Goldilocks and the three bears教案
Unit1 第1课时
【主 题】Goldilocks and the three bears
【课 时】第1课时:Story time, Fun time
1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写house, room, in front of, her, beside, between;
2、能听懂、会说、会读hear, forest, there, soup, just right, hard, soft, afraid;
3、能听懂、会说、会读Story time中的故事,及there is/are…
1、句型:There is/are ...的用法
2、词汇:house, room, in front of, her, beside, between等词的音、形、义
Step 1: Warm-up/Lead-in
1. 问答活动,复习感官类形容词
教师借助扇子、手套、蛋糕、矿泉水等实物或图片作提示,和学生进行问答活动,复习在四年级下册Unit7学过的hot, cold, hungry, thirsty, tired等感官类形容词。如:
T: (扇扇子)What’s the matter with me?
Ss: You’re hot.
T: (带上手套)What’s the matter with me?
Ss: You’re cold.
T: (做吃东西的动作)What’s the matter with me?
Ss: You’re hungry.
2. 编创歌谣,引入单元话题
教师可以将已学过的单词hot, cold, hungry, thirsty, tired编入歌谣,并结合已经学过的食物类单词ice cream, cake, juice, milk, hamburger, pie, noodles, rice等。教师可以指导学生一边唱诵歌谣,一边做相应动作。如:
If you are hot, you can have an ice cream. (学生做舔冰淇淋动作)
If you are cold, you can eat some hot noodles. (学生做吃面动作)
If you are hungry, you can eat a cake. (学生做吃蛋糕动作)
If you are thirsty, you can drink some juice. (学生做喝果汁动作)
If you are tired, you can go to bed. (学生做睡觉动作)
3. 问答活动,引入目标介词教师利用手边的物品和周围环境,复习介词in, on, behind和under,和学生进行问答活动,引入本单元的新介词。如:
T: (将一本书放入手提袋中)Where’s my book?
Ss: It’s in the bag.
T: (将手提袋放在讲台前的桌子上)Where’s my bag?
Ss: It’s on the desk.
T: (将手提袋放在椅子下面)Where’s my bag?
Ss: It’s under the chair.
T: (将手提袋放在自己身后)Where’s my bag now?
Ss: It’s behind you.
Step 2: Presentation & Practice
1. 摸摸说说,教授soft和hard
教师课則准备一件质感很柔软和一件很坚硬的物品,让学生触摸理解并运用 hard和soft描述事物。如:
T: (出示一毛绒玩具)Touch this, please. How is it? It’s soft, right?
S1: Yes, it’s soft.
T: (出示一小块石头)Touch this now. How is it? Is it soft too?
S1: No.
T: Right. It’s not soft. It’s hard.
2. 接龙活动,操练hard和soft
S1: Touch this rubber, please.
S2: It’s soft. Touch this pencil, please.
S3: It’s hard. Touch this bottle, please.
3. 问答活动,教授和操练介词beside, between和in front of教师邀请一个男生和一个女生,并和他们一起并排站在全体同学面前,呈现beside, between和in front of的位置关系。如:
T:(教师站在两个学生中间,横向排列面对学生)Where am I? I’m between… and… (教师站在两个学生的最前面,纵向排列面对学生)Now I’m in front of... and… (教师站在两个学生的一侧,横向排列面对学生)Now I’m beside and …
随后,教师继续和两个学生随意排列一侧,让其他学生用目标介词表达你们三人 的位置关系。如:
S1: ... is between/in front of/beside ...
4. 说说做做
教师课前准备三个玩具熊或头像Papa Bear, Mama Bear, 和Baby Bear, 然后邀请若干学生根据教师的表述来摆Baby Bear的正确位置,进一步帮助学生理解和掌握三个方位词。
5. 接龙活动
教师也可利用教室内学生座位的安排,要求学生用beside, in front of, behind和between来表述自己的位置。接龙活动可以纵向操作,亦可横向进行。如:
S2: I’m in front of …
S2: I’m behind …/I’m between …and …/I’m in from of
6. 故事人物和场景介绍
T: (出示色比娃娃)Look at this girl. What colour is her hair?
Ss: It’s golden.
T: You're right. But we can also say it’s blonde. What colour is her hair?
Ss: It’s blonde.
T: OK. She’s a girl and she has golden hair. So her name is Goldilocks. Say hello to Goldilocks.
Ss. Hello, Goldilocks.
T:(出示图片1) Look at this picture. What can you see in the picture?
S1: I can see a house.
S2: I can see some trees.
S3: I can see Goldilocks.
T: Where can you see many trees?
Ss: In a park.
T: Yes. You can see many trees in a park. Where else can you see many trees?
S1: In a forest.
T: Right. It’s a forest. Where’s Goldilocks?
Ss: She’s in the forest.
7. 看图说话,教授新句型
教师可以利用四幅挂图出示图片,引导学生理解并尝试用there be句型描述图片。教师要提醒学生注意there be句型中be动词的单复数形式,按就近原则来确定用is或者are。建议教师将例句写在黑板上,使学生更好地理解句型的结构。如:
T: (出示图片l)Look. What’s in the forest?
Ss: A girl.
T: (板书例句)Yes. There is a girl in the forest.
Ss: There is a girl in the forest.
T: What else is in the forest?
Ss: A house.
T: (板书例句)Yes. There is a house in the forest.
Ss: There is a house in the forest.
T: What’s in the house? Would you like to have a look? (出示图片2) Where’s Goldilocks now?
Ss: She’s in the house.
T: What can you see in the house?
Ss: I can see a table.
T: (板书例句)Right. There is a table in the house.
Ss: There is a table in the house.
T: What can you see on the table?
Ss: Three bowls.
T:(板书例句)Right. There are three bowls on the table.
Ss: There are three bowls on the table.
T: What can you see in the bowls?
Ss: Soup.
T: (板书例句)Yes. There is some soup in the bowls.
Ss: There is some soup in the bowls.
There is a clock in the house.
There are three chairs in the house.
There are three beds in the house.
There are three bears in the house.
8. 看图说话,操练新句型
教师可以利用学生用书P8Think and say的活动,要求学生根据图片和句型提示描述图片,进一步操练there be句型。
9. 看图讲故事比赛
教师先要求学生完成学生用书p8Look and order的排序活动,然后再组织学生根据正确的图片顺序,开展看图讲故事比赛,看谁能把故事讲得正确、完整又生动,谁就是班级的故事大王。
10. 续编故事
教师可引导学生发挥想象力,根据现有故事内容续编结尾。教师可以提出几个问 题引导学生思考故事的发展。如:
1)Would the bears be angry?
2)What would they do?
3)What would they say to Goldilocks?
4)Would they be friends at last?
Step 3: Consolidation
1. 找一找,说一说出示一幅动物园的照片或图片,让学生找一找照片里的动物,并用there be句型来描述,进行小组竞赛或接龙游戏活动。教师可以鼓励学生使用and并注意there be句型中be动词的就近原则。如:
S1: There is an elephant.
S2: There are two monkeys.
S3: There is a horse and three lions.
2. 接龙活动
S1: There is a blackboard on the wall
S2: There are some desks and chairs in the classroom.
3. 游戏(Mind map)
教师要求学生想象自己家的房间结构,和房间内的物品,然后邀请若干小时在黑板上完成一个结构图,最后用There is/are… in the …的结构描述。此活动也可以两人或多人一组的形式进行。如:
My house
living room bedroom bathroom kitchen
sofa TV bed chair bath toilet fridge table
S1: There is a sofa and a TV in the living room.
S2: There is a bed and a chair in the bedroom.
4. 看图说词
T: Look at the desk/toy. How is it?
S1: It’s hard/soft.
T: Look at the tiger. How do you feel?
S2: I’m afraid.
T: Look at the noodles. How do you feel?
S3: I’m hungry.
5. Draw and say
1)教师可以先要求学生观察Fun time 部分现有的图片,然后请学生用There is/are…描述图片。教师可以提供必要的词汇支持。如:
T: Look, this is a living room. What’s in it?
S1: There’s a chair in the living room.
S2: There’s a table and a sofa in the living room.
S3: There are two pictures on the wall.
S4: There's a lamp beside the sofa.
Step 4: Summary
Look and order
a5 bl c3 d4 e6 f2
Think and say
There’s a house in the forest.
There’s some soup on the table.
There are three beds in the room.
There are three bears in front of me.
Learning tip
Read more English stories.
Unit1 第2课时
【主 题】Goldilocks and the three bears
【课 时】第2课时:Grammar time, Checkout time
本板块呈现了there be句型的肯定形式和单复数形式,并归纳了介词和感官类形容词的用法。
能听懂、会说、会读、会写there is/are…,复习介词的综合运用。
2、句型:There is/are ...的用法
Step 1: Warm-up/Lead-in
Step 2: Presentation & Practice
1. 认读Grammar time中的第1个表格,复述句子教师安排学生阅读两个表格信息,然后要求个别学生或者全体学生逐一复述表格中呈现的句子。建议教师复述第一个句子,以作示范。如:
T: There is a house in the forest.
S1: There is some soup on the table.
S2: There are three beds in the bed.
S3: This soup is too hot.
2. 操练关键词
There is a house in the forest.
There are three bears in front of her.
This soup is too hot/cold
3. 复习形容词
教师可以利用单词卡片,让个别学生或全体学生快速认读学过的形容词,包括颜色类的容词(三年级上册Unit6)、描述外貌的形容词 (四年级下册Unit 8),描述气温的形容词(四年级下册Unit5)和描述身体感受的形容词(四年级上册Unit 7) 。
Step 3: Consolidation
1. 小组活动,造句比赛
Gl: My dress is red.
G2: My sister is tall and thin.
G3: They’re tired and hungry.
2. 复习介词
教师将物品摆放在不同位置,和学生以问答的形式复习三年级下册Unit 4中学过的介词in, on, under和behind。如:
T: Where’s my pen?
Ss: It’s in your bag.
T: Where are my books?
Ss: They’re on your desk.
3. 小组活动
将学生分为五人小组,一起完成学生用书P14 Checkout time中的Look and say。鼓励小组同学看图讨论物品的位置,确定正确的介词。然后邀请几组同学看图说句子,以核对答案。如:
S1: There are some books on the table.
S2: There are some toy cars under the table.
Look and say
There are some books on the table.
There are some toy cars under the table.
There is a chair beside the table.
There are three umbrellas in front of/beside the window.
Oh, there is a bear on the chair.
4. 个人活动
教师安排学生独立完成学生用书P15 Checkout time中的Look and write,然后邀请若干学生口述完整的句子,以核对答案。
Look and write
1 ... are five apples
2 ... is some juice
3 ... is a bird
4 ... are some sweets
Step 4: Summary
Unit1 第3课时
【主 题】Goldilocks and the three bears
【课 时】第3课时:Sound time, Culture time
Step 1: Warm-up/Lead-in
1. 师生互致问候。
2. 通过Free talk复习本单元所学词汇和句子。
Step 2: Presentation & Practice
1. 教师先示范朗读单词,学生边听边体会,从中找出相同的音素/k/
2. 教师播放录音,要求学生跟读单词和绕口令。提醒学生在跟读时要注意模仿录音中的发音,尽量做到读准音。
3. 教师请学生以“开火车读”读的方式练习拼读单词,教师注意学生的发音。
4. 教师组织学生开展绕口令比赛,看谁读得既准确又流利。
Step 3: Consolidation
1. 教师要求学生找出已学过的含有相同音素的单词,如:cat, cool, coffee, cold。
2. 教师鼓励学生读出含有/k/的一些新单词,如picnic, candy, camp, 让学生进一体会字母c在单词中的读音。
3. 文化拓展
Coffee is popular in Western countries
Tea is popular in China
Step 4: Summary
Unit1 第4课时
【主 题】Goldilocks and the three bears
【课 时】第4课时:Cartoon time
这个故事再现了本单元的there be句型。教师可灵活操作本板块,作为检测活动要求学生在课堂上完成,也可安排学生课后阅读并提供练习活动。
1、能听懂、会说、会读really, then, find, their
2、能够在图片和语境的帮助下读懂听懂Cartoon time中的故事,及there is/are…句型的运用。
1、词汇:really, then, find, their的音、形、义
2、句型:There is/are ...的用法
Step 1: Warm-up/Lead-in
1. 师生相互问候;
2. 复习本单元所学词汇和句子。
Step 2: Presentation & Practice
1. 预设问题,引发思考
Ask and answer
1)Where are Bobby and Tina? (They’re at home.)
2)What’s the matter with Bobby? (He’s hungry.)
3)Where are the cakes?
4)Are there any cakes in the fridge?
5)Who is eating the cakes?
2. 教师也可以设计练习来检测学生的理解情况。如:
Read and judge
1)Bobby and Tina are at home. (T)
2)Tina is hungry. (F)
3)There are some cakes in the fridge. (F)
4)Tina is eating the cake. (F)
5)Bobby is angry. (T)
3. 教师请学生在课本中画出下列单词,并依次简单介绍其意思和用法really, then, find, their。在教授过程中注意单词发音。
Step 3: Consolidation
1. 教师出示故事图片,请学生分成小组,合作进行表演。
2. 可挑选小组合作进行故事复述。
3. 集中讨论故事的寓意,锻炼学生的发散思维。
Step 4: Summary
Ticking time
Ticking time I can understand “Goldilocks and the three bears”.
1 can use “There is/are” to talk about things in a place.
I know the sound of the letter “c”.
2)要求学生能运用句型There is/are…句型描述一个地方周围的事物。