Lesson 23 My Favourite School Work.
Teaching Topic: My Favourite School Work.
Teaching Aims:
⑴ 使学生熟练掌握一些学校活动的词组: sing songs, write stories, skip with skipping-rope, play on the computer, draw pictures, play ping-pong, read books, play basketball 等.
⑵ 巩固复习What’s your favourite -------. 句型.
⑶使学生听懂、会说、并能熟练表达What’s your favourite school work? My favourite school work is to ------.
⑷ 使学生会唱本课歌曲
⑴ 通过学生在体验、参与、实践的语言学习的基础上,发展学生的语言综合运用的能力, 学会用英语表达在生活中最喜欢的事物.
⑵ 通过学生的语言学习和实践活动, 开发学生的思维能力.
通过课堂学习多样化的教学活动, 拉近学生与生活的距离, 帮助学生树立自信心, 发展学生的自学能力, 培养学生的自学能力, 培养学生合作与交流的能力.
Important and Difficult Points:
通过师生互动, 生生互动等各种教学活动, 使学生掌握并能流利表达:What’s your favourite school work? My favourite school work is to -----.
Teaching Tools:
2.自制词组卡片: sing songs, write stories, skip with skipping-rope, play on the computer, draw pictures, play ping-pong, read books, play basketball 等.
School work
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming-up:
Step 2: Presentation
T: First, let’s talk about our hobby, OK?
There are 3 faces, This is a sad face, it means “ I don’t like------.”,
The smiling face means “I like -----.”, the laughing face means “My favourite ----- is ----.”.
There are 3 kinds of food, they are noodles, rice and hamburger. I put the food under the faces, then I say: I don’t like noodles, I like rice, but my favourite food is hamburger.
Now, one volunteer, please do and say.
设计意图: 本环节是对学习本课句型 My favourite school work is to ----. 的铺垫. 在教学中, 利用生动的语言材料和多样的教学形式可以提高和保持学生的学习兴趣, 并能寓教于乐, 便学生被动学习为主动学习.
Show the students some phrase cards: sing songs, write stories, skip with skipping-rope, play on the computer, draw pictures, play ping-pong, read books, play basketball 等.
Let the students read them after the teacher with actions, then let them read by themselves several times.
Play a game: What’s missing?
( 教师从卡片中任意抽掉一张, 再让学生看卡片读词组, 然后让学生说出拿掉的是哪一张.)
设计意图: 以游戏形式, 向学生连续出示已学的有关食物的图片, 强化学生对所学的单词的认读和识记, 并在游戏中训练学生的注意力和快速反应能力.
T( hold the cards): These are all school work. ( 板书 school work )
T: What’s your favourite school work? (板书并领读)
T: Who can answer this question?
( S1---S3 answer )
( 教师在学生回答问题的过程中, 继续板书答句: My favourite school work is to ------. 并用彩色粉笔全出单词 to , 然后带领全体同学朗读.)
设计意图: 从学生的认知规律入手, 由浅及深, 由易到难, 由词到句, 句不离口, 从而降低了英语语言学习的难度.
Practice in groups
Play a chain game with the drills: My favorite school work is to -----. What’s your favorite school work?
设计意图: 教师在启发和示范后, 把足够的时间留给学生, 让学生努力实践与展示自己, 同时, 这种以”小组活动”为组织形式的课堂教学, 可以使学生在团结协作, 共同进步的氛围中学习.
Listen and answer the questions:
What’s Jenny’s favourite school work?
What’s Kim’s favourite school work?
Listen and read
Make a survey
T: OK, good job! But I’d like to know the other things you like, so let’s ask each other and write the answers on this piece of paper. For example: (教师示范)
设计意图: 本课是本单元新授课的最后一课, 此设计不仅是对前几课所学内容的归纳总结, 而且有助于学生人人都能在轻松民主的氛围中锻炼英语语言交际能力, 使得教师的主导作用学生的主体地位得到最大限度的发挥.
二. No.2 Let’s sing a song
(利用光盘 )
T:( Picture 1 ) What is Jenny doing ?
S1: She’s drawing a picture.
T: What’s this ?
S2: It’s a marker.
T: Yes, Jenny says: I am drawing a picture with my markers.
Read after me. (朗读第一段歌词 )
(同样方法领读第二, 三段歌词)
Listen to the song
Sing with it, do the actions
设计意图: 学生先读懂歌词, 听完整的歌曲录音, 使学生对歌词的语音语调有整体感知, 然后看画面, 听录音, 边做动作边跟唱, 此项活动使学生眼, 手, 耳, 口, 手等多种感官同时参与到英语学习中来, 提高了学习效率.
Step 3 Homework
Talk about your school work with your classmates.
Finish your Activity Book
Lesson 30 My Favourite School Work
What’s your favourite school work?
I like . is my favourite school work?