(共58张PPT)
新目标人教版Go
for
it
八年级
(下)
Unit
What's
the
highest
mountain
in
the
world?
Section
3a-Self
Check
复习写作课公开课
Let’s
enjoy
a
video.
Warmming
up
单元同步作文导练
本单元谈论的话题是自然之最以及我们可爱的动物朋友们。通过学习应学会用英语介绍某地方的自然风光和特有的动物(动物的保护)等。(正确运用最高级)
根据所提供的信息,展开话题进行描述。
What’s
this?
It’s
a
panda.
How
tall
is
it?
It
is
cm
tall.
How
much
does
it
weigh?
It
weighs
about
kilos.
How
much
does
it
eat
one
day?
It
eats
about
kilos
of
food
a
day.
Name:
Panda
Black
and
white
Height:
about
150cm
Weight:
about
kilos
Food:
kilos
a
day
Hometown:
China
Life:
live
up
to
to
years
How
long
can
they
live?
They
can
live
up
to
to
years.
动物介绍
Let’s
say
something
about
them.
Some
key
information
Name:
Panda
Black
and
white
stands
on
two
legs
Hometown:
China
Height:
about
150cm
Weight:
about
kilos
Food:
kilos
a
day
Its
name
is
Panda,
it’s
black
and
white
,it’s
so
cute.
sometimes
it
stands
on
two
legs.
It’s
from
China,
and
it
only
lives
in
China.
The
adult
panda
is
about
150cm
long
and
it
weighs
about
kilos,
it
often
eats10
kilos
a
day.
It
can
live
up
to
to
years.
think
pandas
are
the
most
lovely
animals
in
the
world.
Life:
live
up
to
to
years
猫是人们宠爱的动物之一。请根据下列提示向同学们介绍一下猫的情况。70词左右。
提示:1.有很多种类,很聪明,听力好。
2.重2-----5千克,活15-----20年。
3.白天基本在睡觉,晚上醒来抓老鼠。
4.作为宠物,要小心相处,因为他们有尖利的牙齿和爪子。
链接中考
思路点拨
引出话题
展开叙述
结束语
猫是最受人宠爱(欢迎)的动物之一。
…are
one
of
the…
1.有很多种类,很聪明,听力好。
2.重2-----5千克,活15-----20年。
3.白天基本在睡觉,晚上抓老鼠。
different
types
of,
have
good
hearing,
weigh
2---5kg,
live
up
to
…
,
in
the
daytime
,
in
the
dark
作为宠物,要小心相处,因为他们有尖利的牙齿和爪子。
be
careful
to…
,
play
with
,
sharp
teeth
and
claws
范
文
Cats
are
one
of
the
most
popular
pets
around
the
world.
There
are
different
types
of
cats.
They
are
very
clever
and
they
have
good
hearing
.
They
usually
weigh
2----5kg,
they
can
live
up
to
15----20
years.
Cats
usually
sleep
in
the
daytime
,and
they
like
catching
mice
in
the
dark.
Cats
can
be
good
pets
,but
you
must
be
careful
to
play
with
them
because
they
have
sharp
teeth
and
claws.
Topic
Beijing
London
Singapore
Where
will
we
go
this
summer?
介绍自然风光旅行
Writing
Task
Tour
For
Free!
Where
will
you
go?
Please
tell
us
your
opinion.
The
best
writers
of
each
tour
can
go
for
free!
If
you
want
to
go
to
somewhere
else,
welcome
to
tell
us
more.
Come
and
join
us
now!
免!费!游!
暑假游学团开始报名啦!请写一篇短文谈谈你的选择。每团写得最好的同学将有机会免费参加游学。如果有其他心仪的游学地也欢迎告诉我们哦。快来参加吧!
Brainstorm
What
do
you
think
is
the
most
important?
Opinion
Detail
(细节)
You
are
very
lovely
and
smart!
love
you
all!
Because
believe
you
can
do
a
good
job
today!
What
is
your
opinion?
Opinion
Reason
Explanation
Work
in
four,
put
them
in
the
right
places.
Opinion
Opinion
Reason
Reason
Reason
Explanation
Explanation
Explanation
Work
in
4,
put
them
in
the
right
places.
Opinion
Opinion
Reason
Reason
Reason
Explanation
Explanation
Explanation
Opinion
Opinion
Reason
Reason
Reason
Explanation
Explanation
Explanation
Supporting
data
Are
numbers
important?
Beijing
Tour
Singapore
Tour
London
Tour
Price(RMB)
?5,000
?8,000
Traveling
Time
(days)
Homestay
Time
(days)
History
of
the
city
(years)
Opinion:
will
choose
Beijing
tour.
Reason:
The
history
of
Beijing
is
the
longest.
Explanations:
It
is
5,ooo
years.
So
can
learn
a
lot
about
Chinese
history.
?
20,000
5,000
Supporting
data
Beijing
Tour
Singapore
Tour
London
Tour
Price(RMB)
?5,000
?8,000
?20,000
Traveling
Time
(days)
Homestay
Time
(days)
History
of
the
city
(years)
5,000
Opinion:
will
choose
_________________.
Reason:
The
___________is
__________________.
Explanations:
It
is
___________________.
So
can
____________________________.
Supporting
fact
Work
in
4,
write
down
your
Where
will
you
go?
Why
will
you
go
there?
Tell
me
more(in
detail)
v
Opinion:
will
choose
___________________.
Reason:
_________________________________.
Explanation
in
detail:
It
is
__________________________.
Supporting
fact
Circle
the
most
interesting
part
and
tell
us
more.
基于数据、事实表达观点
Where
will
you
go?
Writing
Choose
your
paper
and
write.
Aim
Aim
Aim
Opinion:
Reason#1:
Example#2:
Example#1:
Reason#2:
Opinion:
Outline
#3…
writing
Write
and
share.
Revise
Writing
Not
Yet
Starting
to
Yes
Data
Fact
Total:____________
Peer
Check
Check
with
your
partner.
Review
&Revise
Do
you
want
to
add
more
reasons
and
details?
Rewrite
your
passage
creatively.
Send
a
video
to
the
WeChat
group
and
share
with
us.
new
way
of
writing:
_______________
new
way
of
thinking:________________
Read
the
words
and
phrases
about
whales.
Put
them
in
the
correct
place
in
the
chart.
What
do
they
look
like?
Where
do
they
live?
What
do
they
eat?
What
can
they
do?
Huge
Some
kinds
have
teeth
In
the
sea
Small
fish
and
other
sea
life
Jump
high
out
of
the
water
Sing
songs
动物保护
3a
Why
do
some
of
them
have
to
be
protected?
How
can
we
protect
them?
1.
Humans
catch
whales
for
meat,
fat
and
oil
2.Water
pollution
3.Whale
parts
sold
to
make
things
like
candles
and
soap
1.
Rules
on
whale
protection
2.
Learn
more
about
whales
3.
Stop
putting
rubbish
into
the
sea
4.
Sing
songs
(to
make
people
more
aware
of
the
importance
of
protecting
whales)
However,
the
number
of
whales
decreases
rapidly
every
year.
Why?
The
whales
are
in
danger
now.
What
should
we
do
to
protect
them?
Write
a
paragraph
about
whales
and
why
they
need
to
be
protected.
Use
the
information
in
3a.
Then
make
a
poster.
3b
Whales
are…
They
live
in…
They
eat…
They
can…
One
interesting
fact
is
…
Another
interesting
fact
is
…
Some
kinds
of
whales
are
in
danger
because…
We
should
protect
whales
from
…
think
people
should/shouldn’t
…
Sample
writing:
Whales
are
huge
animals.
They
live
in
the
sea
and
eat
small
fish
and
other
sea
life.
Whales
can
jump
high
out
of
water.
Some
kinds
of
whales
are
in
danger
because
humans
catch
them
for
meat,
fat,
and
oil,
and
use
whale
parts
to
make
candles
and
soap.
Whales
are
also
in
danger
from
water
pollution.
We
should
protect
whales
by
making
rules
on
whale
protection
and
by
not
putting
rubbish
into
the
sea.
think
people
should
learn
more
about
whales.
As
we
all
know,
animals
are
our
friends.
So
we
should
be
friendly
to
them.
Whales
are
endangered
animals.
Now,
let
me
tell
you
something
about
whales.
Whales
are
huge
animals.
They
live
in
the
sea
and
eat
small
fish
and
other
sea
life.
One
interesting
fact
is
whales
can
jump
high
out
of
water.
Some
kinds
of
whales
are
in
danger
because
humans
catch
them
for
meat,
fat,
and
oil,
and
use
whale
parts
to
make
candles
and
soap.
Whales
are
also
in
danger
from
water
pollution.
We
should
protect
whales
by
making
rules
on
whale
protection
and
by
not
putting
rubbish
into
the
sea.
think
people
should
learn
more
about
whales.
All
in
all,
it’s
our
duty
to
protect
animals.
Come
and
join
us.
Pre-writing
Let’s
have
a
look
at
other
endangered
animals.
Activity
Crested
Ibis(朱鹮)
曾广泛分布于中国东部、日本、俄罗斯、朝鲜等地,由于环境恶化,大量的水田农药,生存空间越来越狭小导致种群数量急剧下降,至20世纪80年代仅我国陕西省南部的汉中市洋县秦岭南麓仅有7只野生种群,后经人工繁殖,种群数量已达到2000多只
Golden
monkey(金丝猴)
由于人类的过度开发,乱砍森林,金丝猴的栖息地越来越小,他们的生存空间受到威胁,因而他们的繁衍也受到了濒临灭绝的威胁。
Chinese
Tiger(华南虎)
森林面积减少,人类大量捕杀,
现仅存72只。
中国特有的淡水鲸类,仅产于长江中下游。在20世纪80年代由于江水污染等原因,白鳍豚种群数量锐减,2002年估计已不足50头
Yangtze
river
dolphin(白鳍豚)
Gorilla(大猩猩)
人类大量捕猎、猎杀,种群规模缩小
,栖息地受到严重破坏,生存空间缩小(森林采伐、毁森开垦
)自然环境污染严重
Discuss
in
groups:
Why
these
animals
are
endangered?
Each
group
sends
one
student
to
the
front
of
our
classroom
to
act
as
one
of
the
endangered
animals.
Task
Task
Group
work
最佳表演奖
最佳语言奖
最具潜质奖
While
Writing
方法一:善用词汇
善用高级词汇
Writing
skills
Which
is
better?
他们在海滩上听音乐。
They
listened
to
the
music
on
the
beach.
They
enjoyed
the
music
on
the
beach.
Which
is
better?
我希望你能帮助我。
wish
you
can
help
me.
I’m
looking
forward
to
your
help.
方法二:活用多种句型
Writing
skills
她还小,搬不动这么重的箱子。
She
is
very
young.
She
can’t
carry
the
heavy
box.
She
is
too
young
to
carry
the
heavy
box.
She
is
so
young
that
she
can’t
carry
the
…
She
is
not
old
enough
to
carry
the…
方法三:妙用关联词
Writing
skills
1.表示并列或递进:
and,
as
well
as,
what’s
more
2.表示选择:
or,
either…or
3.表示转折:
but,
however,
although\though
4.表示因果:
because,
so,
as
a
result
5.表示条件:
if
,
unless
6.表示顺序:
firstly,
secondly,
next,
later,
finally,
in
the
end
7.表示结论:
all
in
all,
altogether,
in
a
word,
generally
speaking,
in
short
关联词(connection
words)
结尾:提出倡议和号召
Let’s
…
Do
it
now
!
/
Don’t
do
it
again!
As
students,
we
should
start
from
ourselves.
Don’t
wait.
Join
us
now!
Start
to
join
us
now!
How
amazing!
can’t
wait!
Save
animals!
Save
Ourselves!
Save
our
planet!
Let's
have
a
try!
__________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________
Writing
Since
we
have
acknowledged
so
much
about
endangered
animals,
what’s
your
feeling
about
them
?
What
should
we
do?
Please
write
an
article
named
“Let’s
protect
endangered
animals!”
Let’s
go
for
it!
(the
beginning)
(the
ending)
the
body(正文)
提出倡议或号召!
为什么很多动物濒临灭绝
我们应该怎么做去保护濒危动物
(15
minutes)
Let’s
protect
endangered
animals
together!
Here
is
an
evaluation
scale(评价标准)
Is
there
a
topic
sentence(主题句)?
Is
there
a
timeline?
Did
use
the
right
tense
verbs?
Are
there
any
grammatical
mistakes(语法错误)?
Modify(修改)
each
other's
article
in
pairs
according
to
the
evaluation
scale
above.
Correct
mistakes
as
possible
as
you
can.
Post-writing
Let’s
share
your
articles
Each
group
hands
in
one
article
and
we
will
modify
the
articles
together
on
the
screen.
Let’s
go!
All
of
you
did
a
really
good
job.
feel
so
proud
of
you!!!
Let's
conclude
According
what
we
learn
today,
if
you
want
to
write
a
wonderful
article,
you
have
to
pay
attention
to
the
following
points:
1)
format(格式)
2)
tense(时态)
3)spelling(拼写)
4)punctuation(标点)
5)
topic
sentences
(主题句)
Homework
Improve
the
letter
you
wrote
.
B.
Share
the
letter
with
your
friend,
find
and
learn
some
better
sentences.中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
Unit
What's
the
highest
mountain
in
the
world?Section
3a-Self
Check
同步培优习题
一、用所给词的适当形式填空
1.I
_______(lose)my
watch
yesterday.
2.--Who
(see)the
latest
film?
--Tom
has.
3.I
realized
how
much
(actual)miss
you
after
you
left.
4.I
already
(learn)a
lot
from
his
story.
5.Garth
is
one
of
the
greatest
(music)in
American
history.
6.--
they
(build)a
new
school
in
the
village?
二、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词
1.Would
you
like
to
say
something
_______(其他的)?
2.Don't
shout
_______(朝着)your
parents.
3.Jack
is
a
football
_______(迷),and
he
likes
football
very
much.
4.This
small
_______(岛)is
a
wonderful
place
to
take
a
holiday.
5.He
went
_______(到国外)after
he
graduated
from
college.
6.His
concert
was
a
great
_______(成功).
--Yes,they
have.
三、单项选择
1.
Please
tell
them
not
to
fight
that
again.
A.
with
B.
over
C.
against
D.
back
2.Last
Thursday
when
got
to
the
station,I
had
left
my
ticket
at
home.
A.
understood
B.
realized
C.
believed
D.
seemed
3.--How
often
do
you
have
a
school
trip
this
term?
--
.Since
several
accidents
happened
to
some
schools,all
the
school
outdoor
activities
have
been
asked
to
stop.
A.
Always
B.
Hardly
ever
C.
Sometimes
D.
Often
4.--Come
here,I'll
tell
you
about
your
study.
--0K,we're
coming.
A.
anything
important
B.
something
important
C.
important
anything
D.
important
something
5.First
the
chairman
the
speaker
the
students
yesterday.
A.
introduce;to
B.
introduced;to
C.
introduce;into
D.
introduced;into
四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词
1.在特殊的节日,你喜欢做什么?
What
do
you
like
to
do
________
________
________?
2.父亲节在六月的第三个星期日。
Father's
Day
is
on
________
________
________
in
June.
3.今晚这顿饭的主菜是什么?
What
is
the
________
________
of
tonight's
meal?
4.请帮我把这块肉切成薄片。
Please
help
me
cut
the
meat
________
________
________.
5.我觉得是该告诉她真相的时候了。
think
________
________
________
tell
her
the
truth.
五、阅读理解
Popular
music
in
America
is
what
every
student
likes.
Students
carry
small
radios
with
earphones
and
listen
to
music
before
class,and
at
lunch.
Students
with
cars
buy
large
speakers
and
play
the
music
loudly
as
they
drive
on
the
street.
Adult
drivers
listen
to
music
on
the
car
radio
as
they
drive
to
work.
They
also
listen
to
the
news
about
sports,the
weather,and
the
life
of
American
people.
Most
of
the
radio
programs
are
music.
Pop
or
popular
music
singers
make
much
money.
They
make
a
or
a
tape
which
radio
stations
use
in
many
places.
Once
the
popular
singer
is
heard
all
over
the
country,young
people
will
buy
his
or
her
or
tapes.
Some
of
the
money
from
these
or
tapes
comes
to
the
singer.
Wherever
the
singer
goes,all
the
young
people
want
to
meet
him
or
her.
Now
the
singer
has
become
a
national
star.
There
are
other
kinds
of
music
that
are
important
to
Americans.
One
is
called
folk(民间)music.
It
tells
stories
about
the
common
life
of
Americans.
Another
is
called
western
or
country
music.
This
was
started
by
cowboys
who
would
sing
at
night
to
the
cows
they
were
watching.
Today,any
music
about
country
life
and
the
love
between
a
country
boy
and
his
girl
is
called
western
or
country
music.
1.
kinds
of
music
are
mentioned
in
this
passage.
A.
Two
B.
Three
C.
Four
D.Five
2.When
pop
singers
,they
will
become
national
stars.
A.
make
much
money
B.
make
a
or
a
tape
C.
are
loved
by
all
the
young
people
D.
are
wanted
to
sing
on
the
radio
3.
From
the
passage
we
know
that
country
music
is
about
the
.
A.
common
life
of
Americans
B.
country
life
and
love
stories
C.
life
of
cowboys
D.
school
life
in
America
4.Which
of
the
following
is
true
according
to
this
passage?
A.
Most
students
in
America
like
popular
music.
B.
Students
with
cars
in
America
like
to
listen
to
music
while
driving.
C.
Adult
drivers
in
America
listen
to
music
all
the
time
while
driving.
D.
Everyone
in
America
wants
to
meet
pop
singers
wherever
they
go.
5.What
is
the
best
title
for
this
passage?
A.
American
Music
B.
Popular
Music
C.
History
of
Music
D.
Western
Music
Unit
What's
the
highest
mountain
in
the
world?Section
3a-Self
Check
同步培优习题答案
一、用所给词的适当形式填空
1.lost
2.has
seen
3.actually
4.have;learned/learnt
5.musicians
6.Have;built
二、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词
1.else
2.towards
3.fan
4.island
5.abroad
6.success
三、单项选择
1.B
2.B
3.B
4.B
5.B
四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。
1.on
special
holidays
2.the
third
Sunday
3.main
dish
4.into
thin
pieces
5.it's
time
to
五、阅读理解
1.B
2.C
3.B
4.B
5.A
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