(共35张PPT)
2021年秋牛津译林版英语精选课件
四级上册
译林版英语四年级(上)
Unit8
Dolls
Fun
time
&
Cartoon
time
Look
at
this
doll.
Her/His
hair
is
...
Her/His
eyes
are
...
Her/His
...
Work
in
groups
of
four.Choose
one
doll
to
describe.
四人一组,选一个
洋娃娃描述。
Let’s
review
Warming
up
Boys
Girls
男女生组比赛,看哪组描述得又快又好。
Let’s
play
Let’s
play
海边灯塔:灯塔照亮时会出现一些单词或图片,大声读出相关单词并说出其中文!
ears
tall
short
thin
mouth
nose
Look
and
say
What’s
this?
eye
hair
nose
ear
mouth
Listen,draw
and
say
Listen,draw
and
say
Listen,draw
and
say
向大家描述一下
你画的雪人吧。
Key
words
snowman
雪人
3—4人一组,三人描述雪人的外貌特征,一人根据描述作画并向大家总结雪人的外貌特征,一起来玩吧!
Let’s
play
Let’s
play
The
snow
-man
is...
Her/His
...is...
This
is
...Her
/His...
is/are
...
示例:
Learn
some
opposites.
学习一些反义词。
英语中有很多反义词,如tall和short,
fat和thin等。成对地学习反义词,我们就可以学得快、记得牢。
Let’s
learn
He's
fat.
Magic
mirror!
魔
镜
He's
thin.
His
nose
is
big.
His
eyes
are
small.
Let’s
say
Try
to
say
She's...
Her...is/are...
四人一组,一分钟内说出他们的
外貌特征,看看谁说的句子最多!
His/Her
...is/are...
He's/She's
...
Let’s
say
Watch
and
think
Questions:
1.Can
this
robot
talk?
2.Can
this
robot
jump?
点击播放视频
1.Can
this
robot
talk?
2.Can
this
robot
jump?
Yes,
he
can.
Yes,
he
can.
Check
your
answers
Let’s
read
These
robots
are
cool!
Presentation
注意模仿语音语调哦!
Look
at
this
robot.His
eyes
are
very
big.
Hello.
Wow!
You
can
talk!
Can
you
jump?
Yes,
can.
Look!
You’re
great,
but
you’re
short.
Look!
Now
I’m
tall.
Act
the
dialogue.
三人一组,一人演Bobby,
一人演Sam,一人演Robot.
声音响亮,有动作;
注意语音语调;
尽量不要带书哦。
Let’s
play
Bobby和
Sam在博物馆还遇到一些机器人,
发挥你的想象,四人一组续编故事,试着演一演。
可以用到下面的句子哦:
Look
at
the
robot.
He's/She's
...
His/Her
...
is/are...
Can
you...?
Do
you
like...?
You're
great.
But
...
Look,
now
I'm...
...
一、选出与句子中画线单词不同类的一项。
(
)1.
My
hair
is
long.
A.
fat
B.
tall
C.
snowman
(
)2.
Welcome
to
our
home.
A.his
B.
me
C.
her
Practice
(
)3.
His
nose
is
so
big.
A.
hair
B.
eye
C.
king
(
)4.
have
a
beautiful
doll.
A.
boy
B.
robot
C.
jump
(
)5.
Look!The
tree
is
tall.
A.
cool
B.
talk
C.
jump
二、人物相册。
相册里有不同人物的照片,你能描述他们的长相吗?结合所给句型填一填。
He
is
a
little
boy.
His
eyes
are
.
His
nose
and
are
.
His
hair
is
.
big
mouth
small
short
She
is
a
cool
.
She
is
very
.
She
has
long
.
Her
mouth
is
.
girl
thin
hair
small
主语
+be动词(is/are)+形容词.
tall,
short,
fat,
long,
small,
big
…
描述他人外貌
特征的句型
形容词性物主代词+物品+be动词+形容词.
Summary
分角色朗读cartoon
time课文。
Homework
复习本节课所学内容,温故而知新。