人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions 单元词汇巩固练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions 单元词汇巩固练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 19.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-04-17 12:36:46



B2U4 History and Traditions 单元词汇巩固练习
He stayed in the village for three months, and moved to a __________________(附近的) city.
He is an excellent lawyer with the determination to make _______________________(成就).
It’s an organization that offers free ____________(合法的) advice头people on low incomes.
The Education Department focuses on the entire education system, instead of i________________ schools.
He took a very scientific __________________(方法) to management, which is of great use.
Many couples have decided to have a second baby after the a_______________ of the two-child policy.
It is g_____________ of him to contribute a lot of money to the rural schools.
He is going to be in a very difficult p_____________ if things get worse.
People have been following the _______________(习俗) of spring outings since ancient times.
After the dinner, I looked at the bill and found it was 200 yuan in all, including a bottle of w___________.
English, as well as Chinese and maths, _____________(be) of great importance.
Dunn believes that people _____________ reach out to strangers feels a significantly greater sense of ____________(belong), a bond with others.
The museum _________________(locate) in a park which _________________(surround) with a number of ______________(impress) buildings.
________ average, happy people have stronger immune systems, and there is evidence ________ they live longer.
The hotel wanted to charge $150 ________ the room service, but we couldn’t afford ____________(live) in such _______ expensive hotel.
All approaches you thought of to ______________(solve) the problem are very reasonable.
Kate was in a hurry ____________(grow) up, eager __________ knowledge and experience.
This _______________(fascinate) island, __________(join) to the mainland by a bridge, is a popular historic site.
With the exam ________________(approach), I believe you should spend more time ______________(review).
Not _____________(return) home for a long time, she is eager ________________(see) her parents.
break away (from)______________ belong to________________ as well as_______________
in defence of __________________ surround...with..__________ keep one’s eyes open______
be located in __________________ take charge of____________ the amount of____________
be crowded with________________ refer to _________________ result in_________________
When Abraham Lincoln was elected President, the southern states ________________ and founded a new nation.
She speaks Chinese well, __________________ knowing some Russian.
We shouldn’t forget the soldiers who died _____________________ our country.
Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future ________________ the creative.
About two hours later, we arrived at a pleasant park __________________________ trees and flowers.
The son ___________________ the company after his father’s death.
It is not surprising that the shopping mall _________________________ people during significant festivals.
________________the middle of the Indian Ocean, Maldives has fascinating beaches.
I’m familiar with the person ________________ at the meeting.
_____________________ money she has spent on clothes comes up to 1 million.
If you ___________________________, you’ll be surprised to find that you can see both its past and its present.
It is his carelessness that _________________ the terrible accident.
四、 补全或翻译下面句子
1. 众所周知,失败往往由懒惰导致,而勤奋(diligence)能导致成功。
Evidence ___________________(found) through ________________________ that children’s early sleeping problems _____________________________________________________________________________________.
官方消息称,他不久将再次来中国访问。(announce; pay a visit)
英国有着可以探索的悠久而有趣的历史,这可以帮助你更多地了解这个国家及其传统。(there be;定语从句)
________________________________________________________, we could always see a carpet of flowers.
我想知道美国感恩节的习俗,因为我第一次参加这类活动。(wonder, it句式)
China, well known for her ancient civilization, has a long history---about 5,000 years! Like most other great 1________________(civilization) of the world, China can trace her culture back to a blend(融合) of small 2___________(origin) tribes which had expanded till they became the great country we have today.
It is recorded that 3_____________(old) dynasty is the Xia Dynasty in China. Qin Dynasty was the dynasty that unified China, established the Great Wall, and laid the back foundation for all of the 4________________(follow) dynasties. The Han (206BCE--220AD) and Tang(618--907) dynasties were 5___________(wide) regarded as golden eras in Chinese history, while even tumultuous(动荡的) periods such as the Jin Dynasty(265--420) 6_________(see) great advancements in culture and art. Throughout the 10th and 11th centuries, China was so prosperous under the Song government’s rule 7_________ the population doubled in size, 8_______________(make) her the richest, most skilled and most populous country on earth at the time. Along with the Forbidden City and the Great Wall, the Ming Dynasty left behind 9___________ distinguished reputation as a period characterized by social stability and prominent international stature(声望). Qing Dynasty is the last imperial dynasty in Chinese history.
During the long history of China, there 10____________(emerge) many remarkable people that had contributed a lot 11_______ the development of the whole country and to the enrichment of her history. 12____________ them, there are emperors like Li Shimin, philosophers like Confucius, great poets like Qu Yuan and so on.
Chinese society has progressed through many ups 13__________ downs. The rise and fall of the great dynasties 14___________(form) a thread that run through Chinese history. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China on October 1st, 1949, China 15________________(become) stronger and stronger.
一、1. surrounding 2. achievements 3. legal 4. individual 5. approach 6. announcement
7. generous 8. position 9. customs 10. wine
二、1. is 2. who; belonging 3. is located; is surrounded; impressive 4. On, that 5. for, to live; an
6. solving 7. to grow, for 8. fascinating, joined 9. approaching, reviewing 10. returning, to see
三、1. broke away 2. as well as 3. in defence of 4. belongs to 5. was surrounded with 6. took charge of 7. is crowded with 8. Located in 9. referred to 10. The amount of 11. keep your eyes open 12. resulted in
四、1. As is known to all, failure usually results from laziness while diligence can result in success.
2. The house which belongs to/belonging to the old lady is in good condition/in a good state.
3. Evidence has been found through years of study that children’s early sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up.
4. With the approach of the exams/With the exam approaching, I find some students anxious and unable to focus on their study.
5. It has been officially announced that he will pay a second visit to China soon.
6. Many students are eager for/to find a good way to improve their English writing in a short period.
7. There’s a long and interesting history to explore in the United Kingdom, which can help you understand much more about the country and its traditions./which can help you have a better understanding of/take a deeper insight into the country and its traditions.
8. wherever we stand in the mountain
9. I’m wondering what the Thanksgiving customs are in America, as it is the first time that I have taken part in such kind of activity/as it is the first time for me to take part in such kind of activity.
10. Working on the farm makes him understand/allows him to understand the hardship of his parents.
语法填空:1. civilizations 2. original 3. the oldest 4. following 5. widely 6. saw 7. that 8. making
9. a 10. emerged 11. to 12. Among 13. and 14. forms 15. has become