
percentage
in
English.
1.
The
students
can
predict
the
main
idea
of
the
article
by
reading
the
title
and
grasp
the
details
by
scanning.
2.
The
students
can
transform
the
information
into
the
pie
charts.
3.
The
students
can
express
their
free
time
activities
with
target
language.
The
students
are
supposed
to
know
it
is
important
to
have
a
healthy
lifestyle
and
arrange
their
free
time
activities
properly.
Teaching
Key
Points
1.
To
help
the
students
understand
this
article
well
by
some
reading
strategies
such
as
predicting
and
scanning.
2.
To
help
the
students
realize
that
it
is
important
to
have
a
healthy
lifestyle
and
it
is
a
good
way
to
show
the
results
by
the
pie
charts.
Teaching
Difficult
Points
1.To
help
the
students
know
the
structure
of
this
kind
of
article—statistical
article.
2.To
help
the
students
express
their
life
habits
with
the
target
language
correctly.
Part2.
Analysis
of
the
Students
The
lesson
is
for
the
students
in
Grade8.
They've
learnt
about
pie
charts
in
math
class
in
Grade7.
The
students
are
familiar
with
the
topic
about
free
time
activities,
so
they
will
be
active
in
this
class.
Some
of
them
don’t
have
good
reading
strategies.
The
students
at
this
age
are
interested
in
challenges.
So
design
a
task-chain
for
them
to
challenge
in
this
class.
Task-based
Language
Teaching
Method
Part3.
Teaching
Methods
Computer
Aided
Instruction
Method
Autonomous
Learning
Method
Part4.
Learning
Methods
Cooperative
Learning
Method
Step
Pre-reading
Step
While-reading
Step
Post-reading
Step
Summary
and
Homework
Part5.
Teaching
Procedures
你想英语学习轻松吗?
请养成良好的学习习惯!
1.请准备好课堂中要用的学习用品:
积分表+笔记本
+
练习本
+
错题本
+
双色笔
(学习的一把利剑)+
字典(无言的恩师)
2.
让我们的手+眼+嘴+耳+脑子动起来!!
工欲善其事,必先利其器
你准备好亮剑了吗?
Purpose:
1.
To
create
a
relaxing
English
learning
environment
for
students.
2.
To
help
the
students
to
cultivate
good
English
studying
habits.
3.
To
lead
the
students
to
prepare
the
class
well.
Daxing
Middle
School,
Xi'an
,Shaanxi
Province
Guo
Linping
Purpose:
1.
To
arouse
the
students’
English
studying
interests.
2.
Let
the
students
know
what
they
will
learn
in
this
class.
Task
What
does
the
article
talk
about?
Reading
Tip:Pay
attention
to
the
title!
It
talks
about
the
students'
free
time
activities
at
No.5
high
school.
Fast
Reading
Purpose:
1.
To
help
the
students
predict
the
main
idea
of
this
article.
2.
To
lead
the
students
to
pay
attention
to
the
title
which
is
a
quick
way
to
get
the
main
idea
of
the
article.
3.
To
improve
the
students’
reading
speed
by
proper
reading
strategies.
Free
Time
Activities
Use
the
Internet
Watch
Which
three
free
time
activities
are
mentioned?
Read
quickly
and
finish
the
mind-map.
Exercise
Task
Purpose:
1.
To
help
the
students
grasp
the
three
kinds
of
free
time
activities
in
this
article.
2.
To
develop
the
students'
ability
of
reading.
Read
the
passage
and
complete
the
pie
charts.
Task
Reading
Tip
Scan
the
text
quickly
to
find
the
details
that
you
are
looking
for.
Careful
Reading
Purpose:
1.
To
help
the
students
understand
the
pie
charts
well.
2.
To
help
the
students
realize
that
it
is
a
good
way
to
show
the
information
by
pie
charts.
3.
To
lead
the
students
to
grasp
the
details
by
scanning.
Group
Work
Which
paragraph
is
about
the
topic
of
this
article?
Which
paragraph
is
about
the
result
of
this
article?
Which
paragraph
is
about
the
conclusion
(结论)of
this
article?
Statistical
Article
(统计类文章)
Topic
Result
Conclusion
Discuss
the
following
questions
in
groups.
Task
Purpose:
1.
To
help
the
students
understand
the
structure
of
this
kind
of
article.
It
is
helpful
for
writing
this
kind
of
article.
2.
To
cultivate
their
cooperative
spirit
and
solve
the
problems
in
groups.
结合饼图及箭头所指内容,正确介绍相应的学生业余活动情况,你就能得到相应颗数的幸运星!
According
to
the
article
and
the
pie
charts,
make
sentences
with
the
percentages
using
always,
usually
or
sometimes.
Task
90%
10%
85%
13%
45%
2%
Purpose:
1.
To
help
the
students
use
the
percentages
and
the
adverbs
of
frequency
correctly.
2.
To
arouse
the
students’
English
studying
interests
by
playing
games.
Write
a
report
about
reading
books
in
our
school
according
to
the
pie
chart.
Task
Writing
What
Do
Daxing
Middle
School
Students
Do
in
Their
Free
Time?
Statistical
Article
(统计类文章)
Topic
Result
Conclusion
Hello,
everyone.
My
topic
is
about
reading
books
in
our
free
time.
___________________________________________
___________________________________________
Reading
books
is
healthy
for
the
mind.
And
think
it
is
one
of
the
best
ways
to
relax.
Purpose:
1.
To
promote
all
aspects
of
students’
comprehensive
language
competence.
2.
To
help
the
students
express
their
free
time
activities
with
target
language.
3.
To
train
the
students’
ability
of
transforming
the
pie
chart
into
the
text.
Test
Evaluation
Choose
one
of
the
following
words,
you
will
have
a
task!
完成句子(
)
他一周看电视三到四次。
He
watches
____________________________
.
three
to
four
times
a
week
It
is
important
to
have
a
healthy
lifestyle.
Although
old
habits
die
hard,
we
should
start
exercising
before
it's
too
late.
Do
you
think
the
students
at
No.
are
healthy?
Why
or
why
not?
(
)
Purpose:
1.
To
consolidate
the
knowledge
by
testing.
2.
It’s
time
for
the
moral
education.
To
lead
the
students
to
understand
it’s
important
to
have
a
healthy
lifestyle.
&
反思是个好习惯!
Ⅰ.Knowledge
aspects:
1.
The
students
can
use
the
new
words:
percent,
online,
although,
through
correctly.
2.
The
students
are
able
to
make
sentences
with
the
useful
expressions:
such
as,
use
the
Internet,
go
online,
at
least.
3.
The
students
are
able
to
express
the
percentage
in
English.
Ⅱ.Ability
aspects:
1.
The
students
can
predict
the
main
idea
of
the
article
by
reading
the
title.
2.
The
students
can
grasp
the
details
by
scanning.
3.
The
students
can
transform
the
information
into
the
pie
charts.
Ⅲ.Moral
aspects:
It
is
important
to
have
a
healthy
lifestyle.
Purpose:
To
summarize
and
consolidate
the
knowledge.
分层次作业任务
Group
A:
Do
a
survey
of
the
students'
free
time
activities
in
your
class
and
make
a
pie
chart.
Group
B:
Choose
one
of
the
pie
charts
on
page14
and
write
a
short
report
about
it.
Purpose:
The
proper
homework
is
helpful
for
the
students
to
consolidate
the
knowledge.
Part6.
Blackboard
Design
Purpose:
This
blackboard
design
is
good
for
students
to
learn
the
knowledge
well
and
have
a
deep
impression.
And
it
is
easy
for
students
to
take
notes
in
the
class.
Assessment
Item
1.Can
you
express
your
free
time
activities
with
target
language?
2.What
reading
strategies
did
you
learn
in
this
class?
3.Who's
your
idol
in
this
class?
4.Which
team
is
the
best
in
this
class?
Self-rating
Wonderful
Very
good
Good
Assessment
Chart
Part7.
Teaching
Assessment
Purpose:
To
arouse
the
students'
English
studying
interests
and
help
them
to
rethink
the
class.
Let
Ss
know
their
own
progress
and
build
confidence.Unit2
How
often
do
you
exercise?
Section
B(2b-2d)说课稿
Good
afternoon,
ladies
and
gentlemen!
It
is
my
great
honor
to
stand
here
to
interpret
my
lesson.
First,
allow
me
to
introduce
myself.
My
name’s
Guo
Linping
from
Daxing
middle
school
in
Xi’an,
Shaanxi
province.
I’m
going
to
interpret
my
lesson
from
seven
parts.
Part1.
Analysis
of
the
Teaching
Material
Part2.
Analysis
of
the
Students
Part3.
Teaching
Methods
Part4.
Learning
Methods
Part5.
Teaching
Procedures
Part6.
Blackboard
Design
Part7.
Teaching
Assessment
Part
One:
Analysis
of
the
Teaching
Material
First:
Status
and
Function
The
lesson
that
am
going
to
interpret
is
taken
from
the
English
book
Go
for
it
published
by
People’
Education
Press!
This
lesson
is
from
Book
of
Grade
Unit
How
often
do
you
exercise?
Section
B(2b-2d).
The
topic
of
this
unit
is
about
free
time
activities.
The
function
of
this
unit
is
to
talk
about
how
often
you
do
things.
This
lesson
is
the
fourth
period
of
the
unit.
The
type
of
this
lesson
is
reading.
It
is
an
article
about
what
No.5
high
school
students
do
in
their
free
time?
Such
a
topic
relates
to
students’
daily
lives,
so
the
students
will
be
interested
in
this
lesson.
If
the
students
learn
this
lesson
well,
they
will
be
able
to
talk
about
how
often
they
do
things
in
their
free
time
and
what
percent
of
the
students
do
different
free
time
activities
in
their
school.
Of
course,
they
will
learn
to
use
some
useful
reading
strategies
such
as
reading
the
title,
scanning
and
so
on.
Besides,
the
students
are
supposed
to
know
it
is
important
to
have
a
healthy
lifestyle
in
this
class.
So,
think
it
is
an
important
and
meaningful
lesson
in
this
book.
According
to
the
English
Curriculum
Standards,
the
teaching
material
and
the
present
situation
of
the
students,
the
three
teaching
aims
of
this
lesson
are
here.
Second:
Teaching
aims
and
Demands
(A)
Knowledge
Objects
1.
The
students
can
use
the
new
words:
percent,
online,
although,
through
correctly.
2.
The
students
are
able
to
make
sentences
with
the
useful
expressions:
such
as,
use
the
Internet,
go
online,
at
least.
3.
The
students
are
able
to
express
the
percentage
in
English.
(B)
Ability
Objects
1.
The
students
can
predict
the
main
idea
of
the
article
by
reading
the
title
and
grasp
the
details
by
scanning.
2.
The
students
can
transform
the
information
into
the
pie
charts.
3.
The
students
can
express
their
free
time
activities
with
target
language.
(C)
Moral
Objects
The
students
are
supposed
to
know
it
is
important
to
have
a
healthy
lifestyle
and
arrange
their
free
time
activities
properly.
Third:
Teaching
Key
Points
1.
To
help
the
students
understand
this
article
well
by
some
reading
strategies
such
as
predicting
and
scanning.
2.
To
help
the
students
realize
that
it
is
important
to
have
a
healthy
lifestyle
and
it
is
a
good
way
to
show
the
results
by
the
pie
charts.
Fourth:
Teaching
Difficult
Points:
1.
To
help
the
students
know
the
structure
of
this
kind
of
article—statistical
article.
2.
To
help
the
students
express
their
life
habits
with
the
target
language
correctly.
Part
Two:Analysis
of
the
Students
This
lesson
is
for
the
students
in
Grade8.
They've
already
learnt
about
pie
charts
in
math
class
in
Grade7.
The
students
are
familiar
with
the
topic
about
free
time
activities,
so
they
will
be
active
in
class.
The
students
at
this
age
are
interested
in
challenges.
So
design
a
task-chain
for
them
to
challenge
in
this
class.
But
some
of
them
don’t
have
good
reading
strategies.
So
in
this
class,
will
pay
more
attention
to
not
only
their
English
studying
interests
but
also
reading
strategies.
Part
Three:
Teaching
Methods
The
type
of
this
lesson
is
reading.
And
there
is
a
task-chain
from
2b
to
2d.
So
in
this
lesson,
I’ll
mainly
use
task-based
language
teaching
method
to
design
some
interesting
reading
tasks.
The
students
in
my
class
are
interested
in
pictures
about
this
topic,
so
I’ll
use
Computer
Aided
Instruction
method
to
show
some
pictures
about
this
topic.
In
a
word,
want
to
make
the
students
to
be
the
real
masters
in
class
while
act
as
the
director.
Part
Four:
Learning
Methods
Student-centered
and
teacher-led
are
crucial
according
to
the
English
Curriculum
Standards.
If
the
students
want
to
be
the
real
masters
in
this
class,
they
should
have
some
proper
learning
methods.
First,
the
students
at
this
age
are
interested
in
challenges.
And
there
are
some
interesting
reading
tasks,
will
lead
the
students
to
finish
some
reading
tasks
by
autonomous
learning
method.
Second,
language
is
for
communication.
And
the
students
are
familiar
with
the
topic
of
this
lesson.
They
have
something
to
say
and
they
would
like
to
talk
about
the
topic
with
their
classmates.
So
will
help
my
students
to
understand
the
article
by
cooperative
learning
method.
Part
Five:
Teaching
Procedures
[Step1
Pre-reading]
◆First,
show
a
slide
“Are
You
Ready?”
with
beautiful
music
before
the
class.
Greet
the
students
and
remind
the
students
of
the
notebooks,
dictionaries
and
the
colored
pens.
In
a
word,
lead
the
students
to
prepare
the
class
well.
Purpose:
1.To
create
a
relaxing
English
learning
environment
for
students.
2.To
help
the
students
to
cultivate
good
English
studying
habits.
3.
Lead
the
students
to
prepare
the
class
well.
◆Lead-in—【插播课堂实录】
Purpose:
1.
To
arouse
the
students’
English
studying
interests
and
lead
in
this
lesson.
2.
Let
the
students
know
what
they
will
learn
in
this
class.
[Step2
While-reading]
◆Task
One:What
does
the
article
talk
about?
Reading
Tip:Pay
attention
to
the
title!
Purpose:
1.
To
help
the
students
predict
the
main
idea
of
this
article.
2.
To
lead
the
students
to
pay
attention
to
the
title
which
is
a
quick
way
to
get
the
main
idea
of
the
article.
3.
To
improve
the
students’
reading
speed
by
proper
reading
strategies.
◆Task
Two:Read
the
passage
quickly
and
finish
the
mind-map.
Which
three
free
time
activities
are
mentioned?
Purpose:
1.
To
help
the
students
grasp
the
three
kinds
of
free
time
activities
in
this
article.
2.
To
develop
the
students'
ability
of
reading.
◆Task
Three:
Read
the
article
and
complete
the
pie
charts.
Reading
Tip:
Scan
the
text
quickly
to
find
the
details
that
you
are
looking
for.
Purpose:
1.
To
help
the
students
understand
the
pie
charts
well.
2.
To
help
the
students
realize
that
it
is
a
good
way
to
show
the
information
by
pie
charts.
3.
To
lead
the
students
to
grasp
the
details
by
scanning.
◆Task
Four:
Discuss
the
following
questions
in
groups.
1.
Which
paragraph
is
about
the
topic
of
this
article?
2.
Which
paragraph
is
about
the
result
of
this
article?
3.
Which
paragraph
is
about
the
conclusion
of
this
article?
Purpose:
1.
To
help
the
students
understand
the
structure
of
this
kind
of
article.
It
is
helpful
for
writing
this
kind
of
article.
2.
To
cultivate
their
cooperative
spirit
and
solve
the
problems
in
groups.
[Step3
Post-reading]
◆Task
Five:
According
to
the
article
and
the
pie
charts,
make
sentences
with
the
percentages
using
always,
usually
or
sometimes.
design
a
game
—Lucky
Wheel
for
this
task.
Purpose:
1.
To
help
the
students
use
the
percentage
and
the
adverb
of
frequency
correctly.
2.
To
arouse
the
students’
English
studying
interests.
◆Task
Six:
Write
a
report
about
students'
free
time
activities
in
our
school
according
to
the
pie
chart.
Purpose:
1.
To
promote
all
aspects
of
students’
comprehensive
language
competence.
2.
To
help
the
students
express
their
free
time
activities
with
target
language.
3.
To
train
the
students’
ability
of
transforming
the
pie
chart
into
the
text.
◆Test
Evaluation
Most
of
the
students
don’t
like
to
have
a
test.
But
design
a
game
for
this
task.
So
they
will
be
active.
Have
a
healthy
lifestyle!
It’s
the
moral
object
of
this
class.
Choose
one
of
the
four
words,
there
will
be
a
surprising
task.
If
they
can
finish
the
task
well,
they
can
get
some
lucky
stars.
Purpose:
1.
To
consolidate
the
knowledge
by
testing.
2.
To
lead
the
students
to
understand
it’s
important
to
have
a
healthy
lifestyle.
[Step4
Summary
and
Homework]
◆Sum
up
Lead
the
students
to
talk
about
what
they
have
learned
in
this
class.
Purpose:
To
summarize
and
consolidate
the
knowledge.
◆Homework
design
kinds
of
homework
for
the
students.
There
is
always
something
suitable
for
them.
So
they
can
choose
one
of
them
for
themselves.
Group
A:
Do
a
survey
of
the
students'
free
time
activities
in
your
class
and
make
a
pie
chart.
Group
B:
Choose
one
of
the
pie
charts
on
page14
and
write
a
short
report
about
it.
Purpose:
The
proper
homework
is
helpful
for
the
students
to
consolidate
the
knowledge.
Part
six:
Blackboard
Design
Purpose:
This
blackboard
design
is
good
for
students
to
learn
the
knowledge
well
and
have
a
deep
impression.
And
it
is
easy
for
students
to
take
notes
in
the
class.
Part
Seven:
Teaching
Assessment
In
this
class,
we
have
some
process
assessments
and
outcome
assessments.
Process
assessments
include
the
assessments
by
the
teacher
and
the
students.
During
the
whole
class,
the
students
and
always
comment
the
performances
of
the
students
with
some
proper
words
such
as
good,
great,
excellent,
perfect
and
so
on.
Outcome
assessments
include
the
test
evaluation
and
assessment
chart.
In
the
assessment
chart,
we
have
some
questions.
For
example,
1.
Can
you
express
your
free
time
activities
with
target
language?
2.
What
reading
strategies
did
you
learn
in
this
class?
3.
Who
is
your
idol
in
this
class?
4.
Which
group
is
the
best
in
this
class?
Purpose:
To
arouse
their
English
studying
interests
and
help
them
to
rethink
the
class.
Let
Ss
know
their
own
progress
and
build
confidence.
That’s
all.
Thank
you
for
listening!