(共25张PPT)
PEP人教版
五年级上
Unit3
What
would
you
like?
Read
and
write
fish
salad
sandwich
hamburger
noodles
bread
ice
cream
beef
onions
chicken
fresh
新鲜的
healthy
健康的
delicious
美味的
hot
辣的
sweet
甜的
hot
dogs
sandwiches
hamburgers
salad
vegetables
beef
chicken
green
beans
eggs
fish
tomatoes
soup
What's
your
favourite
food
?
My
favourite
food
is
___,
It
is
___.
don't
like______but
like______.
Task1:Read
the
text
quickly
and
circle
the
words
of
food
.
ice
cream
beef
chicken
onion
salad
carrots
Skimming
略读课文
Read
and
write:
1)What’s
Wu
Yifan’s
favourite
food?
2)What’s
Wu
Yifan’s
favourite
vegetable?
3)What’s
Grandpa’s
favourite
food?
A.
B.
A.
B.
A.
B.
Read
and
choose
1)What’s
Wu
Yifan’s
favourite
food?
2)What’s
Wu
Yifan’s
favourite
vegetable?
3)What’s
Grandpa’s
favourite
food?
A.
B.
A.
B.
A.
B.
1.Why
does
Wu
Yifan
like
ice
cream?
2.
Why
does
Grandpa
like
chicken?
It’s
sweet.
It’s
delicious.
Read
again
and
answer
Task
2:Read
the
text,then
ask
the
question
and
tick
.
称呼语
结束语
署名
Intersive
reading
(精读课文)
Food
Name
ice
cream
beef
chicken
onions
salad
vegetables
carrots
Yifan
Grandpa
What
can
they
both
to
eat
?
Read
and
write:
Here
you
are!
Chicken
ice
cream!
Oh,
No!
Oh,
No!
Listen
and
repeat:
What
would
you
like
to
eat
?
Write
to
Robin,
please.
Dear
Robin,
My
favourite
food
/fruit/drink
is
_____.
It
is
____.
don't
like
______
but
like
_______.
Thank
you
!
_______
What
would
you
like
to
eat?
Write
to
Robin,please.
称呼
正文
署名
结束语
What
would
you
like
to
eat?
Write
to
Robin,
please.
Dear
Robin,
My
favourite
food
is
_____.
It
is
_________.
don't
like
_____
but
like
______.
Thank
you!
________
beef
delicious
milk
juice
James
What’s
your
favourite
food,Yifan?
like
ice
cream.
Why?
It’s
sweet.
Do
you
like
beef?
No,I
don’t.
Chicken
is
What’s
your
favourite
vegetable?
Onions.
Do
you
like
salad?
Yes,
do.
Make
new
dialogues.
绿色圃教育网http://www.lspjy.com
Name
favourite
food
Why?
Sarah
ice-cream
sweet
John
….
What’s
your
favourite
food?
Ice-cream.
It’s
sweet.
Group
work
Show
time
汉堡包是西方快餐的主食。它起源于中世纪。当时蒙古人和鞑靼人交战,交战双方把质量较次的肉剁碎,加工,做成易于消化的食品。4世纪,这种食品传到德国,称为“汉堡牛排”。19世纪又传到英格兰,经过食品专家的进一步改进,传入美国,称为“汉堡肉饼”,简称“汉堡包”(hamburger)。
1904年,在圣路易斯(St.
Louis)的世界博览会(World’s
Fair)上,首次出售汉堡包,很受欢迎。因此广为流传。汉堡包实际上是三明治(sandwich)。后来又发展成“汉堡加配菜”,加上番茄片,洋葱(onion)片,酸黄瓜(pickled
cucumber),还涂上黄油(butter)、番茄沙司(ketchup)、芥末(mustard)等。这种食物通常在午餐或小吃时食用,因为其含有各种肉馅,不便拿在手中,一般都放在盘中,用刀叉食用。
history
of
hamburger
What’s
your
favourite
food?
What’s
your
favourite
food?
Ice
cream.
It’s
sweet.
It’s
sweet.
Chicken.
It’s
delicious.
It’s
delicious.
Fish.
It’s
fresh.
It’s
fresh.
Meat
and
vegetables.
They
are
healthy.
don’t
like
peppers.
They
are
hot.
Let's
chant.
story
time
Homework:
1.Read
the
text.
2.Do
the
workbook.
谢谢
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