人教版(2019)高中英语必修第三册Unit 2Morals and Virtues- Building up your vocabulary词汇精讲精练 学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语必修第三册Unit 2Morals and Virtues- Building up your vocabulary词汇精讲精练 学案(含答案)
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文件大小 29.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-05-09 21:39:59



1264920012141200B3U2 Building up your vocabulary 词汇精讲精练
P16. At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls, she chose to study medicine. 十八岁的时候,与大多数遵循传统路径嫁人的女孩子不同,她选择了学医。
instead of 代替,而不是
majority n. 大多数,大部分 (反义词minority) the majority of 大多数...
major adv. 主要的,重要的(常用于名词前,反义词minor) vi. 主修,专攻 major in
1). 我们步行去了那儿,没有坐车。We went there ___________________________________________________.
2). 我们应该多沟通,而不是互相指责。_________________ blaming each other, we should ______________________.
3). He inspires me __________________________(主修英语) in college, to be a bridge between China and the world.
4). 大多数学生认为学英语很难。____________________________________________________________________
5). Who says ________________(大多数人) is always able to make _________________________(少数人同意) their idea.
2. P16. “Finding a good husband should be their final goal!” her brother complained, thinking of the high tuition fee.想到高昂的学费,她的兄弟这样抱怨:“找个好丈夫才应是她们对的最终目标。”
Finding a good husband should be their final goal. doing作为句子的主语
complain v. 抱怨,发牢骚;投诉,抗议 complain (to sb.) about/that... (向某人)抱怨/投诉
complaint n. 抱怨;控告 make a complaint to sb. about sth.就某事向某人投诉/抱怨
thinking of the high tuition 伴随状语
6). If you have too many ___________________(complain) about life, you can’t feel happy.
7). Unfortunately, when something bad happens, ____________________________________________________(对于多数人来讲谈论这个很寻常) to anyone who’ll listen, and _________________________________(抱怨生活).
8). 每天记单词有利于你扩大词汇量。__________________________________________________________________
9). 她躺在草地上,凝望着天空。_____________________________________________________________________
3. P16. She responded, “I’d rather stay single to study all my life!”她回答说:“那我宁愿一辈子不嫁去求学!”
respond v. 回答,回应;做出反应,响应 respond to 回应...,对...做出反应
response n.反应,响应;回答,答复 in response to 为了回应...;作为对...的答复/回应
would rather 宁愿 1). would rather (not) do sth.宁愿(不)做某事 2) 后跟从句时,从句要用虚拟语气。(时态退一步)
would rather do sth. than do sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事
=would do sth. rather than do...=prefer to do sth. rather than do...
10). 无人回应我们的投诉,这使我们很生气。_______________________________________________________________________
11). These comments came ___________________(为了回应) specific questions often ________(ask) by local newsmen.
12). 我宁愿出去散步也不要呆在家里。____________________________________________________________________________
13). I would rather you ________________(stay) with us yesterday, but you left.
4. P16. She greatly impressed her American colleagues, who invited her to stay...她给她的美国同事们留下了深刻的印象,他们还邀请她留下来...
impress vt. 给...留下深刻印象; impression n. 印象,感想; It impresses sb. that...让某人印象深刻的是...
impress sb. with sth. 某物给某人留下深刻印象 be impressed by/with 被...打动,对...印象深刻
leave/make a deep impression on sb.=leave sb. a deep impression 给某人留下深刻的印象
14). 他的幽默感给人留下了深刻的印象。_______________________________________________________________
15). ____________________________________(我对他的第一印象) is that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.
16). 让我印象深刻的是这些学生学习很努力。______________________________________________________________________
5. P16 She charged very low fees to treat patients and often reduced costs for poor patients. 她治疗病人收费很低,而且经常对贫困的病人降低费用。
vt. 收费,要价;指控,控告;起诉;指责,谴责 n. [U]掌管;费用
charge sb. money for sth.因某事向某人收费... charge sb. with (doing) sth.=accuse sb. of...因为...指控...
free of charge/for free 免费 take charge of(动作)/be in charge of(状态) 掌管,负责
in the charge of=in one’s charge 由...负责;被...掌管 the charge for 因....的收费
. 他向我收了60元电脑维修费。________________________________________________ mending my computer.
18). 这个男人被控谋杀,判了死刑。The man __________________________________murder and sentenced to death.
19). The boss asked him __________________________(管理) the company for a few days while he was away.
20). 盛老师负责管理116班。_______________________________________________________________________
6. P17 Though Lin Qiaozhi never married, she was known as the “mother of ten thousand babies”, having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime.尽管林巧稚从未结婚,她一生中却接生过五万多名婴儿,被称为“万婴之母”。
marry vi&vt. 嫁,娶;和...结婚;marry sb/get married to sb(动作)和...结婚 be married to sb.(状态) 和...结婚
married adj. 已婚的 marriage n. 婚姻;结婚 a happy marriage 幸福的婚姻
be known as 以...而出名 be known for 因...而出名 be known to sb. 为某人所熟知
deliver vt. 接生;递送;发表(演说等) deliver sth. to sb.把某物交付给某人
deliver a baby 接生婴儿 deliver a speech发表演讲
21). 众所周知,桂林因风景秀丽而闻名。 _____________________________________________________________
22). 一回到宫殿,国王就和他心爱的女孩结婚了。(一句多译)
_______________________________________________________________________________his beloved girl. _______________________________________________________________________________his beloved girl.
23). 在结婚典礼上,他发表了如何善待妻子的演说。
In his wedding ceremony, he ____________________________________________________________________.
P17. She was so scared during the interview that she completely forgot how she should respond to the questions.在这次面试中,她如此害怕以至于完全忘记了应该怎样回答这些问题。
so...that... 如此...以至于
scared adj. 害怕的,担心的 be scared of/that/to do 害怕/担心... be scared to death 怕得要死
scare vt. 使害怕,惊吓;vi.受惊吓,害怕 n. [C] 恐惧,恐慌 scary adj. 令人害怕的;可怕的,吓人的
We _______________________ when the fire _________________. ________________, it ________________ before it _________________________.
25). 她害怕去院子里,因为她害怕被卧在门口的那只大狗咬到。
She ____________________________ into the yard because she ___________________________ by the dog ________________ at the gate.
26). the playful child jumped out from behind the door, _____________(scare) his mother half to death.
8. P17. The student union will hold a special meeting in January to elect someone to replace the secretary.学生会将在一月份举行一次特别会议,选举一个人来代替秘书。
replace vt. 取代;替换 replace A with/by B用B替换A
拓展:take the place of/take one’s place(动词短语)in place of/instead of (介词短语)代替,取代
27). 随着工业机器人在越来越多的工作中取代了人类,许多工人开始担心他们的未来。
____________ industrial robots ______________ in __________________________ jobs, many workers begin to worry about their future.
28). We should use paper bags _____________________ plastic ones in many ways in life.
=We should ____________________________________________ in many ways in life.
9. P16. To a person nothing is more precious than their life. 对一个人来说,没有什么比他们的生命更加珍贵了。
“否定词+比较级”结构,表示最高级意义。常用的否定词:nothing, no, not, ever, hardly, nobody
. ---How is your new babysitter? ---We couldn’t find a _____________(good) one.
30). ---What do you think of the film tonight? ---________________________________(再糟糕不过了).
31). I enjoyed myself at the party last night because I had never been to a _______________(excite) one before.
32). 我没看过比这更有趣的小说。____________________________________________________________________
10. P 18. I saw her whispering something into his ear, obviously not wanting to be heard. 我看见她对他耳语了几句,显然不想被别人听见。
whisper vi&vt. 悄声说;耳语;低语; n. 耳语(声);低语(声)传言;谣传 whisper about 悄悄传播;低声密谈
whisper (sth.) to sb. 与某人低语(...) It is whispered that...有人私下说... in a whisper/in whispers 低声地
33). 他总是小声说话,所以有时候很难听清楚他在说什么。
He always talks ______________, _____________________________________________________________.
34). 尽管只有4月份,我的学生们已经在嘀咕假期计划了。
_________________ it is only April, my students are already ___________________________ holiday plans.
P18. After Dr Bethune’s death, Chairman Mao Zedong wrote an article in memory of him in which he praised Dr Bethune as a hero to be remembered in China.白求恩医生去世后,毛泽东主席写了一篇文章来纪念他,文中他赞扬了白求恩医生在中国是一位应当予以铭记的英雄。
in memory of 为了纪念,为了怀念
拓展: in honor of 向...表示敬意;为了纪念 in praise of为赞扬 in celebration of为庆祝
in search of 寻找 in possession of 拥有 in favor of支持,赞成 in charge of掌管; 负责
in need of 需要 in (the) face of 面临...的时候 in time of 在...的时候
34). __________________ Qu Qiubai, we set up a primary named after(以..命名) him.
35). My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was ____________________ it.
36). An increasing number of young people leave the country for big cities __________________ better jobs.
37). _____________________ difficulty, we should never give up easily.
12. P20. He picked himself up and angrily went away. 他站起身来,怒气冲冲地走了。
pick up 捡起;(偶然/无意地)获得;(无意中)学到;(开车)去接;恢复(健康、精神);好转;接收(电台)
拓展:pick out 挑出;选出;辨认出
38). It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly ____________________ my friend.
39). 令人惊讶的是,你哥这么快学了点俄语,毕竟,他住在那里时间不长。
_______________________________________________ Russian so quickly. _________________, he hasn’t lived there very long.
. We’re been through a hard time, but things ___________________(在好转) again now.
41). I’ve got to _________________________(接女儿) from school at four o’clock.
13. P20. The king was in despair. 国王处于绝望中。
in despair 处于绝望中;绝望地
拓展:in use 在使用中 in danger 处于危险中 in trouble 有麻烦;处于困境中 in need 需要;在困境中
in detail 详细地 in fact 事实上,实际上 in peace 和平地 in surprise/astonishment 惊讶地
42). I have great admiration for her because she can live _______________ with the people she hates.
43). I had a sudden feeling that Peter was ____________________. I must help him out of trouble.
44). He gave up the attempt ______________________.
45). 我惊讶地盯着他,说:“你居然通过了这么难的考试!”
14. P20 “Is there no one in this village who feels any responsibility to keep their neighbors from harm?” “难道这个村里没有人觉得有责任去保护自己的邻居不受伤害吗?”
responsibility n. 责任;职责 responsible adj. 负责的 irresponsible adj. 不负责任的
be responsible for/take responsibility for ...承担做某事的责任,对...负责 a sense of responsibility 责任感
keep...from (doing) sth.阻止,制止 (stop/prevent...(from) doing sth.)
harm n.&vt. 伤害;损害 do harm to=do sb. harm伤害某人 harmful/harmless adj. Be harmful to 对...有害
拓展:do good to=do sb. good 对...有好处 do wrong to sb=do sb. wrong 冤枉某人
46). 在阳光下看出对你的眼睛有害。_____________________________________________________________________________
47). 既然你管理这个班级,你就应该对所有学生负责。
_____________________________________ this class, you should ___________________________________.
48). 大雨没有阻止我们去听Dr.Li的演讲。____________________________________________________________
15. P20. After a great deal of effort, she finally succeeded in moving it to the side of the street.经过很大的努力后,她终于成功地把石头挪到了街边。
a great deal of 修饰不可数名词,表“大量的” a good/great deal 用作副词,修饰动词或比较级
succeed vi. 成功;vt. 继承;接替 success n. [U]成功 [C]成功的人/事 successful adj. 成功的
success in doing sth./manage to do sth./be successful in doing sth.成功做某事
49). 他第一本书很成功,自那以后,他就以作家而闻名。
His first book was ______________________. ____________________________________________________.
50). Mary大学毕业后,成功找到了一份薪水好的工作。(一句多译)_____________________________________________________
Confucius was born on September 28, 551 BC in the?Kingdom of Lu, in today’s Shandong Province. Chinese people regard Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greatest teacher who had about 3,000 students.
Confucius himself was a(n) __1__ learner who always reflected on his own experience. One day his student was cooking porridge for the teacher when something __2__ dropped into the pot. He __3__ got it out with the spoon and wanted to threw the porridge away. But it occurred to him that it’s not __4__ to gain the food, so he ate it. Just then, Confucius happened to come into the kitchen. He thought his student was __5__ food to eat. So Confucius was __6__ and decided to punish his student. But when the student __7__ what had happened before, Confucius came to know that seeing is not believing.
For more than 2,000 years, Confucius’ __8__have been around in people’s everyday lives. But some people are concerned that young Chinese today are __9__ their own history and culture. As a matter of fact, Confucius’ ideas are still __10__ today’s Chinese youth. As a teacher, he said that all should go to school if they could and wanted to learn. His most important ideas are __11__ and good?manners. He had many __12__ quotes, such as: young people should take care of the __13__; people should think more of others instead of __14__.
Nowadays, more than 100 Internet __15__ are teaching people about Confucius and his ideas.
1.A.lifelong B.native C.stubborn D.easy-going
2.A.amazing B.attractive C.dirty D.valuable
3.A.slowly B.gradually C.hurriedly D.sincerely
4.A.legal B.easy C.equal D.regular
5.A.buying B.begging C.stealing D.selecting
6.A.angry B.grateful C.generous D.mean
7.A.explained B.ignored C.inspected D.persuaded
8.A.doubts B.votes C.shortcomings D.ideas
9.A.designing B.forgetting C.remembering D.removing
10.A.conquering B.destroying C.rescuing D.affecting
11.A.kindness B.loneliness C.sadness D.coldness
12.A.magical B.informal C.famous D.rare
13.A.injured B.old C.alive D.rich
14.A.himself B.herself C.itself D.themselves
15.A.stores B.games C.websites D.Explorers
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Henry Norman Bethune who was born in 1890 was a Canadian doctor with a very creative mind and 1____________(determine) to help people. As a small boy he became very interested in medicine and decided to become a doctor after 2__________(graduate) from medical college in 1916. Bethune worked as a doctor in England, the US and Canada. He reinvented or redesigned over 10 medical instruments to make them 3__________(useful) than ever.
In 1938, Bethune left for China after he heard that many people were dying in the war. 4_________ the difficult situation, Dr. Bethune did 5_________ he could to assist the Chinese people. He helped organize hospitals, taught doctors and nurses and showed people how to give first aid.
6_________(sad), Dr. Bethune passed away in November the following year and 7_________(bury) in Shijiazhuang. After Dr. Bethune's death, Chairman Mao Zedong wrote an article 8___________(call) In Memory of Norman Bethune to praise him as 9__________ symbol of selflessness, dedication and responsibility. Since then, Dr Bethune 10_____________(become) a hero to be remembered in China. In Canada, Dr. Bethune was declared “a Canadian of national historical significance” in 1972 by the federal government.
B3U2 Building up your vocabulary 参考答案:
1. 1). on foot instead of by bus 2). Instead of, communicate more 3). to major in English
4). The majority of students find/think it difficult to learn English. 5). the majority; the minority agree with
2. 6). complaints 7). it is uncommon/unusual for most/the majority of people to talk about it; complain about life
8). Memorizing words every day contributes to enlarging/enriching your vocabulary.
9). She lied/was lying on the grass, staring/gazing at the sky.
3. 10). No one responded/There was no response to our complaints, which made us annoyed.
11). in response to, asked 12). I would rather go out for a walk than stay at home. 13). had stayed
4. 14). His humor left a deep impression on us./He impressed us with his humor./We were impressed with his humor
15). My first impression of him
16). It impresses me that these students work hard/What impresses me is that these students work hard.
5. 17). He charged me 60 yuan for 18). was charged with/was accused of 19). to take charge of
20). Mr. Sheng is in charge of Class 116./Class 116 is in the charge of Mr. Sheng.
6. 21). As is known to all, Guilin is known for its beautiful/breathtaking scenery.
22). On returning to the palace, the king married/got married to his beloved girl.
=No sooner had the king returned to the palace than he married his beloved girl.
=Instantly the king returned to the palace, he married his beloved girl.
23). delivered a speech on how to treat a wife well.
7. 24). were scared to death, broke out; fortunately/Luckily, was put out; caused/did much damage
25). was scared to go; was scared of being bitten; lying 26). scaring
8. 27). With, replacing, more and more/an increasing number of 28). in place of; =replace plastic bags with/by paper ones
9. 29). better 30). It couldn’t be worse. 31). more exciting 32). I have never read a more interesting novel than this.
10. 33). in a whisper/in whispers, thus it is sometimes difficult to hear what he is saying.
34). Even if/Even though/Despite the fact that; whispering about
11. 34). In honor of/In memory of 35). in favor of 36). in search of 37). In face of/In time of
12. 38). pick out 39). It is surprising that your brother picked up; After all 40). are picking up 41). pick up my daughter
13. 42). in peace 43). in danger 44). in despair
45). I stared/gazed at him in surprise, saying, “You should pass such a tough test!”
14. 46). Reading in the sun does harm to/is harmful to your eyes.
47). Since/Now that you take charge of, be responsible for all students.
48). The heavy rain didn’t keep/stop/prevent us from going to/attending the lecture delivered by Dr. Li.
15. 49). very successful/a great success; He has been famous as a writer since then./He was famous as a writer from then on 50). Mary succeeded in finding a well-paid job after she graduated from college./Mary managed to find a well-paid job after graduating from college./Mary successfully found a well-paid job after graduating from college.
语法填空: 1. determination 2. graduating 3. more useful 4. Despite 5. what/whatever
6. Sadly 7. was buried 8. called 9. a 10. has become