Lesson28 Oh,Christmas tree
教学内容 Lesson28 Oh,Christmas tree
教学目标 1、知识目标:open Christmas things2、能力目标:能熟读课文,可以自己装扮圣诞树,或者邀请朋友和家人一起装扮,并能用英语表达出自己的想法和做法。3、 情感目标:培养学生大胆开口说英语的能力和小组合作意识,通过 装扮圣诞树,使学生懂得帮助他人。
教学重点 掌握四会单词,理解课文,可以用英语表达自己的想法。
教学难点 口语表达自己的想法与做法,How to put up the Christmas tree
教 学 过 程
设计意图 歌曲活跃气氛,让学生快速进入英语学习氛围。设计问题自然导入新课的学习。 具体查学生的预习情况 跟读模仿,纠正语音语调,培养学生听力及语感 通过学生回答问题形成图片板书,形象直观 快速记忆主要内容,巩固新知 了解西方文化和人们的生活 自己动手,实际操练,锻炼学生的表达和表演的能力师生对话表演,创设情境,便于学生理解 学生自由对话培养合作意识,联系生活,学以致用 回归板书,当堂检测学习效果,巩固新知 歌曲欣赏活跃气氛,体会圣诞树的美丽,让家庭作业与生活紧密相连 教师活动一、Class opening and review.1. 课前查预习情况,并具体分配预习结果。2. Sing a song < We wish you a Merry Christmas >3. Do you like this carol Do you like Christmas Why 二、New concepts.We like Christmas trees .Today we will learn Lesson 28 Oh Christmas tree1.Who can read 2.Listen to the tape and follow Then answer the questions(1)What do we need for Christmas trees (2 ) Where do we put them At the same time ,the teacher puts some pictures on the blackboard3. remember for one minute “ How to put up the Christmas tree ” Then show it .4.watch a movie “How can Western people put up the Christmas tree ”5.put up a Christmas tree by theirselves ( At first ,the teacher shows it ) 6.The students invite their friends to put up the Christmas tree (prepare for two minutes) ( At first ,the teacher shows it )7.What do you learn in this lesson 8.QuizAbout “ How to put up the Christmas tree ”9.Enjoy a carol “Oh,Christmas tree” 三.Class closing.Point to a picture of the Christmas tree .Ask : What’s this Is it beautiful Is it fun to put up the tree Homework:Draw a Christmas tree and write “How to put up the Christmas tree ” 学生活动 组长交检查预习结果 Sing a song and clap hands Yes.Yes.Because…….. Read togetherLesson28 Oh Christmas tree Read by some students and translate the main sentences.其他学生纠误。 Listen and followAnswer the questions单个----整体 Read loudly and remember Show it Watch and learn Introduce their gifts and put them on under the tree Prepare with their partners for two minutes Show it Say about what do they learn in this lesson The students answer quickly Enjoy and sing It’s a Christmas tree .Yes.It’s so beautiful.Yes.It’s fun .
课后反思 成功 本节课同学们的学习兴趣高涨,充分体现了在“玩中学,学中玩”,并且充分发挥了学生的主体作用。同学们勇于表现,气氛活跃。真正的将英语运用到了实际生活中,与生活紧密的联系在一起。
不足 教师语言还需要进一步的锤炼,真正做到“全英式”教学。在学生口语表演时有些细小的表达错误没能及时的进行纠正