Module
Unit?2?What?is?happiness?to?you??
Reading
The
search
for
happiness
Period
一、教材简析和教材处理:
?
Module
What
is
happiness
to
you?
是高中英语模块六的一个谈论如何追求幸福真谛话题的单元。本单元共分为7个大部分。此处为本单元核心部分阅读的第一课时,根据高中英语新课程标准,教师主要任务是通过向学生介绍一定的阅读策略并凭借一些阅读技巧来指导学生如何提高自己整体阅读水平的一课,只着重如何培养学生在阅读教材的阅读能力,因此知识点的讲解在此课时不被纳为为重点。
理论依据:
《高中英语课程标准》
二、Teaching
Aims:
1.
Check
and
enhance
students’reading
abilities.
2.?
Train
Ss
to
gain
an
overall
understanding
of
the
article
and
learn
to
adopt
different
reading
strategies.
三、Teaching
important
points:
1.
Help
Ss
know
something
about
Sang
Lan.
2.
Help
them
learn
something
about
“happiness”.
四、Teaching
difficult
points:
1.
How
to
read
an
interview.
2.How
to
understand
the
passage
better.
五、Teaching
methods:
1.
Improve
the
students’
reading
comprehension.
2.?Practice
to
get
the
students
to
master
what
they’ve
learned.
3.?Discussion
to
make
every
student
work
in
class.
六、Teaching
aids:
1.
the
multi-media
2.?the
blackboard.
七、Teaching
procedures:
Step
1:
Lead-in
(Show
some
photos
about
Sang
Lan
to
the
students):
Today
we
are
going
to
talk
about
a
special
girl
named
Sang
Lan,
who
used
to
be
a
successful
gymnast.
What
do
you
know
about
this
girl?
Now
let’s
think
about
Sang
Lan’s
experience:
Do
you
think
Sang
Lan
had
had
a
happy
life
before
she
was
injured?
Do
you
think
Sang
Lan
has
a
happy
life
now?
What
would
you
do
if
you
had
the
same
problem?
Suppose
you
had
a
chance
to
talk
face
to
face
with
Sang
Lan,
what
would
you
like
most
to
ask
her
about?
【设计说明】通过看图片和谈论,让学生走近桑兰,把学生很自然地引入到新课中,同时激发了他们学习课文内容的浓厚兴趣。
Step
2:
Reading
strategy
The
reading
text
is
an
interview
from
a
programme
about
happiness.
Dr
Brain,
a
psychologist
who
studies
happiness,
is
interviewed
in
a
television
talk
show
and
tells
a
story
about
Sang
Lan.
Do
you
know
what
an
interview
means
and
how
to
read
an
interview?
Let’s
read
the
Reading
strategy
on
page
19.
From
here
we
can
learn
that
an
interview
is
a
formal
meeting
at
which
one
person
asks
another
person
a
series
of
questions
on
a
topic.
When
reading
or
watching
an
interview,
you
should
pay
attention
to
the
topic,
the
opinions
related
to
the
topic,
the
questions
asked
and
the
answers
to
the
questions.
【设计说明】此处我突破了传统的教学模式,把书上原本安排在的每一单元阅读后面的教学策略拿到前面来讲,这样能够更好地帮助学生了解这篇课文的结构以及该如何读这篇文章,为下面的正式阅读做好了铺垫。
Step
3:
Fast
reading
for
general
ideas
Go
through
the
passage
quickly
to
find
answers
to
the
three
questions
in
Part
A.
What
is
the
topic
of
the
interview?
What
is
the
name
of
the
psychologist?
When
and
where
was
Sang
Lan
born?
【设计说明】通过快速阅读,培养学生迅速寻找有用信息的能力,使他们初步对课文的体裁和内容有所了解。。
Step
4:
Careful-reading
for
detailed
information
1.
Read
the
passage
again
and
decide
the
sentences
below
which
ones
are
true
(T)
and
which
ones
are
false(F).
1)
The
topic
of
the
interview
was
the
story
of
Sang
Lan.
2)
Dr
Brain
studies
happiness.
3)
Sang
Lan
became
a
gymnast
when
she
was
eleven
years
old.
4)
Sang
Lan
was
injured
in
China
in
1998,
while
practising
for
the
Goodwill
Games.
5)
Before
her
accident,Sang
Lan’s
best
event
was
the
vault.
6)
Sang
Lan
broke
her
legs
and
will
never
walk
again.
7)
Leonardo
DiCaprio
visited
Sang
Lan
in
the
hospital.
8)
Sang
Lan
believes
doing
no
work
keeps
her
happy.
2.
Analyze
the
structure
of
the
text,
and
finish
the
following
table.
(附参考答案)
Type
of
writing
This
is
a
talk
show.
Main
idea
of
the
passage
It
tells
about
how
to
find
happiness
Topic
sentence
of
1st
and
2nd
paragraph
Greet
the
viewers.
And
an
introduction
to
the
topic—how
happiness
means
to
different
people
Topic
sentence
of
3rd
and
4th
paragraphs
brief
introduction
to
Sang
Lan
to
show
how
she
enjoys
her
life.
Topic
sentence
of
5th
and
6th
paragraphs
More
details
about
Sang
Lan—her
life,
her
personality
and
her
accident.
Topic
sentence
of
7th
and
8th
paragraphs
How
she
overcame
all
the
difficulties
and
remains
a
cheerful
and
happy
person.
Topic
sentence
of
9th-12th
and
paragraphs
How
she
adapted
to
her
new
life.
Topic
sentence
of
13th
paragraph
Conclusion—how
to
search
for
happiness
in
our
life.
【设计说明】通过判断正误的练习和概括文章的段落大意,让学生进一步加深对课文的了解。
Step
5:
Discussion(
work
in
groups
)
Now
we’ve
gone
through
the
passage
and
known
a
lot
more
about
Sang
Lan.
Appreciate
her
several
beautiful
photos
again.
Look
at
smiles
on
her
face.
What
do
you
think
of
her?
Can
you
describe
what
kind
of
girl
she
is?
You
may
use
the
spider
gram
below
to
help
you.
【设计说明】通过学生分组讨论,有效地锻炼了他们分析事物的能力,使桑兰这一人物的性格在他们脑海中留下了较为深刻的印象。
Step
5:
Practice
1.
Complete
Part
on
page
20.
Find
these
words
and
expressions
in
the
interview.
Guess
their
meanings
from
the
context.
Then
match
them
with
the
correct
definitions.
2.
Complete
Part
on
page
21.
Read
this
newspaper
article
about
Sang
Lan.
Complete
it
with
the
words
below.
【设计说明】单词配对练习巩固了学生对所学的词汇的掌握;
同时为学生更好地理解课文减少了障碍,而根据课文填空的练习则进一步加强了学生对文章的理解。
Step
6:
Post-reading
activities
Think
about
the
following
questions
again.
What
is
happiness?
What
is
the
real
value
of
being
alive?
Does
being
healthy
and
wealthy
mean
happiness?
Does
being
respected
and
well-liked
mean
happiness?
Have
a
debate.
The
topic
is
“Sang
Lan
was
happier
before
the
accident
than
she
is
now.”
【设计说明】在此让学生再次思考了本课的主要任务,让他们对人生的真谛,幸福的含义有了更好的诠释,充分体现了本课的教学目标。
Step
7:
Homework
1.
Finish
Parts
A1
and
A2
on
page
in
Workbook.
2.
Go
over
the
reading
passage.
教学反思:
在传统的课堂教学中,学生处于被动状态,以听、想的学习方式接受大量知识,其思维过程被教师所牵制,缺乏主动性,教师也往往被自己设计的教学思路所限制,即为单向传授(act)和应答(react)教学模式。这样的教学,师生缺乏交流、互动不够,缺乏创新,影响
(?http:?/??/?www.?/??)了教学效率和学生能力的培养。而现代教学论指出,教学过程是师生交往、积极互动、共同发展的过程。因此在本课时的教学过程中,我先通过向学生展示了桑兰的几张面带微笑的照片,在融洽的气氛中,让他们产生强烈的求知欲望,处于欲罢不能的境地,兴趣盎然的通读全文,然后我又运用各种阅读技巧和方法最大限度地调动他们学习的主动性和创造性,很快就让学生进入良好的准备状态,激发了他们的学习兴趣,
从而让他们产生一种探求知识的渴望,再而水到渠成地让他们对课堂有进一步探求的心理,去发掘可以使他们产生兴趣的话题,以引起他们的注意。这样,学生就会在轻松和谐的学习气氛中主动去摄取信息,并形成学生自主、老师民主的互动教学氛围。通过本课时的学习学生对什么是真正的幸福,生命的真谛有了非常明确的理解。不足的是部分学生的英语口语不是太好。
brave
considerate
courageous
Personality
of
Sang
Lan
determined
hard-working
optimistic