

名称 谓语&非谓语+综合训练-2020-2021学年上外版高一下册英语期末复习讲义(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 265.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 上外版(2020)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-06-06 21:47:40



课 时 数:3
72.您可联系校办公室了解更多信息。(contact) 【静安一模】
【答案】72. You can contact the school office for more information.
接触; 触点; [医] (传染病) 接触人; 门路;
使接触; 与…联系; 与…通讯(或通话);
[例句]Opposition leaders are denying any?contact?with the government in?Kabul
72. 这是他第一次一本正经地评价我的衣着。 (comment)【松江一模】
【答案】This/It is the first time that he has commented on / has made comments on my clothes seriously.
评论; 注释; 意见;
表达意见; 解释,注释;
[例句]So far, Mr Cook has not?commented?on these?reports
74. 最让我担心的是这孩子除了在线游戏之外,似乎对周围的一切都视而不见。(concern)【松江一模】
【答案】What concerns me most is that the kid seems to be blind to / to turn a blind eye to everything around him but online games.
涉及,关系到; 使关心,使担忧; 参与;
关心; 关系,有关; 顾虑; 公司或企业;
[例句]The group has expressed?concern?about reports of political violence in?Africa
74. 乐观的人不会过分怀念美好的旧时光,因为他们正忙着创造新的回忆。(create)【普陀一模】
Optimistic people don’t miss the good old days too much, because they are busy creating new memories.
Inspired by the team spirit , every member of the research group made his contributions to the new project .
1. 动词时态的概念:
但高中阶段较常用的有10种:___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________,___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________.
2. 动词语态的概念:
被动语态(passive voice)是动词的一种形式。被动语态中主语是动作的________ 。
汉语往往用"被"、"受"、"给"等被动词来表示被动意义 。
被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。被动语态的时态变化只改变be的形式,过去分词部分不变。在被动语态的句子中,动作的执行者一般由介词 by 引起。
例:They always help you. 他们总是帮助你。(主动)
You are always helped by them 你总是被他们帮助。(被动)

3. 动词时态语态的考察方向:
4. 常用动词时态语态表:

am/is/are done
was/were done
has/have done
has/have been done
has/have been doing
am/is/are doing
am/is/are being done
was/were doing
was/were being done
had done
had been done
will/shall have done
will /shall have been done
will /shall do
am/is/are going to do
am/is/are coming/leaving
am/is/are to do
am/is/are about to do
will /shall be done
am/is/are to be done
would do
was going to do
was coming/leaving
was to do
was about to do
would be done
was/were to be done

一般现在时主要用来表示人、事、物的现在状况和特点;也可以表示经常或习惯性的动作,句子中常有often,usually, always,from time to time等时间状语;还可以表示客观规律和永恒真理等。
如:He usually goes to work at 7 o’clock every morning.
句型结构: (基本结构:主语 + 谓语[一般现在式]+句子其他成分)
I work.(You, They,We)

You work.

Do you work?
I don't work.
Don't you work?
Does he (she, it) work?
He (She, It) doesn't work.
Doesn't he (she, it) work?
I learned that the earth goes around the sun when I was in primary school.
If he accepts the job, he will get more money soon.
(3)在make sure / certain, see to it, mind, care, matter+宾语从句中,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。
So long as he works hard, I don’t mind when he finishes the experiment.
(4)在“ the more..., the more... ( 越……,越……)”句型中,若主句是一般将来时,从句通常用一般现在时。
The harder you study, the better results you will get.
【典例1】Linda, make sure the tables_______ (set) before the guests arrive.
【keys】解析:are set。make sure后接宾语从句时,从句中谓语动词通常用一般现在时。set tables意思是“摆放桌子”,tables前置作主语,故用被动结构。
【典例2】Mother _______ (do) all the cooking for our family, but recently she has been too busy to do it.
There goes the bell.
练习 (用所给词的适当形式填空)
①I'll go there after I ________(finish) my work.
②The water will be further polluted unless some measures ________(take).
③My train ________(leave) at 6:30.
④A snow ________(expect) to come next week.
⑤On the wall ________(hang) a picture.
⑥This kind of cloth ________(wash) well.
⑦Don't take it away. It ________(belong) to me.
⑧He said water________(boil) at 100 ℃.
【keys】①finish ②are taken ③leaves ④is expected ⑤hangs ⑥washes ⑦belongs ⑧boils
(二) 一般将来时
一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。常常和表示将来的时间状语连用。如:______________________________________________等。 一般将来时由助动词shall(第一人称),will(第二、三人称) 动词原形构成。美式英语则不管什么人称,一律用will。或用主语+be动词 + going to 动词 .
【keys】tomorrow(明天), next week(下周 );in the future(将来)
句型结构(基本句型:主语+shall/will + be + 现在分词)
肯定句:肯定句:[主语+ be going to do] / [主语+will+ 动词原形]+其它
Eg: I will have a meeting on Sunday.
否定句:否定句:主语+ be not going to do /主语+ will not+ 动词原形+其它
Eg: I will not go.
一般疑问句:疑问句:Be动词+主语+ going to do /Will+主语+ 动词原形+其它
Eg: Will/shall you go to the church tomorrow morning?
Are you going to go to the church tomorrow morning?
特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句(be动词+主语+ going to do /Will+主语+ 动词原形+其它)
Eg: Why will you be here on Sunday?
区别区别will do,be going to do,be about to do,be doing,be to do:
①will do表示事物的固有属性或必然趋势,此外,还表示临时决定;
②be going to do表示计划、打算要做某事,还表示根据现在的迹象,对未来进行推断;
③be about to do表示立即的将来,因此,不与表示将来的具体时间状语连用;
be to do表示按计划或安排要做的事,意为“应该;想,打算;注定会”。
①Ladies and gentlemen,please fasten your safety belt. The plane________(take) off.
②Look at the timetable. Flight 4026 ________(take) off at 18:20.
③If you ____________(succeed),you should work hard.
④Look at the dark clouds. It ____________(rain).
⑤—The light is still on.
—Sorry. I ________(go) and turn it off.
【答案】①is taking ②takes ③are to succeed ④is going to rain ⑤will go
【keys】yesterday,just now,last year,the other day
句型结构: (基本结构:主语 + 谓语[过去式]+句子其他成分)

I worked(He/She/You/They)
Did I work?
I did not work
Did I not work?
【典例1】Excuse me. I _______ (realize) I was blocking your way.
【keys】解析:didn’t realize。根据第二句后半部分的内容可知叙述的是过去的情况,此处表示的是说话之前没有意识到挡住了对方的路,所以用一般过去时。
【典例2】The book has been translated into thirty languages since it _______ (come) on the market in 1973.
例:He has been away from the city.他已离开这个城市。(结果:他不在这个城市。)
例:He has taught in our school for 30 years.(他在我们学校教书已有30年了。)
【keys】since,in the past/last years,just,recent(ly),lately,so far=up to now=up until now=by now,already,yet,several/many/...times
句型结构: (基本结构:主语 + 谓语[过去分词]+句子其他成分)
(1)肯定句:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词(p.p) +句子其他成分
Eg. I have worked here.
(2)否定句:主语+have not/has not+动词的过去分词(p.p)+句子其他成分
Eg. I have not worked here.
(3)一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+动词的过去分词(p.p) +句子其他成分
Eg. Have you worked here?
Eg. Where have you worked?
(1) It is / has been +一段时间+ since从句
(2) This / That / It is the first / second time +that从句
(3)This / That / It is the only ... + that从句
(4)This / That / It is the best / finest / most interesting... + that从句
If you have done the experiment, you will realize the theory better.
【典例1】Up to now, the program _______(save) thousands of children who would otherwise have died.
【keys】解析:has saved up to now是使用现在完成时态的标志,所以空格处使用现在完成时态。
【典例2】For many years, people _______(dream) of electric cars. However, making them has been more difficult than predicted.
【keys】解析:have dreamed。根据句意可以推断此处的梦想从过去到现在,并由此延伸。目前,市场上已经有了电动汽车,所以应使用现在完成时。
1. 请区分下列一组句子:
①He has lived in London for three years.
②He lived in London for three years.
【keys】①现在还住在伦敦(强调持续到现在) ②现在不在伦敦了
①He has seen the film several times.
②I have known her for a long time.
—I haven't seen you for ages. Haven't you graduated from college?
—Yes. I________(study) English for four years in Nanjing University.
Where ________ you________(put) my book? I can't find it anywhere.
Although he has lived with us for years,he ________(not leave) us much impression.
My brother is an actor. He ________(appear) in several films in the past few years.
—Li Pin may not come tonight.
—But he ________(promise).
【答案】①studied ②have;put ③hasn't left ④has appeared ⑤promised
1. 概念
【keys】by then,by that time,by the end of,before 2000,by the time,hardly/scarcely/rarely...when...和no sooner...than...
2. 句型结构(基本结构:主语+had+动词[过去分词]+其他)
例:Mr. Smith died yesterday. He had been a good friend of mine.
例:I didn’t know a thing about the verbs, for I had not studied my lesson.
例:- I visited the museum yesterday.
-Had you visited it before?
例:Had you known anything about him before you met him?
3. 常用过去完成时的几种情况
①在by the end of, by the time, until, before等后接表示过去某一时间的短语或从句以前发生的动作时。
By the end of last year, we had produced20,000 cars.
The train had left before we reached the station.
②表示未曾实现的希望、打算、意图、诺言等,常用had hoped / planned / meant / intended /thought / wanted / expected等或用上述动词的过去式后接不定式的完成式表示,即:hoped /planned /meant / intended / thought / wanted / expected to have done等。
I had planned to pay a visit to you, but I had an unexpected visitor.
= I planned to have paid a visit to you, but I had an unexpected visitor.
③“时间名词+ before”在句子中作状语,谓语动词用过去完成时;“时间名词+ ago”在句中作状语,谓语动词用一般过去时。
He said his first teacher had died at least 10years before.
Xiao Hua left school three years ago.
④表示“一……就……”的几个句型中,主句用过去完成时。即:Hardly / No sooner /Scarcely had +主语+过去分词+ when / than / be?fore +一般过去时。
We had no sooner been seated than the bus started.
= No sooner had we been seated than the bus started.
4. 常用过去完成时的几种情况
【典例1】It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they _______ (do)for me.
【keys】解析:had done。“I was able to fully appreciate”用的是过去时,而“他们为我所做的一切”则是“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。
【典例2】“Were you surprised by the ending of the film?”“No, I _______ (read) the book, so I already knew the story.”
【keys】解析:had read。在knew之前已看过,故用过去完成时。
将来完成时用来表示在将来某一时间以前已经完成或一直持续的动作。经常与“before+将来时间或“by+将来时间”连用,也可与before或by the time引导的现在时的从句连用。
We shall have learned 12 units by the end of this term.
By the time you get home I will have cleaned the house from top to bottom.
Pick me up at 8 o'clock, I will have had breakfast by then.
We shall(will) have learned 12 units by the end of this term.
By the time you get home,I will have cleaned the house from top to bottom.
②表示推测,相当于"must have done"结构。
You will have heard of this, I guess.
I am sure that he will have got the information.
We will have been married a year on June 25th.
We will have been married a year on June 25th.
【典例】—Tommy is planning to buy a car.
—I know. By next month, he _______ (save) enough for a used one.
【keys】解析:will have saved
by next month是将来完成时的标志,全句表示在将来next month之前完成“积攒足够钱”的动作,对将来的时间next month产生影响,能买一辆旧车。故填将来完成时。
【keys】now, at the moment, right now, at present, these days
【keys】always, constantly, continually
例: At present he has become a Professor of Chemistry at Oxford.
The teacher is writing his notes now. (暂时的还在进行的动作)
Xiao Wang is always coming late. (带有不满的感彩)
句型结构(基本结构:主语+be动词(am /is /are)+动词ing形式[现在分词]+其他)
肯定句:主语+be动词(am /is /are)+动词ing+其他
Eg. I am reading a book.
否定句:主语+be动词(am /is /are)+not+动词ing+其他
Eg. I am not reading.
Eg. Are you reading ?
Eg. What kind of book are you reading ?
It is reported that many a new house_______ (build) at present in the disaster area.
【keys】解析:is being built。由时间状语at present可知此处动词表示的动作正在进行,主语与所填选项是被动关系,故用现在进行时的被动语态。“many a+单数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。
【keys】then, at that time, at this time yesterday
I was going along the street looking for a place to park my car when the accident occurred.
Eg:We were having supper when the phone rang.
Eg: This time yesterday Jack was not watching TV. He was repairing his bike.
Eg: Were you playing basketball at four yesterday afternoon?
Eg : What were you talking about?
You must tell us what you _______(do) at ten yesterday evening.
【keys】解析:were doing。表示过去某个时间点正在发生的动作应使用过去进行时。
【keys】have / has been doing sth.
He has been working as a volunteer for fifteen years, which really isn’t an easy thing.
句型结构(基本句型:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词+其它 )
肯定句:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词 + 其他.
Eg: He has already obtained a scholarship.
否定句:主语+have not/has not+动词的过去分词 +其它
Eg: I haven't seen much of him recently (lately).
一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+动词的过去分词 +其它
Eg: Have you ever been to Beijing?
Eg: What have you bought?
I’ve been waiting for an hour but he still hasn’t turned up.(抱怨的感彩)
【典例1】—Where is Peter? I can’t find him anywhere.(2015年福建卷)
—He went to the library after breakfast and_______ (write) his essay there ever since.
【keys】解析:has been writing。由时间标志词ever since可知应使用现在完成时态,再结合语境可知,论文可能还没写完,还要在那儿继续写,故用现在完成进行时。
【典例2】—We’ve spent too much money recently.
—Well, it isn’t surprising. Our friends and relatives _______ (come) around all the time.
【keys】解析:have been coming。此处表示的是从过去一直持续到现在的动作或状态,表示的是动作的延续,故用现在完成进行时。
【典例3】Joseph _______ (go) to evening classes since last month, but he still can’t say
“What’s your name?” in Russian.
【keys】解析:has been going。由时间状语since last month可知应使用现在完成时,再结合题干的意思可知,“上夜校”这一行为从过去发生到现在,一直在进行着,且还会持续下去,故应使用现在完成进行时。
【典例4】Mother wanted to be a good provider, a role she _______ (shoulder) since her marriage to Father.
【keys】解析:has been shouldering。题干中有表示完成时的时间标志词since,且描述的是动作的延续,所以定语从句中用现在完成进行时。
This time next day they will be sitting in the cinema.
【keys】soon, this evening,on Sunday, by this time,tomorrow, in two days, tomorrow evening
By this time tomorrow, I'll be lying on the beach.
句型结构(基本句型:主语+shall/will + be + 现在分词)
肯定句:主语+shall/will + be + 现在分词+ 其他.
Eg: Please don't call me between 8:00 and 10:00 tomorrow. I'll be having my classes then.
否定句:主语+shall/will + not+be + 现在分词+其它
Eg: I shall/will not be lying on the beach tomorrow afternoon.
一般疑问句:Shall/will +主语+ be +现在分词+其它
Eg: Will/shall you be lying on the beach tomorrow afternoon?
特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句(shall/will +主语+ be +现在分词+其它)
Eg: When shall we be meeting again?
What will you be doing at this time next Monday?
I wonder if it will still be raining this after?noon.
Tomorrow I will be flying to Bombay.
After you take the medicine, you will be feeling much better.
My duties will end in July, and I’ll be returning to Shanghai.
【典例】If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring, you _______ (eat) fresh watermelon in the fall.
【keys】解析:will be eating。表示对将来的预测通常使用将来进行时。
①—Have you moved into the new house?
—Not yet. The rooms ____________(paint).
②My father ________(fall) while he ________(ride) his bicycle and ________(hurt) himself.
③—Why are her eyes red?
—She ____________(cry).
④He ____________(fly) over the Atlantic at this time tomorrow.
⑤You ________ always ________(watch) TV. Why not do something more active?
⑥—Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday?
—No,but we ________(try) to get in touch with them ever since.
【keys】①are being painted ②fell;was riding;hurt ③has been crying 
④will be flying  ⑤are;watching  ⑥have been trying
【知识梳理3】 解题技巧点拨

【典例1】Daniel’s family _______ (enjoy)their holiday in Huangshan this time next week.
【keys】解析:will be enjoying。括号中所给的词是动词,分析句子结构可知,该句缺少谓语动词,本句中的时间状语this time next week是将来进行时的时间标志词,故填will be enjoying。
【典例2】The reports went missing in 2012and nobody _______ (see) them since.
【keys】解析:has seen。根据句意可知自从2012年这些文件开始不见的,到现在为止没有人看见。since经常和现在完成时连用,再根据与nobody的主谓一致关系,可知应填has seen。
(2)一般过去时:then,?yesterday,?last?week,?after?that,?ago, the other day, in 1990s等;?
(5)现在完成时:?recently,?lately,?up?to/till?now,?so?far,?in?the?past/last?few?months/years?for+一段时间,?since?+?时间点等, already, yet, twice, many times;?
(7)一般将来时:tomorrow,?today,?next?week/month, in?an?hour,?in?the?coming/following?few?weeks等;?
【典例】The moment I got home, I found I_______ (leave) my jacket on the playground.
【keys】解析:had left。由于主句的动词使用了一般过去时,且宾语从句的动作发生在主句动作之前,故应用过去完成时。
【典例1】This is the first time we _______(see) a film in the cinema together as a family.
【keys】解析:have seen。This is the first / second /last...time (that)...是固定结构,后面的从句中应使用现在完成时。如果把is改为was,则后面的从句中应使用过去完成时。
【典例2】— How can I apply for an online course?
—Just fill out this form and we _______(see) what we can do for you.
【keys】解析:will see。“祈使句(或名词词组)+ and(或or)简单句”是并列句的一种固定句式,and(或or)后的简单句通常用一般将来时。

【典例】Would you please keep silent? The weather report _______(broadcast)and I want to listen.
【keys】解析:is being broadcast / will be broadcast。由“I want to listen.”可知,说话时天气预报正在播报或将要播报,应使用进行时或将来时,且表示被动含义,故填is being broadcast /will bebroadcast。
【典例】Experiments of this kind _______(conduct) in both the U.S. and Europe well before the Second World War.
【keys】解析:had been conducted。主语experiments与conduct 构成动宾关系,谓语应使用被动语态。the Second World War表示过去的时间点,before the Second World War表示过去的过去这一时间点,故填过去完成时的被动语态。
【知识梳理4】 时态语态在阅读中的应用
(1) 阅读中的时间状语,是出题率很高的一处语言点。如,now, new, nowadays, current ideas…和过去形成强对比;once, until recently, past…和现在形成强对比。如果给出一个不早不晚的明确时间,如in 1960’s,那么和它之前、之后比较都有可能。
(2) 在含有虚拟条件句的复合句中,主句和从句的谓语都要用虚拟语气,常常用过去的时态来表示,在阅读理解时应重视。
Using such technology promises to alter people's behavior afterwards-potentially for the better. Studies have shown that virtual reality can be effective in fighting racism-the bias (偏见) that humans have against those who don't look or sound like them. Researchers at the University of Barcelona gave people a questionnaire called the Implicit Association Test, which measures the strength of people's associations between, for instance, black people and adjectives such as good, bad, athletic or awkward. Then they asked them to control the body of a dark skinned digital character using virtual reality glasses, before taking the test again. This time, the participants' bias scores were lower. The idea is that once you've "put yourself in another's shoes" you're less likely to think ill of them, because your brain has internalized the feeling of being that person.
Q: In the Implicit Association Test, before the participants used virtual reality glasses to control a dark skinned digital character, ______.
A. they fought strongly against racism B. they scored lower on the test for racism
C. they changed their behavior dramatically D. they were more biased against those unlike them
解析:根据 “Studies have shown that virtual reality can be effective in fighting racism-the bias that humans have against those who don't look or sound like them.”及 “Then they asked them to control the body of a dark skinned digital character using virtual reality glasses, before taking the test again. This time, the participants' bias scores were lower.”可知在the Implicit Association test中,在参与者使用虚拟现实的眼镜控制一个深色皮肤的人物之前,他们对不像他们的人物更有偏见,选D。
A mysterious phenomenon is the ability of over-water migrants to travel on course. Some scientists thought, migrants determine their geographic position on Earth by celestial (天空的) navigation, almost as human navigators use stars and planets, but this would demand of the animals a fantastic map sense.
Q: What is the author’s attitude towards some scientists’ explanation?
解析:这句话翻译成为中文的意思是:“有些科学家认为,就像人类采用恒星和行星来定位一样,候鸟或许也是采用天体的导航才得以确定它们所处的地理位置,但这要求这类动物具有令人难以置信的地图感。”其实我们根据主从句中的时态判断此处为虚拟语气。从but处可判断,前半句行不通,也就是“migrants cannot determine their geographic position on Earth by celestial navigation.”可以知道作者对这种解释持负评价。
非谓语动词包括不定式(to do)、动名词(-ing)、现在分词(-ing)与过去分词(-ed)。它们不受主语人称和数的限制,在句子中不能充当谓语,但可以充当句子的其他成分,并且有时态和语态的变化。
(to do)
to do
to be done
being done
being done
to have done
having done
having done
to have been done
having been done
having been done
to do
to be done
to have done
to have been done
to be doing

to have been doing

1. 不定式的一般式:一般式表示的动作或状态发生在谓语动词表示的动作或状态的同时或之后。当不定式的逻辑主语是这个不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,不定式一般要用被动式(to be done).
eg: He seemed to be tired. The building to be finished next month is for our teachers.
2. 不定式的进行式:进行式表示动作正在进行,与谓语的动作同时发生。
e.g. When I went to his home, he happened to be traveling around the world.
3. 不定式的完成式:如果不定式所表示的动作或状态发生在谓语动词所表示动作或状态之前,就用完成式;若是在此基础上的被动含义,就用完成被动式( to have been done).
e.g. He is said to have written a novel about the Long March.
He is said to have been taught French when he was a child.
4. 不定式的完成进行式:如果不定式的动作是在谓语所表示的时间之前一直在进行或有可能继续进行的动作,就要用完成进行式.
eg: We’re happy to have been working with the experts all the month.
1. 不定式做主语:不定式做主语一般表示具体的某次动作。而动名词doing 表示习惯的,经常的动作。
1)不定式作主语时,谓语用单数 To do such things is foolish.
2)主系表结构 To see is to believe.
(1)It is/was +adj.+(of sb.) to do…(如 good/ kind/ nice/ clever/ foolish/ selfish…)
(2)It is +adj.+(for sb.)+to do…(如easy / difficult / hard / / unwise / possible/ necessary…)
(3)It is +a/an +名词+ to do...(如a pity/ a shame / a pleasure /one’s duty / an honor …)
(4)It takes (sb.) some time / courage / patience …to do…
(5)It requires courage / patience / hard work… to do…
2. 不定式做表语:不定式作表语常表示将来的动作或状态。
3. 动词不定式作宾语:ask, agree, care, choose, demand, decide, expect, fail, help, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, want, wish等只能用动词不定式作宾语
*注意:(1)某些及物动词可用-ing也可用动词不定式作宾语但意义不同stop/ go on/ remember/ forget/ regret/ try/ mean…
(2)某些及物动词think, believe, consider, feel, find, make等后常用it作形式宾语
I. 不定式作定语需要后置。
II. 作定语的不定式与被修饰的名词或代词存在着三种主要的逻辑关系,即被修饰的名词和代词是不定式的逻辑主语 (逻辑上的主谓关系)或逻辑宾语(逻辑上的动宾关系)或修饰性关系(同位关系)。
5. 宾语补足语: eg: He wants you to be his assistant. I saw her cross the street.
[注1] 如果谓语动词为感官动词或使役动词,则作宾补的不定式不可带to,这些动词有see, hear, feel, watch, notice; have, make, let等。但如果句子是被动语态,则to不可省略。
eg. He was made to clean the windows as a punishment.
Someone was heard to come up the stairs.
[注2] help后可以直接用带to或不带to的不定式作宾语。
6. 不定式做状语: 不定式做状语修饰动词、形容词、副词等,表示目的、原因、结果、条件等,其逻辑主语就是句子的主语。
e.g. To learn a foreign language well, you must try your best.(主语一致)
I rushed to the airport, only to find that John had gone.
7. 同位语: e.g. Is this your purpose, to avoid being punished?
8. 独立成分: e.g. To tell you the truth, I don’t like you.
类似的有:to be frank坦率地说,to cut a long story short 长话短说,等等
e.g. I told him not to touch the equipment. You must promise never to do that again.
1) 在had better, would rather, would rather...than, would sooner...than(宁愿……而不),
cannot but(不得不、只好), why (not)等结构后面的不定式符号to通常被省略。
?2) 动词不定式短语作介词but, except, besides的宾语,且介词之前有行为动词do或它的其它形式时,不定式符号to通常被省略。
3) 两个或多个不定式短语表示并列关系时,后面不定式短语的不定式符号to通常被省略;如果表示对比关系,则不定式中的不定式符号to通常要保留。
eg: They didn’t tell me whether to go on or to stop.(对比关系)
She told the child to stay there and wait till she came back.(并列关系)
??? 她让孩子待在那里等她回来。
4) 在某些感官动词或使役动词(如 hear, listen to, notice, observe, see, watch, make等)之后充当宾语补足语的不定式中,不定式符号to总是被省略,但在被动语态的句子中,不定式符号to通常要保留。
?1) 为了避免重复,在hope, wish, want, like, love, decide, plan, mean, prefer, want, have to, be able to, be going to, used to, ought to等动词及习语后面出现与上文相同的不定式时,常保留不定式符号to,而把其它部分省略。
?e.g. Ms King lied to us because she had to.
??? 注意:在特定的上下文中,为了避免重复,如果不定式为一般式to be...或完成式to have done时,则不定式符号to和be或have常一并保留,be或have之后的部分通常要省略。如:
-Aren’t you the headmaster?? 你难道不是校长吗?
-No, and I don’t want to be. 我不是,而且我也不想当。
-Hasn’t he finished writing the report?? 难道他还没写完报告吗?
-No, but he ought to have. 是的,但他本来应该写完。
2) 当不定式在ask, advise, persuade, wish, allow, permit, tell, expect, force, invite, beg等动词后面充当宾语补足语时,为了避免重复,常保留不定式符号,而把后面的动词省略。
She wants to come but her parents won’t allow her to.
If he doesn’t want to go there, don’t force him to.
He didn’t come, though we had invited him to.
(1)作主语:Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。
(2)作表语:Her job is washing and cooking.
(3)作宾语:①作及物动词的宾语。She likes drawing very much.
②作某些短语动词的宾语。Mary is thinking of going back to New York.
③ do+限定词(my, some, any, the等)+v.?ing,表示“做……事”之意,如:
do some cleaning打扫卫生 do some shopping购物
④作介词的宾语:Her sister is good at learning physics.
⑤作形容词worth, busy等的宾语:This book is well worth reading.
(4)作定语:The sleeping child is only five years old.
(5)作宾语补足语:We can see steam rising from the wet clothes.
可以带有这种复合宾语的动词有see, watch, hear, observe, feel, find, have, keep等。
(6)作状语:①时间状语:Seeing Tom, I couldn't help thinking of his brother.
如:When crossing street, you must be careful.
②原因状语:Being ill, he didn't go to school yesterday.
③方式或伴随状语:Mary stood at the school gate waiting for Betty.
3. 主动语态-ing完成式的基本用法。主动语态-ing完成式所表示的动作发生在句中谓语动词所表示的动作之前,一般在句中作时间或原因状语用。句中的主语是它的逻辑主语,并且是它所表示的动作的执行者,如:Having answered the letter, she went on to read an English novel.
4. 被动语态-ing一般式的基本用法。被动语态-ing一般式所表示的动作是一个正在进行中的被动动作,而且这个被动动作也是和句中谓语所表示的动作同时发生的。它一般在句中作定
语或状语用。如:The truck being repaired there is ours.
5. 被动语态-ing完成式的基本用法。被动语态-ing完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,在句中一般作状语用。
如:Having been shown the lab, we were taken to see the library.
6. -ing形式的复合结构。在-ing前加物主代词或名词所有格即构成-ing的复合结构。其中的物主代词或名词所有格为-ing的逻辑主语。这种结构在句中可作主语、宾语或表语,
如:Your smoking and drinking too much will do harm to your health.
7. -ing形式与动词不定式在句中作主语、表语、宾语时的区别。一般说来,表示一个比较抽象或泛指的动作时多用-ing形式。表示一个具体某一次的动作时,多用动词不定式,
如:Our job is making steel. She likes playing the piano, but she doesn’t want to play it today.
8. -ing形式与动词不定式在句中作定语的区别。-ing形式作定语用时,其动作一般与句中谓语动词所表示的动词同时发生,而动词不定式作定语时,其动作一般发生在句中谓语动词所表示的动作之后。
如:The girl writing a letter there can speak English very well./I have three letters to write.
9. -ing形式与动词不定式在作宾语补足语时的区别。(1)不定式作宾补时,其动作一般发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之后,如:I have told them to come again tomorrow.(2)在see, watch, hear, feel等之后,如果用-ing形式作宾补,表示其动作正在进行中,而用不带to的不定式作宾补时,不定式所表示的动作是一个动作的过程,如:I hear her singing in the room.我听见她正在屋里唱歌。 I hear her sing in the room.我听见她在屋里唱过歌。
10. -ing形式与动词不定式在句中作状语的区别。-ing形式在句作状语表示时间、原因、方式或伴随情况,而动词不定式一般式在句中作状语时,一般是作目的或结果状语,
如:Not receiving his letter, I wrote to him again./ I looked into the window to see what was going on inside.
(1)作定语:过去分词作定语时,如果这个分词是一个单词,就位于其修饰的名词之前,如果是分词短语,就位于其修饰的名词之后。被过去分词所修饰的名词,就是该分词的逻辑主语,如:The stolen car was found by the police last week.
(2)作表语:过去分词作表语时,表示其逻辑主语所处的状态,其逻辑主语就是句中的主语,如:The glass is broken.这个玻璃杯是破的。 注:过去分词作表语时,和动词的被动语态结构相似,但两者表达的意义不同,如:The glass was broken by my little brother.这个玻璃杯是被我小弟弟打破的。
(3)作宾语补足语:过去分词作宾语补足语时,句中的宾语就是其逻辑主语,如:When I opened the door, I found the ground covered by fallen leaves. 注:动词have后的复合宾语中,宾语补足语如为过去分词,常表示该分词所表示的动作是由别人来执行的而不是句中主语自己来执行的,如:I had my bike repaired yesterday. 昨天我(找别人)把我的自行车给修了。
(4)作状语:过去分词作状语时,相当于一个状语从句,该结构的逻辑主语一般都是主句的主语,是过去分词所表示意义的逻辑宾语。为了使作状语的过去分词意义更加明确,常在分词前加when, if, while, though, as等连词,如:Seen from the hill/ When seen from the hill, our town looks beautiful.; Given more time/ If given more time, we could have done it better.(we是该结构的逻辑主语,是give的逻辑宾语。)
1.疑问词 + 动词不定式:疑问代词和疑问副词后可加动词不定式构成不定式短语,在句中可作主语、表语或宾语,如:How to prevent them from swimming in this river is a problem.
2.动词不定式的否定式:由not + 动词不定式构成,如:
She likes playing the piano, but she doesn't want to_play it today.
eg. The girl writing_a_letter_there can speak English very well.
I have three letters to_write.
如:I have told them to_come again tomorrow.
(2)在see, watch, hear, feel等之后,如果用v.?ing形式作宾补,表示其动作正在进行中,而用不带to的不定式作宾补时,不定式所表示的动作是一个动作的过程,
如:I hear her singing in the room. 我听见她正在屋里唱歌。
I hear her sing in the room. 我听见她在屋里唱过歌。
an inspiring speech鼓舞人心的演说;
the inspired audience受鼓舞的听众
the changing world正在变化的世界
the changed world已经变化了的世界
8.独立主格结构:有时v.?ing和过去分词在句中也有自己的独立的主语,这种独立的主语一般为名词或代词,和v.?ing还有过去分词构成独立主格结构。该结构在句中一般只作状语。 独立主格中是使用v.?ing还是过去分词,则要根据它们的主语和其所表示的动作的主动或被动关系来定,如:The bell ringing, we all stopped talking.
注意:①独立结构中的being或having been常可省去,如:
The_meeting_(being)_over,_all left the room.
②作伴随状语的独立结构常可用with短语来代替, 如:
She read the letter, tears rolling down her cheeks.
= She read the letter with_tears_rolling_down her cheeks.
独立的句子, 从句或非谓语
独立的句子 加句号,分号或破折号的话,后再加一个独立的句子。
独立的句子,(逗号) 有and,but, so 等词 加独立的句子。
非谓语动词短语, + 主句 或者是 主句, 非谓语动词短语
例如: influenced by the growing interest in nature, more people enjoy outdaoor activities.
例如: All flights having been cancelled , they decided to take the train.
admit 承认 appreciate 感激 avoid 避免 put off 推迟 keep 保持  consider 考虑 delay/ postpone 耽搁 dislike 嫌恶 resist 抵制 mention 提及 enjoy 喜欢 escape 避免 excuse 原谅 practice 练习 mind介意 fancy想不到 feel like 意欲 finish 完成 risk 冒险 include 包括 forgive 原谅 give up 放弃 suggest 建议 miss 逃过 imagine 想象 can’t help 情不自禁 involve 需要 can’t stand 无法忍受 understand 理解
be used to 习惯 be related to 与……有关 get down to 着手做 contribute to 贡献 put one’s mind to?全神贯注于 give rise to 引起
be equal to 胜任 devote oneself to 献身于 lead to 导致 be opposed to 反对
look forward to 盼望 object to 反对stick to? 坚持 pay attention to 注意
介词后一定要加动词的-ing 形式;
跟在名词后面做定语时, 一般不用having done/ having been done 结构
放在句首做主语 , 一般用动词的ing 和to do …
Generally speaking 一般来说 Considering …. 考虑到,鉴于
Time/weather permitting 时间、天气允许的话
Taking …into account 考虑到 Taking …into consideration 考虑到
Provided …假如 Providing…假如 Suppose…假如 Supposing…假如
Juding from/ by…根据…判断 Given sth 假如,如果;鉴于,考虑到
Given that…假如,如果;鉴于,考虑到
【奉贤】1.Many grammar schools (22)______ (establish) hundreds of years ago to teach the Latin
Language to children who were not from rich families.
【虹口】2. There are always some people radiating negativity in the work place. For them, the temperature is never right, the boss is always a fool, the canteen food is awful, and they (21) ______ (treat) unfairly.
3. “The real problem is that the whiners don?t feel they are being taken seriously,” said Xu Jun, HR manager at Guangqi Honda Automobile Co., Ltd. “(30) ______ (give) them advice or perspectives attentively and the problem will usually disappear.”
【黄浦】4. Nationally, Norway (23) ______ (experience) an 11% increase in tourism in the past decade.
5. From just 1,000 tourists in the whole of 2010, Trolltunga, a piece of rock that stands horizontally out of the mountain, (24) ______ (see) 1,800 visitors in one 2017 day alone.
【金山】6. With often nothing more than a pencil in hand, the 47-year-old artist produces elaborate drawings that could easily (22) ______ (mistake) for the work of any modern digital camera.
【闵行】7. I had just started working in geriatrics(老年病科). Mr. McMahon (21) ______ (bring) in when his body was found very swollen(浮肿的)
【浦东】 8. The Hollow Flashlight is made from Peltier tiles(珀耳贴贴片)that produce energy when one side (26) ______(heat)and the other side remains cool.
【青浦】9. Kevin assumed the person on the boat (22) _________ (jump) out of it. “Then I heard a warning signal with a loud sound,” says Kevin, now 42. “That?s (23) __when_____I realized somebody was in trouble.”
10. “I thought it was a life jacket,” he says. “When I caught up to it, I realized it (25) _________ (attach) to a person.”
【松江】 11. We got up early to see the cows as they (23) _______ (milk). I even tried my hand at milking one, and then joined the farmer as he released the cows into the field afterward.
【徐汇】12. Conservators at the Nelson-Atkins museum of art in Kansas City said they discovered the dead insect in one of its star paintings, Vincent van Gogh?s Olive Trees, when it (22)_______ (scan) as part of the research for a catalogue of its French painting collection.
【杨浦】13. According to lifestyle website grapee.jp, slurping (发出"哧溜"声) when eating noodles (23) ______ (encourage) in Japanese culture.
【长宁嘉定】14. (21) ______ (Create) a system that can routinely hire and prepare teachers effectively and can support successful teaching is the arena (竞技场) in which the United States (22) ______ (fall) behind the most.
15. Even if they do, there is little guarantee that the quality of teaching (31) ______ (improve). Although there are good reasons to argue for stringer evaluation practices for removing incapable teachers and for recognizing excellent ones, a theory that the major problems with teaching can be solved by carrots and sticks alone leaves the development of teaching abilities to chance.
【静安】16. To business with garbage containers, polluted with more than 10 recyclables, warning (27) _________ (issue). If they fail to take action, fines are expected.
【普陀】17. The share prices of Thor Industries, the biggest RV-manufacturer in America, and Winnebago, the third-largest, (21)______ (rise) by 43% and 17%, respectively so far.
18. The industry hopes that its poor record with foreign sales — last year less than 1% of RVs produced domestically (27) ______ (ship) to foreign markets — may improve, too.
【宝山】19. The best beliefs are the ones that (22)________( cherish) throughout a lifetime. One belief I cherish above all others is the power and enjoyment of reading.
20. Books (30)________(help) me through difficult periods.
【崇明】21. People in Harpursville now hope the attention that April (28)_____ (draw) will translate into an economic development for the area. Harpursville was once a manufacturing base, but it has struggled financially in recent years.
【Keys】 26. 1. were established 2.are treated 3. Give 4. has experienced 5. Saw 6. be mistaken
7. was brought 8. is heated 9. had jumped 10. was attached 11. were milked/were being milked 12. was being scanned 13. is encouraged 14. Creating 15.has fallen 16. are issued 17. have risen 18. were shipped 19. are cherished 20. have helped 21.has drawn
English Test for Non-finite Verb
1. The advertisement has been heard______three times today..
A.to broadcast B.to be broadcast C.broadcasting D.broadcast
_______before, his first performance for the amateur dramatic group was a success.
Through having never acted B. As he had never acted
Despite he had never acted D.In spite of his never having acted
【解析】此处为非谓语,为one’s doing 的结构
3.That’s the very washing machine the guard watched______out of the door that night.
A. carrying B.being carried C.carried D.having carried
4.He drew the curtain apart to let the sunshine come______through the window.
A.to stream B.streaming C.to be streamed D.and streamed
5.We ________a powerful sense of loss when finding some species are extinct, never________.
A.can’t help but feel/to return B.can’t help feel/to return
C.can’t help feeling/return D.can’t help to feel/returning
【解析】can’t help but do sth 表示只能做某事
6.Please tell me the accident _______to your brother last night.
A.happened B.happening C.having happened D.that happened
【解析】happen/occur/take place只用于从句,不能用非谓语
7.Good night, Mr Wang. I ‘m glad_______.
A.to meet you B.to have met you C.having met you D.to meet with you
【解析】glad to do sth表示很荣幸做某事 to have done sth 表示动作发生在谓语动词之前
8.Linda was _______the experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute.
A.to start B.to be starting C.to have started D.to have been started
【解析】to have done 表示动作发生在谓语动词之前
To my relief, the student never does anything in the morning but_______English aloud.
read B.reads C.to read D.reading
【解析】do anything but do sth 只能做某事,前有do后无to
Don’t let the child who is _______to violent films.
not old enough be exposed B.not old enough to be exposed
C.too young to be exposed D.young enough exposing
【解析】let sb do sth 让某人做某事,be exposed to 固定搭配
Of the 9500 drivers______since the beginning of last year, 23% were found______road knowledge.
tested/lacking in B.to be tested/lacking
C.having been tested/lacking D.tested/lacking
【解析】后置定语没有having done 的形式,lacking in表示主动故用现在分词的形式
--It’s better_______him the bad news now.
-----Yes, better___it as a secret.
not tell/keep B.not tell/to keep C.not to tell/to keep D.not to tell/keep
【解析】it is +adj+to do sth 表示最好最某事, 后面是省略had better do sth.
When the policeman arrived on the scene, torn pieces of paper were everywhere_______.
seen B.to be seen C.to see D.being seen
【解析】to be done 表示结果
_______which way to take the little boy behaved like a real gentleman who comforted his sister from time to time.
Having left to wonder B.Leaving to wonder
C.Left to wander D. Left wondering
_______for the terrible accident, as the public thought, the mayor felt nervous and was at a loss.
To blame B. Having blamed C.being to be blamed D.being to blame
【解析】be to blame for 为固定搭配
The party the students looked forward to______yesterday afternoon.
A.being held B.was held C.was to be held D.held
【解析】the students looked forward to 做The party 的后置定语 was held 为谓语动词
_______in financial scandals, according to a social research, was regarded as top one reason for officials to give up political career in Italy.
Involved B. Involving C.Being involved D.To be involved
Hearing the news, he rushed out,______the book_______on the table and disappeared in the distance.
left/lain open B.leaving/lying open
leaving/lie open D.left/lay open
He demanded_______what was going on in the factory when he was hospitalized.
to tell B.me to tell him C.to be told D.that I would tell him
【解析】demand to do sth &demand that sb should do sth 此处tell 应该用被动语态
________your composition with hers, we shall read the composition again.
To compare B.So as to compare C.Comparing D.Compared
21. The couple decided to buy a new house in the suburbs so that their young children would have the garden .
A.where to paly in B.in which to play
C.to play with D.which to play
22. The is one of many sites from the popularity of poetry on the World Wide Web.
A.benefited/growing B.benefiting/growing
C.to benefit/grown D.benefit/grown
23. Tim sat under a tree and seeing his friend, up in no time.
A.stood B.stand
C.to stand D.stands
【解析】考察句子结构。本句中的and连接的是两个并列结构。其中的sat under a tree与stood up in no time是并列结构。不要受seeing his friends的影响。句意:Tom坐在一棵大树下面,看见了他的朋友,他立刻站了起来。故A正确。
24. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs Green went to the market, _ some bananas and visited her cousin.
A. bought B. buying C.to buy D. buy
25. The?great?scientist?devoted?all?his?life?___?the hidden?law?in?Nature.?? ???
A.?to?search?for?? B.?to?searching? C.?to?the?search?for?? D.?to?search
【解析】考查固定结构devote sb to doing
26. In?the?past?decade,?geologists?have?come?closer?than?ever??________?the?age?of?the?earth.?
A.?to calculate???? B.?to calculating??? ?? C.?to be?calculating???? ? D.?to have?calculated
【解析】考查固定结构come close to doing sth,表示“接近做某事了,差点就能做某事”。
27. New regulations have been drafted recently requiring the world giant automaker the most cars in China the faulty cars and other automobiles for inspection.
A.selling/recall B.sell/to recall
C.selling/recalling D.to sell/recall
【解析】第一空sell做后置定语且为主动关系,填selling。第二空考查require that sb (should) do sth的结构。
28. Many farmers in the countryside have gone to cities to look for work and left their children behind _ by their grandparents.
A.to be raised B. raised C. being raised D. raising
29. The building _____ in our school is for us students. Though there’s noise most of day, we still feel happy about it .
A.to be put up B.being put up
C.put up D.having been put up
【解析】后一句说有噪音,说明该建筑还在建设当中,being done做定语表示正在被….。
30. President Trump used his first full day in office on Saturday a remarkably bitter attack on the new media, falsely journalists of understating the size of his inauguration crowd.
A.to unleash/accusing B.unleashing/to accuse
C.to have unleashed/accused D.unleashed/having accused
【解析】第一空考查句型use sth to do sth,第二空为非谓语做伴随状语,句意是特朗普利用就任总统后的第一个全天,就新闻媒体对周五参加就职仪式人群规模的报道发起了猛烈抨击。
31. Outdoor Film Festival, held in December, is the earliest festival in Asia____ on cycling mountain bike documentaries and environmental protection movies.
A focusing B focused C having focusing D.to focus
32. The prize him for his great contribution.
A.was honoring B.was honored
C.was to be honored D.was to honor
33. Rescuers pulled out the last surviving miner _____ for 40 hours following a rock burst.
A having been trapped B being trapped C were trapped D trapped
34. The most serious problem our teachers is how to stimulate more students to learn all through their life.
A.faced with B.facing
C.to face up to D.facing up
【解析】考查非谓语动词做后置定语,sth facing sb可以看作是固定结构。
35. Her future ambition is to have a modeling career that she hopes ___her to travel around the world .
A.will enable B. to enable C. enabling D. enables
【解析】that引导定语从句,整个句子可以还原成she hopes the modeling carrer will enable her to travel around the world.
36. Greatly ________, I heard my daughter's ________ voice on the phone.
A. relieved/excited B. being relieved/exciting
C. relieving/exciting D. being relieved/excited
【解析】前一格空格填入的词应该看和主语I的关系,这句句子的意思是,“当我在电话里听到我女儿兴奋的声音,我感到很欣慰。”relieved表示“感到欣慰”,修饰主语I,所以用relieved作状语,而excited voice表示“兴奋的声音”,表示“我的女儿感到很兴奋”。
37. China entered the WTO in 2001,thus its long-cherished aim the global trade body
A.achieved/joining B.having achieved/to be joining
C.achieving/to join D.to achieve/to join
【解析】achieve与逻辑主语China之间为主动关系,根据句意填achieving即可,第二空考查aim to do的结构。
38. How can a country where teachers devote all their class hours to training students to take exams to compete in the technology race with other countries?
A.be expected B.to be expected
C.expecting D.expected
39. — Do you have anything more ______, sir?
— No. You can have a rest or do something else.
A. typing B. to be typed C. typed D. to type
【解析】考查to do 与to be done的区别,当动词不定式动作的发出者是句子的主语是用to do,若该动作由另一者来完成用to be done。
40. The strong wind caused the fire, which obviously had been set by someone on purpose, ___________ across the field.
A  spreading B  spread C  to spreading D to spread
【解析】考查句型cause sb to do sth,中间的定语从句看做插入语。
__to go out alone, the retired president had to go for a walk with several bodyguards__him.
Having warned not/followed
Not being warned/followed
Warned not/following
Not warned/following
__ about three meters in height, the gigantic ape-like creature called Bigfoot supposedly haunts the forests of the Pacific Northwest. But its existence only started to cause public panic after __ by camera.
Measured/being captured
Being measured/it is captured
Measuring/being captured
Having measured/captured
He got me __ the letter with the __.
posting/remaining 2 dollars
to post/2 dollars that remained
to post/remained 2 dollars
posting/2 dollars remained
The new book the publishers looked forward to last season __ by all means made a hit at last.
being put out
was put out
putting out
put out
【解析】the publishers……means为book的定语从句,从句中last season为尾重原则提前的时间状语,其实考察的为look forward to doing,在从句中,主语为主动构成主谓结构。因此选C
Attention please! It’s proposed that everybody who signed up for the course __ at the classroom before eight next Monday moring.
will arrive
to arrive
To complete the essay in time, she spent three days __ in the school library with her mind __ on the topic assigned by the professor.
being locked/focusing
having been locked/focusing
【解析】spend 分词作宾补,根据意思为被动,用过去分词。第二空仍然为分词作宾补,意思被动。选C
Li isn’t the first young person __ with a silver spoon __ into trouble over what appears to be a lack of respect toward people.
being born/to get
to be born/to have got
bearing/to be getting
born/to get
【解析】此处考察the first后跟不定式作定语,但是第一空为person的后置定语,此处为分词短语作后置定语。综上选D
I am considering __ a trip during the coming holiday. Is there any place you consider__?
to have/worth to visit
having/worthy to visit
to have/worth visiting
having/worthy to be visited
【解析】consider doing。动名词结构。第二空为不定式作宾补。选B
The newly concluded National People’s Congress has passed a package of economic policies __ 8% of yearly economic growth.
to target
In the past three years, the Southeast Asian nation has witnessed its island __ by a tsunami and typhoons.
to be destroyed
being destroyed
having been destroyed
With a lot of difficult problem __, the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.
to settle
to be settled
being settled
The girl is often listened to __ songs in the next room.
practise singing
to practise singing
practise to sing
to practise to sing
【解析】be listened to practise构成复合谓语,practise后接动名词作宾语,选A
__ again and again, but he still failed to understand it.
Having explained
Mrs Lin explained
Having been explained
Though Mrs Lin explained
Anyone can become a better scholar if he or she __.
want to become
wants to do
wants to be
wants to
There are twenty people in the medical team, __.
three nurses included
which include three nurses
included three nurses
three nurses are included
The monitor suggested__ to the Sea World in the Summer Vacation.
to me visiting
their visiting
they visit
to me their visit
Do you consider it any good __more people over there?
to send
being sent
to be sent
__a good school near the residential area will be a great advantage.
There being
There to be
There is
The ice is hard enough__.
to skate
to skate on
to be skated
to be skated on
Last October, the Russian government, __ to ease tensions ahead of election early this year, announced a price freeze for milk, bread and other food through the end of January.
to hope
having hoped
61. While staying home is a tradition at the Spring Festival, ______a trip with family members can also be a nice alternative.
A. to take
B. taking
C. took
D. taken
62. A giant of a man was sitting next to the door, who, when_____ to greet me, ______nearly seven feet tall.
A. rose/standing B. rising/stood
C. to rise/was standing D. risen/ to stand
63. Chemical processes______ in the treatment of materials for clothes______ the environment badly in some countries nowadays.
A. are involved/damaging B. involved/damaged
C. involving/damage D. involved/ damage
【解析】通过分析可以知道第一空是非谓语,根据词组be involved in可以知道填过去分词;第二空是主句谓语,所以选D。
64. When painted and furnished with furniture, ___________.
A. I think the flat will look bigger and more beautiful
B. you will feel more comfortable living in the house
C. we can sell the apartment for much more money
D. the house will be used for a nursery
65. ______the West Lake, this ordinary hotel always leaves a deep impression on the tourists.
A. Being situated on
B. Lying on
C. Located in
D. Locating in
【解析】考察非谓语,be located in是搭配,