(共24张PPT)
来是come;去是go;
come,come;go,go;
点头yes;摇头no;
Yes,yes;No,no
我是I,你是you,
I;you
you
见面问好说“hello”
Hello.
Don’t
be
shy
(别害羞)!
Have
a
try
(试一试)
!
Go,
go,
go
(加油)
!
January,Februry,
One
and
two.
like
to
play
In
the
snow
with
you.
March,April
Three
and
four.
Clouds
and
rain!
Close
the
door!
May,June,
Five
and
six.
Flowers
bloom
For
us
to
look.
July,August,
Seven
and
eight.
Here’s
the
beach.
The
sun
is
great!
September,October,
Nine
and
ten.
Leaves
and
wind,
School
and
friends.
November,December,
The
year
is
done(完成).
Let’s
sing
again
From
number
one
The
Month
Song
Rain
and
Sun
冀教版
四年级下册
Lesson
What
is
it
?
This
is
the
sun.
hot.
The
sun
is
cloud
This
is
the
cloud.
cloud
cloud
This
is
the
rain.
Do
you
see
the
cloud
and
the
rain?
This
is
What
is
it
?
the
wind.
look
at
the
wind.
This
is
snow.
Snow
is
cold
and
white.
white
sun
cloud
wind
snow
rain
Guess:
What
is
it?
listning!
like
______.What
about
you?
May
and
June
July
and
August
March
and
April
January
and
February
September
and
October
play
in
the
snow
close
the
door
flowers
blooming
Here's
the
beach.
school
and
friends
January,Februry,
One
and
two.
like
to
play
In
the
snow
with
you.
March,April,
Three
and
four.
Clouds
and
rain!
Close
the
door!
May,June,
Five
and
six.
Flowers
bloom
For
us
to
look.
July,August,
Seven
and
eight.
Here’s
the
beach.
The
sun
is
great!
September,October,
Nine
and
ten.
Leaves
and
wind,
School
and
friends.
November,December,
The
year
is
done(完成).
Let’s
sing
again
From
number
one
The
Month
Song
Ⅰ.
Sing
the
month
song
to
your
parents
and
friends.
Ⅱ.
Draw
a
picture
about
weather
word
you
like.
Thank
you!冀教版
四年级下册教学设计
Lesson
Rain
and
Sun
教学分析:
本单元的内容是Days
and
Months,在Lesson
7中对Months已经有了讲述,本课的主要内容是让学生能自己理解应用sun、cloud、rain、wind、snow这些名词,并且能很好的认读和识记。让学生把抽象的单词和实际物品之间建立良好的联系,便于记忆,为下节课How’s
the
weather
today?打下良好的基础。
学情分析:
四年级学生活泼好动,爱新鲜,注意力尚不集中。因此,教学形式必须多样化,让学生在愉悦的环境中学习英语,效果会更好。
教学目标:
●语言知识:
1.听、说、读、写四会单词:rain
,
sun
,
hot
,
snow,
cold
并能灵活运用。
2.灵活运用第一部分的句型描述太阳、云、雨等事物。
●语言技能:
1.生能把所学的单词运用到句子中;并能够看图说句子。
2.运用本课所学单词和句式进行简单的对话,结合实际情况表达自己的感情和意愿。
3.生能学会唱The
Month
Song
●情感态度:
通过学习用英语说出关于天气的词语,把所学语言与学生的实际生活结合起来,形成积极地学习态度,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生自主学习英语的能力。培养学生欣赏自然、热爱自然、从自我做起保护自然的情感。
●学习策略:
通过听、说、读写多种渠道充分调动学生学习的兴趣。
教学重难点
1.握并能够运用本课单词:sun
,
rain
,cloud
,
wind
,snow.
2.生能够看图说句子。
3.唱本课歌曲The
Month
Song
教学准备
教学课件,单词卡片
教学过程
Step
Warming
up(3minutes)
Hello,boys?and?girls?.?Let’s?listen?to?a?song?together.?《The?Month?Song》.But?first?,I?will?give?you?a?question:?What’s?the?weather?like?today?(播放件)?T:Do?you?like?it??S:Yes!?
T:?Who?can?tell?me?.What?can?you?see?in?this?song???S:?numbers,?months.…?
T:?How?many?months?are?there?in?a?year??S:?January、February……?
T:?Yes?,there?are?many?things?in?this?song?,do?you?want?to?learn?it???First,?we?should?learn?some?new?words.?
【设计思路:用歌曲调动学生学习的兴趣,歌曲中的单词即复习了学过的月份,又为新授内容做好铺垫。】?
Step
2:New
Concepts(15
minutes)
T:
Look!
What
is
it?
:
Sun
.
:
Yes,
this
is
the
sun
.
领读
sun
,How
to
spell
it
?
Show
me
your
finger,
let’s
write
it.(老师板书四线三格单词)
S:
S-U-N,
sun.
:
s-u-n
,sun
.(学生跟读单词,练习,找同学展示)
:
How
do
you
feel
when
you
under
the
sun
?
:
hot.
:
Yes
,the
sun
is
hot.
领读
hot
,
hot,
hot
.
How
to
spell
it?
:
H-O-T,
hot.
:
h-o-t
,
hot
(学生跟读单词,练习,展示)
老师出示课件
T:
What
is
it?
S:
This
is
the
sun.
The
sun
is
hot.(找学生练习,老师板书句子)。
T:
What
can
you
see
now?
S:
Snow.
:
s-n-o-w
,snow
.
:
s-n-o-w
,snow
.(学生跟读单词,练习,找同学展示)
老师用同样的方法,解决单词rain
.
T:
listen
!What
is
it
?
S:This
is
wind
.
T:
Look
at
the
wind.
“Look
at
”
in
Chinese
means?
S:看。(Look
at
me
.
Look
at
the
blackboard.)
老师出示雪的图片。
T:
What
can
you
see
in
the
sky
now
?
S:
Snow.
T:
Yes
,
snow.
s-n-o-w,
snow.(学生跟读单词,练习,展示)
T:
Touch
snow
.How
do
you
feel?
Is
snow
hot?
S:
No,cold.(学生跟读单词,练习,展示)
T:
Is
snow
red?
S:
No,it’s
white.(学生跟读单词,练习,展示)
T:
Yes
,snow
is
cold
and
white.
(学生跟读句子,展示)
老师出示课件
T:
Look!
What
is
it?
S:
This
is
snow.
Snow
is
cold
and
white.(学生练习句子,老师板书)
【设计思路:利用清晰可爱的图片把语言和形象结合起来,把听觉、视觉和动觉结合起来,让学生的多种感官参加记忆,从多种渠道输入,并注重了单词的读与写,把单词用形象的动作表演出来使学生对单词的记忆更加牢固。】
Step
3:
Exercise(10
minutes)
1.let’s
chant
!
T:
Do
you
remember
the
new
words
and
sentences.
let’s
chant
them
together.
First,I
will
show
you.
sun
sun
sun.
This
is
the
sun.
Can
you
make
your
own
chant
like
this?
(领读、快速读、调动学生做自己的chant
集体唱。)
2.
let’s
play
a
game.
T:
This
is
a
part
of
picture,please
guess
what
it
is?Then
write
it
down.
【设计思路:本环节的设计都是围绕单词巩固进行的。利用不完全图片让学生猜新词可以有效地激发学生的积极性,猜完写的环节并起到巩固强化的作用。】
课前每人发了一张纸,在纸上写下新单词。Take
out
your
exercise
paper,
write
down
the
new
words.
3.Listening.
T:
Open
your
books
and
turn
to
page
twenty-four.
Look
at
your
books
and
listen
to
the
radio
carefully
then
read
follow
the
tape.跟读录音,模仿语音语调。(然后学生自己读,之后找学生看图片描述四幅图)
【设计思路新课标指出,儿童学英语最主要的特点是模仿,尽可能多地让学生接触英美人士纯正的发音,是培养学生形成良好的语言素质的关键。】
:
Step
4:
Extension
(4
minutes)
T:
Danny
says:I
like
rain
and
snow.
What
about
you
?
like
snow.
So
like
December.
What
about
you
?(找同学说)you
can
ask
and
answer
like
this
“I
like______what
about
you
?
【设计思路:以课本为基础围绕教师设计的问题学生进行口语训练。本环节的设计开拓学生的思维,也是对课本内容的提升练习。】
Step
5:
Sing
a
song(5
minutes)
T:
Now
let’s
learn
a
new
song
together.let’s
have
fun.
1.(教师利用图片帮学生解决歌词中的生词。)【设计思路:让学生对歌词有大致了解,再学唱歌曲,降低了难度,对歌词加深了印象。】
2.sing
the
song(学唱歌曲)
3.sing
the
song
and
act
the
song.
Discuss
in
your
groups
:How
to
act
the
song.(小组讨论如何将这首歌唱并表演出来【设计思路:】
Step
6:
Summary(2
minutes)
总结本节课所学内容,整体收获,进行达标检测。
Step
7:
The
value
of
emotion
(2
minutes)
:
This
is
a
phenomenon
of
nature.We
should
enjoy
nature.We
should
love
nature.(通过让学生看短片教育学生认识自然、欣赏自然、用自己的行动保护自然。)
Step
8:Homework:Draw
a
picture
about
the
weather
you
like
and
sing
the
month
song
for
your
parents.
板书设计:
Lesson
Rain
and
Sun
(
This
is....
)
课后反思:
多媒体的运用使课堂生动、活泼、有趣,本节课学生学习兴趣足,积极参与课堂教学,整体效果不错。教学目标与重难点解决较好,通过不同形式的操练,学生对本课单词的掌握比较好。有对课文内容扩展的环节,满足了不同层次的学生的需求。课堂节奏紧凑,大部分学生学起来轻松。但有个别学生从表情上可以看出有时候跟不上节奏,今后多关注学困生,让每一个学生都能克服畏怯的心理。放开胆子,用所学知识来表达自己要说的,要做的,不要怕犯错误,这样才能真正使英语学起来既有趣又容易。课
时
教
学计
课时教学设计(第1课时/总1课时)
课
题
Lesson10
Rain
and
Sun?
课
型
新授课口√
章/单元复习课口
专题复习课口
习题/试卷讲评课口
学科实践活动课口
其他口
教学内容分析:
本单元的内容是Days
and
Months,在Lesson
7中对Months已经有了讲述,本课的主要内容是让学生能自己理解应用sun、cloud、rain、wind、snow这些名词,并且能很好的认读和识记。让学生把抽象的单词和实际物品之间建立良好的联系,便于记忆,为下节课How’s
the
weather
today?打下良好的基础。
学习者分析(学生与本课时学习相关的学习经验、知识储备、学科能力水平、学
习兴趣的分析,学习发展需求、发展路径分析,学习本课时可能遇到的困难)
四年级学生活泼好动,爱新鲜,注意力尚不集中。因此,教学形式必须多样化,让学生在愉悦的环境中学习英语,效果会更好。
。
6.学习活动设计
教师活动
学生活动
环节一:
Warming
up
教师活动
学生活动
1.问好。
1.学生向教师问好
2.播放视频,引出课题
2.观看视频,发现信息。
活动意图说明:
用歌曲调动学生学习的兴趣,歌曲中的单词即复习了学过的月份,又为新授内容做好铺垫。》
环节二:New
Concepts:
教师活动
学习sun和hot
2.学习cloud
3.学习rain
4.学习snow和cold
学生活动
1.根据教师指令学习单词
2.书写单词。
活动意图说明:利用清晰可爱的图片把语言和形象结合起来,把听觉、视觉和动觉结合起来,让学生的多种感官参加记忆,从多种渠道输入,并注重了单词的读与写,把单词用形象的动作表演出来使学生对单词的记忆更加牢固
环节三:
Exercise
教师活动
let’s
chant
!
Let’s
play
a
game.
Listening
Sing
a
song
学生活动
根据教师提示一起chant.
根据情景进行游戏。
跟读。
学唱歌曲。