Lesson
一、学情分析:
加强与各任课老师的联系,抓好各门学科的联系工作。
继续做好“后进生”转化
工作,发挥家长的主导作用,积极配合。加强对学生综合能力的培养,积极培养学生的
创造精神,开展形式多样的活动,如知识竞赛、综合性活动比赛、辩论会等。
加强作
业的自主管理,切实提高作业的质量,特别是双休日的作业质量。
二、三维目标:
(1)
知识与技能:
1.
知识目标:
a.
To
learn
the
new
words:
science,
drama,
lesson
.
b.
To
learn
the
dialogue
of
Lesson
Sixteen.
c.
To
learn
the
sentence
structure
“Do
you
like
drama?
No,
don’t.
like
science.”
2.
能力目标:
a.
Can
read,
spell,
write
the
new
words.
b.
Can
make
up
some
phrases
by
using
the
new
words.
c.
Can
say
the
sentences
and
use
these
sentences
3.
教学重难点:
A.
How
to
use
the
sentence
structure“
Do
you
like
drama?
No,
don’t.
like
science.”
B.
To
use
the
new
words.
(2)
过程与方法:
1.
教法:
本课继续第十五课的情境。围绕学生下午的学习安排进行采访,学生们礼貌地向客人提供帮助。在轻松的范围中学习以下句子:Do
you
like
drama?
No,
don’t.
like
science.及答语。
2.
学法:
展示学生的各种课本,掌握各学科名称。要求学生能认读单词science和drama.
(3)
情感态度与价值观:
1.
情感目标:
学生们要热爱学校开设的各门功课,不要偏科。
2.
德育目标:
能够积极主动地运用多种感官参与课堂教学的各项活动。
三、教学准备:
电视,电脑,教学课件,练习小篇子,图片,实物,奖励用的粘贴。
四、教学过程:
Teaching
Steps
设计意图
1.
Organizing
the
class,
greetings.2.
Quickly
ask
and
answer
about
the
main
pattern
drills
which
they
have
learned
before.T:
How
many
days
are
there
in
a
week?P:
There
are
seven.T:
What
are
they?P:
They
are
Sunday,
Monday,
Tuesday,
Wednesday,
Thursday,
Friday
and
Saturday.T:
What
day
is
today?P:
It’s….3.New
lesson.教师可以先组织学生复习上节课学过的歌谣。Maths
and
art,Music
and
all
the
rest.What
subject
do
you
like
best?Chinese
and
English,PE
and
all
the
rest.I
like
best.T:
What
subject
do
you
like
best?P:
like
…
best.T:
What
subjects
do
you
like?P:
like
…
and
….The
students
say
like
this:My
name
is
….I
like
…and
….I
like
…
best.In
pairs:Do
you
like
…?What
subjects
do
you
like?What
subject
do
you
like
best?T:
Science
lab.
You
can
study
science
in
it.
You
can
observe
things
here.New
word:
scienceT:
like
drama.New
word:
drama4.
Practice:a.
Listen
to
the
tape
recorder
for
three
times.The
first
time
just
listen.
Then
the
second
time
number
the
dialogue.
The
last
time
read
follow
the
tape
recorder.b.
Read
the
dialogue
by
themselves.c.
Read
the
dialogue
in
roles.d.
Act
out
the
dialogue
in
groups.e.
Make
a
new
dialogue
according
to
Lesson
16.5.
场景设置How
many
lessons
are
you
going
to
have
tomorrow?We
have
six.What
are
they?They
are
….Do
you
like
…?Yes,
do.
/
No,
don’t.What
subject
do
you
like
best?I
like
…
and
….
Because
they
are
….
1.
教师可以准备一些小小的图片,既可以用来奖励学生,鼓励大家在课上认真学习英语,增加积极性和趣味性,又可以为后面的教学环节做好铺垫。2.
朗读课文是语言输入的一种既传统又行之有效的方法,在课上应多朗读课文。3.
创设情境表演对话可以采用小组合作学习的方法,不仅巩固练习了新学的知识,还能够活跃课堂气氛,达到高效教学的要求。
五、布置作业:
A级.
Copy
the
new
words
of
Lesson
16.
Listen
and
read
the
dialogue
of
Lesson
16.
B级.
Recite
the
dialogue
of
Lesson
16.
六、板书设计:
Lesson
Do
you
like
…?
Yes,
do.
No,
don’t.
science
drama
七、课堂反馈:
1.
What
______(subject)do
you
like?
2.
We_____(all
like,
like
all)it.
3.
How
many
_________
(class)
do
you
have
today?
八、课后反思: