(共38张PPT)
2021年秋牛津译林版英语精选课件
四级上册
译林版英语四年级(上)
Unit8
Dolls
Sound
time
&
Rhyme
time
&
Checkout
time
&
Ticking
time
Simon
says
Touch
your
hair
,
hair
hair
hair
Touch
your
nose
,
nose
nose
nose
Touch
your
mouth
,
mouth
mouth
mouth
Touch
your
ears,
ears
ears
ears
Touch
your
eyes
,
eyes
eyes
eyes
只能听Simon的话哦!
例如:老师说Touch
your
hair,不能做动作,老师说Simon
says:touch
your
hair,才能做动作,并大声说hair
hair
hair.
Let’s
play
Warming
up
Let’s
play
扭蛋机:每个蛋打开后有一句话,大声读出来并翻译成中文,你一定行!
His
eyes
and
nose
are
small.
He
is
a
king
now.
These
robots
are
cool!
Now
I’m
tall.
Let’s
say
What’s
this?
zebra
zoo
Let’s
say
What’s
this?
The
zebras
in
the
zoo.
z
/z/
The
in
the
,
Eat
apples
with
me
and
you!
zebras
zoo
Listen
and
write
Presentation
/z/
zoo
The
zebra
in
the
zoo,
Eat
apples
with
me
and
you!
zebra
发音时,舌尖前伸靠近上齿龈,让气流从舌前端和上下齿隙中挤出时摩擦成音。发音时声带振动。
Let’s
learn
zero
零
lazy
懒惰的
crazy
疯狂的
Let’s
try
你能说出更多字母z发/z/的单词吗?
...
Let’s
do
1.
is
for
,
/z/,
/z/,
/z/.
2.
is
for
,
/z/,
/z/,
/z/.
zero
zoo
Let’s
chant
Zoe,
Zoe,
you
are
so
crazy.
You
work
with
great
zeal.
...
请同学们试着创编歌谣吧!
Two
fat
boys
meet
in
the
rain.
rain
雨
meet
见面
What
will
they
do?
(他们会干什么?)
What
will
they
say?
(他们会说什么?)
Let’s
rhyme
点击播放视频
What
will
they
do?
(他们会干什么?)
bow
ow
鞠躬
How
are
you?
again
再一次
What
will
they
say?
(他们会说什么?)
Let’s
rhyme
Two
fat
boys
meet
in
the
rain.
Bow
and
bow
and
bow
again.
How
are
you?How
are
you?
How
are
you
again?
Two
fat
boys
和你的同桌一起演唱这首歌曲吧,记得加上动作哦!
What
else
can
they
do?
(他们还会干什么?)
play
hug
拥抱
sing
…
jump
dance
Hi!
How
do
you
do?
你好。
Nice
to
meet
you!
Hello!
…
What
else
can
they
say?
(他们还会说什么?)
Let’s
create
Two
fat
boys
meet
in
the
rain.
Bow
and
bow
and
bow
again.
How
are
you?
How
are
you?
How
are
you
again?
Two
.
Two
meet
in
the
rain.
and
and
again.
,
.
again.
play/sing/jump/
dance/hug拥抱/…
Hi!/Hello!/Nice
to
meet
you!/How
do
you
do?你好。/…
Look
and
write
ears
big
short
big
small
long
Pair
work:和同桌一起校对答案,并大声读出来吧!
Hello/How
do
you
do?
My
name
is...
I’m
...
...
Look!He/She
is
...
He/Her
...
is/are
...
He/She
is
...
He/She
can...
...
Tips:四人小组合作,其中一名成员戴上面具,扮演神秘人物,其他成员合作描述神秘人物。别忘了加上肢体动作哦!
安静观看
和倾听!
大胆描述
和表演!
Let’s
play
Let’s
learn
有关身体“器官”的更多表达
teeth
牙齿
lip
嘴唇
finger
手指
Let’s
learn
有关身体“器官”的更多表达
tongue
舌头
fist
拳头
leg
腿
can
describe
people
and
animals.
can
use
“his”
and
“her”.
know
the
sound
of
the
letter
“z”.
Ticking
time
一、选出与画线单词不同类的一项。
(
)1.
He
has
a
small
mouth.
A.
eyes
B.
hair
C.
tall
(
)2.
My
sister
Susan
is
thin.
A.
fat
B.
short
C.
king
(
)3.
Bow
and
bow
and
bow
again.
A.
talk
B.
zoo
C.
meet
Practice
二、单词配对。
给左右两边的单词配对。只有一对反义词相配,吸铁石才会相互吸引哦!
happy
thin
tall
big
sad
short
small
fat
三、情景选择。
(
)1.
你想说贝拉很漂亮,你可以说:
A.
Bella
is
beautiful.
B.
Bella
is
cool.
C.
Bella
is
thin.
(
)2.
你想介绍说这是我们的娃娃,你可以说:
A.
That
is
our
doll.
B.
This
is
our
dog.
C.
This
is
our
doll.
(
)3.苏海想说自己的娃娃眼睛小,鼻子小。她会说:
A.
Her
eyes
are
small,
and
her
nose
is
small,
too.
B.
Her
eyes
are
small,
and
her
mouth
is
small,
too.
C.
Her
ears
are
small,
and
her
nose
is
small,
too.
(
)4.大明觉得自己个子高,他可以说:
A.
I’m
tall.
B.
can
talk.
C.
I’m
long.
四、猜谜(五官)。
1.You
have
two
little
windows.
You
open
them
in
the
morning.
You
close
them
at
night.
When
a
man
looks
into
them,
They
can
see
his
face.
What’s
it?
eyes
2.
two
little
brothers,
live
far
from
each
other.
one
lives
on
one
side,
the
other
lives
on
the
other
side.
they
hear
what
you
say,
but
they
don't
see
each
other.
what
are
they?
ears
描述人物的外貌特征的句型:
1.主语+be动词(is/are)+形容词(tall,
thin...).
2.“主语+have/has+形容词+名词.”
五官、特征相关单词:tall,
short,
thin,
long,
small,
fat,
eyes,
ears,
hair,
mouth…
字母z发/z/:例如lazy,zoo,
zebra…
Summary
尝试着编一首与器官有关的歌谣,并和小伙伴们演唱。
Homework
复习本单元所学内容,自制思维导图。