中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Good
English4b
Lesson6
The
Scarecrows
(period
Apr.
28)
【Teaching
Objectives】:
Ss
can:
To
make
Ss
think
&
predict
what
will
happen
in
each
illustration
of
the
story.
To
make
Ss
tell
the
story
according
to
the
illustrations.
【Teaching
focus】:
They
planted
seeds
and
they
put
in
plants.
Chip
wanted
the
scarecrow
to
be
a
boy.
He
called
it
Fred.
The
scarecrow
came
to
life.
“I’m
alive!”called
Fred.
Fred
jumped
in
the
air
There
were
some
scarecrows
in
the
lane.
Fred
waved
at
them.
Fred
made
Biff
and
Chip
into
scarecrows.
【Difficulties】:
To
be
able
to
tell
the
story
according
to
the
pictures.
【Activities】:
New
words:
Structures:
Aids:
books,
reading
material,
worksheet
Steps
Contents
Methods/Activities
Purpose
Pre-task
Daily
show.
Review
the
first
part
of
the
story
While-task
Talk
about
the
pictures.
Practise
the
skills
of
speaking
and
cooperation.
Listen
and
answer!
Have
Ss
have
a
brainstorm.
Before
listening,
have
Ss
imagine
what
happened
and
describe
to
make
them
talk
.
Have
Ss
grasp
the
new
words
by
using.
How
could
Fred
do?
Listen
and
fill
Fred
_______Biff
and
Chip
______scarecrows.
They
went
to________________.
Talk
about
what
happened
at
the
dance.
What?
Who
?
Listen!
What
did
Biff
say?
(“See!There
are
girl
scarecrows.
told
you
so.”)
Discussion:
Did
Fred
want
to
go
back?Why
or
why
not?
Did
Biff
have
a
good
idea?
Predict:
What
did
Biff
and
Chip
do
after
they
came
back
home?
Quick
response
Use
the
correct
words
seeds,
plants,
air,
barn,
band,
lane
1.A
scarecrow
pointed
to
a
________.
2.There
were
some
scarecrows
in
the
______.
3.Fred
jumped
in
the
______.
4.The
_______began
to
play.
5.They
ate
the
________and
pecked
the
_________.
begin,
make,
run
up
to,
wave
at,
come,
paint,
plant,
put
in
1.Chip
_________a
face
on
it.
2.They
________seeds
and
they
_________plants.
3.Fred
______________the
scarecrow
and
_____________them.
4.The
scarecrow
________to
life.
5.Fred
_________Biff
and
Chip
into
scarecrows.
6.Biff
_________to
dance
with
the
scarecrows.
Try
to
guess
and
talk.
Use
the
imagination.
Cultivate
the
ability
of
speaking.
Post-task
Summarize:
consolidate
Assignments:
Recite
the
story
and
be
able
to
act
in
role
play.
Board
Design
21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)(共39张PPT)
scarecrow
?['ske?kr??]
It
is
an
object
in
the
shape
of
a
person,
which
is
put
in
a
field
where
crops
are
growing
in
order
to
frighten
birds
away.
What’s
the
video
about?
How
did
they
make
it?
Where
did
they
put
it?
What’s
the
video
about?
How
did
they
make
it?
Where
did
they
put
it?
Read:
Read
the
story
through.
Answer:
What
does
the
text
say?
(What
is
the
story
about?)
1st
Read:
Get
the
Gist
第一次读:了解大意
Answer:
What
does
the
text
say?
Done
with
1st
Read
Mum
helped
Biff
and
Chip
make
a
scarecrow
called
Fred.
They
went
on
a
magic
key
adventure
where
they
all
danced
with
the
scarecrows
because
Fred
made
the
children
into
scarecrows.
Who?
Biff,Chip,Mum
and
Fred.
What?
They
all
danced
with
the
scarecrows.
Where?
in
a
magic
key
adventure
Why?
Biff
and
Chip
weren’t
scarecrows.
Fred
made
the
children
into
scarecrows.
Read:
Read
the
story
closely.
Mark:
Mark
anything
you
notice.
2nd
Read:
Dig
a
Little
Deeper
第二次读:深度阅读
Where?
What?
Who?
They
__________and
they
put
in_______.
planted
seeds
plant:
n.?It
is
a
living
thing
that
grows
in
the
earth
and
has
a
stem,
leaves,
and
roots.
v.
You
put
sth
into
the
ground
so
that
it
will
grow
there.
plants
Picture
talking
The
birds
_____
_______
________and
__________
_______
_______.
liked
the
garden
pecked
the
plants
[pek]:bite
at
sth
Go
away!
How
was
Biff?
Why?
make
a
scarecrow
Do
you
know
how
to
make
one?
How
can
we
make
a
scarecrow?
What
do
we
need?
old
clothes
(hat,boots…)
stuffing
(填充物)(straws
稻草...)
paint
bag
yarns
or
strings
sticks…
They
__________some
old
clothes
and
______the
scarecrow’s
body.
Biff_______a
bag.
Chip
_______a
face
on
it.
Mum
_______the
scarecrow’s
hair.
got
made
got
painted
made
Biff
was
unhappy?
Why?
Chip
________the
scarecrow
_____
_____a
boy.
He
called
it
_____.
Biff
_________it
______
_____a
girl.
“_____
____________
_______
________,”said
Chip.
wanted
to
be
Fred
wanted
to
be
All
scarecrows
are
boys
Where
would
the
magic
key
take
them?
The
scarecrow______________.
“I’m_______!”called
Fred.
Fred
jumped
in
the
air.
Who?
come
to
life
:
be
born
or
come
into
existence
came
to
life
alive:
living,
not
dead
alive
There
were
some
____________in
the
lane.
Fred
_______
_______them.
Fred
______
______
_____the
scarecrows.
waved
at
ran
up
to
Q:Where
were
the
scarecrows
going?
scarecrows
lane:
?is
a
narrow
road,
especially
in
the
country
wave
at:move
your
hand
from
side
to
side
in
the
air,
usually
in
order
to
say
hello
or
goodbye
to
someone.
scarecrow
pointed
to
a
barn.
the
barn
dance
here
Saturday
Could
Biff
and
Chip
go
to
the
barn
dance,
too?
Homework(作业)
Due(截止日期)
1.
Listen
to
the
story
and
read
it
skilfully
and
dramatically
for
times
or
more.
跟读课文录音至少3遍。
16th
Mar.
2.
Finish
W6D1
worksheet.
完成W6D1练习单,以拍照形式上传至晓黑板。
16th
Mar.
Homework
…
In
lesson
2,
we
will
1.
Learn
the
last
part
of
this
story
and
discuss
some
questions.
2.Try
to
retell
the
whole
story.
3.Check
comprehension.中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Lesson
6(Period
1)逐字稿
Hello!Good
morning,
everyone!
Welcome
to
my
class.
This
is
Miss
Tina.
Before
our
class,
let’s
enjoy
some
pictures.
Look!
What
are
these?
Yes,
they
are
scarecrows.
Where
can
we
see
the
scarecrow?
What
is
the
scarecrow
for?
Do
you
know
how
to
make
a
scarecrow?
Let’s
enjoy
the
cartoon
and
then
tell
me
your
answers.
So
Q1:
What
is
the
video
about?
It
is
the
cartoon
about
the
Pepper
pig’s
family.
They
made
a
scarecrow
to
scare
the
birds
away.
Q2:
How
did
they
make
it?
They
used
sticks,
strings,
straws,
an
old
sack
and
old
clothes
to
make
the
scarecrow.
Q3:
Where
did
they
put
it?
They
put
it
in
the
field.
In
today’s
story,
Biff
and
Chip
made
the
scarecrow
too.
How
did
they
make
it?
Did
they
make
it
in
the
same
way
as
the
Pigs
did?
Let’s
learn
Lesson
scarecrows.
First,
get
the
gist.
Read
the
story
through
and
then
tell
us
what
the
story
is
about?
Let’s
enjoy
the
reading
together.
Done
with
the
first
read.
Can
you
tell
us:
what
does
the
text
say?
There
are
questions
to
help
you
think.
Let’s
answer
these
questions
together.
First,
who
was
the
story
about?
They
are
Biff,
Chip,
Mum
and
Fred.
Second,
what
happened
to
the
children
at
last?
At
last,
they
all
danced
with
the
scarecrows.
And
where
did
the
story
take
place?
In
a
magic
key
adventure.
And
why
can’t
they
go
to
dance?
Because
Biff
and
Chip
weren’t
scarecrows.
Fred
made
them
into
scarecrows.
Now,
can
you
put
these
answers
together
and
tell
us
what
the
story
is
about?
Here
is
my
answer:
Mum
helped
Biff
and
Chip
make
a
scarecrow
called
Fred.
They
went
on
a
magic
key
adventure
where
they
all
danced
with
the
scarecrows
because
Fred
made
the
children
into
scarecrows.
How
about
your
answer?
Now
let’s
come
to
the
second
read.
First,
read
the
story
closely,
and
then
mark
anything
you
notice.
Look
at
the
picture,
where
were
they?
They
were
in
the
garden.
And
who
were
they?
They
were
Biff,
Chip
and
Mum.
And
what
did
Biff
and
Chip
do?
They
planted
seeds
and
they
put
in
plants.
Here
plant
has
two
meanings.
As
a
noun,
it
is
a
living
thing
that
grows
in
the
earth
and
has
a
stem,
leaves,
and
roots.
As
a
verb,
it
means
you
put
sth
into
the
ground
so
that
it
will
grow
there.
Now
let’s
look
at
picture2.How
was
Biff
and
why?
We
can
find
that
Biff
was
very
angry
or
cross,
because
the
birds
liked
the
garden
and
pecked
the
plants.
Here
peck,
it
is
a
verb.
It
means
bite
at
sth.
And
what
did
Biff
say?
She
said
go
away!
And
then
Biff
and
Chip
had
a
good
idea.
What
was
the
idea?
They
decided
to
make
a
scarecrow
to
scare
the
birds
away.
So
do
you
know
how
to
make
one?
How
can
we
make
a
scarecrow?
And
what
do
we
need?
Think
about
it.
We
have
discussed
it
in
the
beginning
part,
right?
Here
are
my
answers.
When
we
make
a
scarecrow,
we
need
some
old
clothes,
stuffing,
paint,
bag,
yarns
or
strings,
sticks
and
so
on.
Now
let’s
find
how
did
Biff
and
Chip
make
a
scarecrow.
They
got
some
old
clothes
and
made
the
scarecrow’s
body.
Biff
got
a
bag.
Chip
painted
a
face
on
it.
And
Mum
made
the
scarecrow’s
hair.
Chip
wanted
the
scarecrow
to
be
a
boy.
He
called
it
Fred.
Biff
wanted
it
to
be
a
girl.
“All
scarecrows
are
boys,”
said
Chip.
From
picture
to
7,
we
find
Chip
was
Happy
but
Biff
was
angry.
Do
you
know
why?
Because
Biff
wanted
the
scarecrow
to
be
a
girl,
right?
and
then
what
happened?
The
magic
key
began
to
glow.
And
it
took
them
inside
the
little
house.
Where
would
the
magic
take
them?
We
find
the
magic
key
took
them
to
a
field.
And
the
scarecrow
came
to
life.
Here
come
to
life
means
be
born
or
come
into
existence.
am
alive.
Fred
jumped
in
the
air.
Alive
means
living
or
not
dead.
Ok,
let’s
see
the
yellow
bubble
who
were
they?
Yes,
there
were
some
scarecrows
in
the
lane.
Lane
means
it
is
a
narrow
road,
especially
in
the
country.
And
Fred
waved
at
them.
Wave
at
means
move
your
hand
from
side
to
side
in
the
air,
usually
in
order
to
say
hello
or
goodbye
to
someone.
And
Fred
ran
up
to
the
scarecrows.
And
where
were
the
scarecrows
going?
scarecrow
pointed
to
a
barn.
They
were
going
to
the
barn
dance.
How
can
we
know
that?
We
can
find
it
on
the
noticeboard.
The
barn
dance
here
Saturday.
look
at
this
picture,
could
Biff
and
Chip
go
to
the
barn
dance,
too?
We
will
discuss
it
next
class.
here
is
your
homework.
Next
class
we
will
learn
the
last
part
of
this
story
and
discuss
some
questions.
And
then
we
will
try
to
retell
the
whole
story.
At
last,
we
will
check
comprehension.
Thanks
for
your
watching.
See
you
next
time!
21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)(共25张PPT)
Stories
and
adventures
in
the
book:
Noah’s
Ark
Underground
Adventure
Vanishing
Cream
The
Dragon
Tree
Castle
Adventure
It’s
not
fair
…
Who
are
the
main
characters?
The
wizard
of
scarecrow
Where?
What?
They
planted
seeds
and
they
put
in
plants.
Who?
How
to
take
care
of
the
seeds
and
the
plants?
Biff
was
cross.
What
happened?
The
birds
_____
_______
________and
__________
_______
_______.
liked
the
garden
pecked
the
plants
[pek]啄
make
a
scarecrow
Do
you
know
how
to
make
one?
What
do
we
need?
How
to
make
a
scarecrow?
old
clothes
(boots…)
stuffing
(straw…)
paint
They
__________some
old
clothes
and
______the
scarecrow’s
body.
Biff_______a
bag.
Chip
_______a
face
on
it.
Mum
_______the
scarecrow’s
hair.
got
made
got
painted
made
Biff
was
unhappy?
Why?
Chip
________the
scarecrow
_____
_____a
boy.
He
called
it
_____.
Biff
_________it
______
_____a
girl.
“_____
____________
_______
________,”said
Chip.
wanted
to
be
Fred
wanted
to
be
All
scarecrows
are
boys
Work
in
pairs!
What
do
you
think?
Where
would
the
magic
key
take
them?
Who
?
Make
a
dialogue
Kipper:
Chip:
Fred
:
The
scarecrow
came
to
life.
“I’m
alive!”called
Fred.
Fred
jumped
in
the
air.
Where
?
There
were
some
____________in
the
lane.
Fred
_______
_______them.
Fred
______
______
_____the
scarecrows.
waved
at
ran
up
to
Q:Where
were
the
scarecrows
going?
scarecrows
scarecrow
pointed
to
a
barn.
the
barn
dance
here
Saturday
Fred
had
a
good
idea!
Could
Biff
and
Chip
go
to
the
barn
dance,too?
Fred
_______Biff
and
Chip
______scarecrows.
They
went
to________________.
made
into
the
dance
Talk
about
what
happened.
Who
?
What
?
The
band
“See!
There
are
girl
scarecrows.
told
you
so.”
Discussion:
Did
Fred
want
to
go
back?
Why
or
why
not?
lonely
again
no
other
scarecrows
Alive
or
dead?
What
idea
did
Biff
and
Chip
have
in
mind?
put
up
a
girl
scarecrow
What
would
mum
say?
1.What
did
Biff
and
Chip
do
in
the
garden?
2.Why
did
they
chase
the
birds
?What
did
the
children
do?
3.What
happened
to
Fred
when
he
was
in
the
field?
4.Why
couldn’t
the
children
go
to
the
barn
dance?Who
had
a
good
idea?What
was
it?
5.Did
the
children
have
a
good
time
at
the
dance?Talk
about
the
dance.
6.Why
did
Biff
put
a
girl
scarecrow
in
the
garden?
They
planted
seeds
and
put
in
the
plants.
Because
they
ate
the
seeds
and
pecked
the
plants.They
made
a
scarecrow.
He
came
to
life.
They
were
humans.Fred
made
them
into
scarecrows.
Yes.The
band…Everyone
…
Because…
seeds,plants,air,barn,band,lane
Choose
1.A
scarecrow
pointed
to
a
________.
2.There
were
some
scarecrows
in
the
______.
3.Fred
jumped
in
the
______.
4.The
_______began
to
play.
5.They
ate
the
________and
pecked
the
_________.
barn
air
band
seeds
plants
lane
begin,make,run
up
to,wave
at,come,
paint,plant,put
in
Choose
1.Chip
_________a
face
on
it.
2.They
________seeds
and
they
_________plants.
3.Fred
______________the
scarecrow
and
_____________them.
4.The
scarecrow
________to
life.
5.Fred
_________Biff
and
Chip
into
scarecrows.
6.Biff
_________to
dance
with
the
scarecrows.
painted
planted
put
in
waved
at
ran
up
to
came
made
began中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Good
English4b
Lesson6
The
Scarecrows
(period
Apr.
27)
【Teaching
Objectives】:
Ss
can:
To
make
Ss
think
&
predict
what
will
happen
in
each
illustration
of
the
story.
To
make
Ss
tell
the
story
according
to
the
illustrations.
【Teaching
focus】:
They
planted
seeds
and
they
put
in
plants.
Chip
wanted
the
scarecrow
to
be
a
boy.
He
called
it
Fred.
The
scarecrow
came
to
life.
“I’m
alive!”called
Fred.
Fred
jumped
in
the
air
There
were
some
scarecrows
in
the
lane.
Fred
waved
at
them.
Fred
made
Biff
and
Chip
into
scarecrows.
【Difficulties】:
To
be
able
to
tell
the
story
according
to
the
pictures.
【Activities】:
New
words:
Structures:
Aids:
books,
reading
material,
worksheet
Steps
Contents
Methods/Activities
Purpose
Pre-task
Daily
show.
While-task
Talk
about
the
pictures.
Practise
the
skills
of
speaking
and
cooperation.
Listen
and
answer!
Have
Ss
have
a
brainstorm.
Before
listening,have
Ss
imagine
what
happened
and
describe
to
make
them
talk
.
To
predict.
Have
Ss
share
their
opinions.
Have
Ss
talk
about
the
1st
picture.
Where
?
What
did
the
children
do?
Talk
:Why
did
Biff
look
angry?
What
happened?
Listen
and
fill.
The
birds
_____
_______
________and__________
_______
_______.
What
did
Biff
and
Chip
do?
Talk
:
Can
you
make
a
scarecrow?
How
can
you
make
it?
Look
and
fill.
They
__________some
old
clothes
and
______the
scarecrow’s
body.
Biff_____________a
bag.
Chip
_______a
face
on
it.
Mum
_______the
scarecrow’s
hair.
How
did
Chip
look?
What
about
Biff?
Why?
Listen
and
fill.
Chip
________the
scarecrow
_____
_____a
boy.
He
called
it
_____.
Biff
_________it
______
_____a
girl.
“_____
____________
_______
________,”said
Chip.
Ask:
What
would
the
magic
take
the
children?
Where?
What
happened
to
Fred?
Look
and
fill.
Guess:
Q:Where
were
the
scarecrows
going?
Q:
Could
Biff
and
Chip
go
to
the
barn
dance,
too?
Use
the
imagination.
Cultivate
the
ability
of
speaking.
Post-task
Summarize:
Assignments:
Recite
the
story
and
be
able
to
act
in
role
play.
Board
Design
21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)(共15张PPT)
Fred
had
a
good
idea!
Could
Biff
and
Chip
go
to
the
barn
dance,too?
Fred
_______Biff
and
Chip
______scarecrows.
They
went
to________________.
made
into
the
dance
make…into
:turn
into
The
band
Where?
What?
“See!
There
are_____________.
told
you
so.”
girl
scarecrows
Discussion:
Did
Fred
want
to
go
back?
Why
or
why
not?
lonely
again
no
other
scarecrows
Alive
or
dead?
It
was
time
to
go
home.
What
idea
did
Biff
and
Chip
have
in
mind?
They
put
up
a
girl
scarecrow.
What
would
mum
say?
Read
:
Read
with
feelings.
Write:
Fill
out
your
story
map.
Retell:
Retell
the
story.
3rd
Read:
Put
it
All
Together
第三次读:整体分析
Scarecrows
Part
III(P16-18)
After
the
adventure
Part
II(P9-15)
During
the
adventure
Part
I(P1-8)
Before
the
adventure
Why
did
Biff
and
Chip
make
a
scarecrow?
How
did
they
make
the
scarecrow?
What
was
the
scarecrow’s
name?
Was
there
any
different
opinion
between
Biff
and
Chip?
What
was
it?
What
did
Biff
and
Chip
do?
How
many
scarecrows
did
Biff
and
Chip
put
in
the
garden?
What
happened
to
Fred
in
the
adventure?
Who
did
they
meet
in
the
lane?
Where
were
the
scarecrows
going?
Why
couldn’t
Biff
and
Chip
go
to
the
dance?
Did
Biff
and
Chip
go
to
the
dance?
How?
Did
they
have
fun?
Were
there
any
girl
scarecrows?
1.What
did
Biff
and
Chip
do
in
the
garden?
2.Why
did
they
chase
the
birds?What
did
the
children
do?
3.What
happened
to
Fred
when
he
was
in
the
field?
4.Why
couldn’t
the
children
go
to
the
barn
dance?Who
had
a
good
idea?What
was
it?
5.Did
the
children
have
a
good
time
at
the
dance?
6.Why
did
Biff
put
a
girl
scarecrow
in
the
garden?
They
planted
seeds
and
put
in
the
plants.
Because
they
ate
the
seeds
and
pecked
the
plants.They
made
a
scarecrow.
He
came
to
life.
They
were
humans.Fred
made
them
into
scarecrows.
Yes.They…
Because…
seeds/plants/air/barn/band/lane
Choose
1.A
scarecrow
pointed
to
a
________.
2.There
were
some
scarecrows
in
the
______.
3.Fred
jumped
in
the
______.
4.The
_______began
to
play.
5.They
ate
the
________and
pecked
the
_________.
barn
air
band
seeds
plants
lane
begin/make/run
up
to/wave
at/come
paint/plant/put
in
Choose
1.Chip
_________a
face
on
it.
2.They
________seeds
and
they
_________plants.
3.Fred
______________the
scarecrow
and
_____________them.
4.The
scarecrow
________to
life.
5.Fred
_________Biff
and
Chip
into
scarecrows.
6.Biff
_________to
dance
with
the
scarecrows.
painted
planted
put
in
waved
at
ran
up
to
came
made
began
Tool:Learn
to
ask
questions
Homework(作业)
Due(截止日期)
Recite
P10-17
of
the
story
背诵课文P10-17。
17th
Mar.
2.
Finish
W6D2
worksheet.
完成W6D2练习单,以拍照形式上
传至晓黑板。
17th
Mar.
Homework