(共43张PPT)
2021年秋牛津译林版英语精选课件
四级上册
译林版英语四年级(上)
Sound
time
&
Rhyme
time
&
Checkout
time
&
Ticking
time
Unit
At
the
snack
bar
What’s
missing?
Warming
up
Let’s
review
box
fox
Let’s
say
Presentation
taxi
six
Let’s
say
How
many
foxes?
There
are
six
foxes.
Let’s
say
点击播放视频
Where
is
the
box?
Read
and
find
Mr
Fox
,
can
you
see
the
box?
Yes,
yes.
can
see
the
box.
Behind
Mrs
Fox
点击播放视频
Watch
and
answer
The
box
is
behind
Mrs
Fox.
Where
is
the
box?
Check
your
answer
fox
狐狸
taxi
出租车
box
盒子
Read
after
me
Can
you
find
the
rules
in
these
words?
six
六
Let's
learn
它们都含有字母“x”
字母“x”在这些单词中发/ks/音
你们发现了吗?
fox
狐狸
taxi
出租车
box
盒子
six
六
x的发音要领
你能写出更多类似单词吗?
fix
tax
fax
mix
由/k/和/s/两个单音组成,发/k/时舌后部抵住软腭憋住气,然后突然离开将气送出来;发/s/时双唇微微张开,舌头自然放松,气流从上下齿隙间送出,声带不振动。
Let’s
summary
?
What
would
they
like?
Listen
and
answer
What
would
you
like?
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
a
pie.
I’d
like
some
rice.
They’re
all
very
nice.
Let's
listen
I’d
like
a
pie.
I’d
like
some
rice.
What
would
they
like?
Let’s
answer
What
would
you
like?
What
would
you
like?
I’d
like
a
____.
I’d
like
some
____.
They’re
all
very
nice.
同学们,试着自己创编歌谣吧。
Make
a
new
rhyme
a
_______
sandwich
a
____
of
____
glass
juice
What
food
would
you
like?
Let’s
say
a
_________
some
_______
noodles
hamburger
Let’s
say
a
____
pie
a
____
of
____
glass
milk
Let’s
say
an
________
ice
cream
a
____
cake
Let’s
say
What
food
would
they
like?
Listen
and
match
1.—What
would
you
like,
Yang
Ling?
—I’d
like
some
noodles
and
a
glass
of
juice.
2.—What
would
you
like,
Wang
Bing?
—I’d
like
a
cake
and
an
ice
cream.
Listen
and
check
3.—What
would
you
like,
Su
Hai?
—I’d
like
a
sandwich
and
a
pie.
4.—What
would
you
like,
Liu
Tao?
—I’d
like
a
hamburger
and
a
glass
of
milk.
Check
your
answer
根据上页表格,两人一组问答练习。
What
food
would
Yang
Ling
like?
She’d
like
some
noodles
and
a
glass
of
juice.
Let’s
play
hot
pot
pancake
dumpling
一起来看看更多食物类的英文表达吧。
Let’s
learn
bacon
french
fries
pasta
Let’s
learn
can
name
soom
food
and
drinks.
can
order
food.
know
the
sound
of
the
letter
“x”.
我是摘星小能手
Ticking
time
1.
征求对方的用餐意愿
What
food
would
you
like?
I’d
like
a
hamburger
and
a
cup
of
cola.
I’d
like
some
chicken.
What
about
you?
Let’s
review
2.点餐时,进一步询问对方是否有其他需要
Anything
else?
bowl
of
noodles,
please.
No,
thanks.
Let’s
review
3.What引导的感叹句——可数名词单数
What
a
lovely
girl
she
is!
Let’s
review
3.What引导的感叹句——可数名词复数
What
cute
cats
they
are!
Let’s
review
What
bad
weather
it
is!
3.What引导的感叹句——不可数名词
4.字母x在单词中的发音/ks/例词:box,
fox,
six,
taxi…
Let’s
review
Practice
(
)
1.He
has
six
pencils.
have
a
toy
fox.
(
)
2.A
box
is
behind
the
door.
She
has
some
apples.
(
)
3.This
taxi
is
mine.
have
seven
boxes.
一、判断下面句子中单词画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。
Waiter:
help
you?
Megan:
like
some
bread
and
milk.
Dora:
I’d
like
tea.
Waiter:
you
like
some
noodles?
Dora:No,
thanks.
Would
I’d
Can
a
glass
of
a
cup
of
Can
I’d
a
glass
of
a
cup
of
Would
二、选词填空,补全对话。
词汇:at,
coffee,
tea,
juice,
rice,
fish,
sandwich,
big.
重点句型:
1.What
would
you
like?/Can
help
you?
I’d
like...,
please.
2.Anything
else?
...,please./No,thanks.
3.What
a
big
egg!
词组:a
glass
of
milk,
a
glass
of
juice,
a
cup
of
coffee,
some
rice,
some
noodles,
at
the
snack
bar.
语音:字母x
在单词中发/ks/如:box
taxi
next
fox
six
单元知识梳理
Summary
尝试运用本单元所学知识,与小伙伴一起点餐。
Homework
复习本单元所学内容,自制思维导图。
完成作业帮小册子本单元综合测评。