四年级下册Lesson23教学设计
教学目标:1.能在实际生活中听、说、读、写四会单词:week,today,并能在真实的语境中灵活运用。2.能理解表示星期的句子,灵活运用下列语句在真实的语境中表述日常及周末的业余活动:
What
do
you
usually
do
on
weekends?
We
usually
go
to
the
theme
park
on
weekends.
通过让学生为自己制定周末活动计划,培养学生的策划能力。3.通过对周末活动的交流,培养学生健康向上的业余爱好;通过多种形式的游戏活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。
教学重点:1.能在实际生活中听、说、读、写下列四会单词:week,today?。2.能理解并灵活运用下列语句在真实的语境中表述日常及周末的业余活动:
What
do
you
usually
do
on
weekends?
We
usually
go
to
the
theme
park
on
weekends.
教学难点:能在真实的语境交流周末计划。
学情分析:五年级的学生易于掌握实体操作的内容且记忆深刻,不容易遗忘,而且有兴趣参与课堂教学活动,乐于参与小组合作活动,渴望在情境中进行小组形式的表达与表演,渴望被表扬与肯定。
教学过程:
一、Warming
up:Sing
the
week
song.
(设计意图:跟唱星期歌曲,调动学生的英语学习兴趣,融入本课的学习氛围,唤醒学生对星期的记忆。)
二、Presentation:
Give
me
a
quick
answer.
(1)What
day
is
it?
It’s
Sunday/
Monday/
Tuesday….
(2)
What’s
the
first
day
of
the
week?
It’s
Sunday.
(3)What’s
the
last
day
of
the
week?
It’s
Saturday.
(4)
How
many
days
are
there
in
a
week?
There
are
seven
days
in
a
week.
How
to
spell
“week”?
Let’s
write
in
the
air.
Let’s
write
on
the
desk.
(5)
T:
What
day
is
today?
Ss:
Today
is
….
How
to
spell
“today”?
Let’s
write
in
the
air.
Let’s
write
on
the
desk.
(设计意图:(1)师生问答,通过设置问题,引导学生回答,并通过答案的Saturday
and
Sunday引出weekend.(2)帮助学生理解weekend
is
the
end
of
the
week的意思。(3)教师引导学生在空中和在课桌上书写week,
today,加深对四会单词的记忆。(4)教师通过提问What
day
is
today?
引导学生回答Today
is
….)
Do
you
like
weekends?
Do
you
want
to
know
“what
do
usually
do
on
weekends?”
usually
read
books
on
Saturdays.
usually
do
housework
on
Sundays.
(设计意图:教师通过介绍自己的周末生活通常都做什么,引出本课主题,通过图表的方式,进行难点的突破,帮助学生理解usually的含义,通过日历的形式帮助学生理解Saturdays及Sundays的含义,为本课的文本内容的理解做好铺垫。)
Look
and
say.
(设计意图:游戏的方式,复习与本课有关的其他课外活动的知识,让学生插上记忆的翅膀,碰撞出思维的火花,调动学生的兴趣。同时,为教学活动的拓展环节奠定语言基础。)
T:
have
four
good
friends.
They
like
weekend,
too.
And
they
all
have
colorful
weekends.
Do
you
want
to
know
“What
do
they
usually
do
on
weekends?”
Please
look
and
answer
the
questions.
What
does
the
teacher
ask?
What
do
you
usually
do
on
weekends?
What
does
Peter
usually
do
on
Saturdays?
usually
go
to
the
theme
park
on
Saturdays.
What
does
Gao
Wei
usually
do
on
Sundays?
usually
go
to
see
my
grandpa
and
grandma
on
Sundays.
What
does
Li
Yan
usually
do
on
Sundays?
usually
go
to
the
park
on
Saturdays.
What
does
Kate
usually
do
on
Saturdays?
usually
have
music
lessons
on
Sundays.
Look
and
then
fill
in
the
blanks.
(设计意图:(1)教师创设情境,介绍自己有四位好朋友,并说他们都喜欢周末,因为他们的周末生活丰富多彩,以引起学生想了解四位朋友周末生活的兴趣。
(2)引导学生通过看视频了解四位朋友在周末通常做什么,以此回答设置的问题,培养学生对对话的整体感知能力。(3)在整体感知过程中,通过图片及英文注解,帮助学生理解theme
park,在解决问题过程中进行德育渗透,帮助学生懂得感恩,回报父母与祖父母等帮助我们的人。(4)
学生每回答一个问题后,出示原文本内容,并让学生朗读原文,通过此环节设置,帮助学生多次感知原文本内容,进行语言的输入。(5)
引导学生通过再次看课文视频,然后教师出示人物头像,引导学生扮演每一个角色,将对话补充完整,在培养学生角色感的同时,进行不同形式的语言的输入。)
Practice
Play
a
game.(
抽奖游戏,回答选到的图片,根据图片回答问题)
(设计意图:通过玩抽奖游戏,寓教于乐,由学生来操控,点击开始,并结束,学生由此向全班提问“
What
do
you
usually
do
on
weekends?”
引导全班学生根据图片回答“I
usually
….”
进行语言的练习,同时调动学生的积极性。)
四、Language
use
What
do
you
usually
do
on
weekends?(录学生视频,周末生活)
usually
have
Chinese
classes/
English
classes/
maths
classes/
music
classes.
usually
play
computer
games/
watch
usually
read
books/
do
some
housework/
listen
to
the
music/
play
football
games.
T:
Which
one
is
much
better?
The
third
one.
Please
plan
your
weekends.
(设计意图:通过播放教师提前录好的三个学生不同的周末生活的视频,让学生对周末生活进行交流,引导学生形成健康向上的爱好,为自己制定周末活动计划:教师提前设置好周末计划表发给每一个学生进行填写)。
五、Product
Group
show:
tell
the
weekend
plan
to
the
classmates.
(设计意图:以小组为单位进行汇报,说出自己的周末安排,进行语言的真实运用。)
六、Homework
1.Plan
your
weekends
life.
2.Talk
your
weekends
life
with
your
friends.
七:
Blackboard
design
Lesson
week
What
do
you
usually
do
on
weekends?
today
usually
go
to
the
theme
park
on
Saturdays.
usually
go
to
see
my
grandpa
and
grandma
on
Sundays.
usually
go
to
the
park
on
Saturdays.
usually
have
music
lessons
on
Sundays.