人教版(新课标)高中英语必修三 Unit 5 Canada--“The True North” Warming up and Reading 教案


名称 人教版(新课标)高中英语必修三 Unit 5 Canada--“The True North” Warming up and Reading 教案
格式 doc
文件大小 38.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(新课程标准)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-05-13 22:55:56



Unit 5 A Trip on “the True North”

(Ⅰ)Target material
(ⅰ) Syllabus Objectives
The ultimate goal of the new syllabus is to develop senior students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, through which students will form good habits of learning languages as well as creative thinking, critical thinking and noble personalities. Teaching should be integrated with whatever methodologies that will contribute to students’ active participation in the class and their ability to analyze and to tackle problems. This lesson meets the requirements of the new syllabus.
(ⅱ)Analysis of target material
There are two articles on traveling in Canada in Unit 5 Canada---”The True North”, Module 3, which are A Trip on “the True North”and “The True North” from Toronto to Montreal. A Trip on “the True North” is the first lesson, which deals with their travel story in a narrative, introducing Canada to readers with general information like geography, history, scenery and culture and customs. As the contents are outdated, new supplementary materials are needed, which include extra information on the Calgary Stampede and a video featuring Canada as a popular traveling destination.
There are 5 warming-up questions on Canada to activate students’ background knowledge about Canada, and these questions need to be adapted by the teacher as the 5 questions alone are not able to serve their purpose. As for the 3 pre-reading questions, they are too much outdated and hence need to be deleted.
(ⅲ)Key points and difficult points:
(ⅰ) Key points:
General information on Canada’s geography, scenery, history, population distribution, recreational activities, culture and customs.
The two cousins’ travel route across Canada.
The purpose of traveling.
The awareness to protect natural resources.
(ⅱ)Difficult points:
Designing a travel route according to what has been learned in class.

(Ⅱ)Teaching objectives:
Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to:
analyze the text and decide on the style of the article.
define the purpose of traveling.
explain a travel route and design a new one.
be aware of protecting natural resources.

(Ⅲ)Student Analysis
This is an experimental class consisting of 30 students with academic performances above average. They aim to major in liberal arts in university when graduating from high school. Students have a certain amount of knowledge on Canada’s geography and history and are fluent in English. They are curious about the world, eager to learn and zealous about self-expression. They have a sense of cooperation in learning activities like group work. This lesson is intended to get them further developed in these aspects.
(Ⅳ)Teaching strategies & Learning strategies:? Communicative approach, task- based approach,interactive and cooperative learning.
(Ⅴ)Materials and resources: Students’ books, markers of different colors, maps of Canada, a multimedia computer, PPT, a video.
(VI)Teaching procedures:
Activities Contents and lesson steps Aims
? 1. Lead-in & warm-up
? T elicits the country Canada by asking students the question “What does it mean by ‘the true north’?” (P1)
T activates students’ background knowledge about Canada by asking them 6 warm-up questions. (P2) To get students interested in the topic and curious to read about Li Daiyu and Liu Qian’s trip to Canada.
Input: Reading to understand the whole text and its style
(16min) 1) Students read the whole text and work out the two cousins’ traveling route on the map in groups. (P3)
2) Students present their group production---the map of the traveling route to the class, and explain why the two cousins chose to stop by those cities. (P3)
3) Students decide on the style of the article: narration, exposition or argumentation. (P3) 1) To get students to grasp the style of the text and to promote students’ reading comprehension.
2) To get students to use their imagination and creativity by drawing the traveling route.
3) To enhance students’ ability to process and internalize the information from the text. To train them to present their work with confidence in front of the class so as to improve their speaking competence.
3. Input: Broadening students’ horizon and passing on values to them through some specific information
(15min) 1) T asks students the question why they decided to take the train instead of the airplane. (P4)
2) T Asks the students what the national animal of Canada is (may continue to introduce some other countries’ national animals such as China’s and the United States’.) (P5)
3) T introduces to students the Calgary Stampede with a clear definition and beautiful, exciting photos. (P6, P7)
4) Students discuss with the teacher about natural resources in Canada and in China, and draw distinct comparisons from the number of natural resources between the two countries. (P8)
5) Students discuss among groups about the question which part of Canada is densely populated and the reason why. (P8)
To instill into the students the purpose of traveling, which is to slow down and enjoy all the beauties on the way and to taste different things in life.
To broaden students’ horizons by offering some common knowledge (national animal) about Canada and by introducing to them the big festival, the Calgary Stampede.
To get students to learn about Canada’s natural resources, geography, history and population, and to realize that Canada is a vast country rich in natural resources.
To get students reflect on the fact that China’s farmlands are disappearing due to urbanization and China has to think about carrying out sustainable development instead of developing economy at the cost of natural resources and the environment.
To get students understand the connection between the population distribution in Canada and its geography, history, and economy.
4. Input: Watching a video introducing Canada as a hot tourist destination (4min) 1) Students enjoy the campaign video introducing Canada’s magnificent scenery and landscapes. They have to take down the formation about Canada’s geography, history, scenery and recreational activities while watching the video.
2) T checks their notes by asking them to recall information from the video. (P9, P10) 1) To get students to appreciate the beautiful scenery of Canada and whet their appetite for traveling in this country.
5. Summary
(1min) T guides students to summarize what they have learned in the class: general information on Canada, the purpose of traveling, the awareness to protect natural resources. (P11) To make sure students get the core of this lesson.
Output: Homework (1min) Write a letter introducing Canada and design a travel route for the teacher’s brother according to what has been learned in this class. Focus on geography, scenery and culture. (P12) To get students apply what they have learned by way of writing.
P.S.: 1. T is short for teacher. 2. P1 is short for Page 1 of the PPT and likewise.

Students’ performance will be checked and graded:
in their group work and group presentation.
through their homework---writing a letter introducing Canada and recommending a travel route to others.