模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature备课笔记


名称 模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature备课笔记
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2012-03-07 13:06:37



主备人 丁佳园 执教人 授课日期 班级
总课题 M5U3 总课时 分课时 1 课型 新授
课题 M5U3 Welcome to the unit
教学目标 think more about the relationship between science and nature.describe some items and atmosphere with scientific terms.express their opinions on cloned animals and humans as well.develop an interest in doing more reading and research on the topic.
教学重点 Words , phrases and sentence patterns
教学难点 Practical usage
教具 Blackboard , slides and handouts
教学内容 教法学法
Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead in (PPT 4-7)Play a dialogue about height-increasing operations and ask students to fill in the blanks. After checking the answers, allow some time for students to freely express their opinions on height-increasing operations, thus introduce the major topic “science versus nature”。[Explanation]用一段有关增高术的听力引入主题,主要是考虑到这一切入点与实际生活较为贴近,比较容易让学生有话说,作为人类利用科学对自然的东西做出改变的一个典型例子可以顺其自然得引入本课主题。Step 2 Science versus nature (PPT 8)Explain the word “versus” ( Two sides are against each other)Brainstorming. Ask students to think of other cases in which science goes against nature The teacher can introduce some new vocabulary like GM food and plastic surgery which might be useful in later teaching. Show some pictures to help them better understand these things.Suggested answers: GM food, cloning, dams, artificial rainfall, organ transplant, air-conditioner, cloud seeding, plastic surgery, euthanasia, etc.Allow students some time to have a light discussion on advantages and disadvantages of any of the above cases. In terms of science versus nature, what do you think the relationship between science and nature should be like (Both advance in harmony)[Explanation]本节将主题定位在“科学对抗自然”,让学生了解了这一关系后,用头脑风暴的形式让学生从增高术联想起更多的现实生活中能体现这一关系的案例,如转基因食品,人工雨等。Step 3 Cloning (PPT 9-11)Display pictures of Dolly and normal sheep on the screen. Tell them Dolly is a cloned sheep. But it looks no different from normal sheep. Show more pictures of cloned animals ( cloned calves, pigs, monkey and mule). Their names can be introduced here, which might arouse students’ more interest.Introduce the concept of “copy”. Ask the students to think about this question: Are cloned animals exactly the same as the “mother animals”?(They may have the same appearance but their physical qualities can be very different. Many cloned animals died at a much younger age than average.)Interview one student about his feeling towards cloned animals by asking the following three questions: 1) If you happen to have a cloned cat, how would you feel (excited) 2) What if another cat with the same appearance comes to you (surprised and more excited) 3) What if more cats with the same appearance come to you (shocked and scared)Interview another student about his feeling towards a “cloned him”. Then ask the other students if they would like to see a “cloned him” and why.Girls versus boys. Ask students to have a 2-minute debate on whether it would be a good idea to clone humans some day. [Explanation]本节将讨论的重点转向克隆。通过图片展示的方式让学生对克隆动物有个感性的认识,并引进“拷贝”的概念,与第二课时的阅读标题形成呼应。Step 4 Summary (PPT 12)Give a brief summary of their debate. Point out any possible problems in their debate like the lack of ideas and supporting points. Tell students that you will read more about cloning in the following period and will have a further discussion.[Explanation]对学生的辩论进行简短的评价,一是评价学生的表现,二是让学生产生更多的兴趣去阅读,并且阅读的目的性更明确,从而能够保证阅读的成效。
主备人 丁佳园 执教人 授课日期 班级
总课题 M5U3 总课时 分课时 1 课型 复习
课题 M5U3 Reading
教学目标 1. use some useful phrases to state their “for and against” opinions on an atmosphere.write a persuasive article using supporting details.do conversion between book knowledge and their own knowledge.persuade using their voices.concern more about the relationship between science and nature.
教学重点 Words , phrases and sentence patterns
教学难点 Practical usage
教具 Blackboard , slides and handouts
教学内容 教法学法
Step 1 lead in (PPT 4-5)Start the lesson by a brief review of what students have talked about cloning. Present the learning objective of this period, which is to get more knowledge about cloning, and grasp effective ways to express positive and negative opinions.Prediction based on the title. What attitude does the author hold towards cloning, positive or negative or neutral [Explanation]基于上一课时已经对克隆这一话题有所涉及,本节的导入以单刀直入、承上启下为特点。因为阅读的内容相对比较多,因此要让学生在一开始就了解到本节课的学习目标,才能保证阅读的有效性。根据标题猜测作者的态度,进而在文章阅读完之后解决这个问题,体现了阅读的层次性。Step 2 First reading (PPT 6-14)1. Activity 1: Divide the whole class into 6 groups and set them off to dealing with separate paragraphs. Require them to make each paragraph into a short drama, a monologue or a small press conference dependently. Allow them five to six minutes to do speed reading and preparations. Requirements: They need to get the main idea of each paragraph across to their peers with very short performance and they need to pay attention to some details.2.Before students’ performance, hand out question sheets to be completed so that students can better understand what is being performed and they can be more focused.3.Check the answers. If there’s any information missing, they can do a second reading.[Explanation]本节阅读部分内容比较多,如果单纯安排学生速读或听读的话,时间比较长,而且比较枯燥。在学生演绎各段内容的同时,让学生根据他们所看到听到的把相应的问题回答出来,可以锻炼他们“注意听”的能力。Step 3 Second reading (PPT 15-19)Ask students to read the passage on P42 again and it they find any sentence difficult to understand, they can ask.What’s the author’s attitude (neutral) What phrases can be used to state both positive and negative attitudes towards an item ( On the one hand; on the other hand; and state different facts))If you want to state “for” or “against” only, how or what can you write to make your arguments more persuasive Free discussion.Ask students to read the two letters on P43 and ask students to do a brief summary.(Use “if” to state the possible consequences it can bring about, facts, quotes, etc.)Activity 2: Who’s got the most persuasive voice Situation: I’m blind. I can’t read. How can I be persuaded Just pretend they are in a debate. Ask students (divided into two groups) to practice reading the two letters using persuasive voices. This skill is a must for debaters and will be useful when they do debates in Project.[Explanation]从两个方面的观点过渡到对单一观点的表达,让学生通过分别阅读这两封信来发现其写作内容的特点和方式的特点。同时让他们练习用辩论的方法把这两封信读出来,让学生在轻松的气氛中学会如何去用声音表达自己支持或反对的意见,也为后面Project部分的辩论打下一个基础。Step 4 Summary (PPT20)1. Skills to make your writing persuasive. 2. Whether the copy is perfect or not, it’s already happening. What matters most It is how we take advantage of science instead of preventing science going forward.[Explanation]在课堂的最后,利用两三分钟进行总结,进一步点题。
主备人 丁佳园 执教人 授课日期 班级
总课题 M5U3 总课时 分课时 1 课型 复习
课题 M5U3 Word power
教学目标 have a better understanding of different meanings of prefixes and suffixes.have a larger vocabulary with the help of prefixes and suffixes.use specific words to describe human organs by means of comparison.
教学重点 Words , phrases and sentence patterns
教学难点 Practical usage
教具 Blackboard , slides and handouts
教学内容 教法学法
Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead in (PPT4-5)Ask students to conclude some easy ways to double their vocabulary according to their years’ of English learning. Introduce the intended answer by providing some examples so that students can be led to the answer “By using prefixes and suffixes” or by “cloning it” (just for fun).[Explanation]鉴于学生已有比较长时间的学习英语的经历,前后缀对于他们来说并不陌生。以让他们总结如何让自己词汇量加倍这一方法开始整堂课的教学,从开放的问题到焦点的关注,从悬念到平实,让学生在瞬间产生好奇,并且在答案揭晓的刹那能很好得活跃课堂气氛,为后面的教学做好铺垫。Step 2 Prefixes and suffixes (PPT6-10) Brainstorming. Ask students to list as many prefixes and suffixes as possible and write them down on the blackboard. Their answers can be more than what are listed on Page 46. If anything is left out, it’s teacher’s job to complement. Do brief explanation if necessary.“I’m conquering.” It’s a game as well as a competition between boys and girls, which is intended to review some related vocabulary and help some students to enlarge their vocabulary. Rules are as the following: Students of either gender can take the initial to do the competition. For example, a girl student stands up first, picks any prefix or suffix and then says one word containing that suffix or prefix. Then boy students can’t not use that suffix or prefix any more because that field has been conquered. One student, one word a time. Boys and girls don’t need to take turns. It all depends on how fast their reaction is. But they have to make sure that following every suffix or prefix they have picked, there must be three different words. Then the side which conquers the largest field wins the competition.After the competition, teacher can add some words which appear on page 46 but are missed out in their answers such as illegal and disrespect.Tip: 1) Some words take a hyphen (-) when a prefix is added. 2) We sometimes need to change the ending of a word before we can add a suffix.[Explanation]本节所列的前后缀除了pro-和anti-之外,学生都很熟悉,让学生进行头脑风暴,在短时间内迅速反馈以往学过的前后缀,使学生产生一种成就感,对于新知识的接受从情感和速度上都有更好的效果。对于学生没有想到的前后缀,就相当于是新的知识,要由老师进行补充,进行简单的解释即可。“攻城略地”游戏改变了以往让学生写出同一个词缀尽量多的词汇这一模式,评判标准更科学,参与性更强,对学生的团体合作精神也是很好的培养和激发。并且让学生好像真的有在靠实力攻城略地的感觉,随着他们的“地盘”越来越大,竞争会更激烈,课堂气氛也更好。教师在最后补充一些词汇,效果也更佳。Step 3 Organs of the body (PPT11-17)Lead students to turn their focus to organs of the body by concluding: Different suffixes and prefixes have their specific meanings and you will find it easier to recognize those seemingly new words coated with prefixes and suffixes. If we call these suffixes and prefixes “ORGANs” of the vocabulary, then the “ORGANs” of our body are also playing different roles and having different jobs to do. Ask students to tell what human organs they have already been able to express in English. (Expected answers: liver, heart, etc.)Introduce some of the major organs of the human body by presenting a picture with arrow illustrations. Ask them to tell what they are according to their positions. And introduce relative English words. Ask students to explain their functions in English.Activity 1 Matching. Abstract five comparisons based on the passage on Page 47 and ask students to do matching and tell why. The reasons can be different from whatever presented in the passage.Activity 2. Application. Ask students to read a short poem on organs and ask them to fill in the blanks according to different functions of the organs, which can also help students consolidate the vocabulary.Time permitting, students can do their own writing as well.[Explanation]本节出现的有关人体器官的几个词汇都不难,没有必要补充新的词汇。对47页上的那篇短文进行了简化处理,提炼出5个比喻,让学生进行连线练习,为学生提供了想象和逻辑判断的空间。而后的另一个练习,让学生运用已知以及新学的词汇结合他们对于几个器官作用的理解进行诗歌的填空,同样是对学生能力的一个提升。课堂的气氛将在这时达到另一个小高潮。若时间允许,可以让学生进行简单的诗歌仿写,甚至只要仿写一句话即可,激发学生运用英语的兴趣。Step 4 Summary (PPT18)Ask students to briefly report what they have learned today.[Explanation]利用每节课的最后2分钟进行简单的内容总结可以加深学生识记印象,也可以检测学生的掌握程度,同时也是教师自我检测的好时机,以便于在后面碰上同样的课型时可以进行有效的调整和改进。
主备人 丁佳园 执教人 授课日期 班级
总课题 M5U3 总课时 分课时 1 课型 复习
课题 M5U3 Task 1
教学目标 confirm information by changing or correcting some details.know some general knowledge about cloned food.conduct an interview using some useful expressions.
教学重点 Words , phrases and sentence patterns
教学难点 Practical usage
教具 Blackboard , slides and handouts
教学内容 教法学法
Teaching procedures:Step 1 Present the learning objective (PPT4-8)Present the letter on Page 56. Ask students to scan the letter to find out the main idea. ( Clearly state the anti-cloning opinion and reasons for that)Tell students the learning objective of this period and next period is to make a “copy” of this letter. And this period will focus on building up materials.Topic: Cloning. ( + quiz about cloning / listen to check) Situation: A local supermarket is planning to sell cloned food and you want to write to tell your opinions. Content of the letter: Your opinions on cloned food and supporting details[Explanation]先向学生呈现Task部分最终要完成的任务是什么样子的,内容应该是个人观点,从而让学生产生学习的需要。为学生创设一种情景,是为了让学生在写作过程中可以考虑到实际的需要,体现了该课题的实用性,从而让学生产生学习的动力。Step 2 Information about cloned food (PPT9-13)1. Introduce the concept of cloned food by displaying some pictures: food from cloned animals.2. Quiz about cloning. Listen and check.3. Have you ever tried any cloned food Do they taste better Do they look better If not, or if you are not very clear about that, we may do some reading for related information.Ask students to read the two passages on P57 for more information about cloned food.[Explanation]从学生对克隆食品的比较浅显的了解开始提问,降低了切入口的难度,让学生有话可说,在此基础上教师通过图片展示克隆食品,使得学生能获得直观的认识把53页听力部分的内容做一个小测试以检查学生对克隆的认识,然后让学生通过听力来检验自己的猜测是否正确。再继续阅读57页上的两篇小文章,至此对于克隆食品的基本信息的了解就结束了。Step 3 Comments on cloned food (PPT14-16)Collect students’ personal opinions on cloned food.Lead students to conduct a discussion about cloned food in the form of an interview. Introduce some useful expressions.Ask students to read the interview form on P54. Divide them into groups of four. Ask them to think of one extra question and then do the interview among themselves. Notes are required.Tip2: Vary your ways of asking for and giving opinions.[Explanation]鉴于最终任务是要写出写信人对于克隆食品持有的观点和态度,因此,这一步讨论是非常必要的。通过对班里其他人的采访也可以帮助学生扩展思路。Step 4 Summary (PPT17)Briefly summarize what has been taught and what is going to be taught next period.[Explanation]考虑到本节课涉及的内容虽然相对集中但是形式比较散,因此在课堂结束前作个小结帮助学生整理一下思路是很有必要的。
主备人 丁佳园 执教人 授课日期 班级
总课题 M5U3 总课时 分课时 1 课型 复习
课题 M5U3 Task 2
教学目标 choose proper contents for a formal letter.develop key words into good sentences. develop good beginning and ending paragraphs.keep in mind the format of a formal letter.have a general view of what is a piece of good writing through cross-check.
教学重点 Words , phrases and sentence patterns
教学难点 Practical usage
教具 Blackboard , slides and handouts
教学内容 教法学法
Teaching procedures:Step 1 Task to complete (PPT4-5)Retell students what they are going to write again. [Explanation]在课堂的一开始重申写作的内容,可以帮助他们回忆上节课所学,并进一步明确学习目标。Step 2 What to contain in the letter (PPT5-7)1.Students work in groups to decide what information to be contained in the letter. Key words only. And do oral reports. The teacher can give some suggestions. 2.Students work individually to develop these key words into complete sentences.3.Students work in groups to compare and improve their sentences.4.Ask some students to read their sentences aloud and the teacher can make some comments so that to make it clear to students what kind of sentences are better wanted.[Explanation]经过上一课时的学习,学生对于克隆食品已经具有了相当的知识积累,因而他们已经具备了初步的判断力,在信中可以写或者应该写些什么内容,以小组的形式让他们进行讨论,充分发挥他们的主体性,然后教师可以提出一些建议进行增删。让学生独立完成句子的构造,给他们以思考的空间,然后同组之间进行句子修改以及在课堂上当场交流所写的句子可以让学生突破小范围思维的局限,精益求精。Step 3 Structure of the letter (PPT8-12)1.Introduce the format of a letter. Ask students to keep something while changing the job title.2.Reread the letter on P56 and focus on the beginning and ending paragraphs.3.Introduce more phrases to start and end a letter.4.Students work in groups to develop their own beginning and ending paragraphs. If they find it a bit tough, they may start from copying—just make small changes to the original paragraphs.[Explanation]正式书信的格式很重要,但也很刻板,所以只需要给学生出示一份样例即可。重点放在正文的构成上。开头和结尾比较格式化,参照书第56页提供的信以及其他可用的表达方式,对中心内容加以明确就可以了。Step 4 Write the body part of the letter (PPT13) Students need to do this part separately. Since they have got almost all sentences ready, what they need to do is simply to organize them into different paragraphs. [Explanation]有了第二步以构造完整的句子,这一步就很简单了。让学生把想表达的和需要表达的按照顺序串联起来,加上适当的连词、过渡词即可。Step 5 Cross check (PPT14)Give every student an evaluation sheet.Still in groups, students will exchange their writing and do cross check, focusing on the format, beginning, ending, whether opinions are fully expressed while minor grammatical mistakes can be ignored.[Explanation]让学生重新以组为单位进行互查。给每位学生发一张评价表,评价表上的内容可以分为格式、开头、结尾、观点等,主要是看学生格式是否正确,开头是不是明确写信目的,结尾是不是点题(即希望超市读了这封信后怎么操作等)以及观点是否比较明确表达是否清楚等。因为学生写作文过程中难免出现语法错误,这不是一朝一夕能够纠正的,在此可以忽略,否则会有喧宾夺主之感。Step 6 Summary (PPT15)Restate what to pay attention to while writing a formal letter.[Explanation]经过一节课的练习,学生应该已经比较明确正式书信的写作要求了,在此可以总结一下有用的词汇和句型或对学生的表现进行以表扬为主的评价,为学生创造一种成就感。
主备人 丁佳园 执教人 授课日期 班级
总课题 M5U3 总课时 分课时 1 课型 复习
课题 M5U3 Grammar 1
教学目标 know different functions of verb-ed forms as an adjective or an adverb.the passive meanings and past meanings of verb-ed forms.relationship between the verb and its understood subject.adopt verb-ed forms in their expressions.
教学重点 Words , phrases and sentence patterns
教学难点 Practical usage
教具 Blackboard , slides and handouts
教学内容 教法学法
Teaching procedures: Step 1 lead in (PPT 4-9)Review the usage of verb-ing in generalAsk students to compare two attributive clauses and rewrite them. Ask students to do the verb-ing one, and the verb-ed one can be done by the teacher. Then ask students to tell what has caused the difference. ( The relationship between the verb and its understood subject)Conclusion 1: The v-ed from can express passive meaning.[Explanation]此处用彩色的图表跟学生一起回忆动词现在分词的形式,让学生视觉上感觉到不那么乏味。然后跟学生一起看一些相对应的例子,有个直观的感觉。在此基础上让学生对比两个句子,让学生用现在分词改写其中一个定语从句,另一个由老师做,然后让学生对比改写前和改写后所不同的地方,让学生观察不同的原因,从而引出过去分词的一个重要语法意义:即表示被动。Step 2 Function of the verb-ed form with passive meanings (PPT10-15)Present sentences containing the verb-ed form, and asking students to find out what functions it serves in different sentences.Conclusion 2: V-ed can be used like an adjective or an adverb in a sentence, serving as attribute, predicative and object complement. A verb-ed can act as adverbial to modify a verb like stand, lie.Ask students to fill in the form which tells different functions of the verb-ed form. Ask them to give an example for each.[Explanation]由于学生已经有一定的分词基础,因此没有必要一项一项推导,而是采取归纳的方法,罗列出能反映过去分词表示被动意义时在句子中充当不同成分的情况,让学生根据具体句子进行分析过去分词充当的成分,发现该动词跟其逻辑主语的关系,从而强调过去分词与现在分词在语法意义上被动与主动的区别。Step 3 The verb-ed form with past meanings (PPT16-17)Use the phrases “developing countries” and “developed countries” to explain this usuage.More phrases.[Explanation]同样,在这一步骤上,采取现在分词与过去分词在句中不同意义对比的方法,让学生发现过去分词表示过去或完成的意义,并介绍一些常见的表示过去或完成意义的过去分词,如retired等。Step 4 Drills (PPT18-22)Ask students to find the correct translation for the following plete the following sentences with the correct form.Ask students to describe these pictures using v-ed/-ing.Make up a sentence containing at least five v-eds or v-ings.One sample is given: The worried boy took the overused key out of his broken pocket, opened the newly painted door and unluckily found it trapped. [Explanation]这个步骤设计了四个不同的活动,帮助学生正确判断和使用过去分词。其中第三、四项活动旨在能让学生充分发挥他们的想象力,在轻松活跃的气氛中更好得掌握过去分词的用法。Step 5 Summary (PPT23)Reemphasize the above rules.[Explanation]这一步骤所总结的内容可以根据学生在操练部分的表现,机动灵活的组织。
主备人 丁佳园 执教人 授课日期 班级
总课题 M5U3 总课时 分课时 1 课型 复习
课题 M5U3 Grammar 2
教学目标 tell the difference between the verb-ing form and the verb-ed form when they are used to express feelings.analyze the situation in which to use verb-ing forms or verb-ed formsuse verb-ed forms to express time, reason and condition
教学重点 Words , phrases and sentence patterns
教学难点 Practical usage
教具 Blackboard , slides and handouts
教学内容 教法学法
Step 1 lead in (PPT4)Show students a cartoon with expressions of the verb-ed form referring to feelings.[Explanation]这幅卡通画将会是本节内容的一个主线。同样的画面,不同的内容,给学生以不断的新鲜感。Step 2 verb-ing and verb-ed used as adjectives (PPT5-7)Ask students to focus on such words as bored and challenging in the cartoon. And lead them to think about in what situation are these expressions used. Conclusion 1: We use verb-ing forms to describe someone/ something that causes certain feelings. They are usually active in meaning. We use verb-ed forms to say how we feel about someone/ something. They are usually passive in meaning as they describe how someone/ something is affected by an action.Introduce more words alike.[Explanation]第一次出现时画面所反映的是现在分词和过去分词表示心情等的词语,把这些词语归在一起,可以让学生根据以往学习经验很快归纳出其用法及其一类词。Step 3 verb-ed phrases (PPT8-15)Show the same cartoon but develop it in a different way using different expressions like “Brook sat there complaining, ‘ How bored!’”.Lead students to focus on such expressions as “Tom ran fast hoping to join Jimmy in no time” and think about different functions.Conclusion 2: Like the Verb-ing form, the Verb-ed form can be a verb-ed on its own. It can also be followed by an object and/or adverbial..Introduce verb-forms used as adverbial modifier to express time, reason and condition.Lead students to think about the relationship between the verb and its understood subject in this kind of expression by comparison.Introduce verb-forms used with conjunctions like if, unless, etc.Conclusion 3: different situations to use verb-ing or verb-ed forms.Drill: Ask students to develop the same story using verb-ed forms as adverbial modifier.[Explanation]卡通画第二次出现,现在分词和过去分词作为分词短语放在句末表示伴随的动作。将学生的注意点放在动词及其相应的逻辑主语的关系上,让学生明白什么时候运用什么类型的分词。过去分词作为状语表示时间、原因和条件的学习关键同样也是动词及其相应的逻辑主语的关系,不需要过多的解释,强调一下即可。介绍完过去分词作状语以及过去分词跟连词连用的情况后,再次呈现同一幅图,让学生根据所学的,把这幅图进行重新描述,要求运用到过去分词作状语表原因、时间或条件的情况,从而让学生能够在轻松的气氛下学会去运用语法知识。Step 4 Consolidation (PPT16-22)Ask students to do multiple choices either on screen or on a sheet.[Explanation]单项选择虽然是千变万化的,但是关于分词的练习只要掌握规律就很简单,通过这个练习,可以让学生学会分析题目,运用所学达到巩固的效果。如果时间少可以以讲义的形式进行笔头练习。Step 5 summary (PPT23-24)Do a simple summary of what to pay attention to according to their performance in doing multiple choices. Introduce some phrases that don’t agree with the rule.[Explanation]虽然学生与分词接触的时间不短,但是在实际运用的过程中,仍然会出现这样那样的错误,因此,有必要在操练结束后有的放矢得进行总结,提醒注意点。最后,让学生记住几个特殊的作状语的表达方式,由于这些表达方式从结构上并没有什么特别的规律,只需要让学生记住即可。
主备人 丁佳园 执教人 授课日期 班级
总课题 M5U3 总课时 分课时 1 课型 复习
课题 M5U3 Project
教学目标 search for relative information come up with good points by reasonably dealing with the informationargue and argue againsttake nature more seriouslylearn the importance and necessity of cooperating
教学重点 Words , phrases and sentence patterns
教学难点 Practical usage
教具 Blackboard , slides and handouts
教学内容 教法学法
Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead in (PPT4)Briefly review the previous lessons about cloning. Relate them to the theme of the unit—Science and nature. Lead students to think about the relationship between them. Tell students: How far science can go depends on humans. Science is the tool of humans against nature. There has been much argument about the relationship between man and nature. ----- concept of “DEBATE”.  [Explanation]经过前面几个课时的学习,学生对于自然与科学的关系一定已经有了更深的感悟。而人是科学的核心,由这一点引入人与自然的话题。如果说科学对于学生来说可能有一点专业比较难表达的话,把话题引导人和自然的关系就与学生很贴近,能表达的内容也很丰富。无论学生表达的怎么样,都可以通过表扬或鼓励的方式很快转到本节课的主要任务:辩论。Step 2 About debate (PPT5-8)Definition. A debate is a formal argument or discussion of a question eg. at a public meeting or in Parliament, with two or more opposing speakers, and often ending in a vote. Why having a debate. Through having a debate, students can learn to think more thoroughly about one issue and will be clearer about it. Of course students’ speaking ability will be improved greatly, etc.To have a debate, what preparations should be made [Explanation]这一步不仅要让学生明白辩论需要至少两方对立的观点,而且还要让学生产生对辩论的兴趣和动力。学生或多或少对辩论有点了解,因此让他们利用已有的知识积累来推进课堂的进展是很有好处的。让学生展示已有的知识是对他们的肯定,也是对其他同学的激励。Step 3 Guidance on procedures (PPT9-13)Planning1) Grouping. Divide the whole class into 12 groups.2) Topic: man and nature 3) Information searching. Where to find information. By interviewing or reading. → eg. (brainstorming) What have humans do to benefit of harm nature 4) Sample reading. Read the article on page 58.PreparingHow to deal with the information Make a list of the points that your group comes up with. ● Ask students to make a list of how human development has harmed nature according to P58.Make a list of the points that you think the opposite members will think of and get ready to argue back. ● Ask students to make a list of how nature has held back the development of humans.Ask student to have a discussion with their group members and make a list of their points. The more, the better. Ask students to decide what information to start their debate. Usually the opening debate comes as a short speech, stating clearly their position.Oral reports.ProducingPlay a short video to show what a real debate is like and what students should pay attention to while doing a debate such as manners, points and voices.Ask students to practice their debate after class and get prepared before coming back.Presenting/ debateA 5-minute debate on the theme of man and nature to see if students have known what to do and how to do.[Explanation]一般来说每个班会有50人左右,分成12组则每组4至5人,保证每个学生都能发挥作用。书本第58页的内容正好作为辅助材料帮助指导学生如何取舍材料、罗列观点。在学生小组讨论过他们的观点后,播放一段辩论赛的录像,可以让学生观察一下辩手是如何表现的,需要在辩论过程中注意什么,不需要老师多说学生自然可以体会的到,这就避免学生做无用功。用4-5分钟的时间让学生进行迷你辩论,小试牛刀。Step 4 Homework (PPT14)1. Read the passage on page 59 about GM food2. Collect as much information as possible about GM food.3. Make a pro and anti list, prepared for a coming debate.[Explanation]要求学生课后对一个并不熟悉的话题查找资料,为真正的辩论做好准备,这是对于课堂知识的运用,也是巩固。