Unit 3 My After School Activities
Lesson 3
[ ] Do you like sing songs? A 你会下棋吗?
[ ] We have a big computer room. B 你喜欢长歌吗?
[ ] Where is Lisa C 我们有一个很大的计算机教室。
[ ] Can you play chess? D Lisa在哪里?
1. sing songs A
2. dance B
3. play chess C
4. read books D
1. 美术教室在三楼。
2. 我们每个星期有两节体育课和五节英语课。
3. 我最喜欢的科目是数学。
4. 音乐教室很干净。
1. after school
2. play chess
3. dance
4. sing songs
5. morning
6. afternoon
一、 1. B. 2. C 3. D 4. A
二、 1.A 2.C 3. D 4.B
三、 1. The art classroom is on the third floor.
2. We have two PE classes and five English classes every week.
3. My favorite subject is maths.
4. The music classroom is very clean.
四、1. after school after school after school
2. play chess play chess play chess
3. dance dance dance
4. sing songs sing songs sing songs
5. morning morning morning
6. afternoon afternoon afternoon