人教精通版四年级下册Lesson
教学目标:
知识与技能:(一)使学生能听、说、认读单词:music,
art等,听、说、认读、写单词:PE,
maths
功能性句子:
How
many
lessons
do
you
have
in
the
afternoon?Do
you
like…
及答语。
(二)能够结合生活实际、新旧知识联系,灵活真实的运用所学语言。
过程与方法:通过创设情境,将学生带入到真实的语言环境中去,利用小组合作,游戏操练的环节学习巩固所学知识。
情感态度与价值观:通过真实的交际,培养学生热爱学习各科知识的好习惯。
二、教学重难点:
重点:(一)三四会单词的学习和掌握。
(二)How
many…
句型问答Do
you
like…句型的肯定回答方式及I
like
it
very
much.句型的运用。
难点:培养学生现实生活中运用所学知识的能力。
三、教学资源准备:
PPT,ipad,
词句条,图片,马丁头饰,话筒,绘本
四、教学过程设计:
Step1:
Greetings.&
Warm-up
Introduce
groups.
T:
Every
group
has
an
ipad.
If
you
can
do
well,
your
group
can
take
the
certain
step
on
it.
(设计意图:采用小组内学生合作、小组间竞赛的学习方式,更能调动起学生对课堂的参与度。ipad进课堂,作为评价方式的一种媒介,学生的学习积极性更高了。)
Introduce
Ma
Ding.
T:
Do
you
know
Ma
Ding?
Every
day
he
has
a
different
identity.
Today,
Ma
Ding
is
a
reporter.
He
comes
to
our
school
to
interview
you.
Let’s
invite
Ma
Ding
to
our
class.
(设计意图:学生们所熟悉的动画人物作为本课的中心人物带领学生们进行学习活动,学生们的兴趣更浓了。)
Step2:
Presentation
Ma
Ding
sees
the
timetable.
Ask
the
students
to
guess
and
say
the
question.
(How
many
lessons
do
you
have
in
the
morning?)
Then
answer
it.
Show
another
question.
“How
many
lessons
do
you
have
in
the
afternoon?”
Teach
them
read
“in
the
afternoon”.
Then
read
the
sentence
in
groups.
(设计意图:以旧知引新知。)
Ask
the
students
to
guess
what
the
first
lesson
is.
Revise
the
word
“PE”.
T:
Ma
Ding
wants
to
know
“Do
you
like
PE?”
Choose
some
to
answer.
The
teacher
says,
is
good
for
our
health.
So
like
it
very
much.”
Then
read
this
sentence
after
the
teacher.
Revise
the
word
“maths.”
Practice
the
sentence
“Do
you
like…?”
Pass
the
card,
say
the
word.
When
the
teacher
say
stop,
all
the
students
ask
the
question
together
to
the
people
who
gets
the
card.
(设计意图:以击鼓传花的游戏形式操练巩固新句型。)
Enjoy
some
pictures
drawn
by
Ma
Ding.
Guess,
what
subject
does
Ma
Ding
like?
Learn
the
new
word
“art”.
Read
after
the
teacher.
Ask
the
students
to
find
the
word
“art”
in
the
picture
of
the
art
room.
Then
spell
and
write.
(设计意图:让学生们通过观察,自己发现找到单词,更加印象深刻。)
Play
a
relay
game.
The
teacher
asks
the
question
and
chooses
one
group
to
answer.
Then
this
group
goes
on.
(设计意图:通过师生,生生之间的接力游戏,既又一次面向全体的对句型进行了操练,也调动起了学生们的积极性。)
Ma
Ding
comes
into
another
room.
The
students
are
having
a
music
lesson
there.
(通过播放音乐课的视频来观察学习)Then
learn
the
new
word
“music”.
Ask
three
students
to
put
the
letters
into
the
word
“music”.
The
teacher
asks,
“Can
you
sing
a
song
for
us?”
One
student
sings
an
English
song.
Then
let
these
three
students
to
ask
“Do
you
like
music?”
Others
answer
together.
(设计意图:通过观看音乐课的视频引出新单词,更加的形象直观;让学生上前动手拼组单词,在一定程度上培养了他们的听音辩词的能力;请学生尝试唱一首歌,更加活跃了课堂气氛。)
Chant
together.
T:
I’ll
give
you
a
piece
of
music.
Let’s
chant
with
it.
Show
a
bucket
of
water.
Tell
them
love
all
the
subjects.
(设计意图:水桶效应图简单明了,利用短板原理对学生进行德育渗透更加有说服力。)
Have
a
rest.
Take
a
vision
test.
Ask
two
groups
to
read
the
words.
Then
ask
and
answer
some
questions.
Step3:
Practice
Listen
and
answer.
(设计意图:带着问题听本课录音,有助于集中学生们的注意力。)
Read
after
the
tape.
Read
in
groups.
Act
out
the
dialogue.
Show
time.
Design
a
timetable
and
talk
about
it
in
groups.
Then
ask
someone
to
be
Ma
Ding
to
interview
two
groups.
(设计意图:此活动的设计,提高学生综合运用所学语言自由表达思想的能力,也给予学生展示自我、发现自我、发展自我的机会。)
Ma
Ding
brings
us
a
book
as
a
gift.
It’s
about
the
foreign
schools.
Read
it
in
groups.
Then
answer
a
question.
(设计意图:通过绘本,对本课知识进行再提高,也锻炼培养了学生们的阅读能力。
Step4
Summary
See
which
group
is
the
winner.
Ask
and
answer
some
questions
about
their
steps.
(设计意图:学生依据ipad上前进步数所代表的单词进行简单的句型问答,既是整堂课评价的总结,也是本课知识的总结。)
五、板书设计:
in
the
afternoon
Lesson
Do
you
like
music?
art
maths
Yes,
do.
like
it
very
much.
六、作业设计:
必做:1.
Read
and
recite
the
dialogue.
2.
Preview
L15.
选做:搜集学习有关其它学科的英语名称。
七、课后反思:
通过创设学生们很熟悉的动画人物马丁来学校参观采访的情境,大大提升了他们的兴趣,更好的吸引了他们的注意力。采用多种形式的活动,例如ipad进行时时评价,击鼓传花,接龙游戏等,让学生在活动中学,在学习中交际,在交际中创造。
当然,从课堂反映出来的不足依然存在。例如,教师在整堂课中还是处于一个主导位置,没有真正放手让学生自己来内化知识。也没有做到对全体学生的关注,有的小组有的学生的展现自我的机会没有给足。还有就是对时间的把握还是有些欠缺,在小组操练对话时给的时间过长,导致后面的时间又有点儿紧了。绘本的运用没能最大的发挥出来,可以让学生运用已掌握的知识进行阅读后的提问。总之,我要学习和改进的地方还有很多,今后我会更加努力,不断追求较高的课堂教学效益。