人教版(2019)必修三Unit 5-The value of money核心考点分层针对训练(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修三Unit 5-The value of money核心考点分层针对训练(含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-06-04 08:16:40


Unit 5-The value of money
Section B-reading for writing
(1)She hopes that every kid can have a clean mouth and ____________.
(2)I will be a volunteer in an important event. It can ___________.
我将成为一个重要活动的志愿者, 这可以拓宽我的视野。
A broad smile
Broaden my horizons
(1)Unfortunately, that is ___________. 不幸的是, 事实并非如此。
(2)Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move ________________________.
拉里告诉她, 他已经扑灭了火并且告诉她不要移动, 以防伤到脖子。
通常情况下, 对于那些坚持希望的人来说, 一切皆有可能。
____________________anything is possible for those who hang on to hope. (it作形式主语的主语从句)
_________________, anything is possible for those who hang on to hope. (定语从句)
Not the case
in case she injured her neck
It is often the case that
As is often the case
①Whatever he does, once he sets up a goal, he will start pursuing it without _____(hesitate).
②However, if our office can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate _____(contact)us.
(2)Faced with this challenge,Tom faced it ____________while Jim ___________it.
面对这一挑战, 汤姆毫不犹豫地面对它, 而吉姆对此犹
To contact
Without hesitation
hesitated about/over/at
①If I’ve hurt your feelings, it was quite without ________(intend).
②The journey was intended _________(achieve)more than what Captain Robert Falcon Scott had done.
③The school being built at present is said to be intended ___the disabled children.
(2)They had intended to go into the country for the day, but were put off by reports of traffic jams.
→They ___________________into the country for the day, but were put off by reports of traffic jams.
To achieve
intended to have gone
(1)Grandma has always been ___________________________.
(2)I’m a professional and I have to conduct myself _____________.
我是专业人士, 必须以专业方式行事。
(3) _____________________with your mouth full.
reminding me of table manners
In a professional manner
It is bad manners to talk
(1)But I also know that if you really want to achieve something, you _____________persist in the things you are doing.
但是我也清楚地明白, 要想有所收获, 你毫无选择, 必须坚持, 坚持, 再坚持。
(2)Students _______________________abroad in their second year.
have no option but to
have the option to study/of studying
①But Naomi would have to ask Steve’s __________(permit).
②The government has already permitted the company _____(use) special materials to
make it easier for the vehicle to fly.
③We don’t permit ________(smoke) in the building.
If time permits, I will visit the Great Wall. (用独立主格结构改写)
→_______________, I will visit the Great Wall.
To use
Time permitting
①Though ______(will) to get started, we cannot seem to do the job right.
②At this point, when all the children were willing _______(share) their experiences, I began to learn how to teach.
(2But, _____________________, the opportunities are everywhere.
但是, 如果我们愿意学习, 机会无处不在。
To share
if we are willing to learn
★★It seems that
①__seems this gentleman was waiting for the doctor.
②The boss seems _______(think) highly of you.
(2) _____________the teacher was satisfied with what you had done.
(3) _______________I saw him yesterday.
To think
It seemed that
It happened that
★★no matter+疑问词
(1) _______________________, they believed firmly that their efforts would pay off one day and they did succeed in the end.
不管有多么艰难, 他们坚信, 他们的努力有一天会得到回报, 并且他们最终获得了成功。
(2)No matter what happened, he wouldn’t say a word.
→__________________, he wouldn’t say a word.
(3)Whichever dictionary you may take, you will have to pay at least 20 dollars.
→________________________you may take, you will have to pay at least 20 dollars.
No matter how hard it was
Whatever happened
No matter which dictionary
Ⅰ. 单句语法填空
1. They (hug) each other like a couple of lost children.
2. Both boys had good (manner), politely shaking hands.
3. I am duty today; it’s my turn to clean the classroom.
4. (eventual) she was fired from her job at a publishing house.
5. She had asked the government for (permit) to move the books to a safe place, but they refused.
6. a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation.
7. The drum is one of the oldest (music) instruments.
8. All airports in the country are working (normal) today.
9. With some (hesitate) and an uncertain smile, she held out her hand.
10. The party needs to (broad) its appeal to voters.
1. hugged
2. manners
3. on
4. Eventually
5. permission
6. To
7. musical
8. normally
9. hesitation
10. broaden
Ⅱ. 完成句子
1. (以防) I forget, please remind me of my promise.
2. The two men discussed (一系列) issues.
3. (如果是那样的话), this month’s plan is bound to fall through.
4. Only one doctor is (值班) today the other doctor is off duty.
5. How dare you speak to me (如此粗暴的态度)!
6. We (乐意) help but unable to do so about this.
7. This will relieve pressure on the trains (到一定的程度).
8. I (宁愿) stare at a clear, star-filled sky than a TV set.
9. I didn’t (请求许可) or approval; I just went ahead and did it.
10. All the students in her class (渴望……) learn.
(1) In case
(2) a range of
(3) In that case
(4) on duty
(5) in such a rude manner
(6) are willing to
(7) to some extent
(8) would rather
(9) ask for permission
(10) are eager toUnit 5-The value of money
Section A-reading and thinking
(1)I _________________. You must have found my attitude very annoying.
(2)Respond quickly and briefly, apologizing ___your mistake.
(3)The waitress apologized to me for making a mistake.
→The waitress ____________________for making a mistake.
owe you an apology
made an apology to me
★★by accident
(1)I don’t know whether they did it __________or _________.
(2)I took your bag instead of mine __________.
我没有拿我的包, 而是错拿了你的包。
By accident;by design
By mistake
(1)She _______(ignore)him and carried on with her work.
(2)Many people are ignorant __the facts about global warming.
(3)They’ve been rejected, disappointed, _______(ignore), passed over.
(4) ________(ignore) the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.
(1)The study ________(indicate) that people who drink milk before going to bed are more likely to fall asleep.
(2)There is a great deal of evidence _________(indicate) that music activities engage different parts of the brain.
(3)This is a clear _________(indicate) of the connection with the solar activity.
(4)She took out a map and indicated the quickest route __us.
①I’d prefer to reserve my ___________(judge)until I find all the evidence.
②Judging _______his happy look, he must have passed the driving test.
(2) ____________the above story, we can draw the conclusion that we don’t __________________.
从上面的故事判断, 我们可以得出这样的结论: 不要以貌取人。
Judging from;judge a book by/from its cover
①The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment,allowing more _______(patient) to be treated.
②People have lost ________(patient) with the slow pace of reform.
③Like building a house, learning English takes some time. So don’t be _________(patient).
(2)After all, forced waiting _______________.
毕竟, 被迫等待需要耐心。
(3) ______________, I grew frustrated at the long waiting.
尽管我很有耐心, 但漫长的等待使我变得灰心丧气。
requires patience
Patient as I was
①As is widely received, outdoor activities help children learn through curiosity, which, __turn, promotes creativity.
②In return ___this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs.
(2)Axani wrote in his post that he is not looking for anything ________.
Axani在他的帖子中写道, 他并不寻求任何回报。
In return
①This attractive tour takes you to some of San Francisco’s most cheerful holiday ______(scene).
②Our reporter was the first person ___the scene.
(2)On receiving the call, the police _________________where a traffic accident happened. ___________the two drivers had been arguing for over 2 hours.
一接到电话, 警察就匆忙赶到交通事故发生的现场。在现场两个司机已争吵了两个多小时了。
rushed to the scene
On the scene
①On the way, we spotted a man _______(hold) a piece of paper that said, “Lost my job. Family to Feed. ”
②The milkman selected the _______(spot)cows, from among a herd of two hundred.
③A car ran past, _______(spot) my coat with mud.
④He answered the question ___the spot.
(2)The grass of the forest _______________________________.
(3)The man tried to get away with stealing, but ______________.
那个男子偷了东西试图逃脱, 但他被当场抓住了。
is spotted with small yellow flowers
He was caught on the spot
(1)After I arrived in America,I found myself _____(live) in a completely foreign culture.
(2)Some students find it hard ____________(understand) English grammar.
(3)I know some people who find __ practically impossible to give up smoking.
To understand
①—Was it by cutting down staff ____she saved the firm
—No, it was by improving work efficiency.
②It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do that _______(benefit) our work most.
(2What’s more, _____________________________.
更重要的是, 是你不断的鼓励鼓舞我变得自信。
(3)As we know,_____________________the problem was solved.
正如我们所知, 直到最近这个问题才得到解决。
it was your constant encouragement that inspired me to be confident
it was not until recently that
①I had just finished my homework _____he knocked at the door.
②I ___________(chat) with my e-pal when my computer broke down.
③I was about _____(go) out when it began to rain.
④Tom was on the point of going to bed _____the phone rang.
(2)I ______________________________when someone called me up.
我正打算离开, 突然有人给我打电话。
(3)One morning, I ________________I found a man sitting on the bench reading newspapers.
一天早上, 我正步行去上学, 就在这时我发现一个人坐
Was chatting
To go
was just about to leave/was on the point of leaving
was walking to school when
Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出单词的正确形式
1. Both factions have broadly agreed that the UN plan is a possible _____(基础) for negotiation.
2. This may have influenced your bank manager’s decision not to give you a ____(贷款).
3. I ________(道歉) if your enjoyment of the movie was spoiled.
4. He _______(对……不予理会) all the “No Smoking” signs and lit up a cigarette.
5. Since he was stuck in a lift a year ago he hasn’t ______(敢于) to get back into one.
6. It will take a few more years to _____(评判) the impact of these ideas.
7. She could see the muscles of his shoulders _______(在……下面) his T-shirt.
8. Teaching children with special needs requires ________(耐心) and understanding.
9. A red sky at night often ________(暗示) fine weather the next day.
10. We’ll have to ________(推迟) the meeting until next week.
Ⅱ. 选词填空
be about to, take out a loan, ought to, in return, make a bet,
as a matter of fact, by accident, on the basis of, to be honest, care about
1. Your statement should be made _____________fact.
2. If I _____________, it could take me years to pay it back.
3. He sent me a gift; I should give him something ________.
4. We __________on the outcome of the next election.
5. It’s not that difficult. ________________, it’s quite easy.
6. She arrived just as we were leaving, but whether this was __________or by design, I’m not sure.
7. ___________, I have to improve my English, because my English is not good enough.
8. If he started out at nine, he ________be here by now.
9. I ___________go to bed when the telephone rang.
10. The criticism was often voiced that the English do not truly __________their children.
On the basis of
take out a loan
In return
Made a bet
As a matter of fact
by accident
To be honest
Ought to
Was about to
care about
Ⅲ. 根据课文完成短文
Henry, a San Francisco businessman, found himself (1) _______(carry) out to sea by a strong wind. When he was just about to give himself up, he (2) ________(spot) by a ship, so he landed in London (3) ___accident. Hungry and alone, he walked on the streets of the city when he was (4) ____________(expect) called into a mansion, (5) ______two rich brothers, Oliver and Roderick, gave him a letter and told him not to open it till two o’clock of the day. Not (6) ________(know) it was a million pound bank note, Henry left the mansion and went into a cheap restaurant to stuff his stomach. Everybody was rude to him (7) _________he was in rags and looked depressed. Then, to the surprise of everybody, he handed the owner a million pound bank note to pay (8) ___the meal. Seeing the note, all the people in the restaurant became polite and tried their best (9) ________ (please) Henry. Don’t you think it’s (10) ___most incredible tale in the world