Unit 6 In a nature park Part A Let's try Let's talk表格式教案(含反思)


名称 Unit 6 In a nature park Part A Let's try Let's talk表格式教案(含反思)
格式 doc
文件大小 646.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-06-09 21:28:25



Unit 6 In a nature park
Part A Let’s try Let’s talk
1. 能够完成听录音选词的活动,并在教师的指导下结合图片理解对话大意。
2. 能够划分意群,用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。
3. 能够在情境中运用句型“Is there a/an …?”“Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.”进行问答。
4. 能够在语境中理解单词boating和短语go boating的意思并正确发音。
能够运用所学句型“Is there a/an …?”“Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.”谈论某处是否有某物。
1. 教师准备本课时的音频、视频和教学课件。
2. 教师准备好forest、river和lake等的单词卡片。
3.教师准备好Miss White和Zhang Peng的头饰。
Step 1: Review & Lead in (复习&导入) 1. 旧知复习
教师利用课件呈现所学过的介词(词组)in、on、under、in front of、between、above、beside和behind,让学生以接龙的方式用这些介词(词组)描述身边事物的位置,不能重复。
2. 新课导入
教师让学生用There be句型描述教室内的物品,然后教师提问“Is there a computer in the classroom?”,引导学生回答“Yes, there is.”;教师继续提问“Is there a bike in the classroom?”,引导学生回答“No, there isn’t.”。学生俩人一组用“Is there a/an …in the classroom?”“Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.”进行问答,引导学生进入新课的学习。
Step 2: Presentation & Practice (新课呈现&当堂操练) 1. Let’s try
(1)教师利用课件呈现课本上的图片,说“Chen Jie and Mike are talking about the picture. What’s in the park?”,引导学生进行听前预测。
2. Let’s talk
(1)教师利用课件呈现课本上的图片,说“Miss White and the children go to the forest. What do they see in the forest?”,引导学生观察图片。
①Is there a river in the forest?
②Is there a lake in the forest?
③Are there any boats?
④What will they do?
教师提醒学生注意go boating的意思。
3. Talk about the park with your partner.
Step 3: Consolidation & Extension (巩固&拓展) 创编对话:教师说“Let’s talk about our XXX Park.”,学生俩人一组,用“Is there …?”“Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.”进行问答练习。对话示例如下:
S1: Is there a river near the park? S2: Yes, there is. Is there a lake in the park?
S1: No, there isn’t. Is there …? S2: …
Step 4: Summary (小结) 本课我们重点学习了用句型“Is there …?”“Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.”来问答某地是否有某物。
Step 5: Test (当堂微测) 单项选择。
( )1. Let’s go_______.
A. boat B. boats C. boating
( )2. There_______ some trees in the nature park.
A. is B. are C. am
( )3. —Is there a lake? —No, there_______.
A. isn’t B. is C. are
( )4. _______ there_______ river in the forest?
A. Is; an B. Is; a C. Are; any
( )5. There is a lake _______ the park.
A. under B. over C. in
Answer: 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C
Step 6: Homework (作业) 1. 听录音,仿读对话3遍。
2. 用“Is there …?”“Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.”与同伴谈论文具盒里的物品。
3. 完成本课时的配套练习。
4. 预习A Let’s learn部分的内容。
Unit 6 In a nature park Part A Let’s try Let’s talk
go boating
—Is there …? —Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.
1. 亮点:教师在教学过程中让学生描述自己周围的场景,比如教室和公园,引导学生积极地去表现,有效地利用教学资源完成教学目标。 2. 不足之处:学生对细节不够关注,“当堂微测”全对的同学没有达到相应比例。