

名称 深圳版五年级英语下册教案备课
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科目 英语
更新时间 2012-02-17 12:58:20



课 题 Unit 1 Remember the rules 课 时 1
重 点 1.Part A, 2, New phrases
难 点 Making sentences
教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注
Step I:Warm –upStep II PresentationStep IIIPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework Duty topic1. Show photos or drawing pictures of various places to the students.2. Tell them that different places have different rules.Ask :What are the rules at the library Should we talk aloud in the library 3. Revise the words :always, usually, sometimes and never.4. Ask them When should we walk slowly in the school corridor Always, usually, sometimes or never 5. Ask them about the rules for each place.6. Show the Transparency. Play the cassette and point to each of the picture. Ask them repeat after the cassette.1. Revise the locations and teach the new words. Ask them to repeat the words after me .2. Ask them to work impairs. They should role play the conversation and continue it using the locations and words shown in the pictures.1. Ask the students to write a sentence about a classroom rule. Their sentence must include the word always, usually, sometimes and never1. Copy the phrases.2. Making some sentences. Duty topicLook at the photos and learn the various places.Answer the questions. 3. Revise the words :always, usually, sometimes and never.4. Answer the questions.5. Answer the rules for each place.6. Listen to the tape and repeat after the cassette.Revise the locations 2. Repeat the words after the teacher.1. Write a sentence about a classroom rule. sentence must include the word always, usually, sometimes and never
后 记 1. Revise the words : always, usually, sometimes and never.2. The students can write a sentence about a classroom rule.学生对频率副词分不清楚,我用每周做同一件事情的次数让学生做听力完成联系后总结出这几个词的排序,学生用次数搞清楚了这些词的差别。
学科第 10 册第 1 课教案 李艳杰
课 题 Unit 1 Remember the rules 课 时 2
重 点 Part B1
难 点 Making sentences
教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注
Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework Duty topic1. Revise museum and hospital with the class.2. Ask them to think of the rules at the museum and the hospital.1. Write We must …Tell them these are things they have to do in a museum / hospital. Write We mustn’t …Tell them these are the things that we cannot do in a museum / hospital.2. Write down the rules that they suggest in the correct section. Play the cassette, Let them listen and repeat the sentences.Point to each of the pictures in turn and ask them to tell me what is happening in each picture.Ask them read the conversation again and put a tick in the box of the correct pictures.Ask them to write down What are the rules in your house Copy B1 Duty topic1. Revise museum and hospital2. Talk about the rules at the museum and the hospital.1. To make sentences with the words must and mustn’t.2. Suggest the rules in the correct section.Listen and repeat the sentences. Point to each of the pictures in turn and tell the teacher what is happening in each picture.1. Read the conversation again and put a tick in the box of the correct pictures.1. Ask them to write down What are the rules in your house 2. Copy B1
后 记 1. Most of them can suggest the rules in the correct section.2. . Most of them can repeat the text with the book.引导学生在预习时能够分清楚不同场合,要遵守不同的规定很重要。
学科第10册第 1 课教案 李艳杰
课 题 Unit 1 Remember the rules 课 时 3
重 点 Part B2,B3
难 点 Using the words must /mustn’t correctly.
教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注
Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-up Step V.Homework Duty topic1. Read Part A, B1 1. Bring in a list of rules for an amusement park.2. Read out the rules to the students. Ask them each to choose a rule from the list and draw a sign for it.3. Put them into groups of four. Ask each of them to show the sign they have drawn to the rest of the group. 4. Display the best signs in the classroom. 1. Show Transparency and play the cassette. 2. Ask them to complete the rules using must or mustn’t according to what they hear on the tape. Check the answers. To do B3 Check the answers.1. Copy PartB2 2. To do WB P1and P2 Duty topic1. Read Part A,B1Listen to the teacher .Choose a rule from the list and draw a sign for it.3. Show the sign they have drawn to the rest of the group. 4. Display the best signs in the classroom.Listen to the cassette.2. Complete the rules using must or mustn’t according to what they hear on the tape. 1. Check the answers. 2. To do B3 3. Check the answers.
后 记 1. 多数学困学生对活动手册的态度是:感觉困难,不独立完成,抄袭或等待老师讲解时再抄上。教学效果不好。2。解决办法:留作业前,单独辅导与活动手册有关的课本内容或在全班提前提示,尽量减少学习难度,减少克服学困生的焦虑。
学科第10册第 1 课教案 李艳杰
课 题 Unit 1 Remember the rules 课 时 4
重 点 Part C,D
难 点 1. Talking about rules 2.Finish part D
教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注
Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep V.Homework Duty topic1. Read Part B1,B2Point to Mr Lu and Bob . Ask them to tell me who they are and what they are like.Ask them to cover P5,6. Read the words with them up to and including P4. Ask them to guess where Bob is.Play the cassette for them and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.Ask them why fire drills are important. Ask the students to read the story again to decide if the sentences are true or false. Check the answers with them. Ask some students to change words in the false sentences to make them true.1. Copy Part C.2. Read Part B2 for five times. Duty topic1. Read Part B1,B21. Tell me who they are and what they are like.2. Guess where Bob is.3. Say the sentences after the cassette.1. Read the story again to decide if the sentences are true or false. 2. Check the answers.
后 记 1. Most of them did a good job.学生背诵故事C部分有困难,课堂上采用模拟表演的方式,学生非常喜欢,不过发现存在的问题如下:1多数学生积极参与,但质量不高,很多同学在角色分配上浪费时间。2. 少数学生参与度低,能力达不到。鉴于以上问题,要在背诵前做好充分的准备:理解正确,群体读流利,个体读有信心,小组或者分角色合作才能有最佳效果。
课 题 Unit 1 Remember the rules 课 时 5
重 点 Part E and F
难 点 Write simple rules using sample writings as guidance
教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注
Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework Duty topic1. Read Part CPlay the cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words.Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sound correctly.Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model.Play the cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to and say the rhyme.Ask them to work in pairs. They look at the pictures at the top of the page and talk about the things the children should or should not do.Tell the pupils to look at the pictures at the bottom of the page and match them with the sign.1. The pupils can make clear and simple pictorial signs to go with their written signs.To finish the exercises of Workbook Duty topic1. Read Part CListen to the four words at the bottom of the page and to circle the words with the same letters and sound. Get the pupils to repeat the rhyme.Listen to and say the rhyme.Work in pairsLook at the pictures at the bottom of the page and match them with the sign.
后 记 Notes: Most of the pupils can ask and answer the questions each other. They make the sentences one by one. They talk about their school rules in pairsF部分是每一课的Task,是对ABC重点词语和句子的运用,相当于小作文,为了提高学生写作的能力,教师必须引导学生认真复习好本课的ABC部分,仔细阅读F1、2和3. 鼓励学生独立完成F4. 由于前期复习工作充分,批改F4 时发现除了学生在They上面有些运用不当,其他完成得很棒。
学科第 10册第 1 课教案 李艳杰
课 题 Unit 1 Remember the rules 课 时 6
重 点 Part F G H
难 点 Talking about sequence
教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注
Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationandPracticeStep VIHomework Duty topic1. Read Part B2 and B11. Ask them to read the library rules then look at the picture. Talk with the class.2. Ask them to write down what each child is doing wrong in the list below Remind the students that they should only use must or mustn’t..3. Ask them to return to P7. Ask them to choose one of the locations.4. Put the students in groups of three and ask them to discuses the rules in a museum and a Children’s Palace.5. Then ask the students to return to their desks and use their notes to fill in the blanks in the letter to parents at the bottom of the page.6. Go through the answers with the class. Ask more confident students to read out their completed letters to the class. Write answers on the board.1. Finish Workbook. Duty topic1. Read Part B2 and B11. Read the library rules then look at the picture. Talk with the class.2. Write down what each child is doing wrong in the list below .Remind the students that they should only use must or mustn’t.3. Return to P 7and them to choose one of the locations.4. Put the students in groups of three and ask them to discuses the rules in a museum and a Children’s Palace.5. Return to their desks and use their notes to fill in the blanks in the letter to parents at the bottom of the page.1. Finish Workbook.
后 记 学生觉得B1的学习有点难度,为了降低难度,让学生运用联想法在头脑中构建课本的情境,然后听、读、说熟练后,小组模拟表演,收到良效,学生说英语的积极性在逐渐提高。
课 题 Unit 1 Remember the rules 课 时 7
重 点 Finish the exercises. Part I and J
难 点 Finish the exercises
教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注
Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationandPracticeStep VISum-upStep V.Homework Duty topic1. Read Part B2 and B1Talk to the students about what rules they fellow out of the street. 2. Ask them to draw some street signs. Ask them what they mean.3. Tell the students to look at the sentences below and circle the correct words according to what they have read in the passage .4. Check the answers with the students.1. Check the answers of the Workbook.2. Read the whole text.Recite the whose text.To do 《一课一试》 Duty topic1. Read Part B2 and B11.Listen and talk.2.Draw some street signs and say what they mean.3. Look at the sentences below and circle the correct words according to what they have read in the passage .4. Check the answers with the students.1. Check the answers of the Workbook.2. Read the whole text.
后 记 Part I & J部分掌握得还不错。但是活动手册中最后一道大题有很多同学不理解题目的意思,经过讲解大多数同学都能掌握。
英语学科第10册第 2 课教案 (李艳杰)
课 题 Unit 2 Helping people 课 时 1
重 点 Learn the new words of this unit
难 点 Learn the new words of this unit
教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注
1.Organization:2. Revision:3. Presentation:4. Practice5.Summing-up:6. Homework: 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Duty report..Ask them some questions.Retell the rulers in your school.1. Bring in a bag filled with items, e.g. keys, coins, bananas. Hide some items in the classroom.2 Tell the class / lost a banana. Can you find it Let the students look for it. When found, tell the students Look, (student's name) found my banana.3 (Books open.)Tell the students that you are using present and past tense. Ask them to look at the word boxes on the page. Explain the difference between the tenses if necessary.1 (Books open.) Show Transparency. Point to the pictures. Read aloud or play Pupil's Book Cassette.2 Ask the students to repeat the words after you.3 Ask the students to work in pairs and role-play the dialogues.Today we have learned Part A of this unit. 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Duty report. The pupils answer the teacher’s questions all together. Learn the new phrasesPay special attention to the pronunciation and intonation of each word.The pupils repeat the sentences after the cassette.Listen and read. Some individual pupil read A one by one. Play a game.Make sentences with the new words.Listen and do.Copy each words a line.Listen and read A ten times.
课 题 Unit 2 Helping people 课 时 2
重 点 The sentences patterns of this unit.
难 点 The sentences patterns of this unit.
教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注
1.Organization:2. Revision:3. Presentation:4. Practice5.Summing-up:6. Homework: 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.Ask the pupils to read aloud the phrases.Ask the pupils to make sentences with phrases.Ask the pupils some questions. 1. Learn B1.Listen, say and act.2. Ask the pupils to talk about the following pictures.3. Complete the conversation.4. Read the conversation and ask the class to read it after you.5. Tell the students to listen again and number the pictures below in the correct order.6. Ask the students to work in pairs and take turns to circle all the past tense verbs they can see on the pageToday we have learned part B1 of this unit. 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.Read aloud the phrases.Make sentences with phrases.Answer the questions.Learn the drills. Answer the teacher’s questions. Ask the students to change the verbs to the correct tense. Learn B1.Listen, say and act.Talk about the following pictures.Read the conversation after me. Check the answers with the students.Ask the students to change the verbs to the correct tense.Copy B1 twice.Listen and read B1 four times.Prepare B2.
后 记 一般过去时的学习学生还不能熟练运用。
课 题 Unit 2 Helping people 课 时 3
重 点 The sentences patterns of B2.
难 点 The sentences patterns of B2.
教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注
1.Organization:2. Revision:3. Presentation:4. Practice5.Summing-up:6. Homework: 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.1. Look and say. 2. Let’s read aloud A and B1.3. Ask them some questions.1. Find some interesting stories about people helping each other, e.g. fireman, policeman, etc.2. (Books closed.)Tell the class one story. Use first, then, next and after that.3. While listening to the story ask the students to make notes. Then ask them to summarise the story.Learn B2.Listen, say and act.Ask the pupils to talk about thefollowing pictures as much as possible. Pay special attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3. Tell the students to work in pairs and complete the conversation using the prompts in the character's thought bubbles.Ask the pupils to read the answers aloud for the whole class to check.Today we have learned part B2. 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.1. Look and say. 2. Let’s read aloud A and B1.3. Answer the questions.1. Read aloud the drills.I was unhappy yesterday. The bin wasn’t empty. The walls weren’t clean.2. The pupils talk in pairs using the correct verbs. Learn B2. Listen, say and act.Talk about the following pictures as much as possible. Pay special attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Ask the students to listen and check their answers. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette(plete the sentences.Read the answers aloud for the whole class to check.1. Copy B2 twice. 2. Prepare Part C.
后 记 动词的过去式是本单元的重点。学生要对动词原形掌握扎实的基础上才能有所突破。
英语学科第10 册第 2课教案 李艳杰
课 题 Unit 2 Helping people 课 时 4
重 点 The phrases and the sentences of Part C and D
难 点 The phrases and the sentences of Part C and D
教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注
1.Organization:2. Revision:3. Presentation:4. Practice5.Summing-up:6. Homework: 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.Ask the pupils to look and say.Let’s make sentences.Ask them some questions.1. Point to and introduce the shoemaker. Explain that he makes shoes but he is very poor.2 Ask the students to cover the last two pictures. Read the first three paragraphs with the students. Ask them What do you think will happen next 3. Remove cover and let the students read the rest of the story silently and unaided the first time. Play the Pupil's Book Cassette for the students and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.4. Ask the students Why did the little men help the shoemaker (He was poor and they were helpful and good.)Ask the pupils to listen, say and act.Talk about the following pictures as much as possible. Pay special attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Ask the pupils to complete the passage according to the story.Read the story again. Write the answers.Today we have learned Part C and D.. 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.1. Look and say.2. Let’s make sentences.3. Answer the questions.1. Listen to the teacher’s words about the speech bubbles carefully.2. The pupils read the sentences after the cassette.3. Answer the teacher’s questions.4. Read aloud the story.5. The pupils to talk in pairs.Listen, say and act. Try to say something about the pictures and pay special attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Complete the passage according to the story.Tell them to number the sentences in order according to what they read in the story.Check the answers. Copy C twice.Listen and read C four times.Prepare E and G.
后 记 为了使每一个孩子有开口说英语的机会,上课采用了故事接龙的方法发现几个问题:1.平时背诵流利的学生也会突然卡壳;2.有的学生全班背诵会随大流背,但一个人单挑时就忘了;3.有的同学声音很小;4.有的同学不知道前一个同学讲到哪里了。同学们自己也感悟到了这些。要想解决以上问题,请同学们做到:1:多听、说、表演后再熟练背诵。2:增加在班级单独露脸说英语的机会。3:克服恐惧心里。Miss Li希望每个同学做到:熟练、自信地使用英语进行模拟口语交际。 ( javascript:ReIssueHW('6%20%20','001247','英语老师','为了使每一个孩子有开口说英语的机会,上课采用了故事接龙的方法发现几个问题:1.平时背诵流利的学生也会突然卡壳;2.有的学生全班背诵会随大流背,但一个人单挑时就忘了;3.有的同学声音很小;4.有的同学不知道前一个同学讲到哪里了。同学们自己也感悟到了这些。要想解决以上问题,请同学们做到:1:多听、说、表演后再熟练背诵。2:增加在班级单独露脸说英语的机会。3:克服恐惧心里。Miss%20Li希望每个同学做到:熟练、自信地使用英语进行模拟口语交际。')" \o "英语作业:为了使每一个孩子有开口说英语的机会,上课采用了故事接龙的方法发现几个问题:1.平时背诵流利的学生也会突然卡壳;2.有的学生全班背诵会随大流背,但一个人单挑时就忘了;3.有的同学声音很小;4.有的同学不知道前一个同学讲到哪里了。同学们自己也感悟到了这些。要想解决以上问题,请同学们做到:1:多听、说、表演后再熟练背诵。2:增加在班级单独露脸说英语的机会。3:克服恐惧心里。Miss Li希望每个同学做到:熟练、自信地使用英语进行模拟口语交际。 )4.学会倾听和默契合作。
课 题 Unit 2 Helping people 课 时 5
重 点 Learn the sound and finish the exercise
难 点 Learn the sound and finish the exercise
教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注
1.Organization:2. Revision:3. Presentation:4. Practice5.Summing-up:6. Homework: 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.1. Look and say.2. Make sentences.3. Ask them some questions.Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words.Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sound correctly.Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without your model.Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to and say the rhyme.Ask them to listen to the four words at the bottom of the page and to circle the words with the same letters and sound as the key words. Get the pupils to repeat the rhyme.1. Learn G.2. Listen and chant. 3. Learn H.Today we have learned Part E, G & H. 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.1. Look and say.2. Make sentences. 3. Answer the questions. 1. The pupils listen to the sound and the words.2. The pupils try to say the sound correctly.3. The pupils try to say the words without the teacher’s model.4. The pupils listen to and say the rhyme.5. The pupils finish the exercise and repeat the rhyme.Learn G.. Listen and chant.Learn H.Copy E twice.Listen and read E and G four times.Finish Workbook..
后 记 为了提高学生的学习效率,提倡学生当堂背诵所学习的内容,我们G部分一班当堂有19人六分钟内背诵下来,三班有20人8分钟内背诵下来。效果很好。同学们非常开心。这样就减轻了课业的负担。
课 题 Unit 2 Helping people 课 时 6
重 点 Further reading and Progress check
难 点 Further reading and Progress check
教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注
1.Organization:2. Revision:3. Presentation:4.Summing-up:5. Homework: 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.1. Ask the pupils to read the words of this unit. 2. Ask the pupils to act the story of this unit. 1. Ask the students to participate in a helpful activity. Tell them that they must help as many people as they can in one day. Ask them to keep a list of all the helpful things they have done. Collect the lists and pick three students that have helped the most people. Tell the class that they have to vote for the most helpful student. Read out to the class all the things that student did. The winner will become 'Student of the week'.2. Arouse interest in the passage by asking the class Does anyone know who Dr Bethune is Tell the students that he was an important doctor and he helped a lot of people.3. Ask the students Where do you think Dr Bethune was from/Tell the students to read through the passage4. Check the answers with the pupils and ask the pupils to correct the answers. We have learnt Part I and finished the exercises of Part H. 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.1. Read the words all together. 2. Some pupils to act Part C. 1. Listen to the tape and finish the listening exercise one by one. 2. Some pupils stand up to say their answers. 3. Check the answers and correct it. 4. Some pupils come to the front to write the writing exercise answers.5. Ask the students to answer the questions at the bottom of the page. Tell the students to write T for true or F for false. Check the answers with the students.6. Check the answers and correct the answers. Read and copy this unit for 2 times.Review the whole unit.Prepare for workbook.
后 记 课外阅读对于大多数孩子来说还是有点难度。要加强课外阅读的力度。学生对白求恩去世的原因不懂,老师补充了这一部分。
英语学科第10册第2课教案 李艳杰
课 题 Unit 2 Helping people 课 时 7
重 点 Finish the exercise of workbook
难 点 Finish the exercise of workbook
教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注
1.Organization:2. Revision:3. Presentation:4.Summing-up:5. Homework: 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.1. Ask the pupils to read the words of this unit. 2. Ask the pupils to act the story of this unit. 1. Play the tape for the pupils to finish the listening exercise of workbook. 2. Ask some pupils to show their answers to the whole class. 3. Check the answers with the pupils. 4. Ask some pupils come to the from to write the writing exercise answers. 5. Check the answers with the pupils and ask the pupils to correct the answers. We have finished all the exercises of this unit. 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.1. Read the words all together. 2. Some pupils to act Part C. 1. Listen to the tape and say out the listening exercises one by one. 2. Ask the students to put a tick or a cross in the circles according to what they hear on the tape. Some pupils stand up to say their answers. 3. Check the answers and correct it. 4. Some pupils come to the from to write the writing exercise answers.5. Check the answers and correct the answers. Read and copy this unit for 2 times.Review the whole unit.Prepare for next unit.
后 记 本课的规则动词和不规则动词,学生运用还不是特别熟练,尤其是那些不常用的,表中没要求掌握的动词。
英语学科第 10册第 3课教案
课 题 Unit 3 Changes in our city 课 时 1
重 点 Part A New phrases and sentences
难 点 Describe picture in complete sentences.
教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注
OrganizationRevisionPresentationPracticeSum-up Homework Duty topicWarm –up1. Read Unit 1 and Unit 21. Draw two pictures before class of the some scene but one is slightly different to the other one.2. Put them up on the board. Point and ask some questions.3. Show the students a picture of their city. Explain that a lot of changes have happened in the city.1. Show the Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and point to the speech bubbles. Ask the students to repeat after the cassette.2. Show Transparency. Point to the places on the page. Read aloud or play the Pupil’s Book Cassette.Today we have learned the mew words in Unit 3 and sentences.1. Copy new words and phrases2. Describe picture in complete sentences. Duty topicWarm –upRead Unit 1 and Unit 2 1. The class answers the questions.2. The students look at the pictures carefully and see if they can see any differences in the pictures.3. The students to look at the pictures and answer the questions.1. Ask the students to repeat after cassette.2. The students should describe their city today.3. Then draw a picture of what they think their city would have looked like 50 years ago.4.The students should repeat the words after the teacher.5. The students should display them to the class and describe what they think would have been different.1. Copy new words and phrases2. Describe picture in complete sentences.
后 记 学生们掌握得也还可以,替换练习也做得很好。
10册第 3 课教案
课 题 Unit 3 Changes in our city 课 时 2
重 点 Part B1
难 点 Describe picture in complete sentences. Recognize phrases in simple text.
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Step IStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework Duty topicWarm –up1. Read Part A11.Divide the board into three sections. Label the first with this year’s date. Label the second 50 years ago and the third 50 years in the future. 2. Make flashcards with pictures of city places and transport. Show them to the students one by one.3.Ask the students to think about other places and transport that the teacher might have missed out. Encourage the students to use a dictionary if they do not know the word in English.1. Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette.2. Tell the students to read the dialogue again. Tell the students to read the sentences.3. Ask the students to circle the correct word in the sentences according to what they have read in the dialogue.We have learned Part B 1. Copy Part B12. Read Part B1 for ten times. Duty topicWarm –up1. Read Part A11. The students should put up their hands if they think these items should be put in the past’ present or future. Place items in the correct section. 2. The students should think about other places and transport that the teacher might have missed out and the students also should use a dictionary if they do not know the word in English.1.The students should read the dialogue again and read the sentences.2. The students should circle the correct word in the sentences according to what they have read in the dialogu1. Copy Part B12. Read Part B1 for ten times.
后 记 学生们对祈使句掌握得还不错,所以在做替换练习时,情况还不错
第 10册第3 课
课 题 Unit 3 Changes in our city 课 时 3
重 点 Part B2 and B 3
难 点 Write a short passage using what they learn in unit one and unit two
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Step I:Step II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework Duty topicWarm –up1. Read Part B1Show Transparency. Ask the students to look at the pictures and read the notice.Put the students into pairs and ask them to talk about the differences in the pictures.3. Check the differences with the students. Then ask the students to complete the museum notice by filling in the blanks. Read the rubric to the students. Ask the students to familiarize themselves with the sentences on the page in the time they have before listening. Tell them to use T for F according to what they hear on the cassette. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Ask the students to listen to the tape once more to check their answer.Today we have learned Part B2 and B3.Read B2 and 32. Copy B2 and 3 3. Read B2 and3 for five times. Duty topicWarm –up1. Read Part B11. The students should look at the pictures and read the notice.2. The students should work in pairs and talk about the differences in the pictures.3. The students should complete the museum notice by filling in the blanks.1. The students should familiarize themselves with the sentences on the page in the time they have before listening. Tell them to use T for F according to what they hear on the cassette. 2. The students should listen to the tape once more to check their answer.1.Read B2 and 32. Copy B2 and 3 3. Read B2 and3 for five times.
后 记 Notes: Most of the children can grasp the new words,phrases and sentence patterns. But a few can’t.
第 10册第 3 课教案
课 题 Unit 3 Changes in our city 课 时 4
重 点 Part C and D
难 点 Differences between cities and countries
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework Duty topic1. Read Part B1,2,3Review all the words about the city. eg. Subway tunnel factory ferry pier highway bridge and so on.2. The Point to the mice. Explain to the students that one of them lives in the city and one lives in the country.3.Encourage them to use in the city there…and in the country there…1. Read the conversation at the top of the page.2. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the students and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.3. Ask the students to read the story again.4. Check the answers with the students.Today we have learned Part C1. Read the story three times. 2. Copy the story twice and put them into Chinese3. Review Part E, F, G Duty topic1. Read Part B1,2,31. .Review all the words about the city. eg. Subway tunnel factory ferry pier highway bridge and so on.2. The students should tell the differences between the city and the country and use in the city there…and in the country there…3. The students should role-play the story in pairs. Some pairs may like to come out to the front and act the story.1. Read the conversation at the top of the page.2. Listen to the tape carefully and say the sentences after the tape.3. The students to read the story again.4. Finish the Part D and say out their answers.1. Read the story three times. 2. Copy the story twice and put them into Chinese3. Review Part E, F, G
后 记 Notes: The pupils can read aloud this story. They can ask and answer and in the class. They are interesting in acting out the story.
第 10册第 3课教案
课 题 Unit 3 Changes in our city 课 时 5
重 点 Part E and F
难 点 Write simple rules using sample writings as guidance
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework Duty topic1. Read Part CPlay the cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words.Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sound correctly.Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model.1.Play the cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to and say the rhyme.2. Ask the students to join in with the words of the rhyme this time.3.Ask the students to listen to the words and then write them under the correct symbols.4. Tell the students to read Candy’s report about her city. Ask the students to make notes about the report.1. The pupils can make clear and simple pictorial signs to go with their written signs.To finish the exercises of WorkbookRead the poem three times. Duty topic1. Read Part CListen to the four words at the bottom of the page and to circle the words with the same letters and sound. Get the pupils to repeat the rhyme.Listen to and say the rhyme.Work in pairs.1. Ask the pupils to listen to the tape carefully and say the rhyme.2. The pupils work in pairs and join in with the words of the rhyme this time.3. The students read Candy’s report about her city.1.To finish the exercises of the Workbook.
后 记 Notes: Most of the pupils can ask and answer the questions each other. They make the sentences one by one. They talk about the weather in pairs
第 10册第 3 课教案
课 题 Unit 3 Changes in our city 课 时 6
重 点 Part G and H. Check the answers.
难 点 Revise drafts under teacher’s guidance
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationandPracticeStep VSum-up Step V.Homework Duty topic1. Read Part B1,2,3 C,D,EAsk the pupils Is there a subway in our city If the answer is yes, How old is it Find out the date. Explain to the students that lots of cities in the world have subways.Play the cassette for them to listen to the chant and check their answers.Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the wordsTell them to think country had the first subway. Tell them to research the answer. London had the first underground subway in 1863. The Paris metro started in 1900 and the New York subway started in 1904.To teach Part H. Think about it!Check the answers of WBRead the whole text3.o do 《一课一试》 Duty topic1. Read Part B1,2,3 C,D,E1. Answer the teacher’s questions and listen to the chant carefully.2. Work in pairs to say the chant again then join in with the words.3. Think about which country had the first subway. The students should search the answers.4. The students re-draw their city and write a simple report on what they have changed and why.1. Check the answers of WB2. Read the whole text
后 记 Notes: The pupils can talk about the weather in pairs. They can use the past tense and make some sentences.
课 题 Unit 3 Changes in our city 课 时 7
重 点 Further reading and Progress check
难 点 Further reading and Progress check
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1.Organization:2. Revision:3. Presentation:4.Summing-up:5. Homework: 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.1. Ask the pupils to read the words of this unit. 2. Ask the pupils to act the story of this unit. 1. Arouse interest in the passage by bringing a map of Chine to class. Show the students the places mentioned in the passage. 2. Tell the pupils to read the paragraphs for the different places. Ask them: Do you like the weather in… Have some students talk about what they think about the weather in the different places and suggest some activities they can do in such weather. 3. Ask the students to read the sentences at the bottom of the page and tell them the underlined words are incorrect. Ask the students to change them to make the correct sentences. 4. Check the answers with the pupils and ask the pupils to correct the answers. We have learnt Part I and finished the exercises of Part H. 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.1. Read the words all together. 2. Some pupils to act Part C. 1. Listen to the tape and finish the listening exercise one by one. 2. Some pupils stand up to say their answers. 3. Check the answers and correct it. 4. Some pupils come to the front to write the writing exercise answers.5. Check the answers and correct the answers. 1.Read and copy this unit for 2 times.2.Review the whole unit.3.Prepare for workbook.
后 记 Some students can understand the story and read them out. But some can’t
英语学科第 10册第 3课教案
课 题 Unit 3 Changes in our city 课 时 1
重 点 Part A New phrases and sentences
难 点 Describe picture in complete sentences.
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OrganizationRevisionPresentationPracticeSum-up Homework Duty topicWarm –up1. Read Unit 1 and Unit 21. Draw two pictures before class of the some scene but one is slightly different to the other one.2. Put them up on the board. Point and ask some questions.3. Show the students a picture of their city. Explain that a lot of changes have happened in the city.1. Show the Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and point to the speech bubbles. Ask the students to repeat after the cassette.2. Show Transparency. Point to the places on the page. Read aloud or play the Pupil’s Book Cassette.Today we have learned the mew words in Unit 3 and sentences.1. Copy new words and phrases2. Describe picture in complete sentences. Duty topicWarm –upRead Unit 1 and Unit 2 1. The class answers the questions.2. The students look at the pictures carefully and see if they can see any differences in the pictures.3. The students to look at the pictures and answer the questions.1. Ask the students to repeat after cassette.2. The students should describe their city today.3. Then draw a picture of what they think their city would have looked like 50 years ago.4.The students should repeat the words after the teacher.5. The students should display them to the class and describe what they think would have been different.1. Copy new words and phrases2. Describe picture in complete sentences.
后 记 学生对there be句型的单复数掌握还好,但是对一般疑问句的回答不熟练。
10册第 3 课教案
课 题 Unit 3 Changes in our city 课 时 2
重 点 Part B1
难 点 Describe picture in complete sentences. Recognize phrases in simple text.
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Step IStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework Duty topicWarm –up1. Read Part A11.Divide the board into three sections. Label the first with this year’s date. Label the second 50 years ago and the third 50 years in the future. 2. Make flashcards with pictures of city places and transport. Show them to the students one by one.3.Ask the students to think about other places and transport that the teacher might have missed out. Encourage the students to use a dictionary if they do not know the word in English.1. Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette.2. Tell the students to read the dialogue again. Tell the students to read the sentences.3. Ask the students to circle the correct word in the sentences according to what they have read in the dialogue.We have learned Part B 1. Copy Part B12. Read Part B1 for ten times. Duty topicWarm –up1. Read Part A11. The students should put up their hands if they think these items should be put in the past’ present or future. Place items in the correct section. 2. The students should think about other places and transport that the teacher might have missed out and the students also should use a dictionary if they do not know the word in English.1.The students should read the dialogue again and read the sentences.2. The students should circle the correct word in the sentences according to what they have read in the dialogu1. Copy Part B12. Read Part B1 for ten times.
后 记 学生们对there be句型中的复数There are 中名词变复数明显不敏感。需要学生对这样的句子反复阅读后对比单数句,发现两种句子的异同。
第 10册第3 课
课 题 Unit 3 Changes in our city 课 时 3
重 点 Part B2 and B 3
难 点 Write a short passage using what they learn in unit one and unit two
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Step I:Step II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework Duty topicWarm –up1. Read Part B1Show Transparency. Ask the students to look at the pictures and read the notice.Put the students into pairs and ask them to talk about the differences in the pictures.3. Check the differences with the students. Then ask the students to complete the museum notice by filling in the blanks. Read the rubric to the students. Ask the students to familiarize themselves with the sentences on the page in the time they have before listening. Tell them to use T for F according to what they hear on the cassette. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Ask the students to listen to the tape once more to check their answer.Today we have learned Part B2 and B3.Read B2 and 32. Copy B2 and 3 3. Read B2 and3 for five times. Duty topicWarm –up1. Read Part B11. The students should look at the pictures and read the notice.2. The students should work in pairs and talk about the differences in the pictures.3. The students should complete the museum notice by filling in the blanks.1. The students should familiarize themselves with the sentences on the page in the time they have before listening. Tell them to use T for F according to what they hear on the cassette. 2. The students should listen to the tape once more to check their answer.1.Read B2 and 32. Copy B2 and 3 3. Read B2 and3 for five times.
后 记 Notes: Most of the children can grasp the new words,phrases and sentence patterns. But a few can’t. 有些学生对Lots of 和 a lot of会混用。
第 10册第 3 课教案
课 题 Unit 3 Changes in our city 课 时 4
重 点 Part C and D
难 点 Differences between cities and countries
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework Duty topic1. Read Part B1,2,3Review all the words about the city. eg. Subway tunnel factory ferry pier highway bridge and so on.2. The Point to the mice. Explain to the students that one of them lives in the city and one lives in the country.3.Encourage them to use in the city there…and in the country there…1. Read the conversation at the top of the page.2. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the students and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.3. Ask the students to read the story again.4. Check the answers with the students.Today we have learned Part C1. Read the story three times. 2. Copy the story twice and put them into Chinese3. Review Part E, F, G Duty topic1. Read Part B1,2,31. .Review all the words about the city. eg. Subway tunnel factory ferry pier highway bridge and so on.2. The students should tell the differences between the city and the country and use in the city there…and in the country there…3. The students should role-play the story in pairs. Some pairs may like to come out to the front and act the story.1. Read the conversation at the top of the page.2. Listen to the tape carefully and say the sentences after the tape.3. The students to read the story again.4. Finish the Part D and say out their answers.1. Read the story three times. 2. Copy the story twice and put them into Chinese3. Review Part E, F, G
后 记 Notes: The pupils can read aloud this story. They can ask and answer and in the class. They are interesting in acting out the story.
第 10册第 3课教案
课 题 Unit 3 Changes in our city 课 时 5
重 点 Part E and F
难 点 Write simple rules using sample writings as guidance
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework Duty topic1. Read Part CPlay the cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words.Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sound correctly.Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model.1.Play the cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to and say the rhyme.2. Ask the students to join in with the words of the rhyme this time.3.Ask the students to listen to the words and then write them under the correct symbols.4. Tell the students to read Candy’s report about her city. Ask the students to make notes about the report.1. The pupils can make clear and simple pictorial signs to go with their written signs.To finish the exercises of WorkbookRead the poem three times. Duty topic1. Read Part CListen to the four words at the bottom of the page and to circle the words with the same letters and sound. Get the pupils to repeat the rhyme.Listen to and say the rhyme.Work in pairs.1. Ask the pupils to listen to the tape carefully and say the rhyme.2. The pupils work in pairs and join in with the words of the rhyme this time.3. The students read Candy’s report about her city.1.To finish the exercises of the Workbook.
后 记 Notes: Most of the pupils can ask and answer the questions each other. They make the sentences one by one. They talk about the weather in pairs
第 10册第 3 课教案
课 题 Unit 3 Changes in our city 课 时 6
重 点 Part G and H. Check the answers.
难 点 Revise drafts under teacher’s guidance
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationandPracticeStep VSum-up Step V.Homework Duty topic1. Read Part B1,2,3 C,D,EAsk the pupils Is there a subway in our city If the answer is yes, How old is it Find out the date. Explain to the students that lots of cities in the world have subways.Play the cassette for them to listen to the chant and check their answers.Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the wordsTell them to think country had the first subway. Tell them to research the answer. London had the first underground subway in 1863. The Paris metro started in 1900 and the New York subway started in 1904.To teach Part H. Think about it!Check the answers of WBRead the whole text3.o do 《一课一试》 Duty topic1. Read Part B1,2,3 C,D,E1. Answer the teacher’s questions and listen to the chant carefully.2. Work in pairs to say the chant again then join in with the words.3. Think about which country had the first subway. The students should search the answers.4. The students re-draw their city and write a simple report on what they have changed and why.1. Check the answers of WB2. Read the whole text
后 记 Notes: The pupils can talk about the weather in pairs. They can use the past tense and make some sentences.
课 题 Unit 3 Changes in our city 课 时 7
重 点 Further reading and Progress check
难 点 Further reading and Progress check
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1.Organization:2. Revision:3. Presentation:4.Summing-up:5. Homework: 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.1. Ask the pupils to read the words of this unit. 2. Ask the pupils to act the story of this unit. 1. Arouse interest in the passage by bringing a map of Chine to class. Show the students the places mentioned in the passage. 2. Tell the pupils to read the paragraphs for the different places. Ask them: Do you like the weather in… Have some students talk about what they think about the weather in the different places and suggest some activities they can do in such weather. 3. Ask the students to read the sentences at the bottom of the page and tell them the underlined words are incorrect. Ask the students to change them to make the correct sentences. 4. Check the answers with the pupils and ask the pupils to correct the answers. We have learnt Part I and finished the exercises of Part H. 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.1. Read the words all together. 2. Some pupils to act Part C. 1. Listen to the tape and finish the listening exercise one by one. 2. Some pupils stand up to say their answers. 3. Check the answers and correct it. 4. Some pupils come to the front to write the writing exercise answers.5. Check the answers and correct the answers. 1.Read and copy this unit for 2 times.2.Review the whole unit.3.Prepare for workbook.
后 记 Some students can understand the story and read them out. But some can’t
英语学科第 10册第4课教案
课 题 Unit 4 Revision 课 时 1
重 点 Part A Review the phrases and sentences
难 点 Write the new words you learned in Units 1-3 in this word bank.
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Step I:Step II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-up Step V.Homework Duty topicWarm –up1. Read the sentences of Unit 1 to Unit 31. Write the verb phrases on strips of paper.2. Put your favorite words here.3. Mime the actions again and ask : What happened 4. Divide the class into two teams. Ask a member of one team to come out. Ask his or her team What happened 1. Show the Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and point to the speech bubbles. Ask the students to repeat after the cassette.2. Ask the students if they find any words or sentences are difficult for them. Tell them to keep a record of those difficult words and sentences and to revise them later.Today we have reviewed the words and sentences in this unit. Duty topicWarm –up1. The class answers the questions: What happened 2. Play a miming game. Work in pairs. They should suggest to each other to choose one of the actions on the board3. The students look at the picture, ask and answer in pairs4. Ask the students if they have learned any other words by themselves. If they have, tell them to write the words in the notebook.1. Read the conversation between the children and the teacher.1. Read the teacher’s speech for each of the other children.1. Finish Part A4 and Part A5 2. Describe picture in complete sentences.
后 记 二班的学生可以自己复习,找出重难点。但是三班的孩子的能力就少差一点。
第 10册第4 课教案
课 题 Unit 4 Revision 课 时 2
重 点 Part B
难 点 Describe picture in complete sentences. Recognize phrases in simple text.
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Step IStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.IHomework Duty topicWarm –up1. Read Unit 1 Part A1. Something happened to Helen yesterday. Listen and circle the correct words. 2 Play the Pupil's Book Cassette. Show Transparency. Tell the students to listen carefully the first time. 3. Use Transparency to check the students' answers.Show Transparency. Ask the students to read the poster.Explain that the poster is one you might see at an airport advertising a city’s attractions and events.Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and tell the students to listen for the correct.We have learned Part B1 and B2 Duty topicWarm –up1. Use Transparency to check the students' answers.2. Listen and circle the correct words. 2.The students say the sentences after the teacher using: First, Then, Next, After that3. The students come out to the front to attach them to the board in any order and make the past tense sentences using the connectives.1. Tell the students to listen to the cassette and find out the right words. Ask the students to circle the correct words.2. Ask the students to fill in the blanks with the correct words.3. Ask individual students to read aloud their sentences to check the answers with the whole class.1. Complete Part B2. Read Part B for ten times.3. Recite B2
后 记 B2部分的听力填空对一部分学生来讲还是有点难度的,所以把听力材料给学生做了展示,这样对一些学困生有所帮助。
第 10册第4 课教案
课 题 Unit 4 Revision 课 时 3
重 点 Part C
难 点 Write simple passage in class
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Step I:Step II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework Duty topicWarm –up Draw a clock on the board to the right of the strips. Make it show the time in the afternoon and in the morning.Write Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon beside the clock on the right and left-hand sides of the board.3. Make sentences in the past tense using the verb strips, e.g. First I finished my homework. Then I… Next I… After that I Show Transparency. Ask the questions on the board and show the students the past tense of the auxiliary did.Ask the students to work in pairs and to talk about what Koko did on Saturday.Check the sentences describing what Koko did on Saturday with the students.Today we have learned Part B3 and C. Duty topicWarm –up1. Read Part B.1 Show Transparency. Ask the students to look at the pictures and the dialogue.2 Explain to the students that Mr Li is talking to his daughter on the phone and asking about what she did in the morning that day.3 Ask the students to the role-play conversation according to the pictures.1. Listen to the tape carefully. 2. Do some practice in adding ed3. The students should familiarize themselves with the words and the pictures on the page in the time they have before.1. Copy B2 and C 2. Read B3 for five ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com / " \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 ) times.
后 记 这个练习学生掌握很好。
第 10册第 4 课教案
课 题 Unit 4 Revision 课 时 4
重 点 Part D
难 点 Using simple past tenses of regular verbs
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upSt ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com / " \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 )ep V.Homework 1. Show Transparency. Tell the students to read the passage about the special dogs. 2 Then ask the students to read the sentences below and tick the correct ones. 3. Ask individual students to read their sentences aloud and check the answers with the whole class.1. Read the sentences.2. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the students and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.3. Ask the students to read the story again.4. Check the answers with the students.Today we have learned Part D Duty report.1. Review Part B and C1. Read the passage about the special dogs. 2. Read the sentences 3. Ask the students to role-play the conversation according to the pictures.1. Read sentences and tick the correct sentences below.2. Ask individual students to read their sentences aloud and check the answers with the whole class.3. The students to read the story again.4. Finish the Part D and say out their answers.1. Read Unit 1three times. 2. Copy Part D2 twice and put them into Chinese3. Review Part A.B.C
后 记 D1学生们能在听过两遍之后正确的排序,正确的选择。此次练习增加了学生给图画配英语解说的环节,学生非常主动完成这个游戏,争先恐后地急于解说制作树叶标本的过程。教学效果非常好。D2.联系玉树地震,救援队派出的四条Rescue Dogs 让学生懂得了Rescue的含义。
第 10册第 4课教案
课 题 Unit 4 Revision 课 时 5
重 点 Part E
难 点 Review the past tense
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework Duty topic1 Show Transparency. Tell the students to look at the pictures carefully and complete the sentences according to the pictures. .2 Ask the students to match the sentences on the left with the related sentence on the right. Tell them to write the correct letter in each box.3 Use Transparency to show answers. 1. Show Transparency. Tell the students to read the email. 2. Ask them to answer the questions according to what they have read in the email. Check the answers with the whole class.3.Ask the students to read the email from Chris and answer the questions.The pupils can make clear and simple pictorial signs to go with their written signs.They have learned Part E. Duty topic1. Read Part CShow Transparency. Tell the students to look at the pictures and read the words,2 Ask the students to answer the questions using the information in the speech bubble.3 Ask individual students to read aloud their sentences to check the answers with the whole class.1. Ask the pupils to listen to the tape carefully。 2. The pupils work in pairs3. The students use the information from their lists made at the beginning to write separately.1.Read Part E2 5 timesTo finish the exercises of the Workbook.
后 记 E1部分掌握得还不错,过去时态的填写对多数学生来讲好像也不成问题。不过,那些学困生还是会有错误不断出现。引导他们找句子的关键词,看图想清楚发生了什么事情,再下笔。还有让小组长帮助训练部分动词过去式的准确运用。
第 10册第 4 课教案
课 题 Unit4 Revision 课 时 6
重 点 Culture Club-changes around the world
难 点 The sentences and the new words
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationandPracticeStep VSum-up Step V.Homework Greetings Learn the new words.Translate the sentences.Ask the pupils to read the verses silently and to see if they can guess the missing words. Ask them to work in pairs to discuss the missing words with their partners and write the words they agree on in pencilPlay the cassette for them to listen to the text. .Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words4. Then give the verb strips to a student. Ask him/her to come out to the front to attach them to the board in any order. Ask the class to make the past tense sentences using the connectives. Listen carefully that they are pronouncing the ed sound. Duty topic1. Read Part C,D,E1 Show Transparency. Tell the students to look at the pictures carefully.2 Ask the students to learn the sentences meanings to what is shown in the pictures.1. Read the verses silently and to see if they can guess the missing words.2. Work in pairs to discuss the missing words with their partners and write the words they agree on in pencil3. Look carefully at the faces and hair of the children in the two pictures1. Check the answers of WB2. Read the whole text1. Revise the whole unit.2. Compare the test.3. 1. To do 《一课一试》
后 记 增加学生的各国文化北京知识,对学生开拓视野非常有用。
第10 册第4课教案
课 题 Unit 4 Revision 课 时 7
重 点 A test
难 点 A test
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1.Organization:2. Revision:3. Presentation:4.Summing-up:5. Homework: They have a test of Unit 1-4.
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课 题 Unit 5 A busy week 课 时 1
重 点 The new words and the phrases
难 点 The new words and the phrases
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:Revision `Step III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework 1. Good morning boys and girls.2. Duty reportAsk the pupils to read aloud some words what they have learned before.Ask the pupils to make sentences with some words.Ask the pupils some questions.1. Before class write and photocopy examples of an email and a letter. Familiar verbs in the present and past tense should be used in the letter and the email.2 (Books closed.) Write the main verbs from your sample letter and email on the board. Revise the meanings of the words. Ask the students to think about the tense of each verb. 3. Hold up the email and the letter. Ask the students if they know the difference between an email and a letter.1. Tell the students to read through the email and the letter. Ask the students to |circle the present tense in a coloured pen (green). Then ask them to circle the past tense in another colour (red). 2. Divide the students into groups of four and hand out copies of the email and letter to each group. 1. Today we have learned Part A of Unit 5. 1. Good morning teacher.2. Duty report1. Read aloud some words what they have learned before.2 Make sentences with some words.3. Ask and answer the questions each other.1. Read through the email and the letter. Ask the students to circle the present tense in a coloured pen (green). Then ask them to circle the past tense in another colour (red). 1. Read the conversation between pat and Koko after me and finish reciting the names of the dinosaurs. by themselves.2. Ask the students to work in pairs. They should role-play the conversations and| continue to use the past tense of the verbs shown.3. Answer the questions: 1. (Books open.) Show Transparency. Point to the people on the page and teach present and past tense verbs. Read aloud or play the Pupil's Book Cassette.︿ the students to repeat the words after you.2 Ask the students to work in pairs. They should role-play the conversations and| continue to use the past tense of the verbs shown. Write an e-mail to the classmate. Read part A for 5 times.
英语学科第10册第 5 课教案
课 题 Unit 5 A busy week 课 时 2
重 点 Part B1
难 点 Relate personal and hypothetical experiences
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:Revision `Step III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework 1. Greetings2. Duty topic1. Revise the words and the phrases.2. Ask the pupils some questions1. (Books closed.) Write the reflexive pronouns myself, himself, herself, yourself, ourselves and themselves on the board along with-a model sentence, e.g.. He’s reading a book by himself. 2. Ask a student to come to the front of the class. Give them a strip of paper with one of the following verbs on it: read, write, clean, swim, practise, ride or w Ask them to mime the word and ask others to guess by making a sentence). the model sentence pattern. 3. Ask the students to change the verbs to the correct tense.1. Play the pupil’s cassette and ask them to listen to and repeat the sentences..Today we have learned Part B1 of Unit 5. 1. Greetings2. Duty topic 1. Read the words loudly.2. (Books open.) Show Transparency. Point out that when someone is telling a story they are usually using past tense. Play the Pupil's Book Cassette.2. Display the sentences strips on the board3. Let them make sentences one by one, rub out the past tenses of the verbs leaving the rest of the sentences. 4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. 5. (Books open.) Show Transparency. Play the Pupil's Book Cassette. The first time, ask the class to listen and follow along in their books. The second time, pause the tape and ask the students to repeat the sentences1. Listen to the cassette and repeat the sentences.1. Making the sentences.2. Read B1
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英语学科 第 10册第5 课教案
课 题 Unit 5 A busy week 课 时 3
重 点 Part B2,B3
难 点 Making sentences
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-up Step V.Homework Duty topic1. Read Part A and B1 together.2. Ask some questions.1. Find out some interesting activities that members of the class did on their holidays. 2. Tell the class about one busy week a member of the class had, e.g. (Name) had a busy week. He/She ... Ask them to write notes as you talk.3. Ask the rest of the class questions about the student's busy week.1. Show Transparency. Point to the first conversation. Play the Pupil's Book Cassette for number one.2. Point to the second conversation. Put the students into pairs and ask them to role-play the second conversation using the prompts provided in the characters' thought bubbles.1. Today we have learned Part B2 of Unit 5.2. Listen and finish B3 Duty topic1. Read Part A,B12. Answer the questions.1. Listen to the teacher2. Work in pairs to write the sentences.3. Read aloud their sentences to check the answers with the whole class.4. Ask some students to read aloud their sentences to check the answers with the whole class.1. Point to the second conversation. Put the students into pairs and ask them to role-play the second conversation using the prompts provided in the characters' thought bubbles.2. Walk through the class listening to the conversations, correcting if necessary. 1. Read the Part B12. Listen and finish B31. Copy PartB2 three times.2. To do WB.
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英语学科第 10册第 5 课教案
课 题 Unit 5 A busy week 课 时 4
重 点 Part C,D
难 点 Write paragraphs based on notes and a model.
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Step I:Warm –upStep II: RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework 1. Greetings.2. Duty topic1. Read Part B11. Read through the advertisement with the class. Point to the robot and ask the students. Would you like a robot 2. Play the Pupil's Book Cassette for the students and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette,3. Ask the students to role-play the story in pairs. Some pairs may like to come out to the front and act the story.1. Ask the students to read the story again and answer the question.2. Check the answers with the students. Ask some students to read aloud their answers.Today we have learned Part C and D of Unit 5. 1. Greetings.2. Duty topic1. Read Part B11. Put the students into groups of four. Ask the students to think about the activities they do at home or at school. Ask them to design a robot that could help them. Ask them include functions on the robot, e.g. The robot's finger turns into a light. Tell them to write down all the things that the robot can do. Ask them to draw the robot on a poster and present it to the class. Tell them to read out what the robot can do. Ask the class! vote for the best robot. Display the posters in the classroom.2. Ask the students to read the story again and to decide if the sentences are true or false.1. Copy Part C 3 times.2. Read Part C for five times.
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英语学科第 10册第 5 课教案 (李艳杰)
课 题 Unit 5 A busy week 课 时 5
重 点 Part E and F
难 点 Write simple rules using sample writings as guidance
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework Duty topicRead Part C and have a conversation.1. Write the symbols for the sounds on the board. Write the words on the page under each symbol. Ask the students to tell you other words with the same sounds and add them to the list.2. Play the Pupil's Book Cassette and ask the students to listen to the sounds and the words.3. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the students are making a distinction between the sounds.4. Play the cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to and say the rhyme.5. Ask them to work in pairs. They look at the pictures at the top of the page and talk about the things the children should or should not do.6. Tell the pupils to look at the pictures at the bottom of the page and match them with the sign.Today we have learned Part E and F of Unit 5. Duty topic1. Read Part C1. Listen to the four words at the bottom of the page and to circle the words with the same letters and sound. Get the pupils to repeat the rhyme.2. Ask the students to read the notes and the story about Helen's week. Talk about weather all the things from the note are included in the story. Ask the students the ways in which notes are different from stories.3. Read through the list below with the class. Ask the students to choose five things and tick.4. Put the students into pairs and ask them to talk about their previous week using the activities they ticked at the bottom of page 46 To finish the exercises of Workbook
后 记
英语学科第10册第 5 课教案
课 题 Unit 5 A busy week 课 时 6
重 点 Part G, H and I
难 点 Talking about sequence
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationandPracticeStep VSum-upStep VIHomework Duty topic1. Read Part B1, B2 and C2. Make some sentences.1. Play the Pupil’s cassette for the students to listen to the chant.2. Play the cassette again and encourage the students to join in with the words. Then divide