第 5 课教案
课 题 Unit 5 Active animals 课 时 1
重 点 The new words ,the phrases and part A
难 点 The new words ,the phrases and part A
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:Revision `Step III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep VIHomework 1. Good morning boys and girls.2. Duty reportAsk the pupils to read aloud some words what they have learned before.Ask the pupils to make sentences with some words.Ask the pupils some questions.Bring in photos of different animals, eg. ant, bee, cheetah, eagle, parrot, shark, turtle,whales. Show the photos of the other animals to the students and teach the names. Put the photos on the board.2. Write the adjectives amazing, clever, dangerous, exciting, great and interesting on the board and revise them with the students 3. Teach the words surprising. It has a similar meaning to amazing.4. Ask the students if they know how the animals wove.1. (Books open.) Show Transparency. Revise the new words. Point to each pictures on the page. Read aloud or play the Pupil's Book Cassette. The students repeat the words after the teacher.2.Check the sentences together with the students to see which group wrote the most correct sentences.1. Today we have learned Part A of Unit 5. 1. Good morning teacher.2. Duty report1. Read aloud some words what they have learned before.2 Make sentences with some words.3. Ask and answer the questions each other.1. The students should learn the new words and review the words with the teacher.2. The students should match the words to animals and make sentences. E.g. Cheetahs can run etc.3. The students should repeat the new words after the teacher.4. The students should answer the teacher’s questions. How do the animals move 1. (Books open.) The students point to the pictures on the page and read aloud then the students should repeat the words after the teacher.2. Ask the students to work in group of three. They should role-play the conversations and| continue to use the words shown below the pictures. 1. Write an e-mail to the classmate. 2. Read part A for 5 times.
后 记 Reviewing the comparative and superlative of adjectives makes the coming learning more easily.
第 5 课教案
课 题 Unit 5 Active animals 课 时 2
重 点 Part B1
难 点 Relate personal and hypothetical experiences
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:Revision `Step III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep VHomework 1. Greetings2. Duty topic1. Revise the words and the phrases.2. Ask the pupils some questions1. Write the words work very hard, run very fast, live very long on the board.2. Teach the phrases work the hardest, run the fastest and live the longest. Explain that we can use these phrases to talk about different animals.3. Encourage the students to use comparatives and superlatives.1. (Books open.) Show Transparency and play the Pupil's Book Cassette. The first time, ask the class to listen and follow along in their books. The second time , pause the tape and ask the students to repeat the sentences2. Point to each of the picture in turn and ask the student to tell you what is happening in each picture.1. Today we have learned Part B1 of Unit 5. 1. Greetings2. Duty topic1. Read the words and phrases loudly.2. Answer the teacher’s questions.1. The student should identify the animals they have just learned in section A again.2. The students should come out and write the comparatives and superlatives of hard, fast and long on the board.3. The students should use these phrases to talk about different animals.1. The first time the class should listen and follow along in their books. The second time the students should repeat the sentences2. The students should read the dialogue at the bottom of the page. Then they should complete the dialogue using the information on the page.3. The students should match the correct pictures of animals with the words.1. Making the sentences.2. Read B1
后 记 The cognitive transfer happens after reviewing the comparative and superlative of adjective. So students feel easier t know the comparative anf superlative of adverbs.
第5 课教案
课 题 Unit 5 Active animals 课 时 3
重 点 Part B2,B3
难 点 Making sentences
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep VI.Homework Duty topic1. Read Part A and B1 together.2. Ask some questions.1. Ask the students some questions Can eagles see well Can they see better than parrots What can parrots do Can eagles repeat Prompt the students to answer Yes, they can. No, they can’t.etc. 2. Encourage the students to recall what they learned in sectiong A and say They repeat well.3. Continue to ask questions about the feature of other animals to check the student’s understanding of the unit.1. Show Transparency. Point to the first conversation. Play the Pupil's Book Cassette for number one.2. Point to the second conversation. Put the students into pairs and ask them to role-play the second conversation using the prompts provided in the characters' thought bubbles.1. Today we have learned Part B2 of Unit 5. Duty topic1. Read Part A,B12. Answer the questions.1. Listen to the teacher and answer the teacher’s questions.Continue to answer the teacher’s questions about the feature of other animals.2. The students should familiarise themselves with the sentences before the teacher play the tap.3. The students should complete the sentences according to what they hear on the tape.1. Point to the second conversation. Put the students into pairs and ask them to role-play the second conversation using the prompts provided in the characters' thought bubbles.2. Walk through the class listening to the conversations, correcting if necessary.1. Read the Part B12. Listen and finish B.1. Copy PartB2 three times.2. To do WB.
后 记 Slow- slower, slowly- more slowly
第 5 课教案
课 题 Unit 5 Active animals 课 时 4
重 点 Part C,D
难 点 Write paragraphs based on notes and a model.
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Step I:Warm –upStepII: RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework 1. Greetings.2. Duty topic1. Read Part B1 B21. Ask the students if any of them has a pet parrot. If yes, ask the students Can your parrot repeat well 2. Read through the story with the class. Ask the students What did Paul’s parrot repeat Prompt the students to answer It repeated the words from Paul’s list.3. Ask the students to read the story again and then the sentences. They have to write T or F for each sentences.1. Ask the students to read the story again and answer the question.2. Check the answers with the students. Ask some students to read aloud their answers.Today we have learned Part C and D of Unit 5. 1. Greetings.2. Duty topic1. Read Part B1 B21. Listen to the teacher and answer the teacher’s questions.2. The students should give some examples if his/her parrot can repeat.3.The should read the story again and then the sentences. They have to write T or F for each sentences.1.Student should work in groups of four and try to remember the list of 12 words in order. They must not write the words down.2. The students should have a short time to discuss with their team. Then read your list of 12 words quickly. Do not say the words again.3.Check the answers with the teacher.1. Copy Part C 3 times.2. Read Part C for five times.
后 记 The story is quite interesting, students like the story very much. they like to act out the story.
第 5 课教案
课 题 Unit 5 Active animals 课 时 5
重 点 Part E and F
难 点 Write simple rules using sample writings as guidance
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework 1. Duty topic2. Free talkRead Part C and have a conversation.1. Write the symbols for the sounds on the board. Write the words on the page under each symbol. Ask the students to tell you other words with the same sounds and add them to the list.2. Play the Pupil's Book Cassette and ask the students to listen to the sounds and the words.3. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the students are making a distinction between the sounds.1. Play the cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to and say the rhyme.2. Ask them to work in pairs. They look at the pictures at the top of the page and talk about the things the children should or should not do.3. Tell the pupils to look at the pictures at the bottom of the page and match them with the sign.Today we have learned Part E and F of Unit 5. 1. Duty topic2. Free talk1. Read Part C1. Listen to the four words at the bottom of the page and to circle the words with the same letters and sound. Get the pupils to repeat the rhyme.2. Ask the students to read the notes and the story about Helen's week. Talk about weather all the things from the note are included in the story. Ask the students the ways in which notes are different from stories.3. Read through the list below with the class. Ask the students to choose five things and tick.4. Put the students into pairs and ask them to talk about their previous week using the activities they ticked at the bottom of page 46 To finish the exercises of Workbook
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第 5 课教案
课 题 Unit 5 Active animals 课 时 6
重 点 Part G, H and I
难 点 Talking about sequence
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationandPracticeStep VSum-upStep VIHomework 1. Duty topic2. Free talk1. Read Part B1, B2 and C2. Make some sentences.1. Play the Pupil’s cassette for the students to listen to the chant.2. Play the cassette again and encourage the students to join in with the words. They should now know the features of bees, eagles and cheetahs respectively:bees work hard, eagles see well, and cheetahs run fast.3. This expression is used to talk about people who are good at seeing or noticing things.Have them guess the answer according to what they have learned in the unit.4. Tell the students to look at the picture and read the dialogue on the page.5. Tell the students that the passage is about penguins and whales. Explain the meaning of dive and hold one’s breathe to the students. Today we have learned Part G, H and I of Unit 5. 1. Duty topic2. Free talk1. Read Part B1, B2 and C2. Make some sentences.1. Listen and chant.Listen and join in with the words.2. Ask each group to practice chanting.3. The students should look at the picture and read the dialogue on the page. Then guess the answer according to what they have learned in the unit.4. they have to categorize animals based on their knowledge or using any information they can find on the Internet.5. The students should read the passage and then the sentences below. Then fill in the blanks to complete the sentences according to what they read in the passage.Read and copy this unit for 2 times.Review the whole unit.
后 记
第 5课教案
课 题 Unit 5 Active animals 课 时 7
重 点 Finish the exercises and Part J
难 点 Finish the exercises
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationandPracticeStep VISum-upStep V.Homework 1. Duty topic2. Sing s song.1. Read PartB1 ,B2 and CPlay the cassette for the pupils to listen to the story 2. Ask the students to point to a bone, Ask them Where do we find bones What can we know about these dinosaurs from these bones 3. Ask the students Which animals have eggs>What can find out from their eggs 4. Tell the students to write T next to the true statements, F next to the false ones and D for the ones they are not sure. Check the answers with the students. 1. Check the answers of the workbook.2. Do exercises of Unit 5 and check the answers.Today we’ve learned Part J and review the whole text. At last, we have done the exercises. 1. Duty topic2. Sing a song.1. Read PartB1 ,B2 and C.1. .Answer the teacher’s questions. Tell the students to find out more about the two bottom of the page as they read. 2. Read and match.3. Tell the students to think about someone who usually has a busy week, e.g. a teacher, an astronaut, or a fireman. Ask them to do some research and write about a typical week for is person.4. Ask them to find some pictures from magazines or the Internet that illustrate the activities in a typical week for this person. Tell them to present their report to the class and display it in class. Encourage the students to find any new words by using a dictionary.1. Check the answers of the Workbook.2. Read the whole text.3. Read the whole text.
后 记
课 题 Unit 6 Busy people 课 时 1
重 点 Learn the new words and Part A
难 点 Sentences and pronunciation
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Step I: Warm-upStep IIRevision:Step IIIPresentation:Step VIPracticeStep VSumming-up:Step VIHomework: 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.1.Revise the animals what they have learned before.1. Bring in some magazines and/or newspapers to the class. 2. Tell the students I was busy yesterday. Prompt the students to ask What did you do Answer the students First… Then… Next… After that… Revise the structures with the students and remind them of the use of the past tense. 3. Hold up a magazine and say It’s a magazines. Do you read magazines at home Tell the students You Can also read magazines and newspapers at a library. 4. Introduce get a haircut, meet a friend and do martial arts and hike to the students. Explain their meanings and tell the students where people can do these things.1. Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and point to each of the picture. Ask the students to repeat after the cassette.2. Point to the each of the pictures and talk about it. 3. Play the Pupil's Book Cassette and point to the speech bubbles. Ask the students to repeat after the cassette.4.Have some students come to the front to act Pat and tell the class what she did at the weekend.Today we have learned Part A of this unit. 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.They read aloud together the words.Learn to the new phrasesPay special attention to the pronunciation and intonation of each word.The pupils repeat the sentences after the cassette.Answer the teacher’s questions.Listen and read. Some individual pupil read Part A one by one. Play a word game.Make sentences with the new words.Listen and do.1. Copy each words a line and sentences twice.2. Listen and read A ten times.
后 记 It’s difficult to talk about sequence.Students couldn’t distingue the pronunciation of metro and martial
课 题 Unit 6 Busy people 课 时 2
重 点 The sentences patterns of Part B1
难 点 Communicate freely with others by using simple expressions and structures learned
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Step IWarm-upStep IIRevision:Step IIIPresentation:Step VIPracticeStep VSumming-up:Step VIHomework: 1. Greetings2. Free talk.3. Sing a song.1. Read the words and Part B2. Answer the teacher’s questions.1. Ask the students to imagine that they had a busy afternoon. For example, they can imsgine playing sports, doing housework, or the activities they have just learned form section.2. Have a few students tell the class what they did this afternoon. Ask the class who the busiest students was. 1. Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Read the conversation and ask the class to read it after the teacher.2. Tell the students to read the words again. Then they complete Tim’s timetable accorging to the conversation between Tim and Bob.3. Have the students read the dialogue at the bottom of the page. They need to complete the dialogue using the words in Candy’s thought bubble.Today we have learned Part B1Today we have learned part B1 of this unit. 1.Greetings.2.. Free talk.3.. Sing a song.1. Read the words and Part B2. Answer the teacher’s questions.Ask the pupils to read aloudthe phrases and to imagine that they had a busy afternoon. They can imsgine playing sports, doing housework, or the activities they have just learned form sectio2. A few students tell the class what they did this afternoon. Who was the busiest students. 1. Learn B1.Listen, say and act and talk about the following picture. Read the conversation and ask the class to read it after the teacher.2. The students should read the words again. Then they complete Tim’s timetable accorging to the conversation between Tim and Bob.3. The students should read the dialogue at the bottom of the page. They need to complete the dialogue using the words in Candy’s thought bubble.1. Copy B1 three times.2. Listen and read B1 five times.3. Prepare B2.
后 记 Students could understand the past continuous tense easily but feel difficult to apply.
课 题 Unit 6 Busy people 课 时 3
重 点 The sentences patterns of B2 and B3
难 点 The sentences patterns of B2 and B3
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Step IWarm-upStep IIRevisionStep IIIPresentation:Step IVPracticeStep VSumming-up:Step VIHomework: 1. Free talk.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1.Ask the students to read Part B. 2.Ask them to circle either true or false for each sentence. Check the answers with the students.1. Ask a student Were you at the …yesterday Ask the students to answer truthfully. For example, Yes. I was at the library in the afternoon. I was rading books.2. Revise vocabulary relating to places, e.g. bookshop, cinema, clinic, playground, restaurant, shopping mall, supermarket, with the students. Write the words on the board.3. Ask the students to tell what they were doing at these places, e.g. I was playing basketball at the playground. I went shopping in the shoping mall. etc.1. Show Transparency. Point to the dialogue between Mr and Mrs Cao. Then read it aloud.2. Ask the students to tell what they were doing at these places, e.g. I was playing basketball at the playground. I went shopping in the shopping mall. etc.3. Ask the students to work in pairs to role-play Mr And Mrs Cao.Today we have learned part B2 and do exercises. 1. Warm-up: Free talk.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.. 1. The students should read Part B1 and Part A aloud.2. Answer the teacher’s questions.1. The students should answer the teacher’s. 2. Revise vocabulary relating to places, e.g. bookshop, cinema, clinic, playground, restaurant, shopping mall, supermarket, with the teacher.3. The students should tell what they were doing at these places, e.g. I was playing basketball at the playground. I went shopping in the shoping mall. etc.Learn B2. Listen, say and act. Show Transparency.2. Read the conversation and read it after the teacher.3. The students should tell what they were doing at these places, e.g. I was playing basketball at the playground. I went shopping in the shopping mall. etc.1. Copy B2 twice. 2. read the conversation five times.3. Prepare C
后 记
课 题 Unit 6 Busy people 课 时 4
重 点 The phrases and the sentences of Part C
难 点 The phrases and the sentences of Part D
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Step IWarm-upStep IIRevision:Step IIIPresentation:Step IVPracticeStep VSumming-up:Step VIHomework: 1. Free talk.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.Ask the pupils to look and say.Let’s make sentences.Ask them some questions.1. Point to the pictures. Explain to the students that a janitor is someone who cleans and looks after a school. Ask the students if they know the janitor at their school.2. Ask the students to read the passage again and then the sentences. They have to write T or F for each sentences.3. Play the Pupil's Book Cassette for the students and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.4. Ask the students Was Mr Fenf busy What did he do Ask the pupils to listen, say and act.Talk about the following pictures as much as possible. Pay special attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Ask the pupils to complete the sentences according to the story.Read the story again. Write the answersCheck the answers with the students..Today we have learned Part C. 1. Free talk.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Look and say.2. Let’s make sentences.3. Answer the questions.1. The students should tell the teacher if they know the janitor at their school.2. The students should read the passage again and then the sentences. They have to write T or F for each sentences.3. Answer the teacher’s questions.4. Read aloud the story.The pupils should talk about the story in pairs.Listen, say and act. Try to say something about the pictures and pay special attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Complete the sentences according to the story.Read the story again. Write the answers5. Check the answers.1.Copy C three times.2.Listen and read C five times.3.Prepare E and G.
后 记
课 题 Unit 6 Busy people 课 时 5
重 点 Learn Part E F
难 点 The sounds
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Step IWarm-upStep IIRevision:Step IIIPresentation:Step IVPracticeStep VSumming-up:Step VIHomework: 1.Free talk.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Ask the pupils to look and say.2. Let’s make sentences.3. Ask them some questions.1. Write the symbols for the sounds on the board and the words on the page under each symbol. Ask the students to tell you other words with the same sounds and add them to the list.2. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the students to listen to the sounds and the words.3. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the students are making a distinction between the sounds and pronouncing them correctiy.4. Point to the pictures and check that the students can say the words without the teacher’s model.1. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette again. Ask the students to listen the rhyme.2. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette again. Ask the students to join in with the words of the rhyme this time.3. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Ask the students to listen the words and then write them under the correct symbols.Today we have learned Part C. 1. Free talk.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Look and say.2. Let’s make sentences.3. Answer the questions. 1. The students tell you other words with the same sounds and add them to the list.2. The students listen to the sounds and the words.3. Say the words slowly and clearly. The students are making a distinction between the sounds.4. The students should say the words without the teacher’s model.1. The students listen the rhyme carefully.2. The students join in with the words of the rhyme this time.3. The students listen the words and then write them under the correct symbols.1.Copy C three times.2.Listen and read C five times.3.Prepare E and G.
后 记
课 题 Unit 6 Busy people 课 时 6
重 点 Further reading and Progress check(Part G,H,I and J)
难 点 Further reading and Progress check
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Step IWarm-upStep IIRevision:Step IIIPresentationand Practice Step IVSumming-up:Step VHomework: 1. Free talk.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Ask the pupils to read the words of this unit. 2. Have a dictation1. Play the Pupil's Book Cassette for the students to listen to the chant.2 Play the cassette again and encourage the students to join in with the words.3. Ask the students to write more verse or write talking about what they were doing at certain times.4. Tell the students to look at the picture and read the words. Explain that different words are used in different places to talk about the railway system that runs under the ground below a big city. 5.Ask the to match the places and the names of their railway systems. 6. Ask the students if they know about the everyday life of a farmer. Have them tell the class what they know about it.We have learnt Part I and finished the exercises of Part J. 1. Free talk.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read the words all together. 2. Read aloud Part F.3. Dictation.1. Listen to the tape and finish the listening exercise one by one. Some pupils stand up to say their answers. 2. Check the answers and correct it. Reread the paragraphs and then to match the sentences.3. Some pupils come to the front to write the writing exercise answers. Check the answers and correct the answers. 4. The students to join in with the words and the students to write more verse or write talking about what they were doing at certain times.5. The students should match the places and the names of their railway systems. 6. The students should know about the everyday life of a farm.1. Read and copy this unit for 2 times.2. Review the whole unit.3. Prepare for workbook.
后 记
课 题 Unit 6 Busy people 课 时 7
重 点 Finish the exercises of workbook
难 点 Finish the exercises of workbook
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Step IWarm-upStep IIRevision:Step IIIPresentation and practiceStep IVSumming-up:Step VHomework: 1. Free talk.2. Sing a song.3. Duty rwport.1. Ask the pupils to read the words of this unit. 2. Ask the pupils to act the story of this unit. 1. Play the tape for the pupils to finish the listening exercise of workbook. 2. Tell the students to look at the pictures and read the dialogue. Then ask the students to complete the dialogue by using the words in the box and write the diary.3. Ask the students to draw some pictures about farm according to what they hear on the tape. 4. Ask the students to look at the first part of the page and listen to the Workbook Cassette. They need to circle the correct symbols according to what they hear on the tape. 5. Check the answers with the pupils and ask the pupils to correct the answers. We have finished all the exercises of this unit. 1. Free talk.2. Sing a song.3. Duty rwport.1. Read the words all together. 2. Some pupils to act Part C.1. Listen to the tape and say out the listening exercises one by one. 2. Ask the students to put a tick or a cross in the circles according to what they hear on the tape. Some pupils stand up to say their answers. 3. Ask the students to look at the pictures and read the notes. Then tell them to write about the busy people.4. Ask the students to look at the pictures and read the words in the boxes. Then tell them complete the dialogue by using the words from the box5. Check the answers and correct the answers.Read and copy this unit for 2 times.Review the whole unit.Prepare for next unit.
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第 7课教案
课 题 Unit 7 Good memories 课 时 1
重 点 Part A
难 点 Making sentences
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. Presentation Step IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Free talk.1. Revise the words in Unit 6.2. Read Unit 6 A B 1. Bring in some photos showing celerating on birthdays or at festivals,e.g. New Year, Chistmas,etc. Ask the students to bring similar photos too if they have any. 2. Put the photos on the board. Ask the students if they can tell what festival it is in a photo. Then ask them to talk about what the people were doing in each photo.3. Choose a student and ask Where you on your last birthday The student should answer truthfully.1. Show Transparency. Read aloud or play the Pupil's Book Cassette. Ask the students to repeat the words after the teacher.2. Ask the students to work in groups of four. They should roly-play the conversation between Pat, Koko, Bob and Tim talking about where they were and what they were doing using the picture cues.Today we have learned Part A of this unit. 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Free talk.1. Revise the words in Unit 6.2. Read Unit 6 A B 1. The students should bring similar photos too if they have any. 2. The students can tell what festival it is in a photo. Then talk about what the people were doing in each photo.3. Let the students answer the teacher’s questions. 1. Ask the students to work in pairs. They should role-play the conversation between Pat, Koko, Bob and Tim talking about where they were and what they were doing using the picture cues.2.. Answer the questions. The students should repeat the words after the teacher.3. Read aloud the conversation twice.1. Copy each words a line.2.Listen and read A ten times.
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第 7 课教案
课 题 Unit 7 Good memories 课 时 2
重 点 Part B1
难 点 Write about factual and hypothetical situations
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Part A together.2. Have a dictation.1. Ask the students about good times that they remember. Tell the students that the 2008 Olympics will be held in Beijing. It is expected that about 10,500Athletes will participate in the Games. It will alsobring many tourists from all over the world to Beijing.2. For example, LIU xiang winning a gold medal at the 2004 Olympics, Yang liwei going into space in 2003, or any other memories they have.1. Show Transparency. Point to the pictures and talk about what is in each picture. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette.Read the conversation and ask the class to read it after the teacher.2. Tell the students to match the children and the activities according to the conversations. Then tell them to complete the dialogue using the words provided.Today we have learned part B1 of this unit. 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Part A loudly.2. Have a dictation.1. Answer the teacher’s questions and tell the class about their good times that they remember. 2. The students should also talk about what they were doing when they heard that China got the 2008 Olympics.3. The students recall what they were then. Some students should tell the class using the structure I was…ing when I heard the news…1. Listen to the tape and read after it. Then point to the pictures and talk about what is in each picture.2. The students should match the children and the activities according to the conversation. Then read the dialogue and the words in the children’s thought bubbles below.3. Then complete the dialogue using the words provided.1. Read after the tapes the more the better..2. Read and copy B1
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第7 课教案
课 题 Unit 7 Good memories 课 时 3
重 点 Part B2and B3
难 点 Write about factual and hypothetical situations
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Part A and B1 together.2. Act out the dialogue in pairs.1. Ask a students What were you doing when I came in What were you doing when your father came home last night What were you doing when the school bell rang 2. Tell the students to work in pairs. Give the students some times to ask and answer questions.Then ask the students to tell the class about their partner.3.Read the rubric to the students. Remind them that they should familiarise themselves with the words before the teacher play the tape.1. Show Transparency. Tell the students to read the conversation and repeat it after the tape.2. Have the students read the words in the people’s thouht bubbles. Ask them to work in groups of three to role-play Tim’s parents and Koko and act out the dialouue using the words provided.Today we have learned Part B2 and B3. 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Part A and B1 together once.2. Act out the dialogue in pairs.1. Listen to the teacher and answer the qestions.Then work in pairs to write the sentences. 2. The students should tell the the class about their partner.1. The students should read the conversation and repeat it after the tape.2. The students read the words in the people’s thouht bubbles and work in groups of three to role-play Tim’s parents and Koko and act out the dialouue using the words provided1. Copy Part B2 2. To do WB P1and P23. Prepare Part C.
后 记 B2部分的听力有点难度,学生听了4遍才能完成练习。
第 7 课教案
课 题 Unit 7 Good memories 课 时 4
重 点 Part C,D
难 点 A story: A good and bad holiday
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Step I:Warm –upStep II: RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep VIHomework 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Part B1 B22. Answer the teacher’s questions1. Ask the students about what present they got for their birthday and what present they want to get. Explain that the story Jill got a surprise present and she wanted to find out who gave the present to her.2. Point to the pictures and ask the students if they can guess who gave the present to Jill before they read the story.3. Let the students read the story silently and unaided the first time.1. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the students and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette. 2.Check the answers with the students .Ask some students to read aloud their answers.3. Check the students’ understanding of the story.Today we haved learned Part Cand Part D. 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Part B1, B22. Answer the teacher’s questions1. Listen to the teacher and answer the teacher’s questions. 2. The students should tell what present they got for their birthday and what present they want to get.3. The students should guess who gave the present to Jill before they read the story then read the story silently and unaided the first time.1. The students should say the sentences after the cassette.2. Show Transparency and check the answers with the students. The students shouold read aloud their answers.1. Copy Part C.2. Read Part C for five times.
后 记 学生很喜欢表演这个小品,而且相当精彩,我为他们的热情和创造力感到骄傲。
第 7 课教案
课 题 Unit 7 Good memories 课 时 5
重 点 Part E and F
难 点 Discuss and write about events and emotional states using multiple tenses
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Part B1 B2 and C2. Answer the teacher’s questions1.Write the symbols for the sounds on the board. Write the words on the page under each symbol. Ask the students to tell the teacher other words with the same sounds and add them to the list.2. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are making a distinction between the sounds and pronouncing them correctly. Point to the pictures and check that the students can say the words without your model.3. Tell the students that the article on page 64 is about Fu Yafei who won a gold medal in a running race and what his family was doing when he won.1. Play the Pupil's Book Cassette and ask the students to listen to the sound and the words.2. Play the Pupil's Book Cassette again and ask the students to listen to the rhyme and join in with the words of the rhyme the second time.3. Play it again and ask the students to listen to the words and then write them under the correct symbols.This period we have learned Part E and G. 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Part B1 B2 and C2. Answer the teacher’s questions.1. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the students are making a distinction between the sounds. Point to the pictures and check that the students can say the words without your model.2. Say the words slowly and clearly. The students should say the words without your model.1. The students should listen to the sound and the words.2. The students should listen to the rhyme and join in with the words of the rhyme the second time.1. To finish the exercises of Workbook
后 记 F部分的练笔不难,但是活动手册的练习,学生感觉到有难度
第 7 课教案
课 题 Unit 7 Good memories 课 时 6
重 点 Part G, H and I
难 点 Talking about holiday
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep VIHomework 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Part B2 and B1,C2. Answer the teacher’s questions1. Tell the students to look at the picture of Liu Xiang. Ask them to read the question and revise the three competitions that they have learned before. Have the students circle the correct answer.2. Ask the students that they should be familiar with the usage of the past continuous tense as they have parctised it in the Unit 6 and Unit 7.3. Put the students in groups of four. Remind them that the sentences made have to be logical.1. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the students to listen to the chant.2. Play the cassette again and encourage the students to join in with the words. Go through the sentences with the class and make corrections if necessary.This period we have learned Part F and H. . 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Part B2 and B1,C2. Answer the teacher’s questions1. The students look at the picture of Liu Xiang and read the question and revise the three competitions that they have learned before. Then circle the correct answer.2. They should be familiar with the usage of the past continuous tense as they have parctised it in the Unit 6 and Unit 7.3. They try to make as many sentences using the past continuous tense as they can.1. The students should listen to the chant and read after it.2. The students should join in with the words. Go through the sentences with the class and make corrections if necessary.1. Finish Workbook.
后 记 Rhyme部分不容易上口,部分能力稍差的学生对j部分的练习觉得颇有难度。
第 7课教案
课 题 Unit 7 Good memories 课 时 7
重 点 Part I and J,revise the whole unit
难 点 Finish the exercises
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPractice.Step VISum-upStep V.Homework 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read PartB1 ,B2 and C2. Answer the teacher’s questions1. Revise the Past continuous tense as they have practised it in Unit 6 and Unit 7. They try to make as many sentences using the past continuous tense as they can.2. Give them 10 minutes to make sentences.When they finish, have each group write their sentences on the board..3. The students try to make as many sentences using the past continuous tense as they can.4. Go through the sentences with the class and make corrections if necessary. Then find out which group has the most correct sentences.1. Tell the students to read the words in the box and look at the pictures.Ask the students to read the conversation and then complete it using the words from the box.2. Ask the students to match the pictures and the children according to what they hear on the tape.Today we have learned Part I and J, and you have done some exercises. . 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read PartB1 ,B2 and C2. Answer the teacher’s questions1. Revise the Past continuous tense as they have practised it in Unit 6 and Unit 7. They try to make as many sentences using the past continuous tense as they can.2. Check the answers with the teacher. Each group write their sentences on the board..3. Go through the sentences with the teacher and make corrections if necessary.1. The students should read the words in the box and look at the pictures.Ask the students to read the conversation and then complete it using the words from the box.2. The students should match the pictures and the children according to what they hear on the tape.1. To do 《一课一试》2. Read the whole text.3. Recite the whole text.
后 记
课 题 Unit 8 Revision 课 时 1
重 点 Part A Review the phrases and sentences
难 点 Write the new words you learned in Units 5-7 in this word bank.
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Step I:Warm-upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework 1. R1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read the sentences of Unit 5 to Unit 72. Read the words of Unit 5 to Unit 71. Ask the students to write down the new words they have learned from Unit 5 to Unit 7.2. Tell the students to choose from their word bank and write down their favourite words.3. Ask the students if they have learned any other words by themselves. If they have, tell them to write the words in the notebook. 4. Ask the students to read through Units 5 to 7 again. Try to find out their favourite sentences and then write them down.1. Show the Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Tell the students that the children are talking about what they will do for the science fair.2. Ask the students to if they find any words or sentences are difficult for them. Tell them to keep a record of those difficult words and sentences and to revise them later.Today we have reviewed the words and sentences in this book. 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read the sentences of Unit 5 to Unit 72. Read the words of Unit 5 to Unit 71. The students should write down the new words they have learned from Unit 5 to Unit 7.2. The students should choose from their word bank and write down their favourite words.3. The students have learned any other words by themselves. If they have, write the words in the notebook. 4. The students should read through Units 5 to 7 again. Try to find out their favourite sentences and then write them down.1. The children are talking about what they will do for the science fair.2. The students should listen to the cassette and match the students’ names with the correct phrases according to what they hear on the tape.1. Finish Part A4 and Part A5 2. Describe picture in complete sentences.
后 记 一班的学生可以自己复习,找出重难点。但是二班的孩子的能力就少差一点。
第8 课教案
课 题 Unit 8 Revision 课 时 2
重 点 Part B and C
难 点 Describe picture in complete sentences. Recognize phrases in simple text.
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Step IWarm-upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.IHomework 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Unit 8 Part A2. Ask the students to read through the sentences.1.Tell the students that the children are talking about what they will do for the science fair.2. Ask the students to match the students’ names with correct phrases according to what they hear on the tape.3. Explain that Bob lost his watch and Pat and Tin are asking him what he did today. Tell them to fill in the times and put a tick in box if Bob had his watch at those times.1. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Show Transparency. Use Transparency to check the students’ answers.2. Show Transparency. Ask the students to read the sentences and the questions below.3. Ask individual students to read their sentences aloud to check the answers with the whole class.We have revised Part B and C. 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Unit 8 Part A2. Ask the students to read through the sentences.1.Listen to the teacher and match the students’ names with correct phrases according to what they hear on the tape.2. The students should fill in the times and put a tick in box if Bob had his watch at those times.3. The students should read the sentences and the questions below.1. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the times and put a tick in the box if Bob had his watch at those times.2. Then the students answer the questions below according to the tape.3. The individual students should read their sentences aloud to check the answers with the teacher.1. Complete Part B,C2. Read Part B,C for ten times.3. Recite them.
后 记 B2部分的听力填空对一部分学生来讲还是有点难度的,所以这部分放了三遍录音
第8 课教案
课 题 Unit 8 Revision 课 时 3
重 点 Part D and E
难 点 Write simple passage in class
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Step I:Warm upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Unit 8 Part B2. Ask the students to read through the sentences.1. Ask the students to look at the picture and read the conversation carefully.2.Then ask the students to complete the sentences at the bottom of the page.3. Have some students read out their sentences to check the answers with the whole class.Tell the students to look at the pictures and read the conversation between Penny and Kim about her trip to the zoo.Then they read the words at the bottom of the page. Ask them to compelte the conversation using these words.Use Transparencyt to check the students’ answer.Today we have learned Part B3 and C. 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Unit 8 Part B2. Ask the students to read through the sentences.1. The students should look at the picture and read the conversation carefully.2. The students should complete the sentences at the bottom of the page.3. Some students read out their sentences to check the answers with the whole class.1. The students should look at the pictures and read the conversation between Penny and Kim about her trip to the zoo.2. Then they read the words at the bottom of the page. Ask them to compelte the conversation using these words.3. Use Transparencyt to check the answers with the teacher..1. Copy B2 and C 2. Read B3 for five times.
后 记
第 8 课教案
课 题 Unit 8 Revision 课 时 4
重 点 Part F and Workbook
难 点 Using past continuous tenses to make some sentences
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Unit 8 Part C2. Ask the students to read through the sentences.1. Tell the students to look at the photos and read the passage carefully.2. Explain to the students that it is a passage about sloths. Ask the students to read the questions below and tell them to answer the questions according to the information provided in the page.3. Ask individual students to read their sentences aloud to check the answers with the whole class. 1. Show Transparency. Read this web page. Then answer the questions below.2. Ask the students to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then tell them to circle the correct words according to what they hear on the page.Today we have learned Part F and workbook. 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Unit 8 Part C2. Ask the students to read through the sentences.1. The students should look at the photos and read the passage carefully.2. The students should read the questions below and tell them to answer the questions according to the information provided in the page.3. Individual students should read their sentences aloud to check the answers with the whole class. 1. Listen to the tape and read after it. Then answer the questions below.2. The students should look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then tell them to circle the correct words according to what they hear on the page.1. Read Unit 1three times. 2. Copy Part D2 twice and put them into Chinese3. Review Part A.B.C
后 记 学生们能在听过两遍之后正确的填空,这部分要求叙生背诵。
第 8课教案
课 题 Unit 8 Revision 课 时 5
重 点 Workbook
难 点 Review Unit 5 to Unit 8
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationStep IVPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Unit 8 Part D2. Ask the students to read through the sentences.1. Ask the students to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.2. Ask the students to read the words, look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette.3. Ask the students to fill in the forms according to what they hear on the tape. Then they need to write correct number in the box next to each photo.1. Ask the students to read the report and the words below. Tell them to fill in the blanks to complete the report with correct words below.2. Ask the students to look at the pictures and read the notes. Then ask them to complete the diary below.3. Tell the students to read the letter. Then ask them to write T for ture or F for false for each sentence below.4. Check the answers with the students.Today we have finished the workbook. 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Unit 8 Part D2. Ask the students to read through the sentences.1. The students should look at the second part of the page then look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.2. The students should read the words, look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette.3.The students should fill in the forms according to what they hear on the tape. Then write correct number in the box next to each photo.1. The students should read the report and the words below. Tell them to fill in the blanks to complete the report with correct words below.1. Read Unit 1three times. 2. Copy Part D2 twice and put them into Chinese3. Review Part A.B.C
后 记 活动手册部分掌握得还不错,过去进行时态的填写对学生来讲好像也不成问题。
第 8 课教案
课 题 Unit 8 Revision 课 时 6
重 点 Culture Club:Anmials and cuontries
难 点 The sentences and the new words
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Step I:Warm –upStep II:RevisionStep III. PresentationandPracticeStep VSum-upStep V.Homework 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Unit 8 Part D2. Ask the students to read through the sentences.1. Learn the new words. Translate the sentences.2.Ask the pupils to read the verses silently and to see if they can guess the missing words. Ask them to work in pairs to discuss the missing words with their partners and write the words they agree on in pencil3.Play the cassette for them to listen to the text. .4.Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words5.Then give the verb strips to a student. Ask him/her to come out to the front to attach them to the board in any order. Ask the class to make the past countinuous tense sentences using the connectives. Listen carefully that they are pronouncing the ed sound. 1. Duty report.2. Sing a song.3. Duty report.1. Read Unit 8 Part D2. Ask the students to read through the sentences.1.Show Transparency. Tell the students to look at the pictures carefully.2.Ask the students to learn the sentences meanings to what is shown in the pictures.3.Read the verses silently and to see if they can guess the missing words.3.Work in pairs to discuss the missing words with their partners and write the words they agree on in pencil4.Look carefully at the faces and hair of the children in the two pictures5.Check the answers of WB. Read the whole text1. Revise the whole unit.2. Compare the test.3. 1. To do 《一课一试》
后 记 这一部分的生词量比较大,有很多地名的读法也比较拗口,只作为了解就好了。