Lesson
教学目标:
一、知识与技能目标:
1.
本课通过设置Peter,
Li
Yan
和
Kate
三人讨论即将到来的周末要做事情的场景,引出主要学习的目标语言,创设真实语境。
2.
主要目标语言:I’ll
go
to
my
music
lesson
this
Sunday.
I’ll
sing
and
dance.
3.
要求学生能够听、说、认读paint,
能够听、说、读、写draw,
sing,
dance进一步巩固I’ll
go
to
my
music
lesson
this
Sunday.
I’ll
sing
and
dance.语句,并把词汇融入句子中进行学习、操练,在对话交流的过程中完成目标词汇的学习。
二、过程与方法目标:
1.
通过实物教学法来复习单词。
2.
采用角色扮演,请学生来表演Lesson
27的对话。
3.
用I’ll
go
to
my…..自然引入新单词paint,
draw,
sing,
dance。
4.
采用游戏教学法,接龙游戏:使用相册,将水果等词及图片放入相册后,通过I’ll……句型让学生们来回答,回答对的学生可以到前面来问其他同学。练习句子的同时要指导学生正确发音。
5.利用小组合作学习,培养学生合作学习能力。
三、情感态度与价值观
1.
培养学生做好计划的好习惯。
2.
通过对话教学活动,培养学生主动与他人交际的意愿;使他们逐渐形成相互了解、团结友爱等积极的情感态度和主动合作的意识,同时提高学生的学习兴趣。
重点难点
要求学生能够听、说、认读paint,
能够听、说、读、写draw,
sing,
dance进一步巩固I’ll
go
to
my
music
lesson
this
Sunday.
I’ll
sing
and
dance.语句,并把词汇融入句子中进行学习、操练,在对话交流的过程中完成目标词汇的学习。
教学过程:
Warming-up
1.?问好
T:Class
begins.Good
morning
boys
and
girls.
S:Good
morning
Mr
Ding.
T:Say
“Good
morning”
to
other
teachers.
S:Good
morning
teachers.
T:OK,sit
down,please.
2.?歌曲热身
T:Today,we’ll
learn
Lesson
27.There
are
so
many
teachers
in
our
class.They
will
be
together
with
us.Are
you
happy?
S:Yes,we
are
happy!
T:I’m
happy,too.I’ll
sing
a
song
for
teachers.Do
you
like
singing?
S:Yes,
we
do.
T:Will
you
sing
with
me?
S:Yes,we
will.
T:Great!Now,we
will
sing
a
song-Days
of
the
week.
S:
T:Really
a
good
job!What
a
nice
song!
3.?Free
talk
T:Now,It's
our
talking
time.I’ll
ask
you
some
questions.Will
you
answer
me?
S:Yes,we
will.
T:I’ll
ask.
S:I’ll
answer.
T:OK,please
give
me
a
quick
answer.
T:Q1:How
many
days
are
there
in
a
week?
S:There
are
seven
days
in
a
week.
T:Q2:What
are
they?
S:They
are
Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday
and
Saturday.
T:Q3:What’s
the
first
day
of
the
week?
S:It’s
Sunday.
T:Q4:What’s
the
last
day
of
the
week?
S:It’s
Saturday.
Presentation
1.突破动词词组:sing
and
dance,draw
and
paint,句型Do
you
like+doing?
T:From
Monday
to
Friday
we
call
them
weekdays.Do
you
know
week?w-e-e-k.Day.D-a-y.These
make
up
a
new
word-weekday.Follow
me
weekday.
T:We
go
to
school
on
weekdays.When
do
you
go
to
school?
go
to
school
on
weekdays.(找几组学生问答)
T:Yes,we
study
at
school
on
weekdays.Look,This
is
our
timetable.How
many
lessons
do
you
have
today?
S:We
have
six
lessons
today.
T:What
are
they?
S:They
are....
T:OK,when
do
you
have
music
lessons?
S:
T:What
do
you
do
in
the
music
lesson?
S:We
sing
and
dance.
T:讲授sing,dance
like
singing.Do
you
like
singing?
S:Yes,I
do./No,I
don’t.(找几组学生问答)
T:Do
you
like
dancing?
S:Yes,I
do./No,I
don’t.(找几组学生问答)
T:When
do
you
have
art
lessons?
S:
T:What
do
you
do
in
the
art
lesson?
S:We
draw
and
paint.
T:讲授draw,paint
T:Do
you
like
drawing?
S:Yes,I
do./No,I
don’t.(找几组学生问答)
2.突破一般将来时句型I’ll+do
T:And
we
go
to
school
on
weekdays.
how
about
Saturdays
and
Sundays?(PPT呈现各种动作)
T:Wow,we
call
them
weekend.
You
know
week,right?end,
What’s
the
meaning
of
“end”?
“end”that
means
be
over,OK?
end-weekend.Follow
me
weekend.
T:Saturdays
and
Sundays
we
call
them
weekends.Look!So
many
colourful
weekends.What
will
you
do
this
weekend.I’ll
go
to
see
my
grandma
and
grandpa.What
about
you?(PPT呈现各种动作,让学生操练问答)
S:I’ll...
T:Can
you
ask
the
students
in
your
group?
S:What
will
you
do
this
weekend?
S:.....
一、Practise
T:Look,Who’s
coming?Do
you
like
her?She
is
very
famous.Do
you
want
to
know
something
more
about
her?
S:Yes!
T:Do
you
know
her
name?
S:She
is
Peppa.
T:Do
you
know
where
does
she
come
from?
S:She
comes
from
England.
T:Do
you
know
how
old
is
she?
S:She
is
five.
T:Look,
here
are
some
hints.
What
will
you
ask
?
S:What
will
she
do
this
Saturday?
S:She
will
S:What
will
she
do
this
Sunday?
S:She
will
Practice
T:Peppa
will
do
so
many
things
this
weekend.How
about
Li
Yan
and
Kate?Let’s
find
the
answer
in
the
dialogue,OK?
T:Let’s
watch
a
video.
T:Stop
here.What
will
Li
Yan
do?
S:She
will
go
to
her
music
lesson.
T:How
about
Kate?
S:She
will
go
to
her
art
lesson.
T:Great!Open
your
book,turn
to
page
60.Let’s
read
together.
Group
Work
1.?Make
a
survey
2.Make
and
draw
a
weekend
plan.
Homework
1.Read
and
act
out
the
dialogue
.
2.Talk
about
the
weekend
plan
with
your
friends.