How Old Are You?
1. How old are you?
2. When is your birthday?
1.知识教学点How old are you?
2.能力训练点Listening and speaking
3.德育渗透点Everyone parents are very hard.
4.心理教育点Love yourself and Love your parents
三、教学难点How old are you?
四、教具准备Radio cards
五、教学方法Game drill
I Class Opening and Review
1.Review the days of the week, months and ordinal numbers with “What day is it?”
2.Review colours with a question and answer drill or play “Colour Point”
3.Use Number 1 in the student book with the audiotape to review colours.
II. New Concept.
How old are you ?
_____ years old.
Suggestions for teaching key concepts.
1.Demonstrate “How old are you ? _____ years old with your poster of people of different ages. Point to each picture in order and say a corresponding age. Then point to the pictures again and say” How old is he/she? _____ years old?
2.Note that for a person one year old, we say “one year old ” For people more than one year old, we say “_____ years old.”
3.Demonstrate the phrase with a series of individual students .Make sure the students answer with their correct age.
Use The Student Book And Audiotape.
1.Number 2 in the student book and on the audiotape presents “How old are you ?” I’m _____ years old.
2.Do the students remember the word “young”? What does it mean?
3.What is a birthday? Ask the students to work out the date for their own birthday on the English calendar. Then quit some students with “When is your birthday?” They should answer with a month and an ordinal number.
4.Ask the students what is funny about Danny’s first answer about his birthday .
Use word cards in pocket panel to show students how to substitute words in “How old are you? I’m ____ years old.” Point to the words as you say them, then ask for pairs of volunteers to point to the words as they say the phrase as a dialogue.
2. Use a modified chain-drill. The students can answer with their own age or act out a different age. For example:
S1: How old are you?
S2: I am ____ years old.
How old are you?
S3: (Bent over, acting old.) I am ninety years old. How old are you?
S4:(Crying like a baby) Waaaaa!
I am one year old.
Use The Activity Book.
Numbers 3 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows:
This is a list of birthdays for Danny’s family.
Listen Write the dates
a. My father’s birthdays is November 13th.
b. My mother’s birthdays is January 31st.
c. My sister’s birthdays is February 9th.
d. My brother’s birthdays is March 25th.
e. My grandmothers birthdays is September 12th.
Check for understanding
III. Class Closing
1. Sing “Happy Birthday”
2. Do the activity book.
: How Old Are You?
How old are you? I’m ____years old.
When is your birthday? My birthday is on .