《M3
Unit2
We
have
not
found
life
on
any
other
planets
yet.》
学习任务单
【学习目标】
1、通过阅读,归纳文章主旨,选择最佳标题。
2、通过阅读,提取信息,归纳文章结构。
3、用现在完成时描述图片的内容。
【课前预习任务】
搜索资料,了解太空的基本知识和人类探索太空的历程。在这个过程中,习得一些与太空探索相关的词汇。
【课上学习任务】
1、阅读文章,选择最佳标题。
2、再次阅读文章,选出信息正确的句子。
3、选词填空。
4、看图片,并在提示词的帮助下回答问题。
5、在回答问题的基础上,根据图片完成写作任务。
【课后作业】
1、请跟读课文录音并大声朗读。
2、请将练习6的文章进行打磨修改,写出第二稿。
3、请查阅更多有关人类探索太空的资料。
【课后作业参考答案】
Possible
version:
We
have
just
received
a
message
from
our
spaceship
to
Mars.
This
is
our
20th
spaceship
to
Mars.
Luckily
our
spaceship
has
discovered
people
on
Mars
there.
After
a
long
talk,
we
have
known
more
about
them.
They
have
never
sent
us
a
message
because
they
don’t
know
how
to
communicate
with
us.
They
have
not
visited
the
earth
because
they
don’t
know
how
to
fly
to
our
planet,
and
they
prefer
life
on
Mars.
We
have
done
surveys
of
many
planets
and
we
are
very
excited
to
get
good
news
from
Mars.
We
believe
we
will
receive
messages
from
other
planets
if
we
keep
trying.