人教版(2019)高中英语必修第三册Unit 5The Value of Money 基础达标训练(3组)(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语必修第三册Unit 5The Value of Money 基础达标训练(3组)(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 24.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-05-10 00:09:44



1.I finally ________ (看见) my friend in the crowd.
2.She has little ________ (耐心) with such views.
3.The movie opens with a ________ (场面) in a New York apartment.
4.Research i________ that eating habits are changing fast.
5.She b________ me $20 that I wouldn't do it.
6.This animal is found in Australia, and ________ (哪里都不) else.
7.This ________ (歌剧) is one of the cultural totems of Western civilization.
8.She wishes to ________ (致力于) a medical career.
9. As he walked the long hallway, some popped out of line to h________ him.
10.He explained the facts in the s________ of events.
1. I made it clear I had no     (intend) of withdrawing from the political stage.
2. The man      (stick) in a foreign country without any money or friends.
3. Nowhere      the effect of government policy more apparent than in agriculture.
4. ______________a certain extent,we are all responsible for what happened last night.
5. Scientists have long wondered which parts of the brain are involved in      (music) tasks.
6. After university,she was still undecided as to what career she wanted      (pursue).
7. Don’t hesitate      (make) comments or suggestions if you have any.
8. ______________(eventual) your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult.
9. As we all know,people have dreamed of      (fly) ever since ancient times.
10. John can’t come to the party because he will be      duty at the library this afternoon.
play the role of, dream of, on duty, be stuck in, get into trouble, to one’s surprise, in case, stay calm
1. The writer brought a notebook along, ________________she was seized by sudden inspiration.
2. The man collected his thought and then took a deep breath in order to________________.
3. When he was a kid,my younger brother________________becoming a famous singer.
4. Salespeople in this supermarket must wear name badges when________________.
5. When we ________________,we need friends to help us out.
6. All of the students encouraged her to ________________the queen in the play.
7. The manager________________a traffic jam for an hour yesterday and was late for the meeting.
8. ________________, I found the stranger and I had a lot in common.
Ⅰ. 语段填词
1.You      (没有必要) tell her the news because she has already known it.
2. I           (宁愿) walk to school than take a bus.
3. You           (最好) take an umbrella in case it rains.
4. The cookies here are delicious.You           (应该) buy some.
5. You      (禁止) play football in the street.It is too dangerous.
6. Mary           (一定不在) in the reading-room because I saw her in the shop just now.
7. I am hungry. I          (想)to have some bread for breakfast.
8.You                (一定忘了) to turn off the lights when you left.
9. The station is very near. We                (本来没必要乘) a taxi.
10. What a big mistake you have made! You                (本来应该) more careful.
11. There                (过去有) a wooden tower in the village,but now it is gone.
12. Though he was very tired at that time,but he                     (能游) across the river.
Ⅱ. 完成句子
                        that I have made a trip to Hainan.
2. 我正要去接电话,突然听到了敲门声。
I                     the phone when I heard a knock at the door.
3. 那个男孩从自行车上掉下来后,他发现他的胳膊受伤了。
After the boy fell off his bike, he                     .
4. 我路过操场的时候看见他们在踢足球。
I                     when I passed the playground.
5. 老师进到教室里时,学生们好像在做作业。
The students seemed                their homework when the teacher entered the classroom.
6. 等你下班回来我再走。
              until you come back from work.
7. 他许诺要努力学习英语。
He                that he would study English hard.
8. 你最好不要到河边去,太危险了。
You                     to the bank of the river;it’s too dangerous.
Ⅲ. 语篇填空
There are many variations on the story of stone soup, but they all involve a traveler coming into a village, 1.________(hunger). The villagers tried to discourage the traveler from staying, 2.________(fear) he wanted them to give him food. They told him that there’s no food 3.________to be found. The traveler explained that he didn’t need any food and 4., in fact,he was planning to make a soup to share with all of them. The villagers watched 5. (suspicious) as he built a fire and filled a large pot with water. With great ceremony, he pulled a stone from a bag,dropping the stone into the pot of water. He tasted the soup and said 6._________delicious the stone soup was. As the villagers began to show 7._________(interesting), he mentioned how good the soup 8._________(be) with just a little cabbage in it. A villager brought out a cabbage to share. This event repeated 9._________until the soup had cabbage, carrots and onions—indeed, a large soup that fed everyone in the village.
Are you like one of the villagers, holding back? If you come forward and share your gifts, you will inspire others to do the same. The reward is 10.__________feast that can benefit many.
Henry is walking down the street_____________________ a place that cuts hair.
2. It is very kind of you,sir,but we____________________ accept tips.(allow)
3. I'm afraid it'll cos____________________.
4. Well, I wonder if you could ________________________________________have one day off.
5. If you ____________________ now, I can help the other customers.
6. When Henry opens the envelope and holds a million pound bank note in his hands, he is __________ but the owner and waiter are__________.
7. We're so very glad that you even entered our little eating place. Indeed, sir, I hope you will come here __________ you like.
8. You must come whenever you want and have __________ you like. Just having you sit here is a great honor!
9. 您能看到我头发太长了。(as)
____________________, my hair is much too long.
10. 无论什么时候,只要您想来就来,即使您仅有很少的头发要理!(even if)
Please come here whenever you like, __________ you only have too little hair cut!
Ⅱ. 单句语法填空
1. I am ______ duty today; it’s my turn to clean the classroom.
2. ______ a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation.
3. The drum is one of the oldest __________(music)instruments.
4. They __________(hug)each other like a couple of lost children.
5. With some __________(hesitate)and an uncertain smile, she held out her hand.
6. __________(eventual)she was fired from her job at a publishing house.
7. Both boys had good __________(manner), politely shaking hands.
8. All airports in the country are working__________(normal)today.
9. She had asked the government for __________(permit)to move the books to a safe place, but they refused.
10. The party needs to __________(broad)its appeal to voters.
11.People need _________(base)education if they are to become employable.
12.Three of the new products _________(base) on traditional herbal medicines(中草药).
13.Honey is _________(basic) a compound of water, two types of sugar, vitamins and enzymes.
14.I owe him an _________(apologize) for I have hurt him deeply.
15.The secretary apologized _________ the manager _________making the same mistake again.
16.No one minds mistakes or _________(ignore) as long as you are prepared to learn from them.
17.We are awaiting a _________(judge)from the Supreme Court.
18.Then he suddenly changed the image or _________(narrate) to remind us how different the animals are, how unlike humans.
19.Last year, Andrea's husband, Rick, a _________(mine) in Nevada was laid off.
20.kill comes only with practice, _________(patient), and persistence.
21.Don't give into anger and _________(patience).
22.He had been _________(patient) waiting in the anteroom(前厅) for an hour.
23.There is no _________(indicate) which way the vote could go.
24._________(odd) ,Emma says she never considered her face to be attractive.
25.It's real strange _________(odd) that he made a mistake.
26.Our school sports meeting has already      (postpone) three times.
27.We can buy all      (sort) of specially created gifts for our friends.
28.It is      great honor for me to be invited to speak at the meeting.
29.The two brothers saw a man in rags      (walk) in the street at that time.
30.Mr Smith found the windows      (break) when he got home from the holiday.
31.It was when I was traveling to Beijing      I met my friend Li Ping.
32.Do you mind my     (open) the windows?It is hot in the room.
33.Please be quick!The meeting is about      (begin).
34.If you have trouble learning French,you had better      (turn) to me.
35.He knew nothing about what had happened      I told him.
was stuck
to pursue
to make
in case
stay clam
dreamed of
on duty
get into trouble
play the role of
was stuck in
To my surprise
Ⅰ. 语段填词
would rather
had better
ought to
can’t be
would like
must have forgotten
needn’t have taken?
should have been
used to be
was able to swim
Ⅱ. 完成句子
This is the first time
was about to answer
found his arm injured
saw them playing football
to be doing
I won’t leave
made a promise
had better not go
1. hungry 2. fearing 3. anywhere 4. that 5. suspiciously 6. how 7. interest 8. would be 9. itself 10. a基础达标训练(三)
1. when he sees a sign for
2.are not allowed to
3. a large amount of money.
4. permit me to
5. pay your bill
6. surprised;shocked
7. whenever
8. whatever
9. As you can see
10. even if
5. hesitation
6. Eventually
7. manners
8. normally
9. permission
10. broaden
12.are based
26. been postponed;
27. sorts
28. a
29. walking
30. broken
31. that
32. opening
33. to begin
34. turn
35. until