Unit
Lesson
教材分析:
本课是义务教育教科书英语(精通)三年级下册第四单元的的第四课,主要以学习食物话题为主。学生在三年级上册第六单元和本单元之前的三课都曾经学习过一些食物的表达方式,例如:apple,banana…和句型I
like….I
don’t
like….Do
you
like…?
Yes,
do.为本节课的学习奠定基础。
学情分析:
授课对象为小学三年级学生,特点是年龄小,活泼好动,思维方式形象直观,拥有极强的好奇心和表现欲,喜爱模仿。
教学目标:
1、学生能够听说认读单词:grapes,
hamburger,
honey;学生能够正确的听说读写字母Gg,
Hh;学生能够学会理解并准确运用句型:Do
you
like…?
No,
don’t.
like….
2.
学生能够用英语询问和表达别人喜欢吃某种事物以及能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢吃的食物。
3.
学生能够对食物话题产生兴趣,能够区分健康的食物和不健康的食物。,
并能明白健康的食物对身体是有好处的,平时要多吃健康的食物。
四、教学重点:
1、学生能够听说认读单词:grapes,
hamburger,
honey。
2、学生能够正确的听说读写字母Gg,
Hh。
3、学生能够学会理解并准确运用句型:Do
you
like…?
No,
don’t.
like….
五、教学难点:
1、字母H书写笔顺。
2、Do
you
like…?
No,
don’t.
like….
句型的准确表达。
六、教学准备:
PPT;food
cards;the
real
food.
七、教学过程:
Step
Warming
up
Activity
One
《Do
you
like
pizza?》
Teacher
asks
students
“Do
you
like
...?”
Let
students
answer
“Yes,I
do.
like
….”
And
let
students
stick
the
food
cards
in
the
fridge
on
the
blackboard.
设计意图:歌曲激趣,以旧引新,初步感知本课重点句型。
Step
Presentation
Activity
Two
a.
Teacher
asks:
“Do
you
like
fruit?”
1)
If
students
can
say,
“Yes,I
do.
like
grapes.”
And
then
teacher
presents
the
new
word“grapes”directly.
2)If
students
can’t
say,
“Yes,I
do.
like
grapes.”
Teacher
can
asks
“Do
you
like
this
fruit?”
by
using
the
real
grapes
to
present
the
word:
grapes.
b.
Let
students
read
and
spell
“grapes”
in
lines.
c.
Let
students
know
the
letter
group:
gr
Let
students
say
some
other
words
with
“gr”.
For
example:
green,
grey,
grandfather,
grandma…
d.
Let
students
know
that
the
first
letter
of
“grapes”
is
Gg.
To
present
some
other
words
with
letter
Gg.
For
example:
glue
good…
e.
Teach
students
how
to
write
letter
Gg.
And
let
students
write
letter
Gg
on
the
letter
paper.
f.
To
present
our
friends
Gao
Wei
and
Peter
and
sing
the
song
《Do
you
like
grapes?
》.
g.
Teacher
takes
the
real
grapes
and
asks
the
students,
“Do
you
like
grapes?”
If
a
student
can
answer
“No,
don’t.”
Then
teacher
can
teach
the
new
sentence.
No,
don’t.
like....
h.
Let
students
one
ask
and
one
answer.
To
practice
the
sentences:
Do
you
like
grapes.
Yes,
do.
/No,
don’t.
like....
设计意图:实物激趣,整体感知,词不离句,生生对话。
Activity
Three
a.
Teacher:Listen,
Gao
Wei
has
a
phone
call.
Let’s
listen
carefully.
设计意图:创设本课新句型使用的多种真实情境,既保证了本课情境上的连贯性,又为接下来的巩固练习做好了铺垫,为后面学生知识的迁移拓展创设了可能。
b.
Teacher
takes
students
to
the
supermarket
and
says,
“I
want
to
buy
some
food
first.
Now,
who
can
guess,
which
food
do
like?”
c.
Let
students
use
the
sentence
to
ask
me,
"Do
you
like
…?"
If
there
is
a
sad
face
above
the
food,
will
answer
“No,
don’t.”
If
there
is
a
smiling
face
above
the
food,
will
answer
“Yes,
do.”
d.
To
present
the
new
word:
honey
and
hamburger.
e.
Let
students
read
honey
and
hamburger
one
by
one.
f.
Let
students
look
at
honey’s
and
hamburger’s
pictures,
and
find
the
same
letter
Hh.
Let
students
read,
H,
H,
hamburger;
H,
H,
honey.
g.
Teach
students
how
to
write.
Pay
attention
Letter
H’s
writing.
h.
Teacher
takes
the
real
honey
and
asks
“Do
you
like
honey?”
And
according
to
students
answer
to
present
the
sentence:
You
like….
like
honey.
设计意图:让学生在超市的情景里,充分感知重点句型:No,
don’t.和You
like
....的灵活应用。
Activity
Four
a.
Let’s
listen.
Try
to
let
students
understand
what
the
dialogue
talks
about.
b.
Let’s
match.
Match
the
food
Gao
Wei
likes
and
Peter
likes.
c.
Let
students
read
the
dialogue
in
books.
d.
Listen
again.
Let
students
read
one
sentence
by
one
sentence.
e.
Let
students
read
in
pairs.
设计意图:感知文本、理解文本、熟读文本、操练文本。
Step
Practice
Activity
Five
a.
Teacher
asks
students,
“Gao
Wei
and
Peter
want
to
come
to
Miss
Gao’s
home.
So
do
you
want
to
come
to
my
home?
Now,
look,
here’s
a
fruit
shop.
There’s
some
fruit
in
the
basket.
You
can
buy
some
fruit
for
me,
too.”
b.
Let
students
practice
in
pairs.
To
make
a
dialogue
just
like
Gao
Wei
and
Peter
say.
And
act
it
out.
For
example:
A:
do
you
like
…?
B:
Yes,
do.
/No,
don’t.
like
….
What
about
you?
A:
like
….
B:
Ok,
you
like
….
like
…
设计意图:巩固新知,真实情景操练句型。
Activity
Six
a.
Teacher
shows
her
home
and
her
fridge.
(Teacher:
Boys
and
girls,
welcome
to
my
home.
Let’s
say
hello
to
Gao
Wei
and
Peter.
Ok,
look
here,
this
is
my
fridge.
There
are
lots
of
food
in
it.
Do
you
like
them?
Please
have
a
try,
can
you
make
up
a
new
dialogue
with
these
sentences?
)
b.
Show
an
example
first
and
let
student
practice
in
pairs.
c.
Let
students
come
front
and
act
it
out.
设计意图:创设与日常生活紧密相连的真实情境,反馈学生是否能够将所学知识活学活用。
Step
Summary
Activity
Seven
According
to
teacher's
fridge's
food,
teacher
asks
students
“Do
you
like
...?”
After
students
answering,
teacher
can
let
students
collect
the
healthy
food
and
the
unhealthy
food.
设计意图:德育渗透。
八、课后作业
Homework:
Must
do:
Make
some
food
cards
and
stick
them
on
your
fridge.
Choose
to
do:
You
can
do
a
survey
about
the
food
your
friends
like
and
they
don’t
like.
九、板书
(
Lesson
Do
you
like
…?
Gg
Hh
grapes
honey
healthy
food
No,
don’t.
like
…
h
amburger
un
h
ealthy
food
.
a
mouth
图片
a
face
图片
)