课题 《Unit6 Lesson32》 年级 四 教师
学科 英语 教材
版本 精通英语
学生能够掌握四会单词long short
学生能够掌握四会句型It has…. A rabbit has….
能够使用三会句型:Look at my …. I have a ….
学生能够通过真实情景的设置,在真实语境中对本课四会句型及It has...进行
教 学重 点 1.将单词long short融入在真实情景中,让学生达到四会水平。
2.巩固深化四会句型It has…. A rabbit has….的运用能力。
教 学难 点 对于描述中名词单复数的转换:long ears a long/short tail a big mouth
通过对It has...句型及形容词的运用来提升描述能力。
媒 体手 段 电脑,电子白板,教学卡片,卡通动物玩具
教 学 过 程 意 图
Step1:Warm-up Greeting and singing
T: Hello, boys and girls. Today we will talk about animals. Do you like animals?
Look! What’s this? Is it big?
What’s that? It’s …
Big small small big … Let’s sing the song!
Present the topic to students
Look at me! I have two animals. Guess! What are they?
How clever you’re! The elephant is... and the cat is…
Where are they?
Shall we go to the zoo?
通过活动中的问答复习上节课的形容词big/ small
教 学 过 程 意图
Step2:Presentation Guess the animals
What does the elephant look like?
It has big ears.
An elephant has big ears.
Look at the cat. The cat has big ears?
No! It has small ears.
A cat has small ears.
And what color is it?
It’s yellow.
Find the animals
Where are the animals?
Look! It’s a long tail. What’s that?
It’s a monkey.
Yes! A monkey has a long tail.
Can you see the short tail? What’s it?
A rabbit!
Right! A rabbit has a short tail.
long and short
以教室中现有的事物练习long short的运用
(3) Let’s chant
An elephant has ______.
A cat has ______.
A monkey has _____.
A rabbit has ______.
Ok! Music, let’s chant!
(4) Game
Find the differences.
(The pictures of monkey and rabbit.)
Can you describe the monkey and rabbit?
A rabbit has a short tail and …?
A rabbit has a short tail and long ears.
What does the rabbit like?
The rabbit likes carrots.
A monkey has a long tail and …?
A monkey has a long tail and a big mouth.
What does the monkey like?
It likes peaches.
And it’s smart. It can climb the tree.
Step3 Back to the textbook.
(1)Watch the video
Do you know whose monkey and rabbit?
Let’s watch the video.
What does Li Yan have?
The rabbit has …
The monkey has…
(2) Read the dialogue.
Open your books! Lesson 32. Let’s read,
Now! Three tasks for you. Choose one, do it!
1 star: Read.
2stars: Recite.
3 stars: Act.
Step4 Additional activities
The giraffe is tall and thin!
The mouse is short and fat!
以图片让学生进行描述,简单复习使用it has句式。
过程中不断渗透Look!Look at! 增添it’s的描述句式。
同时,对本课四会单词:long and short 进行学习。
为学生拓展形容词tall,short,thin and fat为后文的自由简介提供语言。
教 学 过 程 意 图
Step5 Write and talk The zoo is too small, it just has 6 animals. Let’s make it big! Where are your animals? Let them join the zoo!
Now, write an introduction card for your animals. Then introduce it.
作 业设 计 Write the words and sentences. Finish the exercise book. 梯度作
业设计 Introduce your favorite animals to your parents.
板 书 设 计
Lesson 32
It’s small. long short
It has big ears. tall short
A rabbit has a short tail and long ears. fat thin