岳阳楼记 课件


名称 岳阳楼记 课件
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版本资源 浙教版
科目 语文
更新时间 2012-03-25 08:19:00


KILLER Transitions Manual
Thank you for purchasing KILLER Transitions.
KILLER Transitions allows you to add amazing special transition effects to your Director 5.x and Authorware 3.5 multimedia productions. This file contains all of the documentation you need to get started using KILLER Transitions
What is KILLER Transitions V1
KILLER Transitions contains over 50 major special transition effects which can be used in your Macromedia Director and Authorware productions to add new visual transitions to your display. Each of the KILLER Transitions effects has many powerful settings which can be used to alter the effect to create literally thousands of transition results.
KILLER Transitions is provided as a set of Xtras for Director and Authorware. Xtras are special "plug-ins" which add new functionality to your Macromedia application's capabilities. Through the Xtras provided in the KILLER Transitions package, you can add new transition effects to any multimedia production, including those that you deliver using Macromedia Shockwave technology!
KILLER Transition supports the Macintosh 68K, PowerPC and Windows 95 and NT operating systems. Windows 3.1 playback support will be provided through a free downloadable update available from our websites:
How To Install KILLER Transitions V1
When Director or Authorware launches, it automatically makes available Xtras that are in one of two places:
Location #1: The Xtras folder which is in the same location as your authoring application.
Location #2: The Macromedia:Xtras folder contained in your System folder.
Location #1: The Xtras subirectory which is in the same location as your authoring application.
Location #2: The Program Files\Common Files\Macromedia\Xtras subdirectory on Windows 95 or Windows NT
To make the KILLER Transitions Xtras available to your copy of Director or Authorware, you simply need to run the KILLER Transitions Installer contained in the root directory of this CD.
Double-click the application file named "KILLER Transitions Installer."
Run the program file named "SETUP.EXE."
Follow the prompts provided by the installer. You will get the option to choose a Custom installation to re-install only select portions of the KILLER Transitions product.
Running KILLER Transitions for the First Time
When you first launch Director or Authorware after installing KILLER Transitions, you will be prompted to allow KILLER Transitions to register your authoring tool with the KILLER Transitions interface. Click OK at the prompt to complete the installation process.
Please note that KILLER Transitions are now usable only with the specific copies of Director and Authorware that you are using on your system.
How To Use KILLER Transitions V1
Once you have properly installed KILLER Transitions as described above, you can use the standard user interface of Macromedia Director or Authorware to apply them to your projects.
Using KILLER Transitions in Director
You can use the Score itself to create a new KILLER Transitions castmember. Open the Score and double-click on a cell in the Transitions channel. Director will now display the Frame Properties:Transition dialog. You will see four categories of KILLER Transitions on the left:
KILLER Hybrids
KILLER Particles
If you click on any of these category names, you will see the specific KILLER Transitions effects which are available within the selected category.
You can double-click on the Transition name in the right column and Director will automatically assign that transition effect to the Score using the default transition settings. The default settings for each of the 24 Xtras have been carefully selected to provide an exciting example of the visual effects provided by the transition algorithm.
All of the special controls for KILLER Transitions are available if you select the Transition name by clicking only once and then clicking the "Options..." button on the right side of the dialog.
Once you have selected the settings that you want (using the controls found in the Options dialog), click on the Set button to confirm your choices, then click on the OK button to create a new Killer Transition castmember with your settings applied to it.
This creates a castmember which you can now place into other locations of your Score. You can drag and drop Killer Transition castmembers from the Cast window into the transition channel of the Score window. You can also copy and paste cells in the transition channel of the Score window.
If you decide that you want to change the settings on a Killer Transition castmember, you can do so by accessing the Cast Info dialog. Select the castmember you wish to modify and then click on the Information button in the top of the Cast window. Now click on the Options... button to access the controls for that transition castmember. When you click the Set button, your changes will be recorded into the castmember.
Using KILLER Transitions in Authorware
You can apply a transition to any display, erase, interaction or framework icon.
Select the Transition command from the Attributes menu. This will display a dialog which you can use to access all of the KILLER Transitions. You will see four categories of KILLER Transitions on the left:
KILLER Hybrids
KILLER Particles
If you click on any of these category names, you will see the specific KILLER Transitions effects which are available within the selected category.
You can double-click on the Transition name in the right column and Director will automatically assign that transition effect to the Score using the default transition settings. The default settings for each of the 24 Xtras have been carefully selected to provide an exciting example of the visual effects provided by the transition algorithm.
All of the special controls for KILLER Transitions are available if you select the Transition name by clicking only once and then clicking the "Options..." button on the right side of the dialog.
If you want to see a preview of your transition applied to the current icon, click on the Apply button in the dialog.
Once you have selected the settings that you want (using the controls found in the Options dialog), click on the Set button to confirm your choices, then click on the OK button to create a new Killer Transition castmember with your settings applied to it.
This creates a castmember which you can now place into other locations of your Score. You can drag and drop Killer Transition castmembers from the Cast window into the transition channel of the Score window. You can also copy and paste cells in the transition channel of the Score window.
If you decide that you want to change the settings on a Killer Transition castmember, you can do so by accessing the Cast Info dialog. Select the castmember you wish to modify and then click on the Information button in the top of the Cast window. Now click on the Options... button to access the controls for that transition castmember. When you click the Set button, your changes will be recorded into the castmember.
More Usage Information
For more details on using transitions in Director, please refer to the section titled "Working with Transitions" in Chapter 5 of your "Using Director" manual.
For more details on using transitions in Authorware, please refer to the section titled "Transition Xtras" in Chapter 2 of your "What's New in Authorware 3.5" manual.
Shipping a Projector with KILLER Transitions Xtras
The transition Xtras can be shipped as part of a Director or Authorware multimedia project. To do this, you simply need to copy only the KILLER Transitions Xtras that you are using in your project into a special folder/subdirectory named Xtras. Then you must place this Xtras folder/subdirectory in the same place as your runtime package or projector application.
IMPORTANT NOTE: YOU MAY NOT DISTRIBUTE the KILLER Transitions interface Xtra named "KillerTransitionsHub" on Macintosh or "KILLERHB.X32" on Windows. These files are not redistributable under the licensing agreement that accompanies this software and is a copyright violation:
This section documents the user interface for each of the transition effects which come with KILLER Transitions. These effects have many controls which can be used to create thousands of transition variations. Experiment using the Options dialog to preview the possibilities!
General Interface Options
Shapes Menu
The Shapes Menu is enabled for the following KILLER Transitions:
The Shapes menu lets you select different geometic shapes to apply to the transition effect. The shape selections are:
trUp (triangle pointing up)
trDn (triangle pointing down)
trR (triangle pointing right)
trL (triangle pointing left)
rect (rectangle)
4Star (4 point star)
5Star (5 point star)
6Star (6 point star)
Preview Menu
The Preview Menu is enabled for all of the KILLER Transitions. This menu allows you to control the appearance of the images in the preview area of the dialog. The menu options include:
Loop Preview
Enabled by default. This menu command causes the transition preview to be looped continuously. If this menu command is disabled, you can view a preview by clicking on the Preview Transition button at the top center of the options dialog.
Start Picture
This menu command allows you to select the starting picture for the preview. An initial set of 10 images are provided. If you have imported any images using the Import Picture menu command (see below) they will appear in this submenu.
End Picture
This menu command allows you to select the ending picture for the preview. An initial set of 10 images are provided. If you have imported any images using the Import Picture menu command (see below) they will appear in this submenu.
Import Picture (Macintosh only)
This menu command allows you to import your own custom image for the purpose of previewing transition effect settings. You can import any valid PICT image. If the image you import is larger or smaller than the preview window, it will be scaled to fit upon its display.
Remove Picture (Macintosh only)
This menu command allows you to remove any images which you have imported using the Import Picture command.
Use Palette Color Selector (Macintosh only)
This menu command determines whether color selections with the color chips (border color, matte color, etc.) will be made using the System palette displayed by KILLER Transitions (the default setting) or your standard system color picker. Disabling this menu command will cause whatever color picker your system has active to be used when clicking on the color chip.
Using the system color picker can be very useful when specifying an RGB color and desiring exact control over the color selection.
Slider Controls
The Slider Controls provide access to much of the flexibility of the KILLER Transitions. You can drag the slider to a new position. You can type a value into the field above the slider and press ENTER or TAB to enable the new setting. You can click on the slider area and the slider will move to the new position as you hold the mouse down.
You can use the Control key to cycle many of the sliders from a percentage value to a numeric value to a locked value. Some sliders are fixed to one format of display and other do not support the locked setting.
Slider Control Settings - Percentage
When the slider displays a percentage symbol (Macintosh) or you have enabled the Percentage checkbox (Windows), you are setting the value of the slider to a relative percentage of the changing area of the element(s) that the slider controls. This is useful when you wish to keep the appearance of the transition similar across different changing areas.
Slider Control Settings - Numeric Value
When the slider displays an equal sign, you are setting the value of the slider to a number of pixels.
Slider Control Settings - Lock-Linked
When the slider display a small lock symbol, you are lock-linking the setting of the border height and border width sliders in various transition effects. Once you lock one of the sliders, its display will always be tied to the relative setting of the other slider. This can be examined best in the Inversection transition type.
Angle Control
The Angle Control allows you to specify the starting angle or direction of a KILLER Transition effect.
You can click and drag the control into a new position. You can type into the field a numeric value from 0 to 359. Some transition effects are limited to 45 or 90 degree angles and your selection may be "rounded" to the nearest allowed value.
Palette Controls
The Palette Controls allow you to specify the color of matte, wedge and border areas. You can select either indexed palette values or RGB values. RGB values provide added flexibility as they protect the color of the matte, wedge or border even if the underlying palette selection is altered. Using indexed palette values can be useful if you plan careful palette switches and desired to indirectly control the color of the matte, wedge or border through varying entries in this palette location.
You can click on the palette control with the Control key selected to activate indexed palette values. When you do this, your selection will be display as an index value on top of a color chip showing the current color stored in that palette location. Otherwise you will see "RGB" on the color chip.
Step Control
You can use the Step control the display of the transition effect one step at a time while previewing it. You can hold the Step button down to cause a continuous stepping display.
KILLER Hybrids Control Options
The original image is eaten alive as user definable chunks are bitten out of it to reveal the new image.
Horizontal Density
The number of bites that will be used along the horizontal axis. A value from 1 to 10.
Vertical Density
The number of bites that will be used along from left to right. A value from 1 to 10.
Tooth Density
How many teeth will appear along the edge of each bite. A value from 2 to 20.
Tooth Length
A percentage value which specifies how long each tooth is. A value from 0 to 100.
Jagged Edges
A percentage value which specifies how random the length of each tooth is. A value from 0 to 100.
Optionally have a crunching sound played with each "bite".
Rockets burst onto the screen with explosions of new plete with falling trail effects.
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen through the trails of the fireworks pieces.
Causes the next image to be preceded by a solid color graphic which is wiped onto the screen.
Matte Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the matte graphic.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 100)
Specifies the amount of action that occurs with each burst of fireworks graphics (1 to 25)
Bit Density
Specifies the size of the exploding elements (3 to 36)
Horiz Density
Specifies the density of the fireworks burst across the screen from left to right (2 to 10)
Vert Density
Specifies the density of the fireworks burst down the screen from top to bottom (2 to 10)
Optionally have a fireworks explosion sound played with each "burst".
Rectangles expand from spaces on an invisible checkboard. The new image is revealed in the rectangles formed by the intersections of the squares.
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen through the trails of the intersecting rectangles.
Causes the next image to be preceded by a solid color graphic which is wiped onto the screen.
Matte Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the matte graphic.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 250)
Border Height
Specified the height of the border graphic (1 to 250)
Horiz Density
Specifies the density of the rectangles from left to right (2 to 40)
Vert Density
Specifies the density of the rectangles from top to bottom (2 to 40)
Highly excitable spheres appear, bounce and rebound off the walls and each other randomly leaving behind the new image.
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen through the trails of the balls.
Causes the next image to be preceded by a solid color graphic which is wiped onto the screen.
Matte Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the matte graphic.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 100)
Number of Balls
Specifies the number of balls that will appear (1 to 40)
Horiz Density
Specifies the density of the balls from left to right (2 to 40)
Vert Density
Specifies the density of the balls from top to bottom (2 to 40)
Specifies that the ball(s) should start the transition coming from the outside edge of the transition area to the center.
Specifies that the ball(s) should start the transition coming from the center of the transition area.
Specifies that the ball(s) should start the transition at random locations of the transition area.
A smooth transition from one image to another. A user definable color can be selected to influence the crossing translucence.
Causes the image fade to be accomplished through an adaptive (or approximate) manipulation of the palette between the colors of the starting and ending images.
Causes the image fade to be accomplished through an exact manipulation of the palette between the colors of the starting and ending images.
Enables a chroma color to be used during the transition.
Chroma Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the chroma color.
Chroma Percent
Specifies what percentage of the chroma color will be reached during the transition.
Chroma Peak
Specifies at what percentage of time into the transition that the chroma percent will be reached. Use a value of 50 to cause an even amount of the time to be used to fade to and then from the chroma color.
Specifies the mathematical accuracy that will be used in calculating Adaptive transition images. Use 1 to specify the least accuracy (fastest) and a maximum value of 6 to specify the most accuracy (slowest).
Circular drops fall onto the stage expanding slightly as they splash on the screen washing away the image and revealing the new image underneath.
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen through the trails of the rain drop pieces.
Causes the next image to be preceded by a solid color graphic which is wiped onto the screen.
Matte Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the matte graphic.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 100)
Number of Drops
Specifies the number of rain drops that will appear (2 to 100)
Active Drops
Specifies the percentage of rain drops which will animate in staggers (0 to 100)
Specifies the percentage of the rain drop's potential radius that will be displayed.
Specifies the randomness of the appearance of the rain drops (0 to 100).
Enables a water drop sound which occurs with the appearance of each rain drop.
KILLER Slides Control Options
Draws an invisible line through the center of the image and then collapses the image into the line or pushes the image out from the line to the edges in both directions simultaneously.
Push In
Causes the effect to push graphics from the outside edges towards the center.
Push Out
Causes the effect to push graphics from the center to the outside edges.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 100)
One of four degree angles which can be used for the effect.
Pushes or wipes the edges of the new image in or out simultaneously from both sides using any one of 360 angles. A great replacement for the Diagonal Wipes in Director!
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen in place.
Causes the next image to be pushed onto the screen into its place from the edge.
Causes the effect to draw from the outside edges towards the center.
Causes the effect to draw from the center to the outside edges.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 100)
Any degree angle (0 to 359)
Wipes or pushes a user definable number of horizontal bars from the edges of the image to combine in the middle and form the next image. An extremely flexible transition tool!
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen in place.
Causes the next image to be pushed onto the screen into its place from the edge.
Causes the next image to be preceded by a solid color graphic which is wiped onto the screen.
Matte Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the matte graphic.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 100)
Border Height
Specifies the height of each border (1 to 100)
Bar Density
Specifies how many horizontal bars will be used in the effect. A value from 2 to 40.
Bar Width
Specifies the width of each bar relative to the transition's changing area. A percentage from 0 to 100.
The original image is eaten alive as rows of "teeth" close on it to reveal the new image. Also includes sound effects which are synchronized to the transition.
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen in place.
Causes the next image to be pushed onto the screen into its place from the edge.
Causes the next image to be preceded by a solid color graphic which is wiped onto the screen.
Matte Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the matte graphic.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 100)
Tooth Density
Specifies the approximate number of teeth that will be used in the effect. A value from 2 to 30.
Tooth Length
Specifies the height of each tooth relative to the transition's changing area. A percentage from 0 to 100.
Jagged Edges
A percentage value which specifies how random the length of each tooth is. A value from 0 to 100.
Optionally have a door slamming sound played with each "bite".
From a single square new panels slide out from under in four directions simultaneously or variably, up to three layers deep.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 250)
Border Height
Specified the height of the border graphic (1 to 250)
Horiz Density
Specifies the density of the rectangles from left to right (1 to 3)
Vert Density
Specifies the density of the rectangles from top to bottom (1 to 3)
Random Velocity
Specifies the whether the boxes are animated with exact synchronization (0) or with varying degrees of random speed (1 to 100)
Rotate Clockwise
Causes the effect to animate clockwise.
Rotate Counter-clockwise
Causes the effect to animate counter-clockwise.
Wipes or pushes a user definable number of vertical bars from the edges of the image to combine in the middle and form the next image. A great complement to Horizlide!
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen in place.
Causes the next image to be pushed onto the screen into its place from the edge.
Causes the next image to be preceded by a solid color graphic which is wiped onto the screen.
Matte Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the matte graphic.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 100)
Border Height
Specifies the height of each border (1 to 100)
Bar Density
Specifies how many vertical bars will be used in the effect. A value from 2 to 40.
Bar Height
Specifies the height of each bar relative to the transition's changing area. A percentage from 0 to 100.
KILLER Wipes Control Options
At its most basic, it is a extremely fast clock wipe. You can also add a wedge using a custom color and width and select up to 10 blades each of which can have a wedge. You can also move the center of the effect anywhere you want.
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen in place.
Causes the next image to be preceded by a solid color graphic which is wiped onto the screen.
Blade Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the blade wedge(s).
Wedge Size
The width of the blade wedge(s) (-359 to 360)
Blade Density
The number of blades that will appear in the animation (1 to 10)
X Origin
Specifies the relative X axis origin for the effect. A value of 0 is the center of the changing area.
Y Origin
Specifies the relative Y axis origin for the effect. A value of 0 is the center of the changing area.
Start Angle
Specified the degree angle which will be used at the start of the transition effect.
Rotate Clockwise
Causes the effect to animate clockwise.
Rotate Counter-clockwise
Causes the effect to animate counter-clockwise.
A single expanding circle grows or contracts to reveal the new image at very high speeds.
Wipe In
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen from the outside edges of the transition changing area to the center.
Wipe Out
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen from the center of the transition changing area to the outside edges.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 100)
Specifies the acceleration factor for the transition. A negative value indicates that the effect should start slowly and then speed up, a value of 0 indicates no acceleration should be used and a positive value indicates that the effect should start quickly and then slow down.
X Origin
Specifies the relative X axis origin for the effect. A value of 0 is the center of the changing area.
Y Origin
Specifies the relative Y axis origin for the effect. A value of 0 is the center of the changing area.
The new image coils out (or in) in an ever expanding (or contracting) circular wipe. You can specify how many turns it take to complete the effect and even move the center of the effect anywhere you want.
Wipe Out
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen from the center of the transition changing area to the outside edges.
Wipe In
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen from the outside edges of the transition changing area to the center.
Rotate Clockwise
Causes the effect to animate clockwise.
Rotate Counter-clockwise
Causes the effect to animate counter-clockwise.
Loop Density
Specifies how many loops it will take to complete the transition effect (2 to 20)
Specifies the acceleration factor for the transition. A negative value indicates that the effect should start slowly and then speed up, a value of 0 indicates no acceleration should be used and a positive value indicates that the effect should start quickly and then slow down.
X Origin
Specifies the relative X axis origin for the effect. A value of 0 is the center of the changing area.
Y Origin
Specifies the relative Y axis origin for the effect. A value of 0 is the center of the changing area.
Start Angle
Specified the degree angle which will be used at the start of the transition effect.
A single expanding diamond grows or contracts to reveal the new image at very high speeds.
Wipe In
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen from the outside edges of the transition changing area to the center.
Wipe Out
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen from the center of the transition changing area to the outside edges.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 100)
Specifies the acceleration factor for the transition. A negative value indicates that the effect should start slowly and then speed up, a value of 0 indicates no acceleration should be used and a positive value indicates that the effect should start quickly and then slow down.
X Origin
Specifies the relative X axis origin for the effect. A value of 0 is the center of the changing area.
Y Origin
Specifies the relative Y axis origin for the effect. A value of 0 is the center of the changing area.
Inspired by the 1960's psychedelic spiral that still appears on x-ray glasses and blacklight posters. The new image spirals out from the center leaving a tunnel of unchanged image and then spirals back in to complete the effect. Also works in reverse.
Wipe Out
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen from the center of the transition changing area to the outside edges.
Wipe In
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen from the outside edges of the transition changing area to the center.
The number of turns required to complete the animation (3 to 30)
X Origin
Specifies the relative X axis origin for the effect. A value of 0 is the center of the changing area.
Y Origin
Specifies the relative Y axis origin for the effect. A value of 0 is the center of the changing area.
A high speed flat line wipe which can travel in any one of 360 directions. You can apply a user definable border and border color.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 100)
Specifies the acceleration factor for the transition. A negative value indicates that the effect should start slowly and then speed up, a value of 0 indicates no acceleration should be used and a positive value indicates that the effect should start quickly and then slow down.
Any degree angle (0 to 359)
KILLER Particles Control Options
New image is broken into a user definable number of rectangles (up to 2,500) and then assembles itself over the original image.
Edges In
Moves the pieces of the transition into place from the outside edges of the transition area.
Center Out
Moves the pieces of the transition into place from the center of the transition area.
Moves the pieces of the transition into place from random areas of the transition area.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 250)
Border Height
Specified the height of the border graphic (1 to 250)
Horiz Density
Specifies the density of the assemble rectangles from left to right (1 to 50)
Vert Density
Specifies the density of the assemble rectangles from top to bottom (1 to 50)
A user definable shape cascades across the image in an user definable pattern. Patterns include Directed, Burst, Sync and Random.
The shapes expand from their center out.
The shapes expand along their vertical axis.
The shapes expand along their horizontal axis.
Matte Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the matte graphic.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 250)
Horiz Density
Specifies the density of the cascading shapes from left to right (1 to 50)
Vert Density
Specifies the density of the cascading shapes from top to bottom (1 to 50)
Specifies the relative number of active shapes used at any one time. The higher the feather value, the more shapes will appear and the faster the transition will occur.
Band Width
Specifies the hold time for the cascading shapes.
The shapes cascade in the direction specified by the Direction control.
The shapes cascade from the center of the transition area out.
The shapes cascade in unison.
The shapes cascade in a random motion.
Specified the 45 degree angle which will be used as the direction of the transition effect. Only applies to Directed cascade motion.
Invisible ovals (up to 1,600) overlay the original image and individually clock wipe at different rates to reveal the new image.
Causes the next image to be painted onto the screen in place.
Causes the next image to be preceded by a solid color graphic which is wiped onto the screen.
Matte Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the matte graphic.
Horiz Density
Specifies the density of the cascading shapes from left to right (1 to 40)
Vert Density
Specifies the density of the cascading shapes from top to bottom (1 to 40)
Specifies the relative number of active shapes used at any one time. The higher the feather value, the more shapes will appear and the faster the transition will occur.
The shapes cascade in the direction specified by the Direction control.
The shapes cascade from the center of the transition area out.
The shapes cascade in unison.
The shapes cascade in a random motion.
Specified the 45 degree angle which will be used as the direction of the transition effect. Only applies to Directed motion.
Tiles cascades across the original image wiping at varying rates to reveal the new image.
The shapes expand from their center out.
The shapes expand along their vertical axis.
The shapes expand along their horizontal axis.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 250)
Horiz Density
Specifies the density of the cascading shapes from left to right (1 to 50)
Vert Density
Specifies the density of the cascading shapes from top to bottom (1 to 50)
Specifies the relative number of active shapes used at any one time. The higher the feather value, the more shapes will appear and the faster the transition will occur.
The shapes cascade in the direction specified by the Direction control.
The shapes cascade from the center of the transition area out.
The shapes cascade in unison.
The shapes cascade in a random motion.
Specified the 45 degree angle which will be used as the direction of the transition effect. Only applies to Directed cascade motion.
The image breaks into up to 175 pieces, for an instant showing the new image through the cracks, as the pieces either fall away, disappear or explode out at the viewer and then arch down with simulated gravity.
Causes the pieces to drop from their initial display location straight down and off the screen.
Causes the pieces to animate in an exploding arc from their initial display location to an offscreen location.
Causes the pieces to simply disappear from their initial display location.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 250)
Specifies the number of pieces that the image breaks up into (2 to 175)
Crack Size
Specifies the space removed between the pieces (1 to 50)
Specifies the randomness of the shape of the pieces from 0 (simple rectangle) to 100 (very jagged piece)
Specifies the simulated force of the impact on the "breaking" image. This will impact the speed of the motion of the pieces, particularly when using the Explode option. (16 to 99)
Start Sound
Enables the sound of an explosion which occurs at the beginning of the transition effect.
Recurring Sound
Enables echoing explosion sounds which occur as pieces of the images fall offscreen.
The image shatters into up to 40 pieces in a spider web impact pattern, for an instant showing the new image through the cracks, as the pieces either fall away, disappear or explode out at the viewer and then arch down with simulated gravity.
Causes the pieces to drop from their initial display location straight down and off the screen.
Causes the pieces to animate in an exploding arc from their initial display location to an offscreen location.
Causes the pieces to simply disappear from their initial display location.
Enables a border graphic around the moving elements of the transition.
Border Color
Specifies one of 256 colors to use for the border graphic.
Border Width
Specified the width of the border graphic (1 to 250)
Specifies the number of pieces that the image breaks up into (8 to 40)
Crack Size
Specifies the space removed between the pieces (1 to 50)
Hole Size
Specifies the size of the hole that appears in the middle of the image from 0 (no hole) to 100 (very large hole)
Specifies the simulated force of the impact on the "breaking" image. This will impact the speed of the motion of the pieces, particularly when using the Explode option. (16 to 99)
Start Sound
Enables the sound of breaking glass which occurs at the beginning of the transition effect.
Recurring Sound
Enables smashing glass sounds which occur as pieces of the images fall offscreen.
KILLER Transitions supports the full use of Director's Lingo language to access Killer Transition castmembers. You can both get and set numerous properties for each transition castmember. Below is a cross-reference chart describing each transition castmember type and the specific properties supported by it.
the type of member
This property returns a unique value for each Xtra instance type. Here is a complete list of the possible symbols:
-- #SharkByte_Assemble
-- #SharkByte_BladeWipe
-- #SharkByte_Bytes2
-- #SharkByte_Cascade
-- #SharkByte_Centralize
-- #SharkByte_CircleWipe
-- #SharkByte_ClockOut
-- #SharkByte_Coil
-- #SharkByte_DiamondWipe
-- #SharkByte_Divize
-- #SharkByte_Fireworks
-- #SharkByte_Horizlide
-- #SharkByte_Inversection
-- #SharkByte_Jaws2
-- #SharkByte_Kinetics
-- #SharkByte_LiquidFade
-- #SharkByte_LiquidTiles
-- #SharkByte_PuzzleBox
-- #SharkByte_Rain
-- #SharkByte_SelfDestruct
-- #SharkByte_Shattered
-- #SharkByte_TimeTunnel
-- #SharkByte_Vertislide
-- #SharkByte_WipedOut
You can use this property to dynamically create new KILLER Transitions castmembers using the Lingo command "new." For example:
new(#SharkByte_Shattered, member 100 of castLib "Transitions")
would create a new Shattered effect castmember in the specified location.
Custom Member Properties
Each KILLER Transitions Xtra has built in help information about the unique properties it supports. You can use these properties to create extremely custom and flexible interfaces which display variations of the general theme of a specific Xtra. For your reference, here is a list of the transition Xtras help information. You can obtain this by typing:
put the help of member x
in the Message window (where member x is a KILLER Transition castmember.)
Tip: If you want to know the type of Xtra that a specific castmember represents, you can use this Lingo code:
put word 3 of the help of member x
You can get a list of all of the custom properties for a specific transition castmember by using:
put the propertyNames of member x
You can get a list of the current values for a specific transition castmember by using:
put the propertyValues of member x
You can learn more about the specific values you can assign to the properties supported by a specific transition castmember by using:
put the arguments of member x
There are many properties provided by KILLER Transition castmembers. These are discussed in more detail below.
The help of member for KILLER Transitions (alphabetically)
Help for Assemble properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Initial placement of unassembled pieces
sound Not applicable
border Option to show border around unassembled pieces
C borderColor Color value of the border area
L borderWidth Horizantal value of area to show border color
L borderHeight Vertical value of area to show border color
densityH Number of horizontal tiles to assemble the changing area from
densityV Number of vertical tiles to assemble the changing area from
Properties marked with 'L' can switch between 'value', 'percent', and 'linked' modes.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for BladeWipe properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Option to add a matte color wedge
sound Not applicable
border Not applicable
direction Radial direction of the wipe
C wedgeColor Color value of the wedge area
startAngle Initial angle value at which effect will begin
bladeDensity Number of blades distrubuted evenly around the center
% wedgeSize The size of the wedge
% xOrigin Horizontal offset value from center of the effect to center of the screen
% yOrigin Vertical offset value from center of the effect to center of the screen
Properties marked with '%' can switch between 'value' and 'percent' mode.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for Bytes2 properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Not applicable
sound Option to sync sounds with specific effect events
border Not applicable
densityH Number of horizontal bytes to eat away the changing area
densityV Number of vertical bytes to eat away the changing area
toothDensity Number of teeth on each byte
% toothLength Length of teeth on each byte
% jaggedness Introduces randomness in tooth size and shape
Properties marked with '%' can switch between 'value' and 'percent' mode.
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for Cascade properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Not applicable
sound Not applicable
border Option to show border around each tile
C borderColor Color value of the border area
L borderWidth Total value of area to show border color
C matteColor Color value of the border color
densityH Number of horizontal tiles to roll the changing area
densityV Number of vertical tiles to roll the changing area
direction Style option determining the pattern used to cascade the tiles
feather Determines the level of variation in the rolling effect
bandWidth Approximate thickness value of the effect
inverted Not applicable
style The direction of the wipe each tile uses to simulate rolling
angle Angle value used for DIRECTED style
shapeIndex Option to change shape value of all tiles
Properties marked with 'L' can switch between 'value', 'percent', and 'linked' modes.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for Centralize properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Option to push two pieces from center out or edges into center
sound Not applicable
border Option to show border around pieces
C borderColor Color value of the border area
% borderWidth Total value of area to show border color
angle Angle value for the line that is the center of the effect
acceleration Relative increase or decrease in each step's size
Properties marked with '%' can switch between 'value' and 'percent' mode.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for CircleWipe properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Option to wipe circle out or in
sound Not applicable
border Option to show border around the circle
C borderColor Color value of the border area
L borderWidth Total value of area to show border color
C matteColor Not applicable
% xOrigin Horizontal offset value from center of the effect to center of the screen
% yOrigin Vertical offset value from center of the effect to center of the screen
acceleration Relative increase or decrease in each step's size
L resolution Not applicable
Properties marked with '%' can switch between 'value' and 'percent' mode.
Properties marked with 'L' can switch between 'value', 'percent', and 'linked' modes.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for ClockOut properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Option to add a matte color wedge
sound Not applicable
border Not applicable
C wedgeColor Color value of the wedge area
L wedgeSize The size of the wedge(s)
densityH Number of horizontal circles to cover the changing area
densityV Number of vertical circles to cover the changing area
directed Angle value used for DIRECTED style
feather Not applicable
rotation Not applicable
expansion Not applicable
shapeIndex Not applicable
Properties marked with 'L' can switch between 'value', 'percent', and 'linked' modes.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for Coil properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Option to expand effect from center out or edges in
sound Not applicable
border Not applicable
direction Radial direction of the wipe
startAngle Initial angle value at which effect will begin
loopDensity Number of full circles around the center to complete effect
acceleration Relative increase or decrease in each step's size
% xOrigin Horizontal offset value from center of the effect to center of the screen
% yOrigin Vertical offset value from center of the effect to center of the screen
Properties marked with '%' can switch between 'value' and 'percent' mode.
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for DiamondWipe properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Option to wipe diamond out or in
sound Not applicable
border Option to show border around the diamond
C borderColor Color value of the border area
L borderWidth Total value of area to show border color
C matteColor Not applicable
% xOrigin Horizontal offset value from center of the effect to center of the screen
% yOrigin Vertical offset value from center of the effect to center of the screen
acceleration Relative increase or decrease in each step's size
L resolution Not applicable
Properties marked with '%' can switch between 'value' and 'percent' mode.
Properties marked with 'L' can switch between 'value', 'percent', and 'linked' modes.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for Divize properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Option to push two pieces from center out or edges into center
sound Not applicable
border Option to show border around pieces
C borderColor Color value of the border area
% borderWidth Total value of area to show border color
style Option to direct effect out from center or in from edges
angle Angle value for the line that is the center of the effect
acceleration Not applicable
Properties marked with '%' can switch between 'value' and 'percent' mode.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for Fireworks properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
endSound Not Applicable
C borderColor
% borderWidth
C matteColor
Properties marked with '%' can switch between 'value' and 'percent' mode.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for Horizlide properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Option to wipe to new image, intermediate color, or push section of new image
sound Not applicable
border Option to show border around pieces
C borderColor Color value of the border area
L borderWidth Horizantal value of area to show border color
L borderHeight Vertical value of area to show border color
C matteColor Color value of the intermediate matte color area
barDensity Number of horizontal bars to use
% barWidth Horizontal measure of bars (visible with matte, push or border)
acceleration Relative increase or decrease in each step's size
Properties marked with '%' can switch between 'value' and 'percent' mode.
Properties marked with 'L' can switch between 'value', 'percent', and 'linked' modes.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for Inversection properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Option to wipe to intermediate color or directly to new image
sound Not applicable
border Option to show border around expanding rects (recommended)
C borderColor Color value of the border area
L borderWidth Horizantal value of area to show border color
L borderHeight Vertical value of area to show border color
C matteColor Inbetween color value to wipe to
densityH Number of horizontal rects to intersect the changing area from
densityV Number of vertical rects to intersect the changing area from
Properties marked with 'L' can switch between 'value', 'percent', and 'linked' modes.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for Jaws2 properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Option to wipe to new image, intermediate color, or push section of new image
sound Enable sound option
border Option to show border around teeth
startSound Option to sync sound with effect start
endSound Option to sync sound with jaws close
C borderColor Color value of the border area
L borderHeight Vertical value of area to show border color
% borderWidth Horizantal value of area to show border color
C matteColor Color value of the intermediate matte color area
toothDensity Option detemining number of teeth per jaw
% toothLength option determining length of teeth
% jaggedness Introduces randomness in tooth size and shape
acceleration Relative increase or decrease in each step's size
Properties marked with '%' can switch between 'value' and 'percent' mode.
Properties marked with 'L' can switch between 'value', 'percent', and 'linked' modes.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for Kinetics properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Option to use invisible of colored balls
sound Option to sync sounds with specific effect events
border Option to show border around balls
C borderColor Color value of the border area
% borderWidth Total value of area to show border color
C matteColor Color value of balls
numBalls Number of balls used
densityH Number of horizontal verticies of the ball's follow
densityV Number of vertical verticies of the ball's follow
style Describes the initial position of the balls
Properties marked with '%' can switch between 'value' and 'percent' mode.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for LiquidFade properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Option determining the accuracy of the calculation used to fade images
sound Not applicable
border Not applicable
chroma Option to tint the intermediate fade towards a particular matte color
C chromaColor Color value used for chroma tinting the fade
chromaPercent Maximum peak value of chroma color
chromaPeak Point in the set duration of the effect that the chroma reaches maximum
accuracy Integer indicating the number of colors to store as a match for an RGB value
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for LiquidTiles properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Option to roll to intermediate color or directly to new image
sound Not applicable
border Option to show border around each tile
C borderColor Color value of the border area
L borderWidth Total value of area to show border color
C matteColor Inbetween color value of the tiles
densityH Number of horizontal tiles to roll the changing area
densityV Number of vertical tiles to roll the changing area
directed Style option determining the pattern used to cascade the tiles
feather Determines the level of variation in the rolling effect
inverted Not applicable
style The direction of the wipe each tile uses to simulate rolling
direction Angle value used for DIRECTED style
shapeIndex Option to change shape value of all tiles
Properties marked with 'L' can switch between 'value', 'percent', and 'linked' modes.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for PuzzleBox properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Not applicable
sound Not applicable
border Option to show border around tiles
C borderColor Color value of the border area
L borderWidth Horizantal value of area to show border color
L borderHeight Vertical value of area to show border color
horizDensity Number of horizontal tiles to assemble the changing area from
vertDensity Number of vertical tiles to assemble the changing area from
randomVel Introduce randomness to velocity of each tile
Properties marked with 'L' can switch between 'value', 'percent', and 'linked' modes.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for Rain properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Option to wipe to intermediate color or directly to new image
sound Option to sync sounds with specific effect events
border Option to show border around expanding drops
C borderColor Color value of the border area
% borderWidth Total value of area to show border color
C matteColor Inbetween color value to wipe to
numDrops Number of drops to complete effect
numActiveDrops Number of drops expanding simultaneously
maxRadius Maximum distance drops can expand
randomness Introduces randomness to the size of the drops
Properties marked with '%' can switch between 'value' and 'percent' mode.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for SelfDestruct properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each property can take.
propertyNames (read only) returns the names of each property you can set.
propertyValues (read only) returns the values of each of the properties.
myData store any integer you want here.
mode Option determining how broken pieces of start image are disposed of
sound Enable sound option
startSound Option to sync sound with effect start
recurSound Option to sync sound with disposal of each piece of start image
endSound Not applicable
border Option to show border around each piece
C borderColor Color value of the border area
% borderWidth Total value of area to show border color
numPieces Number of pieces to break start image into
% crackSize Initial distance between pieces
randomness Introduces randomness to the shape of the pieces
gravity Value of force pulling pieces down on drop or explode
force Value of force pushing pieces out on explode
Properties marked with '%' can switch between 'value' and 'percent' mode.
Properties marked with 'C' can switch between 'index' and 'rgb' color mode.
(Changing the color mode changes the value to 0.)
You change or set the mode of property xxxx by accessing the corresponding xxxxMode property.
Help for Shattered properties:
help (read only) returns this string.
arguments (read only) returns the values each propertydirecttransition3d破解版
WHEREAS, DirectXtras Inc. has designed and developed proprietary software
included in this folder and known henceforth as the Program;
DirectXtras Inc. owns all right, title and interest in and to the Program.
By installing the Program, you agree that;
(C) DirectXtras Inc. 1999
www.XtrAgent Trial Version 2.0
Developed by Tomer Berda, DirectXtras Inc.
Copyright 1998-99.
Last updated: 10 May 1999.
This is a trial version of XtrAgent. You can use it to see if it
provides you with the features you are looking for.
The trial version does not operate under projectors, packages
and Shockwave. In addition, the 'File' member/icon property
and the ability to create new XtrAgent members/icons on the fly
are not available in this trial version.
You have to license the Xtra to obtain the disabled features,
run-time capability, and the license to use and freely distribute
XtrAgent along with your applications.
Product Information
XtrAgent is an Asset Xtra which enables the use of Microsoft's revolutionary
"Agent" technology in Director, Authorware and Shockwave applications, that
provides a foundation for more natural ways for people to communicate with
their computers.
XtrAgent adds a new type of member to your cast - Agent.
Agent is an interactive animated character that can be drawn on top
of all other sprites and windows and even outside of the stage area.
It can speak, via a text-to-speech engine or recorded audio, and accept
spoken voice commands.
Agents can be used as guides, coaches, entertainers, or other types of
assistants or specialists.
Using XtrAgent, developers can utilize Text-To-Speech & Speech Recognition
engines and freely distribute them with their applications!
In addition, XtrAgent provides powerful animation capability and interactivity,
with support for high-quality lip-synching at an incredible ease of development.
It comes with ready-to-use characters and also support custom characters that
developers can create using the Microsoft Agent character editor.
XtrAgent is available for Windows 9X & NT. It is possible to use it along with
the MacOS version of Xpress Xtra to have a cross-platform Text-To-Speech solution.
System requirements
- Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 (x86) or later
- Internet Explorer version 3.02 or later
- Personal computer with a Pentium 100 MHz or higher processor
- At least 16 MB of memory
- Microsoft Agent core components 2.0 or later
- Hard-disk space for core components: 1 MB
- Text-To-Speech and Speech recognition engines (recommended)
- Windows compatible sound card (recommended)
- Compatible speakers and microphone (recommended)
- Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device (recommended)
- Hard-disk space for optional components:
Lernout & Hauspie TruVoice Text-to-Speech engine for speech output: 1.6 MB
Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine for speech input: 22 MB
Characters installed locally: 2-4 MB per character
Explanation of licensing-availability:
XtrAgent is a commercial product.
You can license it from http://www. for
$399 per developer, one-time licensing fee.
Along with the Xtra, you will receive full documentation, sample
codes and direct support by e-mail.
The licensed product includes a runtime version of the Xtra
that can be freely distributed along with your applications.
Auto-downloadable Shockwave safe version can be licensed seperately.
May 10, 1999;
Version 2.0 released.
- The Xtra is now compatible with Authorware and Shockwave.
- Auto-downloadable Director Shockwave safe version is available.
- New Sprite functions: Think, Listen, Activate, ShowPopupMenu, GestureAt, Interrupt
- New Member/Icon properties: PopupMenu, TTSModeID, SRModeID, SRStatus
- New Member/Icon functions: ShowDefaultCharacterProperties
- New Events: VisibleState, ActivateInputState, Move, ActiveClientChange,
DefaultCharacterChange, ListeningState
- The new version requires Microsoft Agent core components 2.0 or later.
- Creating a new Member/Icon without specifying a filename loads the default
character (if available). If XtrAgent cannot find a linked character file using
Director/Authorware standard filename resolution algorithm, it searches the
Agent's characters directory for it.
See the File Member/Icon property for more info and changes.
- StopAll() can now stop only Show requests.
- SREngine Member/Icon property was removed. Use SRModeID instead.
- 'Suspended' Member/Icon property was removed. Microsoft Agent 2.0 or later
cannot be in a suspended mode anymore.
- Restart and ShutDown events were removed, Microsoft Agent 2.0 or later
cannot be shutdown or restarted anymore.
- Multiple cast Members/Icons for the same character are supported for Authoring
convenience purposes, though you still can't display the same character more
than once on the screen.
April 18, 1999;
Version 1.0.1 released.
- VisibleState event was added.
- Fixed crash that sometimes occured with Microsoft Agent 2.0 under Director 7,
when you quit the application with visible Agent character(s) that has some
uncompleted requests.
- Fixed some other minor issues related to Microsoft Agent 2.0 and Director 7.
June 1, 1998;
Version 1.0 released.
- XtrAgent built-in error messages replaced with error codes that can be handled
from lingo. See the sample movie for code that checks whether the character files
were loaded properly, if there is a compatible speech recognition engine
installed, and whether Microsoft Agent is installed and working properly.
- Speech output tags and animations for Genie, Robby and Merlin are now documented.
- New XtrAgent Member/Icon Properties: SREngine, SRHotKey
- New XtrAgent Sprite Event: Bookmark
- New XtrAgent Sprite Function : Stop
Bugs found & fixed:
- ExtraData property returned the Description property and was corrected.
May 18, 1998;
- Version 1.0 beta/preview released.
DirectXtras Inc.
P.O Box 423417 San Francisco, CA 94142-3417
Voice: +1-415-505-8249, Fax: +1-650-9384633
E-mail General information: info@
E-mail Technical Support: supp@
Please send comments, suggestions and bug reports to :
Further information on Microsoft Agent technology can be found at
http://msdn./workshop/imedia/agent/default.asp and in
the XtrAgent HomePage located at http://www./
Xtra is a trademark of Macromedia, Inc.directtransition3d破解版
2002.6FileIO Xtra for Macromedia Authorware 6.0
Copyright 2001 Macromedia, Inc.
FileIO provides a set of functions allowing users of Macromedia Authorware 6.0 to programmatically access files using scripting.
Using FileIO
As an Xtra the FileIO Xtra must be in your application's Xtras folder.
Each instance of FileIO can reference a single open file. If multiple files are to be opened simultaneously, a new instance of FileIO is required for each opened file. A single instance can be used to open multiple files, as long as the file is closed before a new file is opened. To create a new instance use NewObject, defined below. To dispose of an instance, set the instance variable to 0. All functions that read from or write to the file must be called after the file has been opened using openFile. If a new file is to be opened using the same instance, the old file must first be closed using closeFile. Files can be opened in three different modes: Read, Write and Read/Write. When writing to a file, the contents of the file after the current position are overwritten.
Example Script:
-- Create an instance of FileIO
myFile := NewObject("fileio")
-- Display an "open" dialog and return the file name to Authorware
myFileName := CallObject(myFile, "displayOpen")
-- Open the file
CallObject(myFile, "openFile", myFileName, 1)
-- Read the file and return a string to Authorware
theFile := CallObject(myFile, "readFile")
-- Close the file
CallObject(myFile, "closeFile")
-- Dispose of the instance
myFile := 0
In this example, a new instance was created and stored in the variable myFile. Next, a call to displayOpen is used to display an open dialog to allow a file to be selected. The file name is returned as a fully qualified path string to Authorware. The file is then opened in read-only mode, the contents of the file are read, and the file is closed. Lastly, the instance is disposed.
There is also an Authorware Show Me (xtraio.a6p) which demonstrates how to use the Xtra. It can be found in the Show Mes installed with Authorware 6.
Known Problems
The FileIO Xtra cannot use a net-based file when supplied with a URL for the file name. It is limited to accessing files available via file systems mounted on the local system.
The displaySave function does not directly inform Authorware whether a user is replacing an existing file. A workaround is to attempt to create the file using createFile and check the error code for a "File Already Exists" error.
Function Reference
CallObject(object, "closeFile")
Closes a file that has been previously opened using openFile.
CallObject(object, "createFile", "fileName")
Creates a file. The fileName must be either a fileName to be created in the current directory, or a fully qualified path and fileName. Relative paths are not supported. After creating the new file, the file must be opened before it can be written to.
CallObject(object, "delete")
Deletes the currently opened file. The file must be open to use this function.
CallObject(object, "displayOpen")
Displays a platform specific "open" dialog allowing a user to select a file. Returns a fully qualified path and fileName to Authorware. The setFilterMask function can be used to control what file types are displayed in the dialog.
CallObject(object, "displaySave", "title", "defaultFileName")
Displays a platform specific "save" dialog allowing a user to specify a file. Returns a fully qualified path and fileName to Authorware. The setFilterMask function can be used to control what file types are displayed in the dialog. The title and defaultFileName parameters allow you to specify a default filename to be displayed, as well as title text for the save dialog.
CallObject(object, "error", status)
Returns a readable error string. A numeric error code is passed in as the third argument. (Also refer to the 'status' function.) The errors returned can be any of the following:
"Memory allocation failure"
"File directory full"
"Volume full"
"Volume not found"
"I/O Error"
"Bad file name"
"File not open"
"Too many files open"
"File not found"
"No such drive"
"No disk in drive"
"Directory not found"
"Instance has an open file"
"File already exists"
"File is opened read-only"
"File is opened write-only"
"Unknown error"
CallObject(object, "fileName")
Returns the file name string of the current open file. The file must be open use this function.
CallObject(object, "getFinderInfo")
Returns the Type and Creator of the current file as a string. This function does nothing when used under Windows. The file must be open to use this function.
CallObject(object, "getLength")
Gets the length of the currently opened file. Returned as an integer. The file must be open to use this function. The value returned is the length of the file in bytes.
A function that returns the full path to either the Windows directory, or the System Folder depending on which OS is currently being used. Does not require a child instance to call.
CallObject(object, "getPosition")
Gets the file position of the current open file. Returned as an integer. The file must be open to use this function.
This is called to create a new instance of FileIO. It returns an instance variable used to reference the instance.
CallObject(object, "openFile", "fileName", mode)
Opens the named file. This call must be used before any read/write operations can take place. The filename can be either a fully qualified path and filename, or a relative filename. The openMode parameter specifies whether to open the file in Read, Write or Read Write mode. Valid Flags are: 0 Read/Write, 1 Read, 2 Write.
CallObject(object, "readChar")
Reads the character (either single or double-byte) at the current position and then increments the position. The character is returned to Authorware as a string. The file must be open in read or read/write mode to use this function.
CallObject(object, "readFile")
Reads from the current position to the end of the file and returns the file to Authorware as a string. The file must be open in read or read/write mode to use this function.
CallObject(object, "readLine")
Reads from the current position up to and including the next Return, increments the position, and returns the string to Authorware. The file must be open in read or read/write mode to use this function.
CallObject(object, "readToken", "skip", "break")
Reads the next 'token' starting at the current position. Characters matching the 'skip' parameter are "skipped" and the file is read until 'break' is encountered. The file must be open in read or read/write mode to use this function. This function will read double-byte tokens as long as the skip and break are single-byte characters. It will not detect double-byte skip or break characters.
CallObject(object, "readWord")
Reads the next word starting at the current position. The file must be open in read or read/write mode to use this function.
CallObject(object, "setFilterMask", "mask")
Sets the filter mask used by calls to displayOpen and displaySave. The filter mask determines what files to show when displaying an "open" or "save" dialog. The third parameter is a string representing the filter mask to set.
On Windows, this is a comma-separated string of file types and associated extensions (e.g. "All Files,*.*,Text Files,*.TXT"), and a string of types on the Macintosh (e.g. "TEXTPICT"). On Windows, the filter mask string is limited to 256 characters.
On the Macintosh, you are limited to four four-character types. When a new instance of FileIO is created, the filter masks defaults to all files. To reset the filter mask to display all files after it has been set, just pass in an empty string, e.g. CallObject(object, "setFilterMask", "").
CallObject(object, "setFinderInfo", "attributes")
Sets the Type and Creator of the current file. The string takes the form of a space-separated set of TYPE and CREATOR codes (e.g. "TEXT TTXT"). This function does nothing when used under Windows. The file must be open to use this function.
CallObject(object, "setPosition", position)
Sets the file position of the current open file. The file must be open to use this function.
CallObject(object, "status")
Returns the error code returned by the last function called. The value is returned as an integer. (Also refer to the 'error' function.)
CallParentObject("fileio", "version")
Returns FileIO version and build information. Useful when filing bug reports, or determining installed version while authoring. No practical use beyond this.
CallObject(object, "writeChar", "theChar")
Writes a single character to the file at the current position. The file must be open in write or read/write mode to use this function.
CallObject(object, "writeString", "theString")
Writes a string to the file at the current position. The file must be open in write or read/write mode to use this function.
===Killer Transitions Read Me (or be eaten!)
Thank you for purchasing KILLER Transitions.
KILLER Transitions allows you to add amazing special transition effects to your Director 5.x and Authorware 3.5 multimedia productions. This file contains all of the documentation you need to get started using KILLER Transitions!
What is KILLER Transitions V1
KILLER Transitions contains over 50 major special transition effects which can be used in your Macromedia Director and Authorware productions to add new visual transitions to your display. Each of the KILLER Transitions effects has many powerful settings which can be used to alter the effect to create literally thousands of transition results.
KILLER Transitions is provided as a set of Xtras for Director and Authorware. Xtras are special "plug-ins" which add new functionality to your Macromedia application's capabilities. Through the Xtras provided in the KILLER Transitions package, you can add new transition effects to any multimedia production, including those that you deliver using Macromedia Shockwave technology!
KILLER Transition supports the Macintosh 68K, PowerPC and Windows 95 and NT operating systems. Windows 3.1 playback support will be provided through a free downloadable update available from our websites:
How To Install KILLER Transitions V1
When Director or Authorware launches, it automatically makes available Xtras that are in one of two places:
Location #1: The Xtras folder which is in the same location as your Director application.
Location #2: The Macromedia:Xtras folder contained in your System folder.
Location #1: The Xtras subirectory which is in the same location as your Director application.
Location #2: The Program Files\Common Files\Macromedia\Xtras subdirectory on Windows 95 or Windows NT
To make the KILLER Transitions Xtras available to your copy of Director or Authorware, you simply need to run the KILLER Transitions Installer contained in the root directory of this CD.
Follow the prompts provided by the installer. You will get the option to choose a Custom installation to re-install only select portions of the KILLER Transitions product.
How To Use KILLER Transitions V1
Once you have properly installed KILLER Transitions as described above, you can use the standard user interface of Macromedia Director or Authorware to apply them to your projects. For more documentation on this, please refer to the KILLER Transitions Manual file located on the root directory of this CD.
More Usage Information
For more details on using transitions in Director, please refer to the section titled "Working with Transitions" in Chapter 5 of your "Using Director" manual.
For more details on using transitions in Authorware, please refer to the section titled "Transition Xtras" in Chapter 2 of your "What's New in Authorware 3.5" manual.
Shipping a Projector with KILLER Transitions V1 Xtras
All but one of the KILLER Transition Xtras can be shipped as part of a Director or Authorware multimedia project.
IMPORTANT NOTE: YOU MAY NOT DISTRIBUTE the Killer Transitions interface Xtra named "KillerTransitionsHub" on Macintosh or "KILLERHB.X32" on Windows. These files are not redistributable under the licensing agreement that accompanies this software and is a copyright violation.
KILLER Transitions V1 was developed by SharkByte Tools of Dallas, Texas, USA and is exclusively published by g/matter, inc. of San Francisco, California, USA.
SharkByte Tools, Inc.
SharkByte Tools Inc. was formed in 1995, bringing together the talents of several professional multimedia developers and programmers. Our goal is to produce products that enhance multimedia development and allow authors to take multimedia to a higher level. SharkByte Tools will continue to produce only the highest quality, state-of-the-art tools to empower multimedia authors of any skill level.
Get the most recent information about SharkByte Tools, Inc. and Killer Transitions at their website: http://www.
g/matter, inc.
g/matter, inc. is the leading publisher of information and tools for mastering multimedia. Established in 1992, we have been responsible for the development of over 70 CD-ROM titles. Since 1994 we have been creating a large number of add-on products for Macromedia software, including:
PrintOMatic Xtra
PrintOMatic is the premier printing tool for Director. The PrintOMatic Xtra adds a full set of page-layout, text and graphics printing features to Macromedia Director projects on Macintosh and Windows. PrintOMatic includes commands for drawing styled text, graphic primitives, bitmapped pictures, and snapshots of the Director stage, all under Lingo control
PopMenu Xtra
PopMenu Xtra adds tools for enhancing your Macromedia Director user interfaces, including pop-up and multi-level heirarchical menus.
Sound Xtra
Sound Xtra adds powerful new sound recording and playback control to your Macromedia Director productions.With Sound Xtra, you can control the use of sound using features which are not available in Lingo or with other Xobjects.
Trans-X Xtra
Trans-X Xtra lets you create your own transition effects by creating animated 1-bit masks and then applying those as a transition. Trans-X ships with over 100 pre-rendered masks to get you started!
Director ToolBox Pro
Director ToolBox Pro contains a powerful suite of development aids for users of Macromedia Director, including cast, score sprite and Lingo analysis, debugging, formatting and management tools which make it easier and faster to produce complete, solid results.
The MediaBook CD for Director
The MediaBook CD for Director is the definitive collection of information and tools for users of Macromedia Director 3, 4 and 5. Learn everything about the Lingo programming language! The MediaBook CD helps you leverage your investment and enrich your use of Director. Professional and novice multimedia producers will save time and money by using the royalty free programming, numerous XObjects for Macintosh and Windows and reuseable, professionally written Lingo provided in The MediaBook CD.
g/matter, inc. also teaches a series of very advanced multimedia development seminars focused on Director, Media Production and Internet development all over the world. Contact us for information on the next seminar in Japan!
How To Contact Us
If you have questions about using KILLER Transitions, please contact g/matter, inc. via email at:
If you have comments or suggestions for future features or transition effects please send email to SharkByte Tools, Inc at:
or send us a facsimile at: +1.214.444.0001
If you have suggestions about other products please send email to g/matter, inc at:
or send us a facsimile at: +1.415.243.0396
KILLER Transitions V1 1996 SharkByte Tools, Inc. All rights reserved. KILLER Transitions is a registered trademark of SharkByte Tools, Inc. SharkByte is a registered trademark of Terry Ranson. g/matter, MediaBook and The MediaBook CD are registered trademarks and PopMenu Xtra, PrintOMatic Xtra, Sound Xtra, Director ToolBox Pro are trademarks of g/matter, inc. Macromedia, Authorware and Director are registered trademarks and Shockwave is a trademark of Macromedia, Inc. Other product names mentioned within this documentation may be trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies. No sharks were harmed in making this product.